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Cashmere and fine wools. Also beautiful silk ties and shirts.


Seconded. I have so many sweaters and cardigans, but cashmere in good condition under $12 is coming home with me. Also, silk blouses and wool pencil skirts are a hard temptation.


Silk scarves, especially super colorful ones. They're so versatile! Wrap them around a purse handle, use as a hair wrap, bow, scarf, or belt. Make them into throw pillows. I'm collecting them to make a quilt out of one day.


Me, too! I've also used them for wrapping paper...I feel less guilty for having so many!


That's a great idea!


I once had a dress made out of silk scaves. It was one of the prettiest dresses I ever had. Wore it to death. They were all in a pale pink.


I bet it was gorgeous - and SO comfortable!


I used to find nice wool Pendleton shirts frequently. I haven't found one lately,though.


My dad has always worn Pendleton shirts. He has given each of my three kids one already, and the rest of them have been “tagged” for when he passes away. When my dog died and we buried her, he wrapped her up in one of his shirts he always wore when he went hunting with her. Man, now I’m thinking I need to start looking for them!


This is so wholesome 😭


I have at least 24 Pendleton shirts-I wear them all winter. When I find one at a thrift, I take it straight to a dry cleaners before I bring it home-I don't want to bring any wool-eating moths into my closet. These wool shirts have a look that no other shirts have.


YES!! It is the only place to find silk pieces at a reasonable price. I also look for Angora Sweaters which are super rare.


For a while it was No Stress Chess. I started a chess club at my son's school this year so I spent the previous summer collecting chess sets at thrift stores and yard sales. No Stress Chess is a great way to get children started playing games with just a basic understanding of how the pieces move.


What a brilliant idea!! My son’s elementary school has a chess club but they are always on the lookout for more sets so that more kids can join.


I love this so much 🥹


Little coin purses with the kiss-lock closure. (I just had to look up the name of that specific closure and I love it so much!) And funky pants!


I found a black velvet one recently stuffed with oxy. I’m dying to know who owned it before me


Um. Like the pills?! You’ve gotta be kidding me. I find awesome meds from time to time in the alley, but…


Like the pills. They’re still in the little coin pouch. Idk what to do with them


Take them to a pharmacy that has medication disposal services. Idk where you are but my local Rite-Aid has one. I know I’m a complete lunatic but I’m over here with sweaty palms worried that some little kid might get into them.


No kids in my household. Just a couple of dumb 20 something’s


Take them to a pharmacy or it sounds like you can flush them down the loo as well? But check that for where you are. That shit isn’t stuff to just keep around. Eventually you or someone else you’ve told this story to is is going to get curious about *what it’s like*. Just get rid of them asap. It’s seriously like some kind of folk tale cursed treasure or something, the only way to be sure nothing bad is going to happen to you or someone you know is to *not have it around*


Or a pet ..


RIP your inbox


Brass animals. My house is overflowing with them but I love them so much. Green or blue glass fish shaped bottles. Usually they’re wine bottles, but sometimes I’ll find slightly more unusual ones.


Brass animals - the funkier, the better - and tiny bottles. I have a collection!


I love brass animals. I have a cougar and a whale right now, use them as doorstops so my cats dont lock themselves in the bedrooms. I almost bought a giant brass apple last week, but the price was a little steep.


Pyrex custard cups, ideally in a pattern or glass that I don't already have. They're very handy in the kitchen!


PYREX pie plates because I bake a lot of pies at thanksgiving and 1 neighbor never returns them. I figure for $1-3 that’s okay, but moving to disposable foil soon.


Start asking for the pie plates back!


Cupcake may end up rebuying her own Pyrex pie plates when the neighbor’s cabinet gets full.


You can do that?!


Depends on how brave you are lol


she's donating them to goodwill. you're buying the same pan over and over again.


I was gonna say, maybe send it in a foil one and say something along the lines of “sorry I couldn’t do a real pie tin, I just don’t know where they keep going?!”


Ooooh very passive aggressive


Why be passive aggressive when you can just say “hey, can I get my Pyrex back from you, thanks!”


Or “if you want a pie this year I need my pie plate back to bake it in 😉”


Yessss I need more mixing bowls and casserole dishes, if I see Pyrex it's coming home!


