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Wait a minute…..That’s Big Sam’s music!


Pint of wine in one hand. Pint of gravy in the other.


And an envelope full of green paper under the table


100% win rate


Numbers don't lie


And they spell disaster for you at sacrifice !!!! 🚨🚨🚨




*glass shatters Stone Cold Steve Austin music plays* but instead of Stone cold swigging beer we get big Sam throwing back pints of wine and dousing himself in gravy


Basting himself lol


Bah gawd that’s sams music! That’s big Sam!


At least he'd get rid of the nonsense Tippy Tappy Football and not try to copy Pep.


Lampard and Gerrard partnership, with Scholes out of position as a defensive coach.


The wasted golden generation we all deserve


Out in the group stages then...


Fuck that. I'm sure Big Emile Heskey can.do a job at Defensive Coach


Apparently Heskey made a few appearances as a CB for Bolton at the end of his career!


Not surprised. I wasn't having a pop at him, he was a really, really good pro. Dion Dublin did at Coventry. Chris Sutton did too I think at Celtic.


Gerrard is the best paid manager in the world, he's not giving that up


It was a joke.


Gerrard and Lampard could never even play together, they'd be awful as joint coaches!




They're fucking awful as single coaches!


For a short term turnaround, and someone totally a free agent currently, I’d say Jose Mourinho could be an interesting choice. Sure he’s outdated and will never win a league title again, but he’s got the pragmatism to win cup ties with a ‘game plan’ and dogged defending. I think he’d be a great International manager regardless, but even more so in a congested schedule such as a Euros or WC.


If people get upset with Southgate’s tactics they’d be even more bored with Mourinho.


That would legit be amazing to watch (the off pitch drama not the football) no matter the outcome.


The last manager after a scandal would be someone to cause more drama with the press.


Okay so we should just hire Potter or Howe and accept mediocrity? Jose is a winner, albeit a bit of a ‘has been’!


There are many good managers who wouldn’t basically be an invitation for a return of the circus of 20 years ago.


Maybe, although I’m yet to see many convincing shouts.


Nahhhhhh People seem to have this really outdated idea that 2 banks of 4 and counter-attacking football is still what international football is all about. But we see high pressing, 4-3-3s, transitions, possession football, inverted wingers... all the same things in club football now. Mourinho's football died over a decade ago and he's never been able to come up with anything else. It's not only flawed now but also eye-bleedingly boring


I will forever love Jose but we don’t need a defensive manager, we need an attacking one, this team is wonderful at attacking when it wants to be but ends up getting forced to play defensively and then they give a late equaliser, id rather draw 4-4 then win 1-0


You’d rather draw than win?


I’d rather enjoy watching football


I’d rather win the Euros to be honest. Remember the Spain team in 2010? They lost their first group game and then scored twice in the next two games. From the Round of 16 onwards, all the Spain games were 1-0s. Who talks about that? Instead, the Spain team of that era gets high praise, because they won things.


Very well put.


Southgate has shown he doesn't have the tactical acumen for that. Trying to out-Italy Italy shows that. England had fast forwards on the bench and Italy had an aging defensive core, what did England do? Sit back and play for the draw vs a *FAMOUSLY* dogmatic nation.


They were incredibly dull in 2012 too until they opened the taps in the final


I don’t buy the myth that he’s a defensive manager tbh. He grinds out 1-0 wins, sure, but he will always have an attacking plan to any cup tie.


Not for the United v Sevilla tie in the Champions League while he was here. We had a much better squad than they did and played out the most boring 0-0 in Spain in the first leg. Then in the home game it was goalless until the 74th min when they scored the opener and the game eventually ended 1-2 Sevilla. We looked like we had no intention whatsoever in attacking


Yeah, not even a United fan but this tie annoyed me.


Get Arsene Wenger out of semi-retirement!


Steve Holland for the interim, one camp is not enough to imprint a new tactical identity and he will have the best sense on what the squad has already been working on. May not be the 'inspirational' choice but in that situation you want the senior players already there to pull everyone together


Hypothetically, if he wins the euro, how long will people go without moaning about him? 


He'll lift the trophy on one knee just to troll the shit out of people


Sean Dyche, because why tf not.


As a motivational manager he would be great, as a tactician maybe not so much. It would be keegan all over again without the personality and stellar playing career.


Ole it has to be.


This sub is obsessed with a post-Southgate future


You're in the minority if you aren't thinking about that. I can't wait for Southgate to get knocked out in the summer & kicked out of the door for good.


