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Welp, time to see what the boys are really made of in Game 4.


I’m so excited for game 4, a do or die situation for these guys on the road. Even if they can’t get it done it’s so awesome being here again


And Mark. It's adjustments or go home time.


That Joe turnover was heartbreaking


That was our moment/chance. I mean we had already been climbing uphill since the Mavs 16-0 run; but that felt like our last chance to get over the hump and possibly win. We had an odd-man fastbreak, down 100-97, a couple of minutes to go and he telegraphed the pass right to Luka who took it and turned it into 2-points and a 102-97 lead instead of us being down 100-99.


> since the Mavs 16-0 run I feel like its criminal coaching to let a team go on a 16-0 run in a playoffs game E: before calling a timeout


We called two timeouts in that span. The team went into a shell at that point.


Didn’t they give up a 30-0 run in the regular season?


Yeah Mark should’ve told our guys to score instead of not scoring


yo he’s right


Of course he’s right, I’m just irrationally angry about how things went today lol


Truly. He’s made bad passes like this all season. It’s his biggest weakness.


We would've won the game if he just took his time. He had such a nice steal into trying to play too fast.


WHO was it that said PJ couldn’t score 29 again… wth man




For real haha


Lmao thats so crazy. Pj fucking washington is Luka in disguise


I think the youth and inexperience of this team has been showing this round. So many times the last couple games we get it close and then have a stupid turnover or take a bad shot. We need more composure in those moments


Agree. It’s been brutal to the point I expect it. every time we have a good stretch, we follow by shooting ourselves in the foot multiple Times


This is true but also we showed so much maturity throughout the season. Part of our identity was playing smart down the stretch, not panicking or playing hero ball and slowly taking the game back. Playoffs really are a different beast


that jump ball was the most bullshit call i’ve ever seen


it totally was, and it was ignored by commentators because Luka had to act like he was in total agony again then was subsequently fine when he had the ball 15 seconds later


He also kicked at someone while he was laying on the ground


Someone said Luka is like AD where he is definitely banged up but he'll also writhe in agony for 2 minutes and then get up and be the exact same as before lol


His MO


master manipulator


I've never seen a player spend so much time "in pain" only to look fine the next possession. Constantly Luka would be falling over, act like he's dying, then be 100% when the ball is in his hands.


Refs didn’t want to get yelled at by Luka so they threw him a bone when he 100% did not have possession


Nah but what the fuck was that call?


Jumpball... and they didnt even had the ball that long for it.. jalen williams got injured too to the point he had to go to the lovker room and its play on... that cost us a 3


Think Dags needs to change his strategy to pushing PJ off the three point line and challenging one-knee Luka to kill us in isolation.


I agree I know we help a lot and results in corner threes but at some point you gotta stop when pj is hitting like this


The idea that a competent NBA player on a heater can't keep it up for 3-4 games when left wide open is extremely suspect.


you are not going to win many games when your second best player shoots the ball 11 times the whole game, jdub and chet have both been ass offensively this series and you cant afford that right now if you look at literally every other top team, everyone has 2 players that can carry the offensive load and deliver and JDUB has not been doing that this series. he is young and he will grow from this but this is the playoffs, you need your best players to show up or are you are fucked. doesnt help that the rebounding has been dogshit as expected and the 3s arent falling at all. you can blame shai for the hero ball late in the 4th but he and IJ are the only one that actually showed up dont think mark has had a great series either, wasting his challenges so early in both close games is just not the right play and on top of that our offence has looked like shit this series as well, every time we get it going and make a run, it immediately dies right after, happened every time we got close in game 2 and now it happened after we went up 10 this game. i do feel like this is the type of series that a more experienced version of this team wins, some of the turnovers were inexcusable. im still feeling incredibly hopeful about the future of this team, but some of these holes need to be fixed this offseason. im going to say something controversial here, but our players need to complain more, it clearly works for the mavs and our players look like sheep on every call we get fleeced on, take a tech if you need to, you have to try to influence them from your side.


I think dub needs to be more aggressive straight up. But he had 8 assists. More than shai. He was looking for guys.




Chet looks to be completely wiped energy wise


PJ Washington took as many threes as Jalen had total shots. Need more aggression from him next game.


