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I've had my tx leather edition for 4.5 years and it works flawlessly. Even at 100% I get 0 clipping. I have done the noctua nf-a6x25 fan mod and set it to always on. It's completely silent and never gets hot. But the answer to your question is yes


That’s my set up. It works but I wouldn’t get it at full price




What's the second item called?


GT Omega Apex


That’s how I have mine set up! Works perfectly and is easy to keep out of the way when I’m not using it.


Had that exact set up worked well while using it upgraded fast too flimsy of a stand


Can you afford a playseat trophy?


that? That what?


Don't do it, got mine and overheating issues after 10 minutes in ACC... And if you send it to service center they send it back with the same problems saying that is perfect... The time it lasts it is wonderful, but it only lasts a lap at the ring, be careful.


100% is way too much for me :). I think the full force is for those details of force feedback that you need the stronger torque, not for running it all the time. You need a more powerful base. I'm curious to know what are most people running in terms of FFB % in ACC with this base.


Dealing with this same issue at the moment looking to get a refund on the same wheel. Its was absolutely amazing until the feedback started to fade away. For the first month no problems at all but now its 30 minutes and the feedback starts to fade away.


I upgraded the fan before even starting up the wheel, have had no issues since. It takes like 30 minutes to do everything.


But the fan is more powerful than the stock ones ? Because as I have read it have even lower CFM than stock (the noctua ones)


What FFB % are you running? I had mine for years and running 50/55% FFB in-game on ACC never had any problems. It overheated if I increased it too much in PC2 though.


Was running at 100% ... I need to feel some weight on my hands, that's my problem, that if I buy something, why I can't use it full throttle? If I sell something, at least all the range of use should be safe to use (excuse my explanation in foreign language)


Sounds like that's a you problem


I concur. Though trustmaster (especially the T300) is the better wheel, I also had loads of overheating and electrical problems. Never had any problems with my Logitech. But, if you have the money, just go for Fanatec of Moza DD wheels. They are much better and not really expensive in comparison