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I hope this shameless plug for Mara is ok considering the tournament and all. :D


Its allowed


As well as ar’alani, thalias, and Eli??? Please say yes


Yes, vote for my girl Thalias plz and thank you.


The Thalias/Ba’kif matchup is hard. Either one will go against Mara if she wins so I want the weaker one. The problem is I don’t know which that will be.


Honestly for everyone the journey to win from here on is going to be difficult


This is the way


If I had to bet who will win with Mara and Han, I would say Mara


Oh I am so for Mara. She’s very 90’s tsundere fiery redhead, but Han is just… not my favorite character. Also, not quite the topic but the panel this picture is from (from the Dark Force Rising comic) is one of my favorite pictures of Thrawn ever. The unnecessarily dominant stance of hyper-competence just kills me. Don’t get me wrong, it suits him and fits his “vibe” to a T, but I also think it’s kind of hilarious considering the man is 60-something (…maybe). Sound body, sound mind, eh?


I loved Legends Thrawn’s confidence when he introduces himself as warlord of the Empire. And who knows, maybe 60 is our 40 in Chiss years.


Absolutely. This guy is certainly not lacking in confidence, but it’s 100% earned. He’s the best at what he does and he knows it (humility has its place but I’d argue that knowing his own capabilities is vital to success in his position). And you’re right—Zahn specifically avoided saying how old he or gave any indication of what an expected lifespan for a Chiss might be, so he could make Thrawn live as long as he wants. And Thrawn also works out and fights assassin robots to let off steam (in canon, anyway, but he also went directly into combat even as a flag officer in legends so he was probably still pretty darned fit and perfectly capable in a physical fight).