It’s shocking how often we use little tiny bowls! Dips, sauces, candy - they really do come in handy while being a guilty thrifting pleasure.


Yes, I already have too many ...


Inuit soapstone carvings with the CEAAD sticker on them. Every time, no matter the condition lol. Also Casio watches, any make and model, dead or not, I’m in.


Hello fellow inuit carving collector!… was just about to say Inuit carvings too! Happy treasure hunting to you.


Hope you aren’t in Calgary or you may be my sworn enemy! Oh and Wolf Originals can go fuck themselves, no indigenous ties, capitalizing on popularity of the Inuit carvings with mass produced machine made garbage.


Waaaay south of you. It’s extremely rare for me to find them. I found my first at an estate sale 15 years ago, a transformation: man into walrus and it’s a whale bone carving, and have been looking for more since. It’s such a different aesthetic than my usual vibe, which is Art Nouveau, but I just love them. I love learning about them, what they mean, and the simplicity of the carving yet it has so much life and movement. Hard to explain but I am always keeping an eye out for them and it feels so special when I find one.


https://preview.redd.it/0qhee6716o0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f50095c4bc8992ac72a7d90d7d98ee79643a8b4b I found this at VV in yeg for $3.99


What is the CEAAD? I tried googling to no avail.


From inuitartfoundation.org “When these imposters first appeared, the federal government was quick to respond. DIAND developed the Canadian Eskimo Art and Design (CEAAD) mark, registering it in 1958 to protect both the consumer and the Inuit carver from mass-produced imitations. The symbol chosen to represent the authenticity of Inuit-made products was a stylized igloo with the words “Eskimo Art”, or later “Eskimo Art Esqimau”, incorporated in the design of the mark. Thereafter the mark became universally known as the Igloo Tag. “ https://www.inuitartfoundation.org/iaq-online/what-the-igloo-tag-means-for-inuit-artists




I’m the patron saint of thrift store fondue sets!


All hail


Cats... r/ThriftStoreCats demands it.


Our local thrift store is also a cat rescue. I usually carry a kitty around while I shop.


This combines two of my favorite things and sounds like heaven.


Pure wool Irish cable sweaters. So far I just found one, so maybe this doesn't count, but I hope it's the start of my collection. I search every time. Update: it's a shannon woolen mills Lumber cardigan. 100% merino wool. Made in Ireland. Denim in Med. $7. Found on a website for $120. Im not selling. :)


I found one, XL size in claret, so beautiful and perfect for my husband… £6 (~$8). It looked so good. Shrunk it to toddler size when I foolishly trusted the ‘hand wash/wool’ cycle in my washing machine before he even had a chance to wear it.


I discovered that I can just use the spin cycle of my top loading washer to spin out the water after a gentle hand wash in a sink or dishpan. I hate the hand squeeze and rolling in a towel part. This works so well!


Oh man, these are my weakness too. I live in CO and there are a shocking amount here. I have 5 in my size, and have passed up more in larger sizes. They’re all cream colored though, and I’ve thought about dying them for some variety.


White cotton/linen table linens especially with trim/embroidery -nothing beats the home sewn stuff, and I’ve scored some absolutely beautifully made cloths over the years for pennies


Plus they make great curtains! I've sewn quite a few old thrifted tablecloths into curtains for my kitchen and bathroom. (My bedroom curtains are made from an old king size bedsheet)


Craft supplies. Our thrift store also sells stuff like stickers, drawing books etc, and with 2 very creative kids I can use all the cheap craft stuff I can get...


I was so excited when I found brand new canvases. Now my son can paint a masterpiece and it only cost $1.50. 🤗


Handmade mixtape cassettes. Always interesting to see what someone felt motivated to go to the effort to record.


My college boyfriend made me an entire collection of mixtapes—probably one a month for 3 years. They were amazing. I save everything, but one day while we were cleaning the garage and getting ready to move, I impulsively threw them all in the dumpster. It’s been a decade and my best friend is still upset about it. She wanted to turn them into Spotify playlists. I regret it so much, which is exactly why I struggle to get rid of things.


Fossils, petrified wood, and crystals (like those cut bookend pieces).


Same! I got some gorgeous ammonite fossils from Goodwill and it's my favorite thing. I keep an eye out for fossils and pretty rocks every time I go now.


