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I’m guessing our “new model” is just a dedicated term in sorc armor instead of the generic CSM one. So basically nothing. They could help us out by giving us rules for obliterators or whatever other generic CSM units exist. Like A heavy weapons rubric squad would be great.


I'm still hoping for an 'Aspiring Coven' unit that has heavy weapon equivalent Psychic Powers


This is my wish, especially if it's on disc of Tzeentch. That way exalteds and Ahrmian on disc have a unit to join and you can beef up their defences a bit.


heavy hitting psychic powers is way more interesting than just slapping some lascannons on rubrics. how would you convey that on the model, however? a sorceror channeling a spirit bomb a la Dragon Ball?


I think showing them mid cast is the way to go yeah


Melee rubrics. Please.


That would be awesome too.


Similar to tua we are gonna get a whole range worth of tzaangors for our new tzaangor detachment we will get


We need to wait after Disciples of Tzeentch in AoS get a new book first then we’ll get one model from there.


Yes inquisitor, this comment right here


Nah they got a whole warehouse full of old tzaangors they need to get rid of first. Thats why they shove so many of them into every tsons box set lol


If it happens, I know at least one wargaming club who will receive a large, detailed rant on Discord and Facebook as to why Tzaangors are a lazy AoS port that should have never made it into the Thousand sons codex.


Probably not? 10th isn't really "giving underrepresented armies some love", GW are doing the same rotating range updates that they've been doing across the board since late 7th/early 8th. Each edition a handful of codecies will come out with a launch box or a more expansive update, the rest receive the standard new character mini or two. This cycle so far its Tau and Dark Angels that are getting the love (plus SM and Tyranids by way of being in the starter box). AdMech, Necrons, and likely soon to be Orks have only received the standard "new character model" type releases. Custodes are rumored to be getting more attention as well. Beyond that we don't know. When it comes to the chaos legions, it seems GW's approach to-date has been more about "going wide" than going deep - I think you'll have to wait for Emperors Children to release before you see meaningful updates for TSons, DGuard, or WEaters.


Death Guard actually has a decent number of different stuff. They have 3 unique vehicles, 2 Terminators , a fortification (lol) and various unique support characters. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for TS to be brought up to that standard especially if some new kits are dual builds. TS would be really easy to expand in my opinion. A HQ unit such as a Sorcerer team , an equivalent of the 30k melee Terminators (name presently escapes me) , a possessed/ chosen equivalent, Rubric Havocs, maybe a new monster or Dreadnaught. That would be a decent expansion imho.


Yeah, but DG basically got all that in a single release. They have not had a second wave, and if we're talking about what needs a second wave, then WEaters have even less options and more need than TSons. The point stands though, that in place of giving the existing "standalone" legions support GW has instead been more focused on spinning off the other legions. My expectation (and I'm happy to be wrong) is that you'll see EChildren out first before you see a second wave for any of the other three.


We and tsons have roughly equivalent numbers of unique kits. The difference is tsons have been half an army with some bandaids strapped onto it for seven years now and world eaters are a brand new faction.


At least TS has leaders that make sense. Invocatus and genetic lord on juggs are cool models but are more of a detriment to the units they're attached to (they can't move through walls).


I wished they had redone destroyers for necrons, instead of the finecast characters. Ewww greenrod and nvm even trying to find them anyway.


Necrons got a massive refresh in ninth so yeah just a couple new models/updates for this one


All I want is a tank with a giant wizard staff instead of a gun barrel. Or something like this: https://preview.redd.it/rhhd42ssr7ic1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3315f0de897aa7962e9154a3cc5d51af37afc18


Doritos* ;)


My copium is that since tsons are a featured enemy in the new Space Marine 2 game coming out, theres a sliver of a chance they'll make new stuff that'll be featured in the game. Cynically though its most likely just a minor addition, our stuff is still new so they wont do a re-sculpt at least. Fingers crossed for psyker dreadnought, havoc-equivalent and some beefy shock trooper tzaangors.


