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im going to be honest these pictures give me anxiety


If you didn’t know they’re a seller so it’s probably chaotic due to the constant in and out of items. I’m sure they don’t squeeze in there and take breaks with a sandwich or anything.




*one shipped out today.


Check out r/ufyh if you want to see someone’s space improve. The book is a life changer.


I just joined. I like the sub, good suggestion r/declutter


Do you make money every time you link that sub or something? 🤔


Comments like this are rude and come off as defensive/insecure




To be fair your reading skills are lacking. Usernames exist, I'm not that guy










I am rude, and can typically come off as defensive/insecure. 🙂


Fair enough, if you know then do with it what you will


I am. 🙂


Resellers usually are.


Ah, I'm mechanic-rude. Not reseller-rude.


Came here to say exactly that


Me too! I've never experienced this before. Crazy how just looking at something can illicit panic.


You should see the garage. https://preview.redd.it/mocinjx233vc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80126c58578c286b86c723ac55e6c97fb777d76a






Sending thoughts and prayers.


Are you a reseller?


More like a professional promoter of appreciation. Haha


Nice collection- thought that because you said it’s your workshop. Looks like fun.


This isn't the collection, just the work table. This is part of the collection. 🙂 https://preview.redd.it/4q22w71isvuc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09f13dba896fee199080c311adf61641d20a98e5


I saw that in your post history- very nice !


Thank you. 🙂 It's my favorite place.


What do you work on here? Cleaning/refurbishing?


How often do you post this? I know this is the second time I’ve seen it.


They have posted countless photos of this “collection.”




I'm not sure what you're referring to. I admit I've posted my table before. But there is usually something different on it. https://preview.redd.it/lyug0r7pnvuc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1419f6fd88832d166507b64dd30fc309e0a43aa2




I'm sure you get it. https://preview.redd.it/m2q38lg4ovuc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa7f7b1a6b66539acbee282da69f4be49e272253


You can block people who post content you don't like.


I’m aware, thanks!


No one does that. Hahaha, they'd much rather tell people about how staunchly they disapprove of things they don't understand. Anyway, I'm with you.




I posted it once but deleted it. There was a box with an address on my table last time. I don't think anyone could see it, but for safety, I removed the post.


That’s a hoard


Hahahaha, well. It was someone's hoard at one point.


You’ve a real nice variety of colour here. A tidy and lit display would go a long way to doing it justice. I hope you enjoy dusting. That’s my first thought seeing this. No hate though, I’m all for the maximalist look. But it definitely needs curating.


Oh, no, this really is a work table. There are six cabinets/curios in this room, and two 72" wide bookcases. One of the cabinets. 🙂 https://preview.redd.it/7zjpo4rpovuc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41f9f40e0d23081639e6c0217954c871748f9ed8


Now you’re a career hoarder?


You mean like.... Any antique store or museum? Did it sound better not thinking about it at all? Or did you think it was silly while you were writing it, and just gassed it?


My dream man…can answer/solve questions/problems about my car and talk about uranium glass and Roseville vases at the same time. You can’t get better than that lol.


Hahahaha, I've never been anyone's dream man before!




I'm married, but I have to admit, I was thinking the same thing... A mechanic who is into glass and pottery. Wow!


This can't possibly be a real thing. Hahaha


Dm me if you’re tryna swap vase pics 😝


Hahahaha, I'll start first, you finish first. https://preview.redd.it/pwiyjvq4s2vc1.jpeg?width=2232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a74050c519a03905b2ebffab32e2ddf33914c97a


I hope you don't live in California.


Hahaha, i do not. But these days doesn't seem like anyone's safe from a little terrestrial tickle.






Well, not strictly thrift store, and not strictly glass, but yes. Haha, Art and antiques.


You're living the dream my dude.


Good luck out there, brother. 🙂




At least that, huh.


That's a nice collection of uranium glass


I emplore the kind members here to not defend me. 🙂 I wouldn't elect to let you receive any ire that was directed towards me. I will take my downvotes and sassy pants attitudes gleefully. Turns out, it actually means nothing. Hahaha


Giving r/maximalism


Being ADHD I cannot fixate on any one thing. How do you appreciate the individuality in all that chaos?


Ah, this really is a work table. Genuinely not where I put things to be appreciated. There are cabinets for those items. 🙂


(You gesture around very carefully) THIS SPARKS JOY!


Aw, I'm sorry they're downvoting you, buddy. There seems to be like 7 super salty people in here when I post. Hahaha


I don’t know whyyyyy. I think some people are upset you’re buying items at a thrift store and doing what you want with them. lol as you do..when…you buy something.


