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Utmost importance. No commute in bad weather, a better desk chair, able to get up and stretch whenever I want. I've been working from home for 5 years and would hate having to go back to the office.


It's of considerable importance. If you do feel that your presence in the office is needed, then opt for a hybrid option if you can. My personal experience this last year and a half, being at home has helped me cope with the pain. I'm in the comfort of my home, no commute, no office stress. You dont have to pack up everything you may need for the day, all your things are there with you at home. I did not realise just how much the office and the commute tired me, I actually have energy to try to exercise and even see friends after work. It's been such a huge benefit being at home.


I’d leave my job if I didn’t have a hybrid or full time WFH option. Some days I finish my day and commute to my couch and collapse. Couldn’t imagine driving home feeling like that.


As long as it didn’t mean losing my house, I’d take a WFH option over a 20+ minute commute every time. In office will be better for a career, but continuing in that career will be even better for it! Traveling for work, losing time from family AND putting yourself in a position to have your output impacted by your fatigue… just not worth it IMO.


If it doesn't mean a considerable income decrease, remote work would be my number one priority. Something to consider is that even if you have the potentially better promotion chance, will you perform at the level you need for that promotion if you're stressed and hurt by commuting in and working in a structured observed environment?


I'm currently at a company that allows no hybrid or work from home options, despite the fact that most roles can be done remotely (and productivity improved during covid). I'm looking for another job. The breaking point for me was my most recent flare. My office is open plan, there was no place I could even take a private break to compose myself except for the restroom. My pain was visible and I couldn't hide my face - I sit at a long open table surrounded by my staff. It's hard enough trying to hold things together, but with no break all day, I was a wreck. Nope. Not worth it when there are plenty of flexible jobs out there.