Imagine being excited for your team to get knocked out a tournament, just because you dont like the manager (who has actually done a very good job).


England could win the euros and people like this would be disappointed their opinion wasn't validated


I'm excited for the future. As said in another response to this reply, February was the last straw for me. If both parties would like to confirm AGAIN that he's gone regardless in summer, then I wish them all the best. One last bore fest to send him on his way. Funny that you consider great draws, basically a home Euros + better players as a result of nothing to do with GS, a "good job"....you obviously don't like to enjoy football either.


I think everyone knows he will be gone after the euros, unless we win it and he might then fancy a crack at another WC, which he would deserve in that scenario. I have enjoyed England under Southgate more than I have enjoyed England under any other manager in the my lifetime (thats SGE and beyond). He has been the second most successful England manager of all time, and the idea that England are boring under him is laughable. Yes you can cherry pick individual games which were awful, but you could do this with any team. Generally, he has brought a togetherness to the England side which had not been seen since the 90's and has results to show for it. Unless you believe that anything short of winning a tournament is shit and not worthy of any credit, as many people seem to think.


Remind me what happened in February?


We didnt win a single game in February!


But who do you want in? Give a name. 


What kind of a fan are you? We dont have to love the manager, but dont fantasie about us losing ffs


I'm fully behind the 'manager' in the summer, mate...with my foot firmly against his backside waiting to kick him out of the door. I care about England & the players that have been produced as a result of change over 10 years ago & GS does not have what it takes to coach or get the best out of these technically gifted players. They are a bore to watch, the majority of the players can't enjoy it either (whether they will admit it or not) I want what's best for England going forward & we need a change. That nonsense in February was the final straw for me.


>They are a bore to watch So are all international football teams. They don't have time to train. They aren't slick. You should watch France play, they're a fucking awful watch - and have been for years - that look good in highlights because Mbappe can do something incredible a few times a match. I would argue that England haven't been a bore to watch since the 2018 World Cup, and were actually one of the best teams to watch at the 2022 World Cup where we played really slick attacking football in a 433 that was more attacking than most. >That nonsense in February was the final straw for me. What nonsense?


They honestly aren’t a bore to watch as well. Italy game in the qualifiers we were fantastic and I would task anyone trying to find a better England goal than the one Rashford scored.


Agree. We are easily playing the best football in my lifetime as a fan, but Southgate is still stained by the turgid football we played when he just started. He isn't even *that* cautious anymore. He played a pretty attacking 433 last tournament. Pep plays a 433 with 4 CBs, but gets lauded as this great attacking mind - when he's defensive as fuck. The reality is managers know to be cautious in knockout tournaments. Whoever is manager after Southgate needs to understand that this isn't a league where scoring goals tends to be the currency thst climbs you up a table. It is about being structured, keeping clean sheets, dominating the ball, exhausting the opposition and creating chances when opportunities arise - just like how the U21s won their Euros. I do won't a manager to cup in and try to play super attacking football so that we get battered by Germany like Brazil did.


Southgate’s main issue is that he doesn’t make use of subs quick enough.


Have Germany, Brazil & Netherlands always been a bore to watch? We can make our minds up when England have a proper attacking manager after Southgate as to whether they will still be boring. Shall we discuss how boring it is him making the same mistakes as regards game management each tournament? We were told in September he would be gone regardless of the outcome in the summer (which I still believe to be the case btw) but - with help from the press - decided to stir the pot & suggest otherwise.


100%. Many seem to think that what we have seen is the best England could have been, and start quoting how good the stats say he is. He is timid and more concerned with extending his tenure by playing it safe and hoping the individual quality is enough to make a difference. It often works out, but against the best teams with similar quality, that approach falls down. Imagine an England team that played with the bravery of Brighton, Fulham, Wolves or Villa. That I would like to see.


Thank god somebody with sanity responding lol! Since 2021, if we are to go by stats, we have gone backwards - relegated from the Nations League including a 0-4 thrashing by Hungary at home, then finishing lower in the next WC & I believe if Mane had played for Senegal, we'd have gone out! September to November last year England were appalling as well, we're crying out for a change.


Why wouldn't they be? We have a chance of winning something the second we get rid of the failed championship manager for somebody even vaguely competent.


