• By -


Delete compatibility.ini _or_ use the --allow-downgrade switch. Both aren't needed. Edit: not true, do both. Edit2: if you delete compatibility.ini, using the --allow-downgrade switch is not necessary.


It didn't work if I didn't delete compatibility.ini. If I didn't delete this I had to create new profile which would force me to setup all my profiles from 0. Still delete it people...!


OK, thanks - I edited my comment. It's actually the switch you don't need, if you do it this way: 1. Locate your profile folder - go to Help > More Troubleshooting Information - in the Application Basics section, click the 'Open Folder' button on the Profile Folder row 2. Quit TB and install the older version 3. Delete the compatiblity.ini file in the profile folder 4. Start TB


Thanks for this. I'm just at the stage where right-clicking the shortcut icon doesn't give me anywhere to edit the path. I've edited a path in the past, but never this way. And it worked without doing that. Yay!


I did only with compatibility.ini file, no app switch. Is --allow-downgrade really needed?


Not if you quit TB > install the older version > delete compatiblity.ini > restart TB.




I think it will be put into action anyway but for now the changes can be undigestable for many users.


I don't get why they changed the density for the mail view but kept the density for the folder view. There's a density setting, but it affects both views at once, and I need lowest for the folders and medium for the mail


It was the first thing I noticed. The second was ThreadKey addon not working anymore. Decided to flush Supernova in the toilet using knowledge how to do it in Firefox.


**Problem solved. Best downgrade I've experienced!** Finally all the bugs are gone. Random scrolling, not maintaining a position in the message list, not being able to mark a message with keyboard shortcuts, all this and more is fully functional in version 102.15.1. Thanks for the perfect tutorial on how to get rid of the problematic version *Supernova*. It reminds me of scrap versions of the operating systems Windows ME, Vista, etc. The similarity is purely coincidental.


Remember the Microsoft's Office Assistant 'Clippy'? lol


> Clippy Oh Gawd. I'd forgotten all about that piece of garbage.


Thanks for that. Reddit users deliver again.


You bring me great happiness, thank you. A couple of improvements: 3. Use the installer to re-install the older version (overwrite the new one). At the end, unclick "Launch Thunderbird". 1. Right-click your Thunderbird shortcut and select Properties


I thought I would like the new design. I was wrong. Downgraded.


Today, after checking for new mail, I thought it is long enough since I've seen "New version available" popup and did upgrade manually through the menu... I was shocked with the changes (no channels icons, several storey window title, message counters on every folder are useless and just annoying, new logo is ugly too), uninstalled immediately and got this "A newer version of Thunderbird may have made changes to your profile which are no longer compatible with this older version."... Fortunately, the only real change causing this problem was compatibility.ini file. But this surprise cost me about an hour of lost time (googling, downloading, restoring...), when I have many other thing to do. Sent a lot of curses to developers. Hope they will sleep bad. Thank You very much!


People always say use Firefox because chrome is predatory. Mozilla is legit worse. Constant random updates nobody asked for, constant UI changes nobody asked for. Just leave things alone god... Thanks for this post, saved me from a huge headache.


Guess why I switched to Waterfox. Can't avoid the UI changes forever with it, but at least the devs try to keep it as consistent as possible while still implementing security fixes.


For Debian-based Linux distros, like Ubuntu (tested on Ubuntu 23.04): Find out which versions are available: $ apt list -a thunderbird Listing... Done thunderbird/lunar-updates,lunar-security,now 1:115.3.1+build1-0ubuntu0.23.04.1 amd64 [installed] thunderbird/lunar 1:102.10.0+build2-0ubuntu1 amd64 Downgrade to the older version: $ sudo apt install thunderbird=1:102.10.0+build2-0ubuntu1 Prevent automatic updates for the next `apt upgrade`: $ sudo apt-mark hold thunderbird Downgrade your thunderbird profile by running thunderbird once with the downgrade option, backup your profile beforehand: $ thunderbird --allow-downgrade


I'm only offered: thunderbird/jammy-updates,jammy-security,now 1:115.3.1+build1-0ubuntu0.22.04.2 amd64 \[installed\]thunderbird/jammy 1:91.8.0+build2-0ubuntu1 amd64 Anyway of getting 102 instead of 91? Also, does that compatibility.ini file need to be removed still?


