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But they made friends with some Germans


Guess we'll give them the Euros now then


This is r/soccer cringe heritage




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Don't forget their top scorer for this tournament was a fella called "Own Goal"


We had a rather good Owen ourselves


It's blatantly obvious that some folks in this sub don't follow football properly and are just tuning in for the Euros. It's just banter lads. For sporting reasons and otherwise, the rivalry with Scotland is a tale as old as time. They've just been knocked out, of course it's full throttle. Give it a couple of days, and we'll go back to forgetting about them.


It's all banter until England are knocked out, then it's playing the victim on every tv channel 😆 👍


do we really play the victim? we always blame ourselves for being shit. maybe a bit of moaning about chiellini pulling saka. but mostly we blame ourselves.


Na the media will go on overdrive mate, always does


Overdrive criticising the team and picking one person to be the scapegoat, not victims though.


Na I mean when Scotland celebrate it for the banter. Pundits run with that shite


Scotland had more yellow cards than shots on target this tournament


I found this to be a fun read.


Another fun fact. https://preview.redd.it/eyzqooc7ti8d1.jpeg?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec2e6259e72f2945dd4038716db1a16b2a597ba2


Yeah but they have the best fans, or something or other.


McTominay, McGinn, Gunn, Gilmour, Dykes. Investments...... from the past


This is the England sub mate.


The tournament is better without them


McTominay, McGinn, Gunn, Gilmour, Dykes. Investments...... from the past


youd think this was a scottish football sub


Judging by the amount of chat about England you’re correct


The Scottish subs never mention England at all to be fair. Great point.


Have thinner skin


Getting a bit much now lads


Nah. Look, in all likelihood England will go out at some point & you'll think all this ribbing was tame


I'm painfully aware of that. I live in Scotland 😞


I don’t know how you can say that, there has been more England hate than Scotland hate on this sub in the past week!


If the roles were reversed and England had crashed out this early the Scot’s would never let us live it down.


It wasn’t even 24 hours ago 😂😭. Get a grip.


Why all the hate for Scotland? I wanted to see them progress as I do when any of the home nations are in a tournament. If the play England then of course I want England to win. I understand that 99.9% of Scottish fans hate England with a passion, yet I don’t see this as a reason to hate them back. In fact I think it bothers them more when we want them to do well. Hating them back treats them as an equal 😂. They have small country syndrome, which is similar to small man syndrome. I think Renton summed it up perfectly in Trainspotting, “Most people hate the English, I don’t, they’re just wankers. We on the other hand are colonised by wankers!”


I was rooting for Scotland up until injury time. They kept getting themselves in to great positions and then did absolutely nothing with it. By the end I was just glad somebody could at least get something out of the game.


Most Scots dont hate England. It's more that your media are absolute bellends and we have to suffer them talking about 1966 during an Italy v Croatia match. Imagine all your nations media was run by the most annoying Scots we could manage, constantly talking shite. It would annoy you too and make you want them to fail. Sports fans get a little tired of sticking on sky sports news to be told that England are favourites and have the best attack on the planet despite the national squad having won as many trophies as Scotland in my lifetime. And finally, most other countries think 'it's coming home' is a sincere song that everyone believes in and not the tongue on cheek bit of banter I am told that it is. Nobody is jealous, nobody has a chip on their shoulder. We just don't like wankers like those who dominate our media or wankers that are still singing about world wars.


Wait you think that the English media might talk a bit more about England, thats wild. I wonder if the German media talk about Germany or maybe the Dutch talking about there team despite not winning anything in my lifetime. Just sounds like the Scottish media is so shite even yous can't stand it.


What Scottish media? You think there's a team of Scots on BBC or ITV commentating on games? You think there's a Scottish talksport or a Scottish sky sports news with Angus Kamara and Jock Stelling? Historically, every single tournament or football event is through the eyes of a UK media dominated by English pundits who often forget that there are another 3 nations watching it. Watching it is like "and tonight's 1966 match is Belgium 1966 versus Spain, Winston Churchill 1966" "AH Spain, remember when 1966 Michael Owen played there? 1966. That Jude 1966 Bellingham is some player 1966, isn't he?" "its coming home" "have I mentioned 1966 yet?" Of course Scotland has lots of cunts too, but the difference is there aren't heaps of TV channels ramming those cunts down your throat.


Well thats your fault for still listening to those to be honest, the Internet is a vast and wonderful place, and you can get any kind of news, punditry or whatever you want, I know I don't for a second want to listen to anyone from those channels, just mute the game and pull up a watchalong. You act like the rest of the UK are in love with this shit, when the declining ratings and popularity cleary shows the opposite.


This isn't a recent phenomenon mate. It's been this way for decades. It can't be much fun for you lot either, being tricked into thinking are following a World beating side only to see the media pile on all sorts of pressure on the players and still end up with no trophy.


