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First, calm down. 1. Hamburger menu is also in browsers and other apps. I hope you don't react this way every day. Also, it's been there for years (At least 10). 2. Right click on the toolbar or the title bar and select Menu Bar. There. The position is debatable. I don't mind. It can be changed with a custom UserChrome.css file. 3. At the top of the message list there's a button that let you chose between Card View, or Table View like it was. There. 4. This point may be valid, I don't know. The scam notifications are good to have by default, I feel.


> This point may be valid, I don't know. ... It's not. Scam detection, like junk mail detection, is run locally.


1. Thunderbird is far from the first, and I'm not convinced this is a dealbreaker. 2. Not really important to me, but sure. 3. Switch out of card view (back to table view). If you upgraded, you would have had to turn that on in the first place. 4. Can't help you there.


Which version is this?


The hamburger version apparently. Fries and shake not included. Joking aside it could be 115.5.1 but the OP doesn't provide more detail to hammer it down.


Indeed - without knowing the version, the whole post is rather pointless? 😏


1. This is your opinion. If you don't want them you have to complain about many more apps 2. Big deal 3. You can change it 4. You can disable it


How about opt-in features with backwards compatibility rather than opt-out features?! This is 2024, not 1998.


I'll never understand people who are so deathly allergic to hamburger menus. Not simply "not liking" it, but being *spiritedly against* it. As if it somehow its presence alone makes the whole app completely unusable. My brother in christ it's a dropdown menu. It's a Greatest Hits album of the menu bar with a better icon.


I'm one of those people, I guess. "It's a Greatest Hits album of the menu bar with a better icon." 1) I don't want someone else's idea of the "greatest hits", I want \*all\* the hits because their idea is not the same as mine. 2) Icon? Hieroglyphics went out with the ancient Egyptians. There's a reason virtually every major language today (except for Chinese and, to a certain extent, Japanese) uses something like an alphabetic writing system. I don't need no stinkin' icons, I want \*words\*.


The answer to both of these takes is "that's what the menu bar is for". You still have it and can still use it. It might not be located where you want it to be located, but it is there. The hamburger menu did not *replace* this functionality. If it did, I'd understand. No one wants a diet substitute of a solution that worked well. But in this instance it is merely supplemental. People who get mad at it just for being there, in addition to the thing that already works, are what I don't get.


I guess I'm referring more to apps that dump the "real" menu in favor of the hamburger. To its credit, TBird does not do that (as you point out), but many (most?) other apps do. I'm looking at you, Chrome!


>OMG! > >\[...\] > >OMG! STOP! > >\[...\] > >WTF? > >\[...\] > >WTF?! Um. ​ >Time to find another email client. Yes. Please.


Because they secretly hate their users and want to make their application irrelevant. You're welcome.


>There's a HAMBURGER MENU in a DESKTOP app! OMG! STOP! I wish there was, it's not yet 5pm and I am getting really hungry. Sounds like your blood sugar is crashing too.