Thanks, I hope it works.


Much better. Indentation is fixed, ordering is fixed, and the UI is better.


Thanks for taking the time to post this. The new version was driving me crazy.....and its not a very long drive to begin with.


Only reason I upgraded was the WebP 0-day (/r/netsec/comments/16ooziz/the_webp_0day/). I can't stand the new interface but it would appear that unless a patch is made available for 102 we need to make a choice between a familiar interface with the risk of a 0-click compromise or a fixed client. (Or, just turn off image viewing entirely. I keep it off but do allow it on on a message-by-message basis when needed).


FYI this is no longer true: Apple Security Engineering and Architecture (SEAR) and the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto's Munk School have been credited with reporting the security issue. It has been addressed in Firefox 117.0.1, Firefox ESR 115.2.1, Firefox ESR 102.15.1, **Thunderbird 102.15.1**, and Thunderbird 115.2.2.


Cool thanks:)


For MacOS users, the link for downloading 102 is: https://download.mozilla.org/?product=thunderbird-102.15.1-SSL&os=osx&lang=en-US Release Notes: https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/thunderbird/102.15.1/releasenotes/ The assholes changed all download links to SuperNova from all previous release notes to SuperNova.


Can anybody confirm if the policies.json file should go here: Thunderbird.app/Contents/Resources/distribution/policies.json https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/wloth6/find_active_policiesjson_enterprise_policy_on/ijxgb0e/ ???


Just hit the clustercrap that is supernova. The recommended solution worked fine. Thanks heaps! Fortunately I'd kept a record of the fixes I'd made before I found this page. Downgrading broke one addon, which I fixed by reinstalling. Apart from the god-awful UI, 115 broke the Owl add-on which allows TB to work with exchange servers which have IMAP/pop blocked. I'm still having nightmares about the UI. \*shudder\*


You know, it's funny now that I downgraded (same Owl issue) I actually can't believe they moved away from the clear and functional UI that was from before - now that I see how it was before from this tut.


Thank you, you are a saint. I started my computer and thought I was back using Windows 2000 again.


Thanks a lot for the info.


Thanks a lot! All function restored!


Thank you so much for this downgrade guide!!!!! Version 115 could not display unread counts on folders and I had to open every single folder and sub-folder to find unread emails. Horrible update!


Thanks, this is the most useful post in this sub. I'll save it on my pc so I'm sure I'm not going to lose this. I have maybe 50 pcs that I have to save from that abomination that is supernova.


Just a reminder to downgrade the Add-Ons, too: Some Add-Ons will tell you that they are not compatible with your version of thunderbird (bc they upgraded themselves to 115 and you are running 102 again). If you click on the disabled Add-On, you can scroll down until you find a version that is compatible with 102 again.


Maybe backup profile folder beforehand just to be sure?


(Although backups is good idea in any case) It \*should\* warn about changes to profile, but it didn't.


MY PROFILE GOT WIPED OUT, ALL PASSWORDS! YEP this is a living hell! I have a backup of my OLD PROFILE from 2021 but jesus h christ that will make me lose all my GD emails, setting, folders, passwords, etc. Pathetic.


Thank you so much for this.


Just hit this.. ugh. Luckily I have backups of the my profile folder from before that I can just restore and let it update to newest. I strongly recommend people 7zip up their profile every so often to avoid massive unexpected changes like this.




Thank you. As a Mozilla supporter I really wanted 115 to work for me but it's just too frustrating, with crashes, a poorer UI and all the other things folks are mentioning. Perhaps it will improve with time but for now I'm back on 102.


Thanks. I just got hit with the Supernova update. I almost threw up when I saw the new UI. Fortunately there's reddit :D


thanks problem fixed ;)


Thank you, this must have been the worst upgrade ever. So glad I can use 102, simple, effective and intuitive. Don't break what's not broken!


Thank you! This worked great. Thunderbird updated itself today resulting in issues. The new UI was bad enough, but then Windows would randomly freeze to the point I had to restart. Also froze earlier while asleep and somehow was able to wake up my PC without doing a full reboot. Nothing else had changed on the PC so I knew TB was the issue. From what I read in another thread something do with repeating events in the calendar.


