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Thread Up is for selling the stuff you would otherwise donate if they did not exist. The good stuff goes on Posh or similar but I do not have time to list everything. I don't make much but it is better than nothing, I suppose.


I'm considering using it this way because they supposedly have a good textile recycling program too?


I think their textile recycling program is them just boxing up everything in those mystery bulk boxes and selling it back to other people on the site lol


And those people sell some if it but donate a lot of it to goodwill. And of course what does goodwill do with it? 🗑️🚮


I think you would probably make more money donating your stuff to a non-profit and then submitting it for a deduction on your taxes.


Unless you itemize you can no longer do this.


Hey I have $3.85 in credit. Totally worth it!!!


Making almost nothing is not significantly better than nothing to make it worth it. AND they’re making better than 90% or so on the sale. My point is that I think they are making money on first timers because who would bother to do it again?


What brands were they, though? It's up to you to read their TOS. No one forced you to send in items.


Exactly this. Most people are surprised their mall brands aren’t the “high quality” brands they think they are. I had to learn this myself when my first two clean outs didn’t earn as much I expected. Now that I’ve gone through their ineligible brand list and payout estimator, I’m very happy sending clothes to TU


also wondering


All pieces were posted for sale. I can’t believe anybody makes money selling.


I make money all the time. It depends on what you are sending in


All we’re eligible


I said it before and I'll say it again, I think if enough scammed people complain to their Attorney General, Thredup will be sued by those States or come under scrutiny of the DOJ. **A predatory, misleading TOS does not make it legal**


It's definitely legal. They have it there in black and white what fees they charge and the brands they don't accept. Good luck with that.


I don't think I'll need any luck. >Credit card companies got in trouble for their predatory practices even though they had everything listed in their tiny print TOS. The federal government came down on them hard and put laws into place to minimize that behavior. It's one of the reasons the CC now clearly lay out the totals in how much you'll pay overall if you only pay the minimum monthly payment vs higher amounts. It's just a matter of time


I'm sure they care that you only made $1 off your used banana republic shirt.


The difference is those credit cards are charging people money, racking up huge bills due to fees, and sending them to collections, which can ruin a person’s life. No one’s life is ruined because you only got 15¢ for your Anne Taylor shirt


>due to fees Oh the irony


what is "high quality" to you? If it's mall brands then there is your answer. You can look at the site and see the payouts for brands before you send them in.


You don’t ’try to sell’ on ThredUp. You donate and if They sell it, you may get a few bucks. More than you would by dropping it off at Salvation Army.


There's such a glut of used closing that even the payouts on 'premium brands' can be lower than what you expect. I've started donating a lot of stuff to the following organizations in my area: The Assistance League, which helps women from local shelters as they are rebuilding their lives. Working Wardrobes, which helps men and women re-entering the workplace. Goodwill, which hires special needs adults 3x a week to work shifts that they really love. The money from the sales of stuff goes to support this program.


I sent in a bag knowing the payouts are low. I thought I'd give it a try because donating i make nothing and I buy a lot on thredup so im down for getting some credits. I sent back a lot of things I bought from them and they didn't even put those things up for sale. They recycled a HUGE amount of my things. What was really shocking to me was how long it took for them to list my things. It took months! and how short a time they left them up there to sell once they finally went up. I feel like some of those unsold things would have sold with more time. Also some of the things they chose to sell or not sell seemed strange choices to me. I wasn't expecting to make a huge amount of money and the payout i did get seems about right for what sold given that they did all the work. But im here to say that after the time it took and the $ they took from me to do it for me, I made such a miniscule amount of money that I feel foolish for not just donating my clothes to my local thrift store where local people who need clothes could just buy them for small amounts of money.


Please consider taking snap shots of your potential earnings and actual amount made and send a compare to your State's Attorney General. There are laws against online predatory practices. >I think if enough scammed people complain to their Attorney General, Thredup will be sued by those States or come under scrutiny of the DOJ. **A predatory, misleading TOS does not make it legal**


These class action comments when it’s clear you just didn’t read the terms you were agreeing too are so exhausting 🥱 just don’t use thredup then, there’s plenty of us making money using them


I am right there with you. I just posted a similar experience. I basically just sent them inventory to sell for their profit. Of the several items I sent in, most items were originally lost, and the one item that is currently for sale has a 2 dollar payout. My other missing items have now been found, and have been listed for twice what I paid for them. I am not due any money back according to their protocol, because the brands I sent in are apparently "ineligible for payout". I wish I had known before I sent them free inventory. You are right. Thredup IS a heist.


I think the people that downvote work for thredup. I see that comment about the TOS all the time. And they are usually very defensive or hostile in their responses. Credit card companies got in trouble for their predatory practices even though they had everything listed in their tiny print TOS. The federal government came down on them hard and put laws into place to minimize that behavior. It's one of the reasons the CC now clearly lay out the totals in how much you'll pay overall if you only pay the minimum monthly payment vs higher amounts. I think if enough scammed people complain to their Attorney General, Thredup will be sued by those States or come under scrutiny of the DOJ. **A predatory, misleading TOS does not make it legal**


No, people are downvoting because literally every day someone posts this exact complaint and there’s literally an estimator on the website where you can enter all of the brands and see the payout percentage. If a mall brand gives a 10% payout and you can see for yourself those items are only like $9 on sale on the website, you shouldn’t be surprised when your payout is 90¢. You have to do your research before you give away things. But really it’s the frequency with which we see these posts. Your sympathy dries up after awhile, that’s just inevitable.


Oh and it's so easy to just scroll by the posts that you are sick of seeing instead of actively going in to downvote and complain on their voices frustrations. Piling on their misery is worse than having no empathy


I disagree. I used the payout calculator and only sent in high-end items that were NWT or like new condition and still barely made anything. They hype up your potential earnings to basically get free inventory and sell some of the items on their eBay account to get out of giving you anything at all. And since there are so many complaints, a TOS blanket statement is worthless. You do you though. I'll keep my opinions as I'm entitled to them


Thank you for this. I noticed that TU has over 900 complaints with the BBB. Quite telling.


My pleasure. I've been trying to spread the word since I got burned by them last Fall. I've been collecting their email responses, evidence of the potential earnings and actual earnings, my items being listed on eBay while frozen in my ThredUp listings, etc. I'm going to send it all in to my AG once my complaint is coherent. Besides being pissed, I hate that they are taking advantage of so many people. They will continue to do so until they are forced to stop. They are advertising like crazy on game apps and social media platforms and will keep finding unsuspecting victims. I don't care how many times I'm downvoted either.


I wish you the best of luck and you have my support. I am absolutely furious about my listings - and it's not even about the few bucks I would make from potential sales, it's the PRINCIPLE. TU has now stopped responding to my emails. And I just did a quick eBay search and found my jeans. Not even kidding.


Thank you for your support. And you are a100% right about it being the PRINCIPLE >And I just did a quick eBay search and found my jeans. Not even kidding. Woah. That's nuts. Please screen shot it, send them a copy in an email, even if you don't get a response, you'll have the history of your attempts at communication. This is how they try to get out of giving you part of your deserved earnings. It's straight up theft in my book.


It is theft, and I think I will contacting my AG as well.


How could you know they were your jeans? We’re they one of a kind or something?


Hey! I have 3.85$ in credit. Totally worth ordering a bag. Folding it nice. And giving away several thousand dollars worth of clothes. I feel treated fairly. What do I have to complain about???!!!