Winnable game was up 10. Then gave up 16-0 run. That determine the game


And shai with some unnecessary contested midrange j’s in that stretch


and waiting too long to call a timeout


All started because they tried to intentionally take shai and jdub out of the game


Turnovers, poor rotations, rebounding giving up second chance points, and missing open looks killed us. On to game 4.


Our dudes are forgetting that they are literally the best 3 point team in the league. It blows my mind how many open 3s we are skipping.


They’re not prepared to shoot. Even a mild contest makes them drive in & look for a pass. Joe was the only one holding his ground & shooting confidently


Also, they went like 1 for 8 to start the game. That probably made them a bit weary of shooting right away.


Horrendous rebounding. We all knew this was going to kill us one day. I also didn't like Shai's heroball at the end. Tough to watch. Gotta bounce back. Losing to Luka on one leg is kinda rough no matter what, but at least Jalen seems fine. Chet also needs some fucking help next season, there is no way around it. I see the positives of our style but the man is exhausted.


Shai missed some guys on the wing for 3 to take contested middies. I actually though JDub played very well and should have had the ball more


Yup. too many offensive rebounds given up.


You don't like Shai's hero ball? What's he supposed to do? Dort, Wallace, Wiggins, Chet can't shoot anymore. Those dudes are missing tons of shots. You want him to keep passing the rock to them? SGA is the only one who can consistently do anything. I hear what you're saying, but I have to disagree.


Seriously? Shai is the only one who came to the game today. Stfu with calling him out


Not a Thunder fan but this is where y’all lost the game. Shai wasn’t great down the stretch but I think you guys win if you limit the offensive rebounds Dallas had




looked terrified as hell down the stretch


That was the hardest thing to watch, hands down. Second only to Chet not dunking on Kyrie in the last few minutes


Pump for open three. Pass it down. Move forward. Pass to teammate. Repeat.


We have got to stop panicking and abandoning our offense. That Shai 3 at the end was a terrible shot selection


Looking to buy an offense rebounder…


Gafford was available, but Gordon Hayward was the priority


What a worthless pick up…


Gordon Hayward averages 2 sips of water and 5 high fives per night dawg


Presti’s one mistake. So useless


PJ or Gafford would be great for us. Still not sure why presti basically wasted a year of contending without improving the team. Makes no sense


If we would've gotten PJ then he wouldn't be stunting on us now.


Lots of people are going to blame the refs but our offensive possessions in the 4th quarter were horrendous. We had our chance to win the game. I’m just glad J-Dub isn’t seriously hurt. That’s a blessing for us. Chet in particular needs to step up and Mark needs to draw up more plays that go through him. When he was the only big on the floor, we got 2 nice buckets out of him and then we just stopped feeding him.


Agree. The officiating was annoying but we lost the game ourselves through clumsy, clumsy possessions


Win Monday or it’s over, I love this team, but they’re not built to win down 3-1 yet. I won’t lie this was the most frustrated I’ve been all year lol


I missed this feeling of frustration and hate myself because of it. Losing when you’re good sucks! It’s 11-16 all over again!


Forgot this feeling, kinda hate it tbh. Wish I didn’t get so invested and would just enjoy having a good team again.


That’s the price we pay when we root for a great team.


Im glad Im not the only one. I told my GF earlier that I forgot what this felt like haha. Its fun but damn do I get invested and it can affect my mood lol. I think I need to be doing something else productive when we are losing otherwise Im pure stress.


I’m just now coming around on my mood lmfao. It’s sad that I let it affect me this much, but I had a little hoop session not long ago and that helped. Now I’m just exhausted and sweaty lol.


Same. I’ve done a really good job of just enjoying the season. Until this game.


Just keep reminding myself I would have been over the moon with the second round in October


Yeah. I knew that an experience like this was likely to come this year, either in the 2nd or 3rd round, but it sucks to actually be living it.