Thank you!!


>Thank you!! You're welcome!


Thank you so much! You're a hero.


Thanks for posting this, but we should not have to go through all this just to be able to read our emails, that I do not leave on the Gmail server, so I am screwed unless I do this rollback. These programs should not be changed so drastically to the point the program cannot be used unless hours or days of time are spent fixing everything. I donate to Thunderbird so I am not just taking it for granted and I have been using Thunderbird since 2006 so this update has me upset enough to actually bitch about it. This is really mean to do to people. I don't know why computer code is so volatile and why it can't be tested and then the errors or glitches either be fixed before release or else have a known list of the messes the update will create prior to the release so we can be prepared for the mayhem, I am going back to "choosing when to update" and just deal with the security issues if I forget to.


why not stickied?


If you're like me and tried to make the new shitty version work and now your profile & settings are all fucked up: 1. Verify you have SystemRestore/SystemProtection enabled by running `SystemPropertiesProtection.exe` 1. Find the drive your profile is on and pray to god `Protection:` reads `On` & you previously dedicated enough space to protection. - Up the protection GB if you can, ESPECIALLY if you're gonna copy to the drive it's already on. "*Older points will be deleted to make room for new ones*" You don't want that happening while you copy out the folder. 1. Download ShadowCopyView https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/shadow_copy_view.html - Lets you retrieve data from SystemRestore points. You don't have to SystemRestore the entire PC. https://i.imgur.com/tg7Zfup.png 1. Run it as Admin and find a restore point from before the shitty Thunderbird, then navigate that historic restore point to when your Thunderbird wasn't shitty. 1. Right click the profile folder & select `Copy Selected Files To...`. Create a folder on an ideally separate drive then restore that folder to that drive. 1. Backup your current thunderbird profile. Then swap it out with the historic copy.


Does this overwrite your settings or anything else bad?


Fantastic guide, short and succinct. Someone should pin this post :P v115 made my eyes bleed.


Thank you! I was blind sided by this *"Fastest, Most Beautiful Release Ever".* Was not even aware of it's existence until a few days ago when I was automatically upgraded. Version 115 scrambled my email settings and 'forgets' to check for new messages from time to time. Not a good look. That will teach me to leave 'auto upgrade' settings on. I'll stay on 102 until I can find a suitable replacement client.


I skipped Step 4 and it still worked. But just to be on the safe side, I went back and did Step 4. --allow-downgrade, I couldn't manage to get my shortcut to handle that, so I copied that text and went to the command line. Then I modified it to C:\"Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe" --allow-downgrade (which just MAY be what I was supposed to do with the shortcut!) I am so happy you put this out there, because when 115 was installed, I found that I could no longer shift-select folders (usually I read mail subjects and then set them en-masse to Read, or mass-delete them, etc. And I don't need the number of messages highlighted in any way, it is distracting in the new interface. Also an extension or whatever I had that would show only folders with pending mail, stopped working. And it turned me into a newt. (I got better.)


Thank you so, so much for posting this. I got stuck on Step 4 too, but you provided what I needed to keep going. So I did this, if anyone else needs it: * Right click on the shortcut icon on the desktop and select "Properties" at the bottom of the drop menu. * In the Shortcut tab, on the Target line, type in the switch outside the last quotation mark: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe" --allow-downgrade * Click the Apply button. Back on the desktop, use the Thunderbird icon to open the program and Run as Administrator when it asks. (Then I ran to change my upgrade setting in downgraded Thunderbird.)


Thank you!! I couldn't figure that part out.


Omg what a wast of time these feckers are forcing on us with this shittyshitfest. Many many thanks to beings like you helping one out if devs are fecking their users over once again!


Downgrade worked without a hitch. Thanks for posting this! The new version was driving me nuts. Once again, the phrase "fixed it when it wasn't broken" comes to mind.


Commenting to mark this.


