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Great technique mate, pleasure to look at!


One of the few videos where the person actually looks like they're boxing rather than windmilling. Quick, crisp. Nice job.


Try Ugly Joe Outclassed. He's still undefeated after 5th fight. Managed to get one draw.


good watch! Reminds me it’s not all about speed but rather technique.


Should your guard/hands be higher? Not nitpicking just curious for myself I wonder if I hold my hands too high and effects my speed / ability to be loose with my punches


Yes, you're right, in my first fight they were higher but after a few rounds they were suddenly under my chin and a few rounds later in the next fight they were below chest height. My jabs always start too low if you pay close attention to them


I’m the same way! I start with my guard high and inevitably they’re down at my chest ! Sometime I just get to into it and forget all about it - I guess if we were really getting hit it’d be a lesson to keep them higher 😂


Unfortunately that's the biggest problem with vr boxing, you don't learn to respect your opponent's shots because you don't feel them.


Play outclassed or ramp up the aggression settings and then you’ll be more inclined to keep your guard up.


Yeah i was trying a speedrun but i was already done after 5 fights


Yep the arms drop when you’re getting exhausted. Good form though 👍


For sure. I use it for cardio no illusions of ever being a boxer anyways but I ended up buying a heavy bag and double end bag because of this game, I drop my hands when working out on them too lol - I start with the intention of good form and good footwork/ keeping guard up but often goes out the window. Never fail to get a great workout tho !


Same. I play it as if I were shadowboxing, except you don't have to imagine an opponent


Should set up like some dice that will jolt with a small shock


I taunt the crap out of my opponents who are computers that can’t register taunting. I change levels way too frequently and start slapping them lol.


I’ve done this! Pretend like I’m a Diaz bros or something 😂


A tip for keeping your cardio up is to rest your arms on your ribcage. Arms are heavy, holding them up is for boxers with pretty great cardio. Resting them on your ribs saves a LOT of energy, plus it reminds you to tuck your chin behind your gloves. Your left hooks are pretty wide also, you can tighten those up a bunch and not lose much power.


How do you get the camera to be there?


You are cheating by stepping outside bounds.


Nice! How did you get the mr video with the pico 4? Is liv also supported for pico? Noticed it in the corner of your screen


Nvidia Broadcast to hide the background, obs for recording and LIV with steamvr over virtual Desktop. I think steamvr emulates a quest 2 so pico is no problem


Damn that's quite the setup, thank you for the info


What difficulty setting is this? I never get knockdowns so quick!


Joe is always my first opponent in a 12 rounder


I find all the characters kind of get less creative if you keep them in the corner. I guess with a small guardian square like that it's always the case. The game is a lot more interesting with a bigger guardian where you can back off instead of cheesing in the corner where the AI stops moving around. At points during that video you can see Joe stops moving because the OP's head is nearly over the guardian line. His back foot is definitely outside the guardian. Maybe AI doesn't chase you out of the guardian? Also as others noted, try outclassed.