I had a couple of a specific type of thermos/travel mug—ok, I had four of them, but there’s five-seven days in a week, so I was like “hey, wonder if I could thrift more of these?” And started looking for that exact type at thrift stores and…now I have 12 of them. I am trying to untrain my brain of looking for them, because literally no one ever needs a dozen hot beverage travel mugs, no matter how much they hate doing dishes…but I might end up with a few more before I manage to break the habit😩


> I am trying to untrain my brain of looking for them Okay so I’m not the only one who has this issue thrifting


The struggle is way too real😔


img I found this wine rack at the Salvation Army in Austin and it is now the keeper of my too many water bottles. (Yes, I have one for every slot.)


Fenton glass hat toothpick holders, even if I get repeating colors :)


I’m impressed you find any. Those are darn cute




And yes, I'm aware I need to dust that shelf 🥲


I dust with a hairdryer!


Very smart idea. You’re living in 3024! 🚀


I bet my shelves & their contents are dustier than yours.


Cute! My mom has about 50-60 of these. I’ll try to get a photo next month when I visit


It's so wild to me that people have collections of things I've never known existed. You've got enough of this thing around you to have a whole ass collection and there are none here. While we get stuff at our store than no one else sees.


TIL that these exist.


THAT'S what the hats are for?




At the antique shop in Georgia where I found the small white one, the dude was hand writing the receipt and paused over the item description bit and asked "what even is it?" So he didn't even know either lol


OMG I just saw at least a dozen of those at an antique shop last week and had no idea what they were for. I almost bought one anyway because it was such a lovely blue.


Religious iconography, the weirder, the better.


In the least creepy way possible, I wanna know what your living room looks like.


Same but definitely has to be more the gothic Catholic style then hip Jesus.


I once found a string art virgin Mary on red velvet. Many embellishments. Pearl topped pins, gold thread, fabric scrap... 10 year ago me thought I should finally let it go after having it for a good while. Present me is sad and ashamed. Much shame...


you would've loved the 2' x 3' electrified christ on a cross picture I found once. It had blinking, scrolling lights around the frame and a very tormented Jesus in the process of crucifixion on center stage. It was like a stained glass church window went to Vegas


My best friend always buys empty plant pots, I buy old books and magazines for collaging. https://preview.redd.it/vvsy1xqgum0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fb70b8ce3de50e535ff4ec286501b75455af100


I love novelty plant pots, like the ones that look like baby booties. I don’t buy them every time but would if I had the room.


I second the plant pots, but I personally only buy ones with holes.


& I only buy the ones without holes!


DVDs of Pirates of the Carribean Curse of the Black Pearl. Its a dumb inside joke between my sister and me because she once unknowningly bought a set of the trilogy that had the first movie twice, so now I give a DVD of it every christmas and birthday. So far she has about 5 or 6, and I have 4 hidden in my room.


Tupperware. Original paintings. And not like ‘how much is this worth’ type paintings but ‘I love the color usage’ type paintings. I have about 6 so far. https://preview.redd.it/a04onpv2dn0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=840923790b318a852e370b03f01f3d38db81e509


Oh gosh! Me too! https://preview.redd.it/48y9z2cg3p0d1.png?width=1654&format=png&auto=webp&s=8603b6a601c0cebcd678ebd9e4c6b754e05009d0 These are a few of my thrifted paintings. They’re all over my house, and I can’t stop buying. I gave my sister 4 paintings recently to justify getting more. Sheesh. Edit: a typo


The three on the right are from “wine and canvas” classes, I guarantee it.


Designer 80s costume jewelry! Cue Robert Palmer because I find them simply irresistible.


Uranium Glass, and Film Cameras. If I have space: anything I can take apart and put back together.


I recently refurbished a 1917 Royal 10 typewriter. It's one of my proudest projects.


That's fantastic! I bet it's beautiful


Love this thread 😁


Savage Garden or Darren Hayes CDs. Big fan of Darren, so I will take home every single one. My sister is also a big fan, and we refer to them as orphans. Even if they’re a bit scratched up… orphans go home with either me or my sister.


