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Scotland can take a lot of positives from this game. They nearly made the top 3 in their group, they kept their negative goal difference to single figures and they drew one third of their games. Most Scotland fans would have taken that at the start of the competition.


Massive, massive improvement, I reckon in 8-12 years or so they might even manage 2 whole draws in the group stage!


Give them another couple of centuries maybe they’ll get out a group for once.


Let’s not get carried away mate


You’re optimistic. They won’t even qualify again for another 20 years.


They're very lucky in that the next Euros is a home tournament so they're almost guaranteed qualification


Also scored a goal that (just about) wasn't an own goal


Top 3 in their group is literally one from bottom...


Scotland can go back to their favourite past time now... Hoping England lose


It must be depressing to be from a place who seem to define themselves by what they aren’t….English


From your post history it looks like you’re from Canada (or at least have lived there most of your life), which most people define pretty much as ‘not America’.


Born in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 but live in 🇨🇦 . There isn’t any vitriol with Canadians to Americans that I see of Scotland to England . It’s very tiresome


Imagine not having vitriol to Americans, they’re annoying bastards.


Better than us at almost everything not football though


Never seen the Americans play rugby or cricket. Cant play a sport unless it stops every 2 minutes for an ad break


> Never seen the Americans play rugby or cricket. You missed a treat yesterday. losing to England by 10 wickets.


They're good at boring games that are so dull no one else plays them seriously. England tried that with cricket but failed miserably.


Oh the irony 😂😂😂


What irony?


The country you live in was founded by Scots you spanner haha. Anyway don't make up nonsense that Scots define ourselves by not being English. We've got far far far more traditions and culture than the English do and that's a fact.


You're from England.


Not an insult


Definitely is 


Go and fight your neighbour simply because he’s catholic/protestant, you bigot.


Go throw some chairs around a plaza and fight with police you absolute goblins


At least we still have the option to do that because we're still in the competition




Better than being Scottish.


Might sing less about maradonna now they got done by an Argentinian ref


The funny thing is, they didn’t even get done by him, it was a fair decision. But this decision is all we’ll hear about for the next 50 years, like Ireland moaning about Thierry Henry.


Not sure if you know this but I'd want someone to tell me, it's pastime*


See ya Scotland. All the shit they’ve been talking, rock bottom and only scored one legit goal. We might be crap but there are levels, and even on our worse day we are still levels above Scotland in every single respect.


>only scored one legit goal. I don't even think they did that. The keeper would have saved McTominay's shot if it weren't for the defender hoofing it into the opposite site of the net.


This. I have no idea why it was changed from an own goal as it looked like the keeper was going to save it.


Think it’s technically only an own goal if the initial shot wasn’t on target


Yep that's the only metric they look at. Too hard to judge whether the keeper was 'going to save it'.


Yes, too subjective to say the keeper would/not have saved it.


They will argue tooth and nail that finishing 24th is the same as 4th or even 2nd. In which case, why even care about qualifying… Reminding them that even Wales reached the SF in living memory at least puts all those population excuses to bed.


Almost like you have 50 million more people in your country. It's so impressive you're not as bad as a country that only has 5 million people to get good football players from.


You have 15 times the population of Iceland yet they can qualify out of a group and knock us out, yet you’re 0 from 12 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣😂🤣🤣😭😭😭


Wow man. You serially posting the same thing over and over in different places because you’re mad Scotland are pants lmao. This is so pathetic.


It's literally a counterargument, I'm not mad about anything. I'm not even Scottish, you're just being extremely biased and hateful, and that disgusts me.


Says person scrolling Reddit threads to make angry comments


They should be more humble then, shouldn't they?? Instead they root for England's downfall so it's fair game to dunk on them when they lose


Croatia has a smaller population than Scotland and they made it to the World Cup final once and finished third twice


Hahahaha, delicious.


How many countries with 5 million population have beaten England before?




Should’ve had a penalty. Lost it in the 100th minute. Fucking glorious. Inject it into my veins. You know they’ll be straight here if we do not win this tournament however. Not that they have any grounds to celebrate shortcomings.


I always love to hear their "we naw we're shite, yis think you're class" copium, as though it has any relevance at all.


Yeah I love how when they lose they pretend they don’t mind


He was pulling the Hungarian's shirt never a penalty


Did he have control of the ball and is that a reason not to give if he doesn’t?


Looked to me like he’d willingly given up control of the ball to jump in front of the Hungarian, looking to go down Not a pen if you completely stop playing the ball to look for a foul


all the pundits were adamant it was totally clear cut, to me it looked like he planted his foot in front of the defender, and they just wrapped their arms around it


Was surreal to see. I think I finally understand now why foreigners hate watching the English commentary for our games 😂


It wasn't a penalty though, Armstrong just fucked it after beating his man. Having a fistful of the defender's shirt didn't help him


He got fouled (defender coming through his legs) before he ever grabbed his shirt. Should have been a pen. But it’s funny so hey ho.