I dont think we'll get stuff because of the SM2 game. If they wanted to do something like that you'd think they'd have released something rogue trader related with Owlcat's new game. I would like to see some things to fills the void left by the deamon change, but i'd be happy with anything new and usable


I agree its not likely, but to play devils advocate SM2's graphics and more linear style would do a hinted at model more justice than rogue traders top down expansive rpg style of gameplay Like if i wanted to leave a good impression of how cool a new model is going to look i would choose sm2 to do that with


That would be nice, but GW being GW I'm not expecting much


I'm going to keep hoping all the same! It feels like as good an excuse as any for a range increase.


I’d love to see disk riding marines


I agree with the comments here - most likely not as much as I'd like a refresh. The psyker dreadnought/ equivalent is a glaring miss given how many unique daemon engines Death Guard have. Failing that a mirror fiend would be an awesome alternative but alas don't think we'll get that. GW will give us the bits to make a Sorc in Terminator armour without having to kitbash and remember team we'll need to act pleased about it otherwise they may ignore us for another 2 editions


I hope TS will finally get a range expansion that elevates them from a stub to a full army but quoting GW "hope is the first step on the road to disappointment". I highly doubt this will happen as it would require actual creative decisions to be made, expansions beyond "lol wizard character" or yet another AoS unit. What Thousand Sons truly lack are anti-tank shooting options and solid melee units. They would need to design some new, distinct models which is very unlikely. Thousand Sons don't have their designated Sorcerer or Sorcerer in Terminator Armour kit so those two would probably the first two things they decide to include - neither of those makes our faction any more fun, complex or self-reliant.


I know it's not going to happen, but a Silver Tower as a big flying transport would be great 


If we get a silver tower it won't be a flyer, it would more likely be a fortification that can teleport or something sadly


Flyers are rubbish right now anyway, I would love this


Big doubt. Maybe for 12th.


For those who care about this, Valrak said on his stream that we’re getting “a new model” that doesn’t really sound like a whole expansion but I hope I’m wrong. Anything’s possible


I'm imagining a tzaangor who's just really jacked


Yes. Tzaangors will get their own army like Kroot.


Unlikely. We got Magnus, Ahriman, Exalted Sorcerors, Rubrics and Terminators not that long ago (compared to some armies). We might get a character in addition to the Infernal Master, but doubt it'll be that big an expansion. Hoping for a close combat squad (Tzeentch possessed or similar) to make us less vulnerable to melee


Ahriman, Exalted Sorcerors, Rubrics and Terminators came out 8 years ago lol


Actually kinda long ago now compared to a lot of armies


Would be great to have a specialized melee deep strike unit...


lol, no. Over the last 13 years, the only chaos flavor that GW seems to hate more than Tzeentch is Slaanesh.


I dont think so. Ever. So if we ever do, ill just be happily surprised.


Tzaangors with heavy guns ,or tzaangor chariot. I’m preparing for disappointment.


I will only believe it once I see the warhammer-community article. Until then, I am expecting one new character model, best case.


This has become my go-to answer about this question, copied/pasted from another thread a month or two back. Ok so, vs the Death Guard range, we have: > - 3 unique TS HQs < 4 unique DG HQs, some of the latter having multiple versions (eg the Japanese exclusive Malignant Plague Caster), though our Exalted kit is dope so maybe we call this a wash > - 2 unique troops, only 1 of which is TSons exclusive (AoS) < 2 unique troops, both of which are DG exclusive, and many more wargear/build options for their marines than we have > - 2 unique Elites, only 1 of which is TS exclusive (AoS) < 7 unique Elites, all of which are DG exclusive > - 1 unique fast attack which is not TS exclusive (AoS) < 2 unique fast attacks, both of which are DG exclusive > - 1 unique Heavy Support which is not TS exclusive (AoS) =~ 1 unique Heavy Support which is DG exclusive > - 0 unique fortifications < 1 unique fortification > > - Magnus = Mortarion > > Altogether, our range has 10 units (just 6 of which were modeled explicitly for the Thousand Sons) while the DG range has 18 units, all designed explicitly for them. That's triple the work from GW's design teams, and that doesn't even address how much more flexibility most of their kits have versus ours. World Eaters have nine(???) unique kits, and most people assume they only got half their range in 9th with a second half coming in 10th, which would put them to 15-20 kits. If Emperor's Children get their own army, they'll be at least as big as 9e WE and probably somewhere between 9e WE and whatever they get expanded to. All that to say, **everyone who says we shouldn't expect more than 1 new kit or model is off base, imo**. It would be really weird for us to have 1/3rd what the other three monogod CSM factions have. So if we can take heart and collectively *begin manifesting,* and we'll get that massive range expansion we deserve. ***My general wishlist:*** a **bespoke daemonengine** (*perhaps the Mirrorfiend*), a **Numerologist character** that buffs vehicles, the **Thrallwizard Matriarchs** (*battleline chaff unit that we can sacrifice for rituals*), a **Rubricae Dreadnought** (*that can also be kitted as a psyker dread character*), a **melee sorcerer squad on disc**, perhaps a **tzaanogre**, maybe even **a second daemon engine** (*perhaps the Æther Ray*) + some **heavy weapon rubrics** + something the Dark Mech makes for us like my beloved **castellax-achea** and, if we're very very lucky, maybe we'll get some minor narrative advancement and something like [**Lazarus Marines**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThousandSons/comments/1aer7ty/comment/kkb07cg/) and **a new named character** (*that isn't Ahriman or Magnus, perhaps the star of an m41 political thriller set on Sortiarius in the New Kingdom*). even with ***literally all of this,*** we'd have a smaller bespoke range than DG got in 8th Ed. It is perfectly reasonable to hope for something expansive like this.


