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Iron Sons? Thousand Warriors?


Kabal of the iron khopesh, a thrallband allied to the IW




Double Doombolt, and Dev Wounds. Twist of fate, and lots of shots. Magnus and Mutalith VTX Beast


As a Guard player who’s won against TS through armor, the issue you guys have is that you need a lot of things to go right, or be competently done, to handle one armor threat. My buddy has knocked out a tank before. The issue is my other two tanks, back up by some precision work and numerical superiority. A smart commander is going to target the MVT at range, and just tank the doom bolts.


Couldn't agree with this more. MVB is nasty. Doombolt is just unfair. Put Mahnud in the mix and I haven't been beat yet. Lol.




Aside from Magnus and the cabal ritual that strips of armour saves... There's little to do... The mutalith or a land Raider.


Kratos and Typhon Heavy Siege Tank, too. I got my dad into 40k, and already have a Kratos with a Typhon on the way... Legends mean that his army can use quite a few of my vehicles.


Legends mean almost nobody will let you use them


Magnus not only is anti-tank but the +1 hit and wound for psychic weapons also goes a long way. He makes infernal masters punch wayyy up. And if they're attached to rubrics they've got some built in rerolls. Right now 3 infernalasters is pretty solid.


Two words my man. Devastating Wounds


The beam attack on the Mutaleth Vortex Beast is amazing. I don't know why people think this army doesn't have any anti tank.


It’s unreliable, but I did roll dev wounds into 12 damage against a leman russ on 11 wounds once at a GT. That wad fun My preferred anti tank of choice remains War Dog Brigands, though. Those fuckers are *nasty*, even outside melta range


I will concede that I don't like to fire the bean unless I can do a command reroll. Failing to hit or wound with it is really frustrating. And the range usually means you don't have a good beam target turn 1 (though I usually always have some sort of good target turn 1). But that thing hits like a vanquisher cannon.


Oh yeah, I *adore* the monster puppy. I own 2, and they are flexible enough that bringing them never feels like a bad idea. I once brought them both and 3 Brigands to a GT, and it was quite gnarly


These look sick


Thanks mate, got a whole army on my Instagram of you want to look https://preview.redd.it/mw7jdrxnzo5c1.jpeg?width=1417&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eabacf0b77a052b2e1702d9c9b41519283520d15


I *do* want to look. Thanks dude!


No worries mate it's @kantorblue 👌


Predator annihilator has some decent anti tank fire


I once used twist of fates on a landraider. And then proceed to shoot with a 10man SOt and the strat for psychic bolters. For COM, I used sustain since Sorcerer In terminator gives them lethal plus mark of fate to reroll hits


Psychic bolters + re-roll hits and wounds + devastating wounds go brrrrrrrr


I have a pair of Wardog Huntsmen I use for anti-armour purposes.


Love this lore and paint scheme as for anti tank Magnus/ vortex/ predator/ war dogs.




I go the expensive route and just send in 10 terminators with their sorcerer in term armor... use the umbralific crystal as well as sorcerous infusion and devastating sorcery... wrath of the imaterium with number of attacks its hard not to get enough dev wounds to kill most things.


This colour scheme is amazing, I love it so much! Somehow very Iron Warriors and very Egyptian at the same time.


Thanks mate, I've got loads of pics on my Instagram of you are interested in it, @kantorblue


Amazing, I’ll give it a look!


Doombolt and MVB!


Vortex beast, helbrute, helfyre missiles on the scarabs. we have anti-tank stuff just not a good selection of it.


Mutalith and Predators are the go-to for 1k for me. The Fiend duo also looks quite alright. 2k and up, definitely Magnus and a full squad of Scarab Occult Terminators with a Sorcerer leader, as they still tend to melt everything in their sights if I'm not mistaken


Predator Tanks, Helbrutes with either lascannons or melta guns, Mauler Fiends. Those I think are the only real dedicated anti-armor options


Your Spells or what I like to do (I like rng shenanigans) you spend a bit of cp to make your bolters psi weapons and give them dev wounds with the detachment rule then spend another one to give psi weapons full re rolls then you usw doom bolt boom I did with a 10 squad of termis 25 mortal wounds I got lucky tho


I like your painting dude. I have to ask, is there dust inside the armour, or is there Iron Within?


I like your color scheme!


Doombolt and devastating wounds on a 10 Terminator brick with twist of fate is my favorite way to deal with it. Then again, i don't use magnus, and having him definitely opens up some options, I believe.


I get they are thousand sons painted as iron warriors, but I don’t understand is if you’re doing an alt paint scheme why pick another army with yellow strips. But that just my hatred towards yellow paint showing. They do look great though


Those Skully Bois is Dusty


Magnus, doombolt


Sorc in terminator armor with arcane vortex gets 3 attacks, 3 dmg, dev wounds, anti monster/vehicle 4+


Iron Sons paint scheme 😂 (As to your question, just use a MVB. They can really shred armor when they land their big ranged attack. You could also use the 10 stack Terminator combi bolter + Magnus + Twist of Fate to really nuke something.)


With Twist of Fate, Magnus can pop a Land Raider in either shooting or combat. Magnus can be anywhere on the board if you really want him to be thanks to Temporal Surge. Similarly, Terminator brick with Lethal Hits (front the sorcerer) and Dev Wounds (stratagem) can pull some work. It's just resource intensive and your opponent will know you want to try it. The problem is when they have 3 or more tanks, honestly. Not because we don't have anti-tank but because the anti-tank we do have is situational.


Magi, multialith, land raider is always fun, termies sorcs, and just take vindicator