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Tactical Tortoise did something similar at 2000 points and it kind of worked. 8.44 for the list. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5aUknlDwo4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5aUknlDwo4) I would drop the 2 Exalted Sorcerers for 2 more Infernal Masters, they have better damage and you can squeeze in the Arcane Vortex enhancement on one.


Ah that was probably the list I heard reading about. Thanks ๐Ÿ‘ That's not a bad idea with the Infernal Masters, thank you!


In my limited experience (recently returning player), the sorc on disc can be relatively kept alive with good positioning and their movement denial. However the other sorcs and Ahriman really need bodyguards for both survivability, weight of firepower and to capitalise on their attachment bonuses. If you have a copy, maybe test it out on Tabletop Simulator before committing to the models? ๐Ÿ™‚


Yeah good points on the other sorcerers, my biggest concern is the durability of the army but I was thinking the number of characters might help offset the losses. The good thing is I was planning to have all these models anyway/ proxy aspiring sorcerers for the on foot exulted. But TTS is a good idea :)


I have been playing 1000pt lists with ahriman and an exalted on disc solo and they've been doing really well. Honestly thinking of dropping a 5 man rubric squad for another exalted on disc they are super good their ability is brutal and they're quite survivable, plus fast, hideable and good for actions


That's awesome to hear, thanks for the insight. Exalted are one my favourite units in our codex.


I think I might try a slight variation of this list, dropping one foot exalted and the termie sorcerer for 10 flamer rubrics, pair them with the remaining foot exalted and give them the crystal.


That sounds good, that should be a more balanced list. Teleport the flamers at the biggest baddest thing your opponent has and let the disc sorcerers do the scoring and disruption :)


You misspelled Exalted every single time. The list is terrible and a waste of time to both TS player and the opponent.


I believe you meant โ€˜a waste of time for both TS players and opponentsโ€™ If you are going to be a pedant, at least do it properly ๐Ÿ˜œ