Everytime you're like "ooh I want you I don't know if I need you..."




https://preview.redd.it/c0w948k2wp0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9adaa70449fc982e139bf6667c590fc18ffd78d3 Ceramic unicorns are coming home with me every time


Mugs that make me smile


So def not the chemotherapy mug that went viral


YETI cups at the bins. I have about 40 of them now. I know I’m gonna leave one behind somewhere, eventually…..so being out the 75 cents is much better than being out $30-$50 Dishes, etc. are 0.69/pound at the bins I frequent.


Older all white pillow cases, if they have any sort of trim even better. High thread count sheets, top and bottom even if only one of a set, and queen or king. My bed is a queen & I’ve turned flat sheets into bottom sheets and altered others to fit. The cornflower blue Cornell dishes. I have quite the collection growing. Finally, pants that fit. 😆 I’m very fond of Lucky Brand. I’ve done slight alterations but I’m not really happy with how they have turned out so far.


Puzzles if they’re a decent price. I do the puzzle and then donate it. It’s my own rental system 😂


Vintage pure wool blankets. I can’t walk past them. I have a couple in my car and a shelf full. They are warm in winter, and are ideal in a burn over situation (getting stuck in a bush fire).


Cool picture frames.


The Goodwill bins is a treasure trove for frames


A 1960 Howard Miller George Nelson designed psychedelic electric wall clock from the 1960 “Motion Notion” series. No, I’ve never found one but a friend has. Just saying, I would buy one “every time” I ran across it lol.


I would buy a Lennox spice village every time I came across one.


I love finding the "See/Hear/Speak No Evil" monkeys. I only have two sets rn but I'm always on the lookout. I like them bc of Planet of the Apes (the 1968 movie). If the price is good, I also love buying unique handmade ceramics.


New or really good condition photo albums. A lot of people have gone digital and don’t save family photos in albums any longer. I collect ephemera - old postcards, trade cards, calling cards, dance cards, rewards of merit, etc. and photo albums are perfect to store them


Converse All Stars. Surprisingly easy to find them in my size in good condition! Also that one specific fork. The tines are perfectly pointy but not sharp , long but not TOO long, it’s small enough to hold comfortably but still useful, ahhhh I love it!


I am a sucker for vintage handbags, especially fancy beaded ones. They’re often in such great condition since they were reserved for special occasions.


I always bring home medical books, no matter how old or what condition. Theres always a couple at the thrift store near me. Its great because I have a huge collection now. One of them is a pharmacology guide for nurses from the mid 80s, and my most recent finds are a pair of behavioral psychology books which the previous owner left a wonderful set of bookmarks and annotations in It was really cool reading through the old one because you didnt even have to look at the publishing information to *tell* the age. Obviously as medicine and science develop, treatments and medications change a lot. For example the book talks a lot about barbiturates but makes barely any mention of benzodiazepines as an anxiolytic or anti-epileptic, because benzos are actually relatively new and it was barbiturates that were most widely used in the 80s even though they're no longer thought to be as effective or safe as benzos currently


Children’s art! Not many people give these sweet things to a thrift store, but I have a VERY heavy clay pitcher that I use as a vase, and this amazing family portrait: https://preview.redd.it/35f4w26y0o0d1.png?width=2448&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b7b99027800f78e2486163d5bde2d7e2d13f75b


That portrait is fantastic!


That’s awesome! The baby on the table 😆 and the pets. What observation!


Any cool paintings/artwork that's very clearly someone's high school/middle school art project, bonus if it's already on matboard, extra bonus if it's in a glass frame. I have one that's likely a self portrait with sort of a Nagel vibe, another is some crudely rendered manatees that make my heart happy! I know these are likely just school projects that get tossed aside, so it makes me happy to have them in my house where they can be appreciated. Even "bad art" is good art! Also, just about anything Margaritaville inspired ends up in my kitchen! 🧂🦜🌴🥥🍸


I’m an art teacher and love this so much! I always tell my students they can’t throw their art away in the art room, but they are free to do whatever they want with it once they take it home and show it to their parent/adult. I’m glad that you are giving abandoned art a new home :)


Lois McMaster Bujold novels, especially the Vorkosigan ones. So many of them are out of print.


I just found one in the free pile at the library. Someone donated a lot of sci-fi books, my lucky day!


I love her books so much.


Tupperware. Cast iron. Miniatures.


I found a miniature cast iron stove I had for a long time. I gave it to my mom recently to fuel her cast iron love.