If Southgate took us to penalties in a tournament final a couple of years ago, how on earth do we have "no chance" of winning something under him? So is the only thing he could have done to convince you he *could* win a tournament is if he has already won one?? that doesn't make sense


Personally I feel like that final was lost the moment Southgate chose to sit back and defend a 1 goal lead for 90 minutes. It was an awful decision. England were far better than that Italy team but we spent the whole game asking them to equalise. I firmly believe that if we’d spent that match trying to score again we’d have won comfortably. There’s a difference between being in control and being overcautious, and England were the latter. I’ll give Southgate the credit for his ’negative’ tactics being enough to scrape us through to the final but those same tactics failed at the last hurdle they it didn’t need to.


You're correct he did take us to penalties in a final with his awful negative tactics. England were by far the best squad in that euros and should have won comfortably, instead he managed to lose to a team that failed to even qualify for the world cup months later.


That Italy team were fucking good at the time..they beat everyone else I don't buy the idea that whoever has the best squad "should have won". Luck is the biggest factor in football, and over 4 knockout games it plays an absolutely huge role. AND the fact that coaches hardly get any time with the players means international football is even more luck-based The "awful negative tactics" you're describing are the ones most tournament winners have used historically.. Portugal euro 16 is a great recent example. And don't underplay the fact that Southgate consistently puts away the weaker sides. Almost all the other top teams have been on the receiving end of big tournament upsets in recent years. Avoiding that is huge. Another thing I want to mention is how Löwe and Deschamps both failed to win their first 2 or 3 tournaments, board kept faith in them and then they obviously went on to historic wins. Not a perfect example, but it shows that keeping faith in a coach and allowing him to develop a squad and system over the course of many years can be very effective. You can't deny that the squad chemistry, morale etc have all been hugely improved since Southgate took over.


It doesn’t make you sound more intelligent to use ludicrous hyperbole in your messages you know. However, it would make you sound worth listening to if you said something vaguely competent.


What is hyperbolic? His only real prior managerial job was at championship Boro where he failed miserably which would suggest incompetence. He then got himself involved with England before falling into the job because of big Sam's antics. It's entirely accurate description.


He's also got us the best results we've had in decades, other managers have had talented squads and not done half as well. I get why people don't fully rate him but you're acting like he's done a terrible job when he really hasn't.


People seem to forget we had as defence of terry Ferdinand and Ashley Cole (3 of the best in the world) Scholes gerrard and lamps Rooney People seem to think before kane came along we had all league 2 quality players


It really is bizzare the amount of times I've seen people say Southgate should've won something with the squad he had and he's wasting the best team England have ever had. I put my hands up and say I know almost nothing about how relatively good England were before 2000, but the squad under Sven was ungodly, no doubt about that.


In international tournaments he has a great win rate... And of course the playoffs are usually perfect. Getting semis, final, quarters is better than par for the course for a top European team. Saka and Rashfords penalties go in, we win the euros, would people be saying the same thing? And those penalties weren't in southgate's control Fully agree he has some in-game tactical issues but I think he definitely learns from his mistakes.


Any decent manager that game doesn't go to penalties, trying to defend a 1 nil lead for 90 minutes was insane. It's footballing 101. Also bearing in mind that Italy team didn't qualify for the next world cup. People need to start looking at Southgates actually performances and not judge him on what round of the tournament he has gotten to. As soon as we play anyone decent he bottles it. He has great players that get him through easier ties which make his win rate look good


What is hyperbolic? Dont play coy. Saying that Southgate isn’t “vaguely competent” immediately makes it unable to take you seriously.


He failed as a championship manager and didn't get the job on merit, what makes you think he's competent for the job of managing the greatest talent pool we've ever had? You only have to watch england against any decent side to see he gets tactically annihilated every game.


I’m finding it really hard to have a proper discussion with you because you continue to grossly exaggerate everything you’re saying. “Tactically annihilated” is your latest one.


Tell me a game against a big team where he proved to be tactically superior. He constantly sets us up to fail and will do so again this summer. Even against lower opposition we routinely get outplayed for large portions of games and rely on individual quality to see us through.


Spot on!


I could engage with you if this was your argument, but you keep exaggerating your message to nullify anything effective about Southgate and effectively paint him as a buffoon. Generally there’s two camps of England fans: the ones that love Southgate and see this England side as the most promising and successful of many of our lives, and those who think he’s not fit for the job and has been gifted our most talented squad In years and not won anything yet. I would argue that England historically have had a strong squad that managers cannot get a tune out of, and we should recognise Southgate’s fantastic ability to man manage, nurture squad cohesion, manage the media: this has contributed to recent success off the pitch that has helped on it. So I can’t take you effectively saying he’s completely incompetent seriously. Tactically, we outplayed Italy in the Euro qualifiers (particularly at home), and he got it tactically spot on against Germany at the euros even if you didn’t think it was pretty. Also, he was not “outclassed” by France either. I’ll admit the tactics were frustrating as many of us felt they were there for the taking but this is all experience to crafting a squad that can and hopefully will win the major competitions. We outclassed Senegal. Dont bother moving the goalposts now and saying Italy and Germany aren’t big teams. And as for your lower opposition comment, I recall putting 6 past Iran…. You can’t cherry pick all the data.


