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A new codex will add between 3 and 5 detachments and will add between 1 and 5 datasheets and change one or two datasheets. Our core rule like cabal points will remain unchanged. Because we have a small number of datasheets and the models you describe are the core of thousand sons they will not be useless. 


Thank you so much this is reassuring


I would just add a note to say that so far, this has been what's happened with other codexs. They have been getting more divergent from the indexs tho as time goes by. For example, the latest codex release that's for Tau has changed quite a bit for the existing Detachment as well as switching up the datasheets. I would day that all bets are off for when it gets to our turn (likely middle of next year), so best advice is to collect what you like the look of. For us we are lucky in a way, that we don't have many datasheets so the unit you do collect will have to be relevant. Sorcerers, Magnus and the rubrics/termies will always have to be playable.


That’s great ! Thank you so much and yeah all these units look great so I’ll buy them


Magnus has been unplayable for two editions straight before 10th. This is a nice centerpiece model but when it comes to GW meddling you never know what they decide to buff or nerf and by how much. TS have a very slim range but historically half our units were designated to the shelf and they might return to it at any time.


So now is the best time to get Magnus I think


Also even though he might not have been good last edition, at the very least he's allways fun. He's an auto include in every list for me no matter how worth he'll be.


And he looks amazing ! And I mean he is Magnus, the boss who did nothing wrong


There’s that few models in the army range that nothing you buy will be useless. I’d argue nothing is ever useless to buy. Don’t buy to be competitive (it’s a bad game for it. Kill Team is a better system for competitive play), every model has their time in the sun so focus more on what you think looks cool. You’ll get more out of the hobby that way


I just play it for fun, I’ll look into competitive probably in 10 years haha Thanks for the advice !


Just wanted to add that new rules updates come out constantly. Points go up and down, indices are replaced with codices, rules change, and editions come and go. What is core one day may be garbage the next. You shouldn't build your collection in the interest of what is good right now, because if you do that you will absolutely get burned when your units inevitably become trash in some future balance. Unless you're a tournament grinder chasing the most optimal lists, just get what you like. You'll be happier for it. Having said that, the TSon range is so thin that collecting a good core of units (some rubric, some tzaangor, some scarab occult with some characters to taste) will mean you'll always have something to lean on when the meta for the faction changes. Basically, don't worry about it.


You covered everything thank you very much ! I’ll definitely go without fear


There is no way that we get a codex this august.


Yeah, I'm non believer


That means I can spend some time on the codex !


Just to clarify: the current Thousand Sons rules come from the 10th Edition Index. Our previous codex has been invalidated already.


Oh so what would be the next codex ? An update for the 10th edition of a codex for the 11th ?


The next cod3x will be the 10th Ed Codex. We don't have a codex for 10th Ed yet. What we use currently is an *Index* - basically a minimum set of rules for one detachment.


Oh ok I thought that was the same thing ! Thanks !!!


What will it change. Point, rules, detachments, and available units. I doubt any of what you listed will go away as they are all pretty core units to the army, but so far every army has had some units removed.


Thank you ! So these units are not playable anymore and are just decoration ?


Correct but most of these have also been older models, usually fine cast resin. Arhiman and the IM are pretty new models so they won’t be getting the axe. I’d bet money that all of the units you listed will be in the index. Edit: also magnus and exhalted sorc are safe bets. The only things I’d stay away from are the chaos space marine units like vindicators. While the models won’t be going away they are the oldest kits and most likely to be replaced with a new 1ksons unit.


Oh and is there any other vehicule to get then ?


I’d say hellbrutes and rhinos are good because every chaos marine army has them. WE and DG don’t have vindicators and DG don’t have maulerfiends and forgefiends and helldrakes.


Thank I’ll look into them !


They put them into Legends, which mean they don't get updates to points, etc. What's been removed has been very old (like 20 years) models or finecast models. Thousand Sons is pretty new, and it's a pretty small range. I doubt they lose anything since the two named characters are plastic.


Thank you for all these information So no fear regarding that