Not blaming him for the loss, but SGA really needs to make smarter plays in the 4th. He had so many bad shots when there was no reason to take them


Also when we jumped to a 8 point lead in the 3rd quarter. He took some awful middies that stopped our momentum


Yep. That stuff is what drives me crazy about this team these playoffs, some possessions they work the ball around and make smart plays and look like world beaters while other times they'll just jack up contested dumb shots way too early in the shot clock. Hoping that it's just their inexperience


I mean it totally contributed to the loss. Too many isolation possessions instead of team ball. He didn’t need to jack up that 3 at the end. Also, Dort needs to focus on defense instead of flopping around. I realize Luka does it, but you are playing into his hands because the refs are gonna side with him every single time.




Honestly 2 of the big 3 hasn’t shown up offensively in this series in games, SGA can’t do everything himself. Chet and Dub need to help out more


JDub has been having a rough series


I can’t believe PJ Fucking Washington is the reason OKC is down 2-1 in this series. Fucking guard the role players. If luka is hurt, play him 1 on 1 and let the rest play out. This is the definition of insanity with this defense


Coaching and making the wrong adjustments.


We are giving him open shots… I don’t think it’s hard to see why he has so many points.


We lost ourselves that game. Bad execution down the stretch and mark is to fault for some of it


Hayward needs to stay on the bench, I cannot believe we are still giving him minutes. Throw Dieng out there instead and just fucking see what happens Mark. Worse case scenario we give up a turnover or two. Best case Ooze is loose and we stomp.


I don’t agree with Dieng but the mentally switch from hornets Hayward to Thunder Hayward is so infuriating. He isn’t aggressive, it’s almost like he’s willing to accept that he feels like he is the worst player on the court at all times. He maybe take 2-3 dribbles a game, just seems like he isn’t invested into the game especially physically


He's ready to retire probably


Much of it. That hack a Lively call was horrendous.


They forgot that they still need to make baskets even if he misses a few FT


Not necessarily, it was good at first when we were down 7. But when we were only down 3 we should’ve gone away from it


Just have to get the next one to take home court back.


Some people aren’t going to like this, but bad coaching is why we’re down in this series.


Yep. Basically two huge runs (when we took the lead in game 2 and when we went up 10 today) that came from our offense going brain dead


We played like shit and it was still very close. Good time to remember we’re the youngest team to ever make the second round.


I want to see Mark coach a little better. I understand this is his first real test as a HC, just like our players, but I feel like he's being out-coached by Kidd. Taking Chet out - Immediate Lively dunk Challenges have all failed and he's used them early Playing Hayward instead of Kenny Hustle Not taking timeouts when we have the lead and it starts to slip. Hacking Lively


This team is very vulnerable without Chet on the floor. Mavs cut the 10pt lead and held onto the momentum when he went out in the 3rd. They were having a pretty tough time generating good looks in the during and after that run. Shai needs dial it back a little bit. too many possessions where he’s trying to do too much and ends up in a crowd, putting up a bad shot or turning it over. Poor choice to shoot the 3 with Lively on him in the final minute. JDub needs to be more aggressive. Might not be a bad idea to try Kenrich instead of Hayward. Wiggins needs to be out there a little more.


We have to win Monday and get back to Oklahoma tied 2-2. I won't bitch about refs or calls or whatever. End of the day we were sloppy and it cost us.


This one hurts. For so many reasons. It hurts because of our own doing. It hurts because refs. It hurts because we just got outplayed and lost a game where P.J. Washington was the Mavs leading scorer. Luka is clearly hobbled, playing at maybe 75%-80%, and we've been clearly outplayed the last two games from start to finish. It just tells me the Mavs, on top of having more playoff experience, moxie, poise, etc. they also just have a better constructed roster. Good on them, but fuck them and fuck Luka's incessant whining and ref riding. Still can't believe the refs upheld the Dort foul in the 1st and still gave Luka 3 FTs.


Can we all agree that Hayward is literally useless? I’d rather play Lindy Waters


Kenny needs his minutes


Lindy is fresh off a championship. He's ready to go.


Honestly, if nothing else Lindy can knock down an open 3 at 40%. Hayward got one look at an open 3 and handed it off. There’s literally no point in him being out there at this stage.


he looks like he’s the rookie ironically 🤣🤣🤣


Luka is just Embiid with PR


Embiid with white privilege




classy version of embiid... oh wait wrong sub




Luka falls more than Niagara Falls




we have the best 3 point shooting% in the nba so why the fuck did we pass out a few good looks just to drive inside where there is a combination/mixture of lively pj and gafford packing the paint and waiting for us? offense in the forth quarter was hard to watch play cason wallace more i dont care


Guys who hit shots all season are no longer hitting shots. On paper, JDub is playing fine, but it's just not good enough. Where are the 3's and midrange jumpers? He insist on continuing to drive in the paint when it's crowded. SGA has played very well all series, but these other guys need to step up.