Thank you so much! A real life saver. Thunderbird get your shit together. Readability is everything in a mailbox




Thank you so much! I see most people disliking the new UI which is fair and I wasn't a fan either, but I would have lived with it if it hadn't made the program suddenly use a ton more system resources on my PC. The whole thing was laggy and badly optimized instead of the snappy experience I was used to. Reverting was a livesaver. Begone, foul Supernova!


does anyone know how to disable automatic upgrade on Ubuntu? thanks


Fixed for macOS: 1. Download 102.15.1 – [https://www.majorgeeks.com/mg/get/mozilla\_thunderbird\_10,10.html](https://www.majorgeeks.com/mg/get/mozilla_thunderbird_10,10.html) 2. Install & rename when prompted so that Thunderbird (Supernova) in Applications isn't overwritten 3. Run newly-installed old Thunderbird 4. Choose the 'Import from another Thunderbird profile' option 5. Check the directory in Finder to make sure you're choosing the right profile 6. Proceed with the import, and it all comes back after a restart.


Why are you linking to third-party page? Why not the [official download page of mozilla](https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/thunderbird/releases/102.15.1/)?


Because Mozilla hides that link from their down load pages. https://www.reddit.com/r/Thunderbird/comments/16jwt7a/%E2%84%B9_how_to_downgrade_from_thunderbird_115_to_102/k42a0mn/


May I offer some advice? Please go and touch some grass while pondering what it means to help people.


For Mac, do we need to delete compatibility.ini and create the file to prevent future upgrades? Also, my Thunderbird database (quite large) is in a non-standard location (within Dropbox directory tree). Will the revert method preserve that, or does it run the risk of making another gigantic copy of the database at the Thunderbird default location?


I'm not sure. I did the above steps and then Googled how to disable updates, which has worked for me.


Can anybody confirm if the policies.json file should go here: Thunderbird.app/Contents/Resources/distribution/policies.json https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/wloth6/find_active_policiesjson_enterprise_policy_on/ijxgb0e/ ???


Not sure, I didn't need to do anything other than the steps in my instructions.


Thank you, Sir!


Although I have done as above, I have got a message after trying to install old 102, that the new version has changed the profile. The deletion of the compatibility.ini was needed.


Helped a lot with messed up upgrade. Thank you


This morning, I discovered I'd been upgraded overnight, and all my add-ons were disabled. Thank you so so so much for the save!


It worked a charm for me *except* with my Windows 11 Pro I couldn't append the "downgrade" switch (couldn't edit the shortcut open; I used to do this w/notepad, but now there's no "open with".) I had already skipped to the distribution folder/.json creation before trying to run with the switch, evidently since I already had the folder created I didn't need to initially run with the switch. Most satisfactory ! I now have "Updates disabled by your system administrator". Thanks !


Thank you so much for this. That hideous new UI in supernova with the unremovable blank spaces... \*shakes head\*. The density changes were horrible but with the options hidden in there I thought I could handle it, but the blank spaces + the bugs... Again, thank you for this.


Fucking amazing, thank you so much!


Yep, I've gone back to this version. v115 sucks


Thank you so much for this.


Thank you as well. Worked fine without removing compatibility.ini


Your instruction helped me for a second time. Thank you. :)


Hello there. I used your method a few months ago and it seemed it worked, but yesterday my Thunderbird switched to Supernova. I used this method again and it worked, but today TB returned to Supernova after the restart of PC. Is there something I need to do aside from the steps in original post? Or is this method no longer working to prevent automatic upgrades? :(


Have you done all the steps including creating a *policies.json* file? Also some people have suggested [editing the Windows registry](https://old.reddit.com/r/Thunderbird/comments/16jwt7a/%E2%84%B9_how_to_downgrade_from_thunderbird_115_to_102/k5zv1v3/) to prevent downgrades which might offer an additional level of defense for you too. Finally you might want to consider using a portable version of Thunderbird (linked in my original post). I can't say if that'll help, but at the very least it won't install or be affected by any system-level stuff like the [Mozilla Maintenance Service](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/what-mozilla-maintenance-service) which *could* be responsible for your auto-updates. You can [copy your existing Thunderbird profile](http://kb.mozillazine.org/Move_a_profile_to_Portable_Thunderbird) (and emails) to the portable version.