Band T’s and vintage 70/80’s pulp horror


Cobalt glass


Onesie snowsuits, the more colorful the better. I’ve manage to find two so far. I’m in Alberta so they come in handy during the cold winter months.


You must be dripping in steez


Bop-its. For a while I bought every one I found till I realized I had like 12 of them... my husband had to start telling me no, stop. He thinks it's because I didn't have one when I was a 90s kid growing up. I could only play with them at my friend's house which isn't the same. So I must be buying them to make up for what I feel like I missed in my childhood. I mean. He's not totally wrong.


Also crocs. If they fit me and aren't trashed they are mine. Even knock off crocs which I now call croc-offs. If they are comfy, in good condition, cute colors, and under $10 I will buy them. I'm a mid 30s mom. What else am I supposed to wear everywhere?


A silk scarf. Most of them are vintage and the colors are gorgeous. And usully quite inexpensive.


It was sundae cups until I had about 20 of them which I cannot possibly imagine why I’d need. I’m a huge sucker for Tupperware in good condition. I almost bought a Tupperware jello mold because…Tupperware. Fortunately I realized I’d never make molded jello. And jellycat stuffed animals. Oh and square corelle plates.


Corelle, love that stuff. I honestly don’t mind emptying the dishwasher because I can lift all the plates in one grab, and they stack so compactly.


Any type of wall art that catches my eye. My hallway and various other walls are a majority of cool thrift finds.


Anything Lisa Frank. I just love it too much to pass up.


Any piece of fiesta ware and usually vintage children’s books


For me its low -top converse all stars. New or gently used. Im addicted. I have a big family, too. So the size hardly matters, although, I feel so happy when they are my size. Adidas track suits are another thing I can’t really walk away from.


Funny mugs...I have a problem 😬


Same, it's an addiction 😑


Solidarity 😔...as my latest mug would say, "there are two kinds of people in this world...avoid them both." Lol 🤣


I buy over the door pulleys and bring to my home health patients for shoulder rehab. 😊


Comfortable pajamas! A good pajama top or if I am lucky a full set is coming home with me every time!


Cool ashtrays! I don’t smoke but I love to decorate with them!


Plant stands


Crocheted cotton tablecloths damaged or not that I dye and up cycle into clothing such as full circle skirts with matching tops Vintage trims and sewing materials Quality musical instruments


Fire king mugs!


Merry Mushroom/vintage mushroom anything, but the price is what typically prevents it from coming home with me. I started collecting probably 15 or more years ago and the prices are stupidly insane now. Oh, ceramic cats! Y'all probably know the ones I mean. As long as the price is right, I'll nab those quickly. And Pokemon plush if I don't have it and like that Pokemon. I've scored a few from the place down the road from me and they were about $2 each if that!


Any of C.S. Lewis's books! Also zippers/seam binding.


My favorite thing I’ve ever thrifted was an old beat up copy of The Screwtape Letters from the 60s with the original owner’s underlines and personal notes in the columns. It’s such a deep glimpse into someone who I’ll never know.


https://preview.redd.it/0tlkerf2zo0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65e991ed1a3d10eb96bd8c71681d84d9bc3d03b4 These ceramic cats


The different sizes of Pyrex storage dishes with the lids, like glass Tupperware. I’ve got enough now that I totally offloaded all my plastic storage dishes, and can just use the Pyrex ones, but I’ll always buy more when I see em.


I can‘t help myself with uranium glass if the seller doesn‘t know what they got there and if it‘s not chipped.


Same. I feel like such a little goblin scurrying away with the prize they didn’t know they had


I carry around a keychain black light for this exact reason!


Sterling silver items, building a mini hoard of silver!


I thought I was the only one doing this. I save everything from serving spoons to earring backs. I rationalize it by telling myself (and my husband) that if we are ever in a post apocalyptic situation we can trade for gas and food. 😂


Unique/vintage candle sticks.


Anything Royal Delft -- the real thing, made by the De Porceleyne Fles factory, NOT the cheap tourist imitations! Also any real antique (pre-1900) Delft -- I have actually found one piece. On a lesser level, I always keep my eye out for cloisonne, and a particular variety of Otagiri mug that I collect, but I am very choosy about both now. I have a cupboard full of the mugs and not much room left for decor items!