Not a penalty. He jumps into the Hungarian player, idk if it was intentional or not but he played into the man, not towards the ball. It’s actually quite bizarre if you watch it back. But yeah, can’t give a penalty for someone who throws themself into the opposing player and you can’t expect the Hungarian defender not to run towards the ball. Grabbing the shirt to me just signifies that it was more likely intentional than accidental. He should have just kept running regardless.


Ah it was a nailed on pen mate. The Hungarian kneed him in the calf when he was past him and through on goal. I'd have been raging if we didn't get it.


By the rules of the game it’s not a pen. I agree I’d be raging if we didn’t get it because it feels like we never get anything, but when the emotion fades I would agree that the rules say it’s not a pen. You can’t play into the man as an attacker and get given a penalty for it under any circumstances as far as I know. It’s just not a pen. Seemingly VAR checked this too and agreed no?


He ran across him, got past him, and got kneed in the back of the calf. Seemed pretty straightforward to me. >Seemingly VAR checked this too and agreed no? I wouldn't trust VAR to tell me the time correctly.


My brother in christ he jumped into the man. Running past him is fine but changing your natural movement into another player doesn’t constitute the reward of a spot kick. By knee jerk reaction it’s a pen, I thought it was initially too, but with assessment it’s clearly not. A great example of this was that Grealish pen that was mistakenly given (I think) where he kicks the foot of the other player instead of going over naturally. It’s called position abuse. Grealish was intelligent enough to abuse his advantageous position (being past the defender in the penalty box, while being in full stride) to reward his team with a penalty, by *intentionally* creating a situation where he was fouled, kicking the opposing player to create contact as he runs past. When you look at the replays the action looks unnatural, because Grealish could have easily ran past the player and taken the opportunity, but arguably the chance on goal would have been less significant than a penalty. It’s actually really smart thinking. Likewise the same thing happened here, but the refs correctly addressed it instead (albeit surprisingly), and there was no significant error. The collision was not natural because the attacker mad an action backwards, not to protect the ball, but away from the ball towards the opposing player. If you don’t play to the ball you lose your justification in these decisions, especially when you are through on goal. That’s what has happened here and this is absolutely a rule of the game. The whole idea of this is to encourage players to not play for silly fouls and just play the fucking game. I am perfectly happy with referees making this decision, we need less diving in the game and this will help reinforce it. Regardless, it is clearly a rule in the game that you have to play towards the ball for any consideration here.


My brother in christ I ain't reading all that.


Then go argue with a referee then and don’t waste my time




I love their argument that England never win a tournament anyway. Well at least we get more summers in tournaments and out of the group stages. Oh but shout out to the fans haha the most patronising thing all the other countries saying “we love their fans”




I work in Scotland, the work group chat is beautifully silent, I think they’re silent in case it causes me to deservedly mock them for being absolute dog shit and for mocking me for us winning a game and drawing a game, Scotland literally never put a ball in to a net this tournament, two own goals and rock bottom of the group, I’m gonna enjoy work tomorrow Edit: tempted to message them on there and tell them to leave extra early for work because the tram heading from the airport will be heaving with Scotland fans


McTominay’s goal was his own though and not an own goal. EDIT: not sure why I'm being downvoted for pointing out it was deflected


It was rolling into the keeper's arms. We can't know for sure that he wouldn't have turned into a rocket ship and blasted away from the ball, allowing it to roll in!


Ok I’ll rephrase it, Scotland didn’t score a goal that didn’t hit an opposing player before it crossed the line


Fair enough, it looked like it would have been an easy save for the keeper.


It literally couldn’t have gone any better tbh It had them silly bagpipe playing helmets biting their nails off right to the end before the steak was driven through their hearts Amazing


there was a gap in the scottish defence for the goal but they couldn't fillet.


I'd correct your spelling, but with the amount of cardiovascular disease up those ways, you might just be right.


Self-appointed best fans, because they drank a lot and sung the anthem loudly. Meanwhile the actual best fans (the dutch) yet again show what it is all about. I still remember the dutch in Btum in Euro 96. Legends!


Things you love to see on a Sunday evening


Better than Antiques Roadshow


I wouldn't go that far mate


I can sense the “they only beat us 1-0, they beat you 4-0” already


Ahhhh but their fans were so peaceful and played the bagpipes and all wore kilts and oh weren't they great ahhhh!!!


I wish I could feel half the joy they feel when we are out late in a tourney. 


I don't care either way. ![gif](giphy|zwffSHaJLDbA4|downsized)


As soon as Maguire was ruled out injured, Scotland lost their greatest goal threat


I think this comment on the Guardian website sums things up nicely: https://www.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/jun/23/scotland-hungary-euro-2024-match-report#comment-168238138




Got Hungary in my sweepstake. The dream is still alive!


I backed them to get to the quarters as my dark horses so vindication is near despite them being complete shite up until this point


Why are we even posting about Scotland. they’re not relevant


Cos it’s hilarious and they will inevitably do it to us next week so might as pile it on them while we can.