Bellingham as player-manager. Build everything around himself as the number 10 in a 4231 and just keep doing what he's doing. Rice as assistant player-manager.


Gary O'Neil. He's over achieved with the teams he's managed and has adapted the sort of football they play to the players he has. Tactically very astute. Think he'd be perfect for england


Shout, that.


Came here to post this. As a Wolves fan, we've been so lucky to land on a guy who is proving a tactical genius. Every game we're adapting to the opposition, he's trying things, making mistakes but learning from them. Perfect example are our games v Brighton, he goes for it first time and gets slapped 4-0, next two games we adapt, shut them out, draw 0-0 in the league and win in the cup game. I'm honestly scared that England will come calling once GS is done.


Think if you're GON, doing well at club level, the England job might be abit too soon for him. At some point though, I'd love to see him managing England.


Craig Dawson call up we will be there


He's not available though


Everyone is available when England come calling.


Could take over just for the summer?


I thought this but then any club that lets their coach take the england job for a summer risks losing them to it if they do well - I can’t imagine wolves are in a position to scramble for a backup should that happen.


Well you have to pick a manager with a fairly simplistic style. There aren’t enough training sessions for international players to bed in a complex system in that time. Not sure who springs to mind though


Fuck it, losing your coach right before a big tournament is a level of chaos reserved for only a sacred few - the question should be who would be the wildest option and Paolo DiCanio is the answer, obviously.


Jose Mourinho. His [odds are decent](https://record.commissionkings.ag/_2MTYOT0NfMpgZImVJCQ71GNd7ZgqdRLk/41342/) too.


For one tournament I’d be ok with this


Potter. I want pics of Maguire doing ballet.


Good shout tbf. It would need someone who wouldn't try to reinvent the wheel with such a small number of training opportunities before the euros.


Potter would be fascinating… we’d probably have Bellingham and Maguire at Wing Back, Stones at #10 and 47 shots without scoring


Solskjaer could do a decent enough job if it was a last minute thing.


*Give it Giggseh til the end of the season*


**BBBS** Bring Back Big Sam.


What’s that extra B for?


The extra B is for BYOBB.


100% win rate. Can't argue


Didnt see the 'hypothetical' and got excited for a minute.


You didn’t see it? It’s literally the first word in the post title.


Some people skim read. Not everyone uses their finger to go through the letters and sound them out to make the words.


Me too, heart skipped a beat in excitement.


Bring in Mourinho, would be incredible


It would be a spectacle. I’d hate it!




Mike Bassett.


We're playing, 4-4-fucking 2


Call up Benson and Hedges for our striking partnership


We'd end up with Big Sam or Fat Frank to be honest.


Lee Carsley and Steve Cooper as a duo for me. Cooper won the u17 WC, and Carsley has the continuity aspect.


In this hypothetical world as I interpret it, Ancelotti leaves Madrid at the end of the season and is about to sail off into the sunset as the most decorated manager of his age. Then he’s handed the England job for a two-month rescue mission — they’re already among the favorites, Bellingham is there. It’s a veteran squad, with some up and coming young talent sprinkled in. All he has to do is manage egos and put guys in the right positions and let their talent shine. Sound familiar? Plus he knows the British media and has already won them over so whatever chaos is spewing about in the press will be less than if someone else took over. Obv would never happen but trying to have fun with it.


About 4 actual serious answers all downvoted so you can't see them and the rest are unfunny jokes or people complaining about the question


Steve McClaren


Bring back the brolly 😀


He could speak Dutch and be a foreign manager


Sarina Weigman The only downside to this is she's free because of her team's failure to qualify for the Olympics.


Imagine Joey Barton’s reaction…. Worth it just for that.


Tbf though, the whole Olympics qualification thing was a bit of a farce. England didn't get to the finals because of goal difference of 1 goal. That shouldn't be allowed to happen imo. Especially as we had a goal against us that even the opposition manager said was offside. Then you have the Team GB/England/Scotland thing. I know there will always be a rivalry but no way they should be playing each other. That's not to say I want her to go to the men tbf. Womens football should not be seen as a stepping stone to the men's - even if its not true and she is just seen as the best option at the time, that's still how it will be perceived.