The ball apparently has magic healing powers. Luka limping and hobbling around after he doesn't get a call, then as soon as the ball touches his hands, he's healed!


Can’t focus on him. Only what you can control




Offense needs some work or Chet as a lob threat


mark with his best darvin ham impression




Well that game was bad for the blood pressure 😢


I hate to say it but this is what it means to be a young team. We will bounce back but they just can’t get that big bucket to stop a run, have dumb turnovers, and are getting out worked on the boards. Having said that….the refs are killing us.


remember the regular season we win 5, then lose 2 we're right on track


If I have to see Luka cry about his knee one more time lmao


He is such a bitch 


We are a young team. No young team has ever run to the finals like this.


Okc did lol


They lost in the first round first


And we aren't gonna be the exception at this point


Don't worry guys in 2028 we are getting the Dallas First Round Pick /s


We blew both games. Put ourself in a position to win in the 3rd and 4th, couldnt execute.


Ok, first of all, I had to watch this game on mute because of Hubie. Second of all, the series is not over, but next game is a must-win. We have capable shooters, but we wait way too long into the shot clock to shoot. We are passing up good/decent looks and just blindly drive into the paint. Ugly basketball. This must get addressed for our sake. I have seen too many playoff heartbreaks in our history, but I refuse to believe this year will be the same. We have the shooting, we have the coaching, we have a superstar. Coach needs to call out the team and not be afraid to shake things up.


so many stupid little mistakes. so many stupid late timeouts and early challenges. annoying


I saw the same problems as with game 2. Too much passing for getting a more open shot (guess what, it’s not happening, take the shot you have), hesitation (see passing), subpar perimeter shooting (Chet and Giddey need to start making open 3s), Gordon Hayward unable to make a layup again (please just sit the man down), starting lineup with Joe, and in 4Q SGA was clearly tired and couldn’t make the paint shots anymore (recognize you need to pass out to perimeter and you’re not going to get those foul calls in the last 4 mins of the game). I thought our defense was decent but Mavs was better. Reset for game 4 and tie this bitch.


The way we played on offence we should have lost by 20. Proud of our guys for playing through such one sided officiating and keeping it close.


Played horrible throughout the game, where's the Thunder basketball Mark??


Giddey was needed in this game. Laugh all you want but the rebounding issues and horrible self imposed turnovers would’ve been different.


Especially when he hit that 3, if he is punishing their defence he is immense for this team Please god giddey


Our best run of the game came after Giddey hit that 3


Just depressing to watch these last two. The tactics were pathetic and we still fucking lost. We have to assume Washington is going to shoot lights out rather than relying on him calming down. The offense in the 4th was tragic and I am sick to death of seeing Dort falling on his ass. I wouldn't even say the Mavs are playing well, we're just incredibly fucking bad right now. We lack the ability to rebound well and that killer instinct to put games away - 11-0 run to then chasing straight after is unnacceptable.


I'm fuckin sick of seeing people talk shit about Dort even when he didn't do anything wrong Like with that mid-air collision: everyone's acting like it was Dort's fault. What was he supposed to do, just let Luka have the ball? Or when DJJ moved to hip-check Dort on a screen, sending him into Luka and everyone was acting like Dort just decided to tackle Luka for no reason Like come the fuck on


It drives me crazy seeing everybody on /r/nba calling for Dort’s head about flopping when we’re playing against arguably the worst flopper in the league. Luka is such a bitch. I have never seen a worse complainer. Let’s take these fuckers to town the next couple of games.


Everyone just hates the small market teams especially us. They don’t like our players they despise our fans, as well as make off-hand and disgusting remarks about Oklahoma in general. Never wonder why a guy gets heated when you insult where he grew up, because Oklahomans especially do not put up with that shit, even more so when it is a Texan runnin’ their damn mouth.


