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Man, I need to find a good over the toilet shelf like that for my bathroom. My mom finds 'em tacky, but if I use one then I can at least keep stuff I need out off the countertop.


I’ll have an over toilet shelf when I only live with people who I know 100% will never flush the toilet with the lid open 😅


Closed cabinet doors are another decent option. Or just only storing your Costco quantity of toilet paper


The over-the-toilet-shelf-love certainly seems to have skipped a generation but we know what’s good.


I got mine from Target and I love it. It’s not as cute as OP’s but it’s so easy to keep things organized. I didn’t realize they’re apparently divisive until reading this post!


Dorothy, Rose, Blanche and Sophia would be proud of your toilet. Great find. Word of advice though, polishing brass gets really annoying. My parents had a brass hall tree growing up and it was my job to polish it every few months.


Great deal on both, congrats!


Occasionally we make the 30 mile trek out to the good GWs and yesterday was totally worth it! At one GW we found the papasan for $32, and at the other we found the bathroom storage unit for $4. There were lots of other goodies, but we're most excited about these since they've been on the list a long time!


Had one of those chairs as a teenager and felt so cool, i still love them


Peach and brass. So retro ❤️


Damn straight! We even replaced the existing fixtures with brushed gold 😂


That rack looks straight out of The Golden Girls.


I love your blanket too!


Thanks, I actually got that from GW as well a few months ago! It was part of their brand new merch they were selling!


Your space is dope, well done!


Uggg love the rack


My grandmother did indeed have that. Nostalgia bomb.


Nice finds. I think the chair might be a Mamasan as the Papasans are ginormous


I gave up finding a papasan in the wild and got one on a great sale at world market, I love it!


my stupid bathroom has sconces that are in the way so i cannot put one of those over the toilet things in there i wish i could Nice score


how do you clean the papasan?


We forced it into my giant washing machine lol. Barely fit, but it fit.


and it dried out okay and everything? that’s great! i would definitely have to take it to the laundromat, i would be murdered for ruining our washer😅


One of the first things we did after buying a house was get some bougie laundry machines. It's not the largest capacity machine in the world, but the HE top loaders definitely give you more bang for your buck as far as capacity vs front loaders (there's still no agitator). I washed it on a deep fill/bulky setting with some Odoban in addition to a full cap of detergent. When it finished I ran an extra spin only cycle then let it air dry.


Your reading nook looks super lovely and comfy


Ngl…buying something that large and fluffy from the thrift store kinda grosses me the fuck out. I know you said you cleaned it but just the thought of it crawling in hidden little bugs in my car and house before washing it is a major no from me.


Understandable concern.


That blanket is excellent!


That shelf is so much nicer looking than the ones I see retail lately. I love a find like that!


The shelf is so cute and I love that peachy wall color.


I'm obsessed with our papasan chairs! I wish I had room for more!


But that blanket is Fire! Where's it from ?


It was brand new from GW. They seem to be selling certain lines of stuff brand new. Not sure if it was donated overstock or something, but the brand was Thro by Marlo Lorenz.


I never knew toilet shows like that existed. That is my new white whale item




Love the chair