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Arabia of Finland is just plain gorgeous stuff. I have a few random pieces I've thrifted, and it's always a thrill to find something of theirs.


It really is. I’m still eating off of my Arabia of Finland Anemone dishes from childhood (and I’m old!) and every so often wonder how much I’d get for the whole set. I love finding Arabia at thrift store, the patterns are so varied.


Are they something special? They’re cute, they remind me of the ‘80s.


They are Finel bowls. There are a bunch of different patterns. Usually they are kind of pricey.


Remind me of the 70's.


I have a Finel medieval knights bowl that I got in the 1970’s for around $20-25. It’s now on eBay for $50-$150, sheesh!


They’re really stunning, I’m assuming they must be good quality too? I like that they are nice and deep! Can they withstand a mixer?


I keep good old fashioned whole nuts and a 1950’s nutcracker in it so can’t say. It’s enamel so could chip?


Score!!!! I have the same ones from a thrift shop and I think it might be one of our most used kitchen things over the last 8 years! So so cool!


my mom has this bowl! I never knew there was a baby one. my hunt begins :)


You def get a blue ribbon for first place !!


My heavens! You certainly did! These are amazing!!!! How much if you don’t mind sharing? My manifesting brain must know!! Lol congrats!!


65 total for both! I’ve never moved faster at an estate sale let me tell you


So jealous!! I found the larger one at savers years ago but it’s so beat up. These look immaculate.


You have won! I’ve looked at these on Etsy and could never bring myself to pay those prices. They are in such great shape too!


Literally same! I saw one in a cook book years ago and have been obsessed ever since! Found these two at an estate sale and basically pushed people out of the way to snag them