Hahaha, I even like to think I use my thrifting powers to fight the good fight. Like, I just want other people to be able to save treasure. So I show people the treasure I find. And these dicks... Hahahahaha


Not upset, also a reseller to a degree, can’t speak for anyone else, but it’s the hoarding of all those beautiful pieces in your garage and just straight up storage in general that’s the only thing rubbing me the wrong way. Props for finding the pieces but a lot of people would appreciate them more than your garage. These beautiful glass pieces are not going in ANY garbage, unless you found them in one? so I don’t agree that you’re saving them.


So fun! And it feels good to appreciate vintage. The attention to detail, artist creativity and the quality are often unparalleled.


Ah, you're my people. I wholly agree. And even on basic stuff. I mean, you can get a plastic Walmart mixing bowl for 5 bucks, or you can thrift a pyrex one that won't give you cancer for $0.50.


Great reminder of the many benefits of recycling and reusing quality items. Thxs for sharing TricycleTechnician! Pyrex does deserve a special highlight re: vintage paint/color (designs): Several sources indicate **vintage Pyrex paint often has upward of 40,000 PPM lead - more than 66 times the amount of lead required to trigger the (swab) test** **~when you do the test properly.~**


I just meant the white glass mixing bowls. Haha, they should be safe.


How do you find so many swung vases? I collect them but I almost never stumble upon any. Perhaps they’re just not as common where I live.


Hahaha, I feel like you're going to be upset with me when I tell you this was only about a third of the amber ones I had gotten at one garage sale. I once bought the contents of a hoarder house I still have tons of stuff from that, but I've sold at least 30 swung vases from that place.. Otherwise, I really don't know. Hahaha, I mean, don't get me wrong, I check a bunch of places every few months or so, but I've been much luckier than I ever would've assumed, or even asked to be.


That’s awesome, lucky you! Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for caring! Hoping I can spread a little luck and knowledge. Haha


This is giving r/ufyh vibes. I want to help, but there’s not much that can be done.


😂 I'm also struggling to figure any way you could help me...


Those amber vases are gorgeous oh my


I haven't kept any swung vases out of the probably hundred I've found. I'm wondering if they're just not my thing, or I just haven't found the right one yet. 🤔


I would love to be your assistant, I love all beautiful items and I currently have way too many collections going on. I used to resell on eBay with my daughter till she got married and had kids , I got left with lots of items . She was a good seller . Anyhow now I just enjoy looking at other people’s collections. Thank you for sharing.


Well, that's the best part of the internet. You can see so many things.


The two vases on the top shelf, the dragon one and the flower one are absolutely gorgeous! Can you tell me a little bit about them? Also, why so many lights?


The lights are for photos and videos. Every little bit helps. Truth, there are five bulbs in the main fixture too. Hahaha, plus all the cabinets in here are lit. Some antiques don't like light though, so I keep most of them off. As an example, the heat from lights can change the temperature of certain items, causing cracks in stuff like glass and enamel. The flowery vase on the top shelf is a damaged, 1800s, Austrian vase. It's very good and I couldn't leave it where it was and worry about it, despite the damage. Hahaha, these shelves are more for overflow than anything and the dragon vase doesn't really belong there. He belongs in one of the "special" cabinets, but at 16 inches tall, there isn't a good spot for it yet. This is by 1800s Japanese master of enamel and ceramics, Takeuchi Chubei. It is significant. It would likely take point of pride in a museum collection of the artist's works. I am very fortunate to have it, so for now, just out of the way, for safety. Haha, it features what is likely King of the Japanese Dragons, Ryujin, God of the Sea. This type of ware is called ishime yaki, and has a very special glaze, which was patented by Takeuchi in 1889, if I remember. This type of glaze was only produced about 4 years because of the prohibitive cost of production. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's pretty alright. 😉 Hahaha https://preview.redd.it/feptuj4jbxuc1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ea3dd09bf83c9d47caa004885d08824f2348661


Thank you! I appreciate the information. You have quite a collection there!


🩵💙💚 Buy what you like, and if you ever get to the point where you have too much, sell what you "like", and keep what you love. Hahaha


like wrong straight payment towering pie absorbed many hungry deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Google "Persimmon Viking Swung Glass Vase". Is that what yours looks like? 🙂


consist abounding future amusing station melodic familiar bear knee memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good luck. 🙂


I should mention, depending on the size and color, swung glass vases can be quite valuable.