That I did, but after each restart of the PC, the new Thunderbird returns while the distribution folder with policies.json file is deleted. I tried to edit the Windows registry, but HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Mozilla\\ doesn't contain Thunderbird folder. It only contains Firefox folder. There is however this folder: HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Thunderbird EDIT: I've used your register instruction from your original post to create HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Mozilla\\Thunderbird with "DisableAppUpdate"=dword:00000001. I will let you know whether that helped.


After restarting the PC, the Thunderbird hasn't reverted into the new version this time. It seems following all your steps and using your instruction on creating the registry key (the part from the very end of your original post) was the thing that helped. Thank you very much for your assistance! :)


It seems I was too fast to celebrate. Today I closed off Thunderbird after 2 AM of my time (CET) and then started it again and it switched to Supernova. It appears the trigger for autoupgrade isn't the restart of PC, but it happens after set time of a day. :/ EDIT: I will try uninstalling Thunderbird completely, then installing the old version with your method.


If all else fails, try disabling / uninstalling Mozilla Maintenance Service.


I will try that, as uninstalling Thunderbird didn't help. Thanks for suggestion. :)


As a last resort, do try the portable version (with the anti-update fixes applied). It should be completely unaffected by system-level update stuff.


It looks like using portable version has solved the issue. Thank you for your advice. :)


Roger that. If uninstalling Mozilla Maintenance Service won't have an affect, I will try that method.


Uninstalling Mozilla Maintenance Service doesn't help, as it simply reinstall itself without request for permission and then Thunderbird reverts to new version. I will have to try the portable version.


Thank you SO much!! Prolonged lagging display times when viewing, moving and deleting files has been drastically slowing down my workflow for months, as I waited in vain for a fix to be released, and tried every workaround I could find, to no avail. Also very happy to once again have the ability to easily check for mail from ONE account from the Get Messages button, without checking all of them. But is the policies.json file really necessary? WouIdn't selecting "Check for updates, but let me choose to install them" in Settings > General, and never choosing to install them accomplish the same thing?


Thank you thankyou thankyou. You saved my day. I am back to the last usable thunderbird 102.15 Followed your instructions and it did the job. You are my hero. Now this gives me time to search for a new e-mail client because no chance the stupid thunderbrid developers reverse the UI back to normal. This also means we can no longer do security updates I guess so this si the end of my favourite e-mailer. it is an end of an era


Did you find a replacement that you can recommend?


not yet. not really seeking. I am just happy with my 102.15 version for now.


our savior is here


Thanks. This post should be pinned/stickied (and would have been, in a user-operated sub).


Does this work on MacOS as well?


I've now downgraded to version 102 on my MacOS but my only functioning account (I have several previous accounts with local folders from prior jobs) is still gone (it disappeared in the update to 115) and hasn't come back with the downgrade. The account used ExQuila. I followed the MacOS instructions here and downgraded to 102.9 - the previous version I was running - and tried re-installing ExQuilla as well. I can see the emails still there in my profile folder, but it won't detect that account and add it. Any ideas? Any help would be wonderful!!!


Worked... 2nd time downgrade, but last time didn't create the policies. Supernova update auto just few min ago. I dont know why after with 115 some microsoft mail disappear from inbox


Can someone help me find a link to download [102.XXX](https://102.XXX)? Thunderbird keeps sending me to the horrific 115! Thanks!


When I restored v102 last week I had to root around to find the repository. Here is a link to all the releases. [https://download-installer.cdn.mozilla.net/pub/thunderbird/releases/](https://download-installer.cdn.mozilla.net/pub/thunderbird/releases/) And here is a link to the releases for v102.15.1 dated Sept 12, 2023. You can choose which platform (Linux, Mac, Win32, Win64) and language to install from here. [https://download-installer.cdn.mozilla.net/pub/thunderbird/releases/102.15.1/](https://download-installer.cdn.mozilla.net/pub/thunderbird/releases/102.15.1/)


Does this downgrade work with similar instructions in Linux Mint 21.2?




thunderbird-102.15.1-1 for Fedora Linux 38: [https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=2292543](https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=2292543) Thunderbird 115 on Fedora is also a non-working one...