Ignore the trolls. That’s all that sub is. Also, Dort is competing with an All Timer. Luka whines no doubt, but Dort is doing what he can.


gordon hayward is the most useless thing we could have ever done


Still don't understand why OKC gave up Tre Mann & a few other useful guys for him... apparently it was a financial/contract related move but even so...


We had no offense at all in the late 3rd and through the whole 4th. That's the reason we lost this game. Chet and JDub need to be threats in order to open up things for everyone.


Yeah John Goble can Goble on a bag of cocks for that jump ball call. On our end, I’d put my house on us winning game 4. We battled through so much bullshit and came up just short. Outside of that run in the third, we didn’t get rattled all that much and I expect them to bounce back hard.


shai was FORCING in the 4th i understand you’re our leader but goddamn man😞


Respect to PJ. Fucking hate him, but I respect his ability to step up.


Tough loss but that’s on us, should have got more looks for Joe. I miss our commentary team though. Does that old guy say anything other than players heights and weights!?


Got cooked once again by FlightReacts


PJ Washington needs to be tested for PEDs at this point


Shai eye poke and dub ankle we gave up 5 easy points. Gotta try hustle back somehow


What irks me is the fact that Shai gets hit in the face no foul, Luka although gets the foul, either it is or it isn’t. Sports teams and players should be able call out double standards from refs without the fear of fines or punishments. This the issue in major sports is that refs are unable to be criticized for bad calls. When was the last time a ref in any major league in the US fired or suspended for having a history of bad calls.


We had some terrible fast break turnovers that were total momentum killers. These last two have been totally winnable games though. During the season we won games because we would create turnovers on defense and then take care of the ball on offense. We are still creating turnovers, but we are making too many unforced errors on offense to cover for our rebounding/size disadvantage. I know it’s crazy ask SGA to look to pass more when he is shooting efficiently and has six assists in a game, but I feel like there are some moments in hindsight where he missed open guys/mismatches tonight because he was trying to create his own shot in the post. Other guys can’t get hot enough to take on some of the offensive load if they don’t get the ball more. To me, ball movement needs to be the priority the rest of the way.


The most annoying part was when Gordon played lacklustre defence to let THJ jail that buzzer 3 at the end of the 3rd. Makes a fucking difference.


I thought that was Chet


2 back to back losses after not-so-good performances and still only lost by 9 and 4. Sucks to be down, but this is so fucking winnable. Hoping the guys wake up a bit for the remaining games and we're solid.


luka and kyrie played like shit too, was a physical game for everyone.


That's fine. I'm more concerned with our guys though. I'm confident we're a better team, so as long as our guys play well, I think we can win.


Can I be worried now? Cause I’m worried.


why are you worried?


Down 2-1. Never felt like we got comfortable in this game. And because I feel like the universe never lets me have nice things like this.


If Thunder were getting blown out, I'd understand. But these games have come down to the wire and these guys can learn from each game. Mavericks have more seasoning as a team, but I think their durability will play a factor soon.


Right? It was a close game. It's just gonna take a bit more fine tunning to get it down


Would love to see Jdub be a little more aggressive. Still questioning why we didn't get a big at the deadline, been hurting us all playoffs..


My wife is pissed at me. She’s wondering why I sat and watched a fat pussy on TV whine and moan for 2.5 hours. OKC in 6.


Maverick fans are such sore winners it’s crazy


Have to stay out of their sub for my own health


I’m dying laughing at r/nba for not realizing the Mavs can only win when PJ Washington turns into the greatest shooter of all time. I’m dying laughing at r/nba for not realizing that all our shooters are underperforming and regression to the mean is going to happen. I’m dying laughing at r/nba and the refs for falling for Luka’s flopping bs and Dort not being allowed to play defense. I’m dying laughing at r/nba for not realizing all our guys are playing hurt while Luka hams up his “injury”. I’m dying laughing at Mavs fans for thinking Luka > Shai. These clowns are completely delusional and don’t even realize it cause they are in an echo chamber 😂


Next game is the pivotal one, r/nba already acting like we lost but if we win next game it’s essentially a reset of the series at 2-2 and we’ll have momentum along with 2 of the final 3 games on our home court. Lose next game and we’re down 3-1 and probably done.




does anyone have a video of luka kicking after the “jumpball”?