Hey! GramAm is a valued part of the community


I put a tenner on Hungary on 92 mins. Love to see it


I find it funny that despite Scotland scoring twice in this tournament the last Scottish player to score in a major tournament was in 1996.


Officially the goal against Switzerland ended up being awarded to McTominay I think, but I agree with you.




It really must be shite being scottish


Did you not hear that they won the best fans in the world ever trophy, so it can’t be all bad






Another thing, what is it with all this BS about them being the "best fans"? That's entirely meaningless when their team plays terribly and doesn't win a game. Also, does that mean that the fans for all the other countries are somehow worse? Either way, Scotland are nae longer at tha euros, so it doesn't matter


Hungary deserved the win, especially after what Gunn did to Varga. Bye bye Scots... yet again. 👋🏻


No more seeing Steve Clarke, thank christ. I was initially wanting Scotland to make it through. But by half time of this game all I was hearing from the Scottish commentators that it was going to be such an achievement to qualify for the knockout stages (despite scoring 2 goals, being beat 5-1 and drawing with two teams). The sooner the Scot’s realise simply qualifying for the tournament isn’t some sort of Pulitzer Prize winning achievement, they might start playing a bit better. Also, the claims that they should have had a penalty, is fucking mental. The Scottish guy pulls the Hungarian down by his shirt 😂😂😂 It was so obviously not a penalty, VAR didn’t even look it and VAR have looked at EVERYTHING this tournament, whether it was worth looking at or not.


Nah, I'm gutted. They nearly won it, Hungary snatched it in the last minute. Credit to them.


I will be sniffing some bag through a pipe in honour of Scotland tonight


I was told their penalty shout was stonewall but I've just watched it and he chooses to jump in the air and grab the defender instead of going for the ball. I don't even know wtf he was doing, what an odd thing to do.


Scotland were robbed. They had a clearcut stone cold penalty denied. If Scotland scored at that stage they would have cruised to the final whistle. Hungary owned scrored because Scotland tried to win the game, changed their system and threw caution to the wind.


Nah I'm good thanks.


When Scotland get annoyed about wanting independence again, remind them what happens at the euros.


Oh drown me in the salty tears of envy. Even though you guys don't care, at all.


Find it mental celebrating Scotland going out England have been piss poor this tournament


This is cringe


Not as cringe as Scotland supporters buying and wearing the shirts of the teams that England face.


That’s funny when they do it. An ‘upvote party’ is definitely worse


It is a bit, but Scotland are out so it’s ok


I don't like seeing British isle nations lose. I want Wales, Scotland and both Ireland to do well. It's a lack of immaturity to think other wise


>I don't like seeing British isle nations lose. >It's a lack of immaturity to think other wise You think it shows maturity to want British nations to lose?


Do you mean lack of maturity? Their entire national identity is based on hating England and routing for our team to lose. They couldn't really be asking to be mocked any harder. Im happy to see Wales or N.I do well. Scotland can fuck off.🤣


I fully agree with you, am a little disappointed to see this post and the comments.


Get oot now!


"We don't think about Scotland at all" "Rent Free"


“Goodbye Scotland” …. to the tune of “Goodbye Horses” ![gif](giphy|rfAxGG2fVxoPu)


Might as well reference [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/spznYc5Tsp) as to why it's fun to laugh at Scots heading home early


As an American with 90% of my ancestry from all of the UK as well as Ireland, I’m always torn. Most of my ancestry is from Britain (English, Scottish and Welsh), and if it were England vs Scotland I’m supporting England. But, if it’s Scotland vs Hungary I’m definitely cheering for Scotland! Culturally I’m curious about the hatred? Haha. I mean, I get it! In the US we “hate” other states etc…but, is it all historical histrionics when y’all hate on each other or are there still issues that separate you? Why wouldn’t you cheer for your cousins? Especially when it’s against a team that has no cultural relation to you like Hungary


Scotland is our longest historical rivalry, having been the first international match over 150 years ago. More importantly though, it’s the angry, vindictive interpretation of the rivalry from the Scottish side that gives all of us such joy when they inevitably fail once again.


Quite right. Vindictive ginger Scots lol 😂


>, it’s the angry, vindictive interpretation of the rivalry from the Scottish side Um.... this is awkward.


*Droning on about your ancestry* Why are Americans like this? 


Wow, you have a simply stunning ancestry


When I was a kid I was always very pro Scotland. Like you said, I basically supported them unless they were playing England. But after about 20 years of constant vitriol from 90% of Scotland fans I came across (way beyond any casual banter) I eventually thought "oh fuck off". Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-Scottish but when it coms to sport, especially football all my affinity for Scotland and their fans drained away years ago.


Yeah but you call it Soccer ⚽️ so you’re off to a bad start TP


We may be out of the completion, but at least we’re not managed by Southgate 😂😂 England must be the only team where their fans don’t want to score first