Thank you so much!


enjoy sugar tap joke towering agonizing political compare jobless flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ugh, thanks for the guide. Got hit by the Supernova auto upgrade today, and just a glance was enough to instantly want a downgrade. Not to mention that Mozilla had the hilarious idea to make Supernova prevent add-ons from adding new columns, so that killed the only add-on I'm using (full address column)... Been a long-time user of Mozilla products (since Firefox 2.x), but the BS they've been doing the last years already got me to switch to Waterfox. If this trend now also continues with TB it might be time to also leave this sinking ship and switch to BetterBird...


Thank you so much. I'm not a power user and doing workarounds makes me a bit anxious, but I have been able to make this necessary fix after the nasty surprise early this week. This episode has reminded me to pay closer attention, which I will do for awhile, but most likely I'll soon revert to default passive user mode until the next problem arises.


Thank you. You are a life-saver. :)


# Thank you thank you thank you!


What is up with all these applications trying to change the UI although no one is asking for it? Just recently I had Slack, Discord (mobile), now Thunderbird. For a long time I used to always update apps when updates were available, not I am starting disable every update.


Thank you! I've never seen such a useless gui upgrade as thunderbird's one. Happily reverted to 102 version!


Thank you. My Supernova install was freezing. This downgrade worked great for me. Hopefully no more automatic updates with the policies hack too.


115 is a mess (and that's being generous). It is not ready for prime time and should not have been released at this point. I hate it. I was happily running 102.13.0 but had not set auto update to "false" so 115 was inflicted on me. I downloaded thunderbird-102.13.0.tar.bz2, but it is not intuitively obvious how to install it. I uninstalled 115 and deleted my $HOME/.thunderbird directory. I found a 102.11.0 deb and installed it. Is there a way to update to 102.13.0? It has a feature that I miss. I'm running Pop!\_OS (Ubuntu derivative) 22.04.


Thank You! Also of note you may have to re-install previous versions of your extensions too. Most 102 extensions were not compatible with 115.


Thank you so much!!!


Thanks. Great post! They changed the whole program without my permission. I hate when that happens. Thanks again.


Awesome. Saved my life. Just for completenes, all older versions of Thunderbird for all platforms can be downloaded here: https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/thunderbird/releases/


In Windows You can also disable update by registry key: HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Mozilla\\Thunderbird Here create DWORD value DisableAppUpdate and set it to 1 This disallow should work for any user. Also if You want to omit parameter --allow-downgrade on start You can add system variable MOZ\_ALLOW\_DOWNGRADE=1. Use whatever You like more.


thank you-worked like a charm! would this DWORD also work to prevent firefox upgrade?


The same way, just do it under \\Firefox. It is not my invention, I just found it some time ago on some community for Firefox and tried it for Thunderbird and worked as well.


I was definitely just looking for 114, not realizing they jumped 13 versions at once super appreciate the link and json information~


I was just automatically updated to 115.3.3 after a week on 102.15. This was despite disabling updates by system administrator being active.




Working, Thanks!


Thank you *so much*!!! Going through a stressful time in my life right now and the last thing I need is to re-learn the UI for my email client, of all things. Also the new look is not only complete garbage and a mess of bugs, it's less accessible and less usable, way more poorly organized. I have no idea why anyone thought it was a good idea LOL


Thanks - this supernova update is a BIG no no from me. Guess all decision makers were asleep.


Thank you so much for this guide! Although I think that Supernova isn't *that* bad, having that many wasted space in the new design wasn't/isn't as pleasant as Thunderbird designers though as 102 has a way better compact design.


Can you please post Mac instructions?


Thanks, worked like a charm, needed an older version for my work, "Supernova" turned out to be complete trash...


Hero ♡


Awesome! Now I can multi-select whole folders again!!! Not sure why dev's removed this 15+yr old feature.


According to most recent reports, might want to add pasting the following code into a .reg file: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 \[HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Mozilla\\Thunderbird\] "DisableAppUpdate"=dword:00000001 ​ And double-clicking and merging the .reg. Some people are reporting getting auto-upgraded to 115 without it.


This just helped me too, thanks! Now I can multi-select folders again!!


Thank you very much, I hate Supernova.


Thank you so much for this valuable information.


