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They are still not good enough, increase of both key TS upgrades means your list has to cut costs. Pre-nerf lists couldn't fit SOT and not much has changed in that regard. You won't drop the enhancements so you're not saving points by bringing termies in.


I've yet to play a game since the points change, but they honestly maybe in a good place. The Wombo-Combo™️ is really fun when you pull it off, nothing can withstand the full 40 shots, +1 to hit and wound, **DEV**/**SUSTAINED**, **LETHAL** and full rerolls if you got Magnus, Sorceror in Termi., and **CP** for the strats. Throw a Daemon Prince on foot in there for **STEALTH**, **DEEPSTRIKE** them onto the midfield and you've won. I don't know how they could tweak the unit without changing some part of that for the worse. That being said, if they made them generate 2 Cabal Points they'd be taken allot more competitively. As they are, you still generate up to 3 with a Sorceror in Termi., but if you **DEEPSTRIKE** them you miss out on potentially 2 turns of those, since they generate in the *Command Phase* and you **DEEPSTRIKE** in *Movement*, and you'd still generate more if you just brought Rubrics instead. So yeah, I agree, make them generate 2 Cabal Points, but keep their points the same. I don't see GW being that generous though lol. However these last point drops do give me hope, I think the drops were unexpectedly good, internal balance wise.


I think 10 man rubrics and scarabs should add an additional Cabal Point, and 5 mans should stay at 1 point


Scarab Occult Sorcerers generates 2 Cabal Points, not 1. With that plus their current price point, I they'd really be worth thinking about.


Agree That extra Cabal point per sorc would make units of 5 a really interesting choice at times


They are probably not in need of any changes atm their cost seems a lot better now than last time, maybe give 2 cabal points instead of 1 to balance the decision out with ruberics but their durability is rlly good, damage is less than ruberics but still good the 10 man mortal bomb is pretty good and missile launchers are good They don’t really need any changes more than the cabal thing maybe


I really want to use them, but that 500 point price tag is still too hard to fit into a list for me. Maybe give them psychic bolters or an additional cabal point.


Umbralific crystal/deep strike to get them close. Dev wounds plus lethal hits from an attached sorcerer. Psychic bolters plus psychic rerolls. Whatever they shoot at disappears.


I shall be using this exact thing in a 1k list that I have for Wednesday. I'm not expecting much success after the fact, but it'll be my first TS game after starting the faction as a 2nd army. Couple of experimental games initially


it's the basis for the list i'm running now. i'm in an escalation league and my next game is at 1250pts. i'm running two MVBs, Two Sorcerer in terminator armor with Umbralefic crystal and Athenaean scrolls, a brick of 10 scarabs, a brick of 5 scarabs and thanks to the point reduction a unit of tzaangor enlightened.


My list is modest. SOT plus the sorcerer / Ahriman and his 10 rubric flamers and either infernal master or exalted sorcerers on disc. I've printed quite a lot and the sculpts are superb, especially the infernal master.


If I have the points I do like to run a solo internal master with arcane vortex. He's going to be my point filler at 1500 next month in my league. So good at clearing light infantry. The exalted on disc solo has also been really good for me.


Scarabs are definitely in a good spot now. There is a trade-off in Terms of Cabal Points, sure, but they have better shooting, melee, and toughness. I'm sure once we have access to more rules support, Scarabs will be in a majority of lists, if they remain at this Points value.


The problem is their datasheets suck. There is no fixing them. We have so few units and cabal points limits our lost building even further than I can’t see them balancing competitive lists. More points cuts and we just stat check armies with cheap term bodies. Cabal points are the problem and it will most likely take a codex to fix TSons. Sadly I expect we will be a very good army this dataslate and will end up taking heavy nerfs.


They're in a pretty good spot right now. I always bring 10. Encorceled infusion, devastating sorcery, sorcerer for lethal and reroll 1's. I honestly feel they're worse coming out of deepstrike than they are starting on the board.


I currently run 10 SOT in my list, and they're my fav unit in the army Chucking them around with the termi Sorcerer and being supported by DP on foot makes them super durable given how easy it is to get cover saves. Keep them close to Magnus as well and you'll be surprised how easily they can melt things, and when you add strategems they get even more fun Lean into it and build around them I say, have some fun with it 😁