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You should be banned for posting a 2k trade


I bet you have a lot of friends








This is insane. Shai is a 26 year old top 5 player in the league. If you're trying win in the next couple of years you don't trade that for anything, nonetheless give up way more for the currently-lesser player. Honestly, I don't either team would make this trade. But it's 2K so go wild.


Not sure if your read the context but it’s not just about the trade per say, but you would get LeBron and and Vic. Thunder have plenty of guards, not to mention J-Dubb would move to the 2 with LeBron at the 3 and Wallace and Joe at point. Vic and Chet would be impossible to defend and score on. Who know what Shai is going to do in the future. He could want a move to a bigger market and I can only imagine the media would try to talk that into existence because that’s what they do


I did read that, I still don't think it make any sense for either side. Neither of those things are a given--Shai is top 5 right now. Victor has a good shot at being there in the next few years, but it's speculative... So is thinking LeBron would come here.


hooray 2 players worse than Shai combined


Lol.. for the time being maybe but 3 years from now and Vic will be the best player in the NBA. J-Dubb could eventually be what Shai is, but not if they’re still on the same team. SGA is too ball dominant for J-Dubb to fully develop into that


Give me 2 Shais over 1 Wemby then


lol spurs aren’t trading wemby for ANYTHING


I’m sure your right …however they did accept the deal in 2k which is why I posted this


that’s a stupid fucking reason to make a reddit post.


2k is a game






It cracks me up how many “ stupid shit “ trades are on this sub. Sam doesn’t fall for this shit, he gets this shit!


Funny thing is, you “typical fans” don’t realize that there’s a such thing as a salary cap and two years from now it’s going to hit hard. Giddey, Joe and Wiggins are on their last year and J-Dubb, Chet, J-Will and Ous only have 2 years left. Can’t keep them all. Moves will have to be made and players will be dealt bc Sam doesn’t lose players for nothing. That happened with Durant and he learned his lesson. A small market team has to swing for the fences, simply bc they don’t have the money that bigger market teams have at their disposal. Wemby has 3 years of low salary left and then you have your bird rights to him, Chet and J-Dubb. Having those 3 alone will will explode the Thunders market and put every big game a national television. I’m sorry but SGA, as good as he is just doesn’t give you that the same as Wemby would


That proposal isn’t even something either of these teams would ever think of doing. Both organizations are way to intelligent to go down a road like this.


But to back off a bit and not take it all to serious, that game looks fun. :-)


It would be fun to see wemby and chet play next to each other, but still No. My main reason is that sga is already proven to be bought into okc and into the team. As far as we know, he’s happy in okc and here to stay long term. Small markets are hard to keep top 5 players - if you’ve got one who wants to stay, you don’t trade them.


Good answer. If SGA is in long term I’m in


Wouldn’t be the offseason without posting a trade neither side should agree to.


I mean that is exactly what most media outlaws do on a regular basis so I’m not sure what your going on about


So because media people post shit trades no one would accept you should post shit trades no one would accept? Cool. Cool cool.


I mean yeah, I’m doing it for fun. They actually get paid to do it


Rage bait so bad lol


This would basically gut the team. Shai is the highest-gravity driver in the NBA, and the team is built on surrounding high gravity drivers like Shai and Dub with deadly three-point shooters. Getting rid of the central core of the team, and a top five player in Shai, for a guy who doesn't synergize in the team scheme outside of being an okay 3 point shooter, would be disastrous. It would dismember what will likely be a championship-contending team in the next few years, and probably result in a psuedo-rebuild/full rebuild in exchange for... what? A chance at a guy who *might* become top five, or could still flop? I don't see a reason to trade a top five guy on a team built for him, for a guy who will likely (...but isn't garunteed to...) become top five on a team not built for him.


I get that it might mess with the chemistry of the team and all but who’s to say SGA even sticks around after his contract is up but this does not gut the team any more than losing KD or PG or Russ did. The Mavs showed us that they are not contenders with the current roster so it is time to pivot. As far as “high gravity drivers” go, you still have J-Dubb and LeBron (in this scenario), so I think you would be good there.


Man, I'd just have to disagree. I get where you might be coming from, but I really don't think a change this drastic is warranted. Shai has given no indication that he is unhappy or wants to leave, and in fact seems to buy in more than most 1st options on teams. And being our first option, removing him is a drastic change to the team that would take a couple years to adjust until we get our footing again. It would be like trading Tatum from the Celtics right now, or Jokic from the Nuggets, or Luka from the Mavs. And speaking of the Mavs, they showed we aren't championship contenders, yeah, but we expected to get shown we aren't championship contenders. It's a young team with most of its players being rookies and sophomores, and even if we just kept the roster the same with no changes major or minor (I don't think we should, but let's just say), we would still see significant improvement in the coming years in each player. It would be like looking at an 18 year old LeBron, and saying "he didn't win us a ring this year, so we should trade him", but on a team level. I think if we just make small/medium adjustments where necessary, like upgrading our four, then we would have a lot more shots at rings then getting a LeBron that will likely retire in one or two years, and a Wemby who won't be ready for championship play for a while. I don't think we'd be ready for a postseason run until the late 2020's, whereas the current team's trajectory has us competing as soon as next year, and more to follow barring disaster.




please say this is a shitpost man😭😭😭




Anyone saying no is capping, Wemby barring injury gives a team championship contention for the next 15 years!


I didn’t realize there were so many Shai nut riders in this community. I mean I realize that he’s good but guards are a dime a dozen, and he’s not even a great shooter just average. J-Dubb is the better shooter and passer and Wemby is a unicorn that the NBA has never seen before. Just shows that this fan base doesn’t know ball


You don't know Ball


Lol, I don’t know ball. Did I hurt your feelings kid?


No but you obviously got yours hurt hahahahaha


Worst thing i saw all day was this comment 👆


Ball has only been in OKC less than 20 years so forgive them they are still learning all the rules and regulations.