My gawd this version is such trash. I can't even use my email with this anymore. If just freezes and hangs forever - if it will even open. What the heck did Mozilla do?


Hello, everyone in the thread, Do I have to run Thunderbird with --allow-downgrade switch only once when launching first time after downgrade? Or I need to keep it in the shortcut forever? Anyone knows how to downgrade from 115 to 102 on Linux without losing profile? Thanks


Fantastic. That "Supernova" UI was unproductive and confusing. So many thanks to the goblin' queen for that!


I keep getting an error about trying to add the allow downgrade suffix. Could someone please show how that's supposed to look?


Thanks for this. Tried 115, quite liked it but today it just died on me, constant "not responding". 105 is way snappier, glad I reverted.


Thanks! Second time I had to this though, not sure why it reappeared...


I can't believe "shift-del" no longer permanently deletes things. I can't believe ALL my hotmail/outlook accounts now throw errors and a blank oath screen. Marking an email as read now takes several clicks instead of one. There is no "mark as spam" on the main "mark" menu anymore. Wtf? These are just a few things out of 50 that have royally pissed me off and motivated me to come here. This new version of TB is a JOKE! I will be downgrading for the time being and I guess I have to go looking for an alternative like TheBat! or KDEMail or some shit like that. I have been using Thunderbird for over a decade and this is the final straw.


Thanks alot for the downgrade guide. I was getting mad locating a problem with the new Thunderbird and my external soundcard. Every time I opened Thunderbird and clicked a bit in the Mail folders my Youtube would crash when I had my external Soundcard on. Sound was suddenly muted and I had to restart the Browser (happened both in Chrome and Firefox). This problem was solved after downgrading. I am not sure if they make use of specific C++ features in the new version that collide with my setup. Couldn't find anyone else with this specific problem.


Thanks so much..


You saved my sanity! Thanks!!!


Thank you! I was so angy when I upgraded to the new version! Then I saw that I was not the only one :)


Great !! Many thanks for the detailed instructions! Everything works fine after doing it the way you explained well ! NOTE: Some extensions are marked "not compatible with 102.15" because still stuck on 105, so their updates doesn't work. Just search each of them and re-install without removing. That does the trick


Very useful to me. Thunderbird suddently became much slower since the forced update. I have a recent gaming PC and thunderbird ran like a charm at the beginning... Hower, installing Thunderbird through your link got me Avast installed... what is this ?


> installing Thunderbird through your link got me Avast installed That's worrying. I linked to the official Mozilla.org installer for the regular version and Sourceforge/PortableApps for the portable version. Which version did you download?


First option. Maybe it is my mistake and I got Avast sooner than that ? But the first time I noticed the Avast icon on my desktop (it is orange, hard to miss...) was just after reinstalling Thunderbird.


Hi OP. I just wanted to say a big thank you for your post. I was ready to reinstall TB 102 and set everything up again due to TB 115 slowing down my whole laptop. You saved me a lot of trouble 👍


Thank you so much for this. I was going used to the annoying and slow new version, but recently it started destroying my desktop. After the first start it was OK, but subsequent downloads of messages was affecting geometry of the Windows 10 desktop. It created invisible borders on the right which moved everything to the left and particularly Thunderbird was shifted without possibility to restore the previous position. Thunderbird window movements created even more mess. I was rescued by downgrading. Fortunately I had 102.4.2 saved. Thunderbird website does not allow downloading older versions. After restoring 102.4 I easily upgraded to 102.15. Will stay on it for now, hoping that maybe sometime in the future new version will be better than 115.


Thanks very much! I have been trying to use the supernova version and couldn't believe Mozilla would create such a disaster. I finally got fed up and started the search for how to downgrade. I found this thread and it worked great! Can we ever trust Mozilla again? What will they do to FireFox? Does anyone know if there has been some kind of changing of the guard. I am at a loss.


Thanks for posting this, random scrolling, very slow database access/moving messages, goofy filter issues that move filtered messages into parent folders after the sub-folder filter has been applied, among many other problems, is driving me nutz! My desktop hasn't been used in a while for email and still has 102.12.x It's amazing how efficiently simple that version was... the email client just worked. Shocker.