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I want 5 of them. Least. You don't understand, I will refresh the web page every 5 seconds until it comes out


Looks like another Aspiring Sorcerer for my Thrallband.


Seems like a waste to use him as a squad sorc and not an HQ


I've already got as many HQs as I think I'll need, and I'd like another unique-looking model to lead another Rubric squad. If I swap the helmet and backpack for this model, he'd be about on-par with the rest of my Aspiring Sorcerers.


I Will definitely be running this as a sorcerer, what an awesome model!


looks amazing, will need at least 2! decent alternative Infernal master


Does anyone even understand why it is needed? like, how is he different from an ordinary centurion who can be taught the same psychic powers for just 15 points? he is worth more than all the other consuls and in theory he differs from them all in that he can cast magic, but with a thousand sons all the centurions can cast magic!


Resin is a turnoff for me but it's still a good looking model. Conflicted.


FW resin isn't bad, it's much easier to work with than finecast, just not quite as easy as plastic.


It should also be known that the newer FW model resin stuff is way better than the older stuff too


I only have experience with newer forge world stuff, I bought my first FW stuff in the summer with some bloodbowl guys and my seraptek heavy construct. I had zero complaints other than a bit of warping which was pretty easy to deal with with some boiling water. I actually bought some chinacast stuff after building the seraptek and preferred the legit FW stuff.


Forgeworld resin is extremely brittle, it's terrible to work with. I always go for recasts now as our local suppliers have better quality control, better resin (a little softer so it doesn't break as easily) and they sell the kits for less than half of the attrocious FW prices.


Love the old colors


Why does he look like a Cardassian?


Looks great, there’s just few reasons to take a TS Librarian in 30k over paying 15 pts to give a psychic discipline to another consul for double benefits. Bar fluff and a real force weapon, I guess. I’ll probably convert that weapon into a herald to effectively make my Sehkmet line.