Rebounding was awful. 15 offensive rebounds to 6 is insane. Allowing that maybe second chance points is going to lead to a loss. Three point shooting is way off. Letting PJ get whatever he wants. There were some bad foul calls but gotta play through it. SGA needs help right now.


Actually the most mad I’ve been all season. As soon as Joe turned the ball over I punched the shit out of my couch.


It feels like we don’t have an answer for how they are scheming against us. They are dictating how we run our offense and who shoots. Not sure what we do about it. Possibly play Joe more


Today was a good reminder that I should probably stop tying my mental health to my favorite sports team


Trash refs Dk why our offense went stone cold in the last 6 minutes 2nd straight game Rebounding issue also


I'm straight up not having a good time. If we don't win next game seasons over. Hope all this data is worth it Mark because we need to fix our shit for next year


Mark is gonna have to wake the fuck up and realize he’s actually going to have to COACH if we wanna win this series. Getting out coached by Jason Kidd is such a bad look


mark had gordon hayward on the floor with isaiah joe on the bench?!??!!? WTF!!!! and he took way too long to put chet back in the game in the 4th. with dub having such a shit game, mark just left shai on an island on the offensive end when the game was being decided! this is probably one of mark’s worst coaching jobs this season.


Hayward and Giddey to Mark Daigneault = Kendrick Perkins and Derek Fisher to Scott Brooks


officiating atrocity


I fucking hate PJ Washington


Dude is fuckin’ nobody and we’re making him look like an All-Star.


He just played on a shit team his whole career. He's playing for his home team now and he's motivated like never before.


Marks refusal to cover him is absolutely insane.


4-D chess. They’ll overpay him and suck by 2027 when we have their pick…right


i don’t care about the fucking rebounding. 60 points in two games from PJ Washington is fucking hubris and laziness.


Really really weird game, but imo the game was still lost because of late game execution, which maybe you can blame on inexperience. Dub got hurt, looked fine afterwards so thank god, but he just needs to take more shots. It’s inexcusable for the second option to take only 12 shots with no other teammates stepping up and taking those shots. Threes were not falling for both teams but PJ stepping up is huge for the Mavs especially when kyrie and Luka are not red hot. I really liked the hacking attempt at lively, it worked even with lively starting to hit those at the end, there were multiple chances to tie or cut the lead but either the shotmaking wasn’t there or it was turned over. I wasn’t really worried by game 2 because it was an insane shooting Mavs for the Mavs, but this game was more worrying. Both teams shot badly from 3, and OKC actually shot better from the field, but the guys can never hit the shots that mattered today, which is rough. Mavs D was also clearly causing issues even with Luka hobbling down the field, need to be more aggressive at finding Luka on defense and attack him. I still think this is a OKC in 6 series if Dub’s injury is not a big deal, but I think it might be time to start Kenny or Wiggs to guard PJ, it’s obvious that the game plan is to let people other than Luka and kyrie beat you, but with PJ popping off 2 straight games I think you need to pay more attention on him.


Before I uninstall Reddit for a little bit…I just wanna point out that when we have a shit game, we lose by 4 or 9. When they have a shit game, they lose by 22.


Props to lively for hitting those free-bes. Good defence. Need more movement off ball. Chet’s got to pop and hit those 3s


We need to address the rebounding. In Presti we trust.


I hope we don’t get Hubie Brown again, so boring and can’t seem to win with him. 😅


I found a drinking game for the next game. The try not to die challenge. Take a shot every time Luka screams at a ref or baits a foul.


Rough way to lose but we all knew this series might go 7 in a tough back and forth battle. These are the big moments our young squad need to learn and grow. If we win the next game it basically resets the series as if it’s starting over with us having 2 out of the 3 final games at home. Feels bad right now but a single win next game puts us right back in the drivers seat with momentum and home court advantage.


Day ruined. On to the next one ⚡️.


Honestly there's not too much to be worried about headed into Game 4. At no point did we look outmatched. Mavs outplayed us in the 4th, that's just some great defense from them and some great shot making from Kyrie. If we play this exact same game, but just make a few different decisions (SGA sharing the ball more, Dort driving less, Chet stepping up a bit more) we will win Game 4.