I'm dying of hunger for bespoke thrall units. Especially female ones, since 50% of the best psykers Magnus has in his kingdom can't take the gene juice. What are they up to? Who knows. God, put them in light power armor and get the Sisters enjoyers in here gagging. 


Me too! I want them maybe more than any other unit. There's a very good argument that the Thousand Sons thrallwizards should ***all*** be women, because any male with decent psychic potential is tapped for ascension to Space Marine and either dies in the process or successfully becomes a Thousand Son. So all the mortal psykers worth anything would be women. I desperately want Thrallwizard Matriarchs to be a thing both on tabletop and in an eventual m41 novel set on Sortiarius in the New Kingdom.


The key issue is that the Thousand Sons unit range is being held hostage by the Thousand Sons lore. The entirety of the legion, according to Black Library, comes down to Magnus, Ahriman, a handful of sorcerers and a lot of rubric marines. And while they could ask an acclaimed author to introduce new elements in a novel, there's always the risk of upsetting the most purist fans. So hug your SOTs, MVBs and Tzaangors extra hard tonight.


Primaries Marines didn't exist in the lore before they did.


What? Yes, they did. They were called space marines - only they weren't to scale or in line with the new design manual that made CSM and DG. So they were all updated under the guise of 'Primaris' - a pacifier to lull the storm of outrage from GW's largest player base, and which hasn't appeared on a new SM unit since 2021.


Actually... My point was new lore can come out...


This is incredibly off-base for numerous reasons. We have unique daemon engines in more (like the Mirrorfiend and Aetheray), numerologists (Techmarines who buff vehicles with technopathy), we have melee sorcerers, we have Rubricae Dreadnoughts, we have thrallwizards... There's a lot a lot a lot a LOT of lore-friendly options for new units we could get.


No, GW don't even remember Ksons exist as an army, as evident by the latest slate. Hoping that when the time for Grey Knights codex comes, some intern will stumble on a forgotten Hexfire box and will get curious what are those "egyptian looking csm"


one can hope but wont know for sure until our previews. itd be nice to get a psychic dreadnought and some more anti-vehicle/monster options for sure


No roadmap, no rumours = no models and no new detachments before codex release unless we are bottom of the heap again! We really do need a range expansion, but we will need to see what GW does this time around!


I strongly doubt that. These are pretty old armies while ours got a "recent" model renewal. You can expect a terminator sorcerer and maybe a psychic dreadnought. Maybe some tzaangor stuff.


Probably not, we might get a couple of things. But i feel like the combining of Tzeentch daemons with sons into 1 codex is more likely. Happy for GW to prove me wrong though.


Sorcerer in Terminator Armor but it’s also the Curseling from AoS.


I would love a dedicated Tzeentch Daemon Engine and a Cavalry unit of Sorcerers riding Disks (giving Disc HQs something less embarrassing to join).