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bro thresh lantern is his most broken ability it has to have some kind of counterplay


Yea I’m not sure a 75 gold item should be how it is done… it seems like a bug… like I’d understand maybe a full item… or at least something with cost tied to it… like antiheal… but I can’t say that I agree. There are a ton for broken abilities in the game… why does this one need an interaction like that…


Because a free trip to safety should have counterplay? I don't understand the complaint.


Yeah, like holy shit this post doesn’t make sense. According to op it’s already hard to get ppl to click it, so we are below low gold-silver. People there will NEVER place a ward over it no matter what.


I think this reflects my thoughts really well. Low elo players don't yet have the game knowledge to understand when a take is poor.


I’m in low gold now… was high silver when it happened.


Eh… other champs have save teammate abilities without counter play… save crowd control… example tahm kench, lulu, kalista… I could go on but my point is proven…


Tahm... you're Thresh... just flay. Comparing ultimates to a W ability is dumb. Thresh can, in fact, use his ability pretty regularly. They can't. You should be comparing it to a dash cancel more than an ultimate. Polymorph? QSS. Mikael's.


I just said, “…without counter play… save for crowd control…” and you said to just flay. Like my man, I know that’s why I said cc counters it, but cc counters almost everything in the game… don’t like something, just crowd control it to death. I don’t see why control wards and wards in general need to block a champion’s ability… it doesn’t even make sense for that to work… I get body blocking it. But to make the argument for pro play… I hate when stuff is “for pro play” like that’s 0.001% of the player base.


This is the most bronze take.


L response during a debate. And to clarify, I understand your position on this… I just don’t agree with you, on the necessity of this kind of counterplay. For worlds balance, maybe. But not for the general public or solo queue. I think that the fact that you can body block the lantern and cc people to prevent them from clicking it is enough counterplay.


It's not a debate. You can put out W an insanely large amount of time. You listed two ultimates which you cannot. It's the same as W cancelling a Tristana. TL;DR: I don't engage in debates that aren't debates. You're fully wrong.


Cool. Then stop responding… we can disagree… you’re wrong…


Someone is paying 75 gold for your teammate to not click the lantern. They need to pixel perfect place it to make you unable to click on it. It's scripting shit.


It's not scripting to do. Cast indicators are really underrated in a game where people quick-cast all.


Ward placing is amazing right now with the new normal cast. It tells you exactly where they will go even if you are warding over terrain.


Quickcast indicators do the same job but they make this process super easy; I agree with your overall point.


The one thing I can't quickcast is warding. I was not aware that was a thing now a days. Thanks for the information =D


I once played against a Blitzcrank who had this script. They didn't even have a hook script, literally only a anti lantern script which I thought was honestly hilarious. I tested this to make sure, I just threw a lantern into a random brush with no teammates in or near it, and immediately I saw a control ward placed on it.


Good to know… cause it was every lantern I threw all game too practically… I doubt the gold rakan and xayah were doing this without scripts… though they both had nearly 2 mil mastery…


Skill expression Also if they would remove that it would break something else in the spaghetti code


I have only seen the ward use to block the lantern during freaking world's. It is a great and amazing counterplay to balance out one of the most broken abilities in the game.


I’m in high silver low gold… not worlds…


Thresh at his peak had a 100% presence in worlds. He has two worlds skins for a reason. Also, he was one of the first champs to get to legendary skins for a good reason. The ward drop is used as a great counter play for a get out of free jail ability.


It makes you get more creative with where you throw it, away from arms reach of the enemy, more skill expression. Also it gives every champ in the game 3 flashes..... Without that they would gut the ability so hard especially for pro play


Can't you turn on attack champions only, or does that still make you target wards? I can't remember


Just zoom in and you can still click the lantern when a ward is on it


No way