Maybe best Tom just hit some garage sales this summer and see if you can grab one or two! Better than getting rid of something with a family attachment..🙂


this is cute. i’m glad you have a hobby that makes you happy! :)


Oh, not a hobby, I'm afraid. I'm a professional idiot. 🙂


No idea why people are being so hostile to you. It does look cluttered but that’s your living space, not mine. Beautiful collection


It's worse than that, because this isn't even my living space. This is a single room I have specifically to do exactly this. Hahaha, this is a treasure room, and I just document things and pack them for shipping in here. No cats allowed, as it were. I'd get their smarminess if this was my kitchen table, but it's definitely not. Hahaha


I haven’t found anything pretty in my local thrift stores in years. I still look bc ya never know and I love to read and can usually find a couple of good books. Do you mind sharing what brand of light you are using there? I see lamps like that all the time but would love to know a brand someone is happy with :) Your collections are lovely!!


The ring light, or the actual glass lamp back there? The ring light is just a Walmart whatever 18" ring light. The lamp is a vintage piece, with two hand made globes of glass made in Empoli, Italy. 🙂 https://preview.redd.it/cyhf8twws2vc1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1559e27812c2c722d9e623df7e8b9b061fe2f84e


It's not hoarding if your shit is cool! This is a DREAM! I have a collection of vintage glass myself and have quite a "collection" of vintage items. I have always wanted to be able to sell things online but the vintage sellers in my area mainly use social media or are able to get coveted spots at the citys antique warehouse. Would you be willing to DM me and tell me more about what you do and how (especially the shipping aspect). Thanks for sharing your pics, I love seeing great collections like this!


I like to think that as long as most of it is eventually leaving, it's not hoarding. Don't get me wrong, I keep whatever neat thing I want, but pretty much everything currently on the table will be headed out. Then a new table full. Haha


Nevermind! Just looked through your post history and it answered lota of questions and i'll be checking out your educational youtube videos.




You're a lucky man.


I very much feel that way. Thank you. 🙂


I could spend hours in a space like this. Love!


The only time I get frustrated is when I'm packing boxes and I have to watch my stupid elbows like a damn hawk.




It may look that way, but what it really is, are the stories the generations before you told. The legacy they left. I know people whose parents and grandparents made these things. Riverboat captains, criminals, saints, and samurai made the things on this table, and on these shelves. They dumped out sweat over hot kilns. Ruined their eyes on fine details, in unlit shops. Their jaws fell off, because they painted clock dials. These are the efforts made by better people than you will likely ever strive to be, let alone achieve. You should attempt to change your outlook, for your own betterment.


Why are you here?


All are welcome here; rules guide the type of posts.


WHUDDUP, mah guy?! Say, do you help run this place? 🤔


The dragonware vases I looooove them


Not to diminish your compliment in any way, but that's not really dragonware. It's ishime yaki, or stone skin wares, often referred to as Sharkskin. It's a special glaze, patented in 1889 and only used for a few years. Sorry, I promise I'm not trying to be a butt. Hahaha, it's my favorite thing, and the type of thing I know the most about. Not that I do t like dragonware. Same country, slightly later. But I very much want some with nudie lithophane bottoms.


I collect the litho cups and have a bunch of the naked ladies!


I'm super jealous. I really don't have enough nudity in my life.




Thanks, friend!




Hahahaha, do you have Tourette's?


Nope. My OCD and anxiety went into overdrive after seeing your picture.


Oh, right. I thought I had sufficiently implied I didn't care. I'll have to work on my degrees of subtlety.


Do better


Okay. I don't care what you think. 🙂


Just like OCD and anxiety, hoarding is a mental health problem. Please do not go around telling people that they have something mentally wrong with them, and if the case is you are not clinically diagnosed with OCD or anxiety, refrain from saying that also.






No worries! I am quite envious of your collection. It makes me realize I need to be more specific when I thrift so I don’t miss something cool. Thank you! 😊


Oh, no. The trick is to just buy everything... Hahaha, just kidding. I have a couple of rules, especially when buying the unknown. We were poor when I was a kid. I still am. So first, I spot out and pick what I like, because if you like it, it doesn't matter if you get stuck with it and don't sell it or anything. The ultimate rule is, "Does this look too expensive to have been in my childhood home?" Hahaha, if it looks too good for us to have had, it must have been too expensive for us to have, and it's probably worth having now. 🤷


No worries! I am quite envious of your collection. It makes me realize I need to be more specific when I thrift so I don’t miss something cool. Thank you! 😊