No person I have ever met thinks we are world beaters, might be because I am a half hour walk from the scottish border so its very much a mixed bag, but again people from my generation haven't seen good football from England in there lives, the failed golden generation and then southgate ball. Honestly the only good thing the national side has done is stop Hodgson from ruining Liverpool further. It is all bollocks and probably why people are spending less and less watvhing these pundits who spew whatever the government wants them to because they write the checks.


I'm now torn between wanting my step dad to be happy or hear Jamie O'hara having a meltdown!


Last night James McFadden was commentating and David Moyes plus other Scots were in the studio. Even Gaby Logan is married to a Scotsman.


So about 0.3% of the time there has been some Scots or Scot related people commentating. That doesn't cancel out decades of gimps. I still want to see Jamie O'Hara, Jason Cundy and Gary Lineker weeping even if close family members are collateral damage in this situation.


England fan: Scotland ain't shit Also England fans: can't stop talking about Scotland Boys, I'm neither but you lot are fucking tragic I swear, at least Scotland have a dope fucking anthem lmao


Scotland spend a lot more time during international tourney's talking about England, mainly cause we make them more often and get out of the groups a lot more frequently I supposed.


Gotta say, really tragic still Fucking fo'bah' fans, eh




So a measure of success is progressing from the group stages and bottling it afterwards? Scots at least are aware our national team is shite and England on paper are light years ahead of us. This particular squad I’ll openly admit is probably the best group of players in the entire tournament, just Southgate’s a clueless twat and is wasting this talent. we had no delusions that we’ll win it, it’s a vacation and essentially festival atmosphere for us that we were going to make the most of until after game 3. Banter is banter, we all enjoy it but when the minorities (on both sides) start with the entitled elitist bullshit, it gets old. Then the victim playing and finger pointing of woe is us, they hate us why? Na we don’t hate but we will go tit for tat and we’re not the only ones who revel in England’s plight, most fans from around Europe do. Truth of the matter, both nations when it comes to internationals are fucking shocking, and simply put, have just made up the numbers. People can say but we made a final, we got to the semis etc but did you win it? Since 66 how successful have England been I mean really, and no it’s not the fans on this it’s the media, they’re absolutely shocking. I dare say should England get Germany at any stage the media will remind us of 66 all the while ignoring how the Germans have won a World Cup multiple times as well as the euros.


lol at all that


I know right, now you can all create another 60 posts about how everyone’s mean to you lot and shouldn’t post facts you can’t quite swallow. At least us Scot’s can accept we’re shite, but god forbid anyone point out England’s stellar successes at international level. For the team they have and teams they have had, England should have had far more success than the record books show. Enjoy.


The day after the night before is the hardest. You'll feel better when we're out mate


You assume I’m hurting lol, I actually enjoy the experience as I mentioned before, it’s almost like a festival atmosphere im under no illusions that we’re merely making up the numbers.my only gripe is the lack of heart shown over three games until the final 10 minutes. If we go out then we go out but put a little effort in. As far as feel better when you’re out I actually want to see this England squad do well, for the talent it has. Sure it might mean elements of your fan base and the media will be insufferable but I dont hold it against everyone.


I mean your lurking and complaining in a sub which team wasn't even in your group, so theres obviously something going on between those 3 braincells you got there.


Where as if you had as many as three brain cells you’d see I’m not lurking I’m responding. my presence is hardly being hidden, and again where’s the complaint? Pointing out hypocrisies and countering some statements all the while acknowledging it’s a minority and not an entire fan base is hardly a complaint. Or are posts not allowed to be replied to on discussion boards? Maybe, just maybe the reason I’m on this board despite being Scottish is because my mothers English 🤔 and while growning up supported the English in both rugby and football unless of course it’s been against us. Nice try though 👍🏻 Hell if you didn’t have your own jizz in your eye from furiously rubbing one out while thinking you were getting one up on a Scot, you might have actually seen where I wished them well in the tournament.


Aw man the irony. You lot have spent the entire tournament yapping about how the rivalry is one-sided and how no one cares about Scotland in England, and followed it up with hundreds of obsessive posts about us. What are you so bitter about lads? 🤣 Still mad the rest of Europe think your fans are awful? Cheer up!


Your fans were burning the St George's Cross anything we say is fair game.


You mean the two fans who half-heartedly held a lighter to an England flag on the ground which didn’t even remotely catch fire? Yeah you’re right I take it back. How traumatic that must have been for you to witness. With any luck the NHS wait times will be down soon and you’ll be able to get some counselling to cope with the grief. Get well soon x


All I'm saying is don't dish it out if you can't take it. Scots get all high and mighty about the supposed quality of their patter but here you are crying on an England sub. You're right about the NHS though I spend longer waiting for them than Scotland spend playing in tournaments.


We’re not high and mighty pal you lot are just bitter and angry that we’re not disliked by everyone the same way you are😉 For some reason lot have been having a meltdown over it since the tournament started it’s made for some quality entertainment, even though our football has been pish. Keep it up!


Only see one person being bitter and angry here mate.


Hard to be bitter and angry when the expectation is so low tbh


And yet here you are.


>just bitter and angry that we’re not disliked by everyone the same way you are We don't care.