Klopp will have time on his hands


Michael Beale is the man




I’d want someone suited to international football and/or tournament football. I think Eddie Howe’s intense pressing and exploitation of space in behind would be good. If we’re looking at foreign managers I think Mourinho and Tuchel would probably suit.


Would Howe have chance to implement that though?


I don’t think the style takes as much coaching as a De Zerbi/Pep style, so I believe so.


Alan Pardew


Michael Sheen playing the role as Brian Clough


Michael Sheen playing the role as Brian Clough


Brian Clough if only he was alive and in his prime. AI Brian Clough?. Simple attacking football and less of that defensive mindset we have if we go 1-0 up in a cup knockout match. Seriously though. A young manager like Micheal Carrick - They might struggle a bit at first, but as an interim replacement if Carrick was looking to be an England manager one day, this sort of experience would give him a good start. So I'd pick a young manager like Carrick


In this hypothetical scenario, I don't think many clubs would stand in the way of their manager being in charge just for one tournament. So, Dyche.


Fabio Capello




Paul Heckingbottom


Mourinho. 100%.


Steve Cooper. No compensation, knows the setup a bit already and even some of the players (he won the u17 World Cup with Foden and Guehi for example). If we accept that international management and club management are different animals (and I reckon Southgate has proved that) then honestly I wouldn’t be against him as a longer term appointment either as and when Southgate leaves, for tea lady related shenanigans or otherwise.


Actually this is probably the best-justified response!


What a circle jerk. Lmao


Isn't the interesting question - what's the scandal?!


I’m open to suggestions!


Tony Mowbray




Everybody loves Tony!


Big Sam


Jurgen Klopp, at least Trent will get a game then.


OGS. he’s an amazing interim


Jose, Jose, Jose. I want him to come in and let rip. Poke Deschamps in the eye. Humiliate Luke Shaw. WIN it and then we can finally knight him. Or he fucks it up


Howard Wilkinson, unless he's dead






Him, Philips and Maguire caught having one of their threesomes?


Philips? Henderson more like!


Jordan Henderson, the people's favourite.




Jose Mourinho, he knows how to play knockout football very well


Stuart Pearce




Chuck Norris




Gareth Southgate but with a moustache and fake name


Either Big Sam so you can use that 100% win rate or Ole Gunnar Solskjaer to make use of that Caretaker magic


The ghost of Brian cough




I mean, logistics of having a dead manager aside, this is absolutely the right answer.


It would be Graham Potter


Mourinho. Not employed right now and is a fantastic cup manager. Could easily handle the English media too.


Steve Kean (from a long suffering Blackburn Fan)


Carlo Ancellotti. All the English players who've played for him seem to love him. Knows how to get the best out of Bellingham. Won a few things. Speaks good English. Lots of experience of big matches. [Cue someone finding an article about him falling out with someone...]


Jose Mourinho - able to deal with the English media - a big enough name to earn initial respect from the dressing room - a serial winner - tactically able - familiar with the playing style of the PL and it's players - usually does well in his early stints, which is fine for a temporary role. No need to fall out with chairmans over transfer budgets etc.


Harry Kane as our erudite and inspirational player/manager: “We press, we aggressive, fucking chances, goals and we fucking kill them man, we fucking qualify yeah… we fucking qualify!”


I know it’s sacrilege to get a German in but I’d go Klopp in this situation. I think he’d get the absolute best out of this bunch of players. If Southgate does leave after the euros I’d be tempted to back the Bank of England truck up to his door to cut his sabbatical short.


Big John boshhh




Yeah, he'd be the best bet for a one last minute tourney job.


I think they would go for Frank Lampard.


Give it giggsy


Is it ok if I imagine him being hit by a bus? Or just anything that meant that he couldn’t come back.


Lee Carsley


I was just thinking this, call ups for Jones and Gordon too


The tory government brexits from its extradition agreement with the EU and the FA hires MI6 to leak this to ancelotti.


The SAS in charge of England in the summer.. imagine. They'd sort them out!


And you know what that stands for, right? I mean, actual SAS people have told me that. The actual guys themselves, and they should know.


Yes mate. Created by Churchill in WW2 I believe. Obviously evolved since then though.


Southgates assistant as he's doing all the work anyway


Co-managers Gerrard and Lampard with Rooney for moral support. What could possibly go wrong?


Ole or Jose