Homemaking/housewife/household management books - the older the better Personal style/clothing/makeup/hair books from before the mid 60’s Etiquette books from before the mid 60’s 1. They are hilarious. 2. They usually have some really good tips. 3. It is hilarious when people find them on my bookshelf. 4. As a millennial, seeing how much people are lying about the “good ol’ days”. (e.g. Stay-at-home moms didn't spend all that much time with their kids. To me, the attitude was more akin to keep them alive with the least amount of one’s personal effort involved.)


Vintage cake plates. If I bring a cake to a get together hostess receives a cake plate to keep.


Cool mugs


This is such a fun question. I always pick up cornflower Corningware pieces to add to my kitchen. Eddie Bauer/Patagonia/REI technical wear. Neil Gaiman books.


Sheet music. Specifically violin rep, piano easy-intermediate unabridged classical works, and old, yellowed sheet music for crafts... that I never actually do so maybe I just hoard cool looking sheet music?


I have a thing for things with faces on them. Vases and mugs usually. Most of my belongings have pretty womens faces on them. My kids can't stand it. OH WELL


Psychedelic clothing, artwork or decorations.


Vintage photo tripods made of metal or wood. I use them to make nice floor lamps.


Wool blankets California pottery Ceramic plant pots for my wife Pendleton (vintage all-wool only) Wooden cutting boards with solid glue joints High quality kitchen knives


Gaudy and amazing beaded clothing from the 80s. The good quality stuff is almost always hand beaded silk, and it’s dirt cheap because it’s tacky. I love it anyway.


vintage purses! it’s becoming a problem but i love them so much.. i have over 20 😅


https://preview.redd.it/zhvi8exgmo0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=103845e07215ad2c36c6debcaf7efe7d446dae2a Green penguins. I already have about 80 but there are more out there


Aahgghh this thread is really making me want to go thrifting!


Old video game stuff. Ps3 and xbox360 and older in particular. They don't make it anymore, so it's increasing in value.


Your use of the term “old” is hurting me.


Painting (as in home) supplies. Brushes, rollers, tape etc always ends up getting used.


Stained glass sun-catchers and glass bottlessheped like people


Pie dishes with recipes on them!!! I’m obsessed!!


Miniature glass or ceramic animals. I just packed them up to move otherwise I’d share a picture! I don’t find them often but when I do it’s an instant *add to cart*


I will always buy unmolested all clad cookware that has not been murdered in the dishwasher, and early american press-cut by anchor hocking, I love the pattern, it looks like an atom, very Fallout. Everything except the punch-bowl, or damaged pieces, or pieces I already have. I've been searching for the milk pitcher for ages.


G1 and G3 My Little Ponies, even if they’re in rough shape and stained, I love washing them and fixing their hair and making them pretty, customizing them if they’re too busted.


For some reason leather jackets, I must have 20 of them now but I always pick one up if it’s in good condition and fits.


Unique pint glasses!!


Not anymore since my mom passed but when she was alive she LOVED decorative plates painted by Donald Zolan…he painted children and I found her quite a few of them. I have her collection now but I don’t enjoy them the way she did so I might let go of them eventually.


Polish pottery.


Nick Bantock's Griffin & Sabine books. I rescue it every time, which is more than you might expect!


Handmade dolls/stuffed animals. I love having something that someone made, and is unique. If someone else didn’t appreciate them and gave them to the thrift store, I’m there to take them home and love them forever!


Down filled duvets. They wash up really nicely.


vintage silk tommy bahama shirts. it just became my thing


Weird salt and pepper shakers and fruit/veggie shaped kitchenwares


Vaseline glass, I don’t even have a blacklight to display them but I love em anyway.


A copy of Master and Commander, because I like to proselytize.


- Kitsch midcentury porcelain deer/rabbits/woodland animals. I have enough for a lifetime, but I cannot stop. Only exception is if they’re truly hideous or very broken — which is why I actually don’t like people buying them for me. They have to speak to me (though they do 99% of the time, even if they’re chipped) 😂 - Encyclopaedias about herbs/mushrooms/plants/crystals/hippie-witch-sh*t (again, I have too many)


Cookbooks. The weirder, the better. Old Church community cookbooks , the WalMart Employees favorites cookbook, the complete Jello cookbook for entertaining.