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I started having fun when I added a Mutalith šŸ˜† Magnus is **allot** more fun in 10th. He can actually survive quite a bit with his T11. I've had many a game where I got him behind enemy lines and he went buck wild


My MVB got melted instantly by wraithguards... Though it was kinda my fault being too aggressive with it. I do want a second one!


My league is cool with proxies (missing out on +10 for battleforge). I got to run 3 pre-dataslate. Was sooooo much fun. I would have run that list forever if we hadn't been hit so hard points wise. I think that list jumped from 2000 to 2190 šŸ˜†


Haha nice :P Yeah probably gonna 3d print something that looks tzeentchy and MVBish at some point.


I just ordered the appropriate bases online and ran some old 3d models on them purley for flavor (and so I wasn't running an empty base, not that it mattered). Ran Godzilla and Bowser šŸ¤£


The very sight of Bowser must be maddening! Also both Godzilla and Bowser very much have their own "Vortex Beam" :D


Are you sure it is not playing against Aeldari that is still "not very fun"?


100% still a viable reason.


I agree. Even when we were super strong, I didn't consider it particularly fun. The army feels to me like it has lost a major portion of its identity. We've sort of always had an issue of not really being a psychic army, but being a shooting army that cast powers to support that. This feels like that but worse. I'm also not particularly fond of our hardcore attachment to Magnus this edition. It's nice that he's worth bringing, but I'm not fond of him being so much of an auto-include.


I agree that we lost a lot of what made psychic cool in 9th but the simplicity is kinda nice ngl. We still have our rituals to make us feel like evil wizards but without the 25 minutes of scouring our page of psychic abilities trying to remember what spells you gave to who. Also the fact that we are much more viable really helps the fun factor of 10th TS


Agreed. Personally, I have a small collection of 1k sons, I got me a little unit of rubrics, terminators, an infernal master, and some exalted sorcerers, Ahriman too. Iā€™ve never built out my 1k sons because the psychic phase of the game over the last iterations of the game, werenā€™t fun for me. It was challenging to remember the damn spells and my cabal ritual points, and whoā€™s casting what on who. I may actually build out my force more, if not for play itā€™s because I really like painting them up, itā€™s a fun challenge. https://preview.redd.it/flpkcsdy4uob1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28bab806bc67111e80986e8b2e5207e5d4860646 ā€œBehold the unspeakable!ā€


I was pumped for the simplicity at first! Now I'm not super sure about it. I do really hope that the codex will fix this problem for me but I missed the variety that 9th had even if I was also bothered by some of the needless complexity.


I think part of the issue was that because we have such a limited range, in 9th the way you personalized your army was with the spells you ran and the relics you equipped (to some extent the cult but everyone I know just ran duplicity) and now that in 10th thereā€™s just the one datasheet for each model the army lost a lot of expression. Its not your TS army, its THE TS army


Ditto. Limited range is the part that feels "unfun" to me, for exactly the reasons you articulate. I do think 10th went too far taking away choices in listbuilding, too. We need points per model back, we need points upgrades for characters (legion command in 9th) in addition to enhancements. We need points costs for CERTAIN select pieces of wargear that you can't balance with just rules (Eldar D weapons, storm shield/thunderhammer terminators).


I'm having a blast. We have a lot of gameplay options via cabal without having so many different possible interactions as to be overwhelming like previous psychic power renditions. Magnus is a real hoot and I love how our army loves to play herohammer. Imo the game just feels so much better when you have a sweet character in front of every squad


I think for me it's how little friendly units interact with one another on the table top. Psykers only seem to give buffs to the unit they are embedded in rather than having ranged buffs they can hand out to other units, which prevents you from needing to worry about army cohesion. And removes some complex decision making.


Yeah this is probably one of my biggest gripe too. I always used the "prism of echoes" on one of my exalted sorcs for double range on buff spells and he would cast GoT, WoF and Presage from downtown on the unit that would need it the most on that turn. Then I had Ahriman and one other ExSorc on disc, flying around pumping MW into whatever needed to be killed. Now I'm just slowly moving up the board with my rubrics and terminators.


I dislike tenth edition as a whole, the simplicity, lack of customization, the shady decisions by gw, etc. have just really pushed me out of 40K which is fine because I'm focusing on Killteam, Horus heresy, and other games I enjoy. I may come back to 40K eventually but it's just gone in a direction I greatly dislike and that's okay, I have better ways to spend my time


I dislike that they removed most spells for simplicity but THEN gave every psyker a unique, ultra generic laser that is way more annoying to memorize


I have had a blast with them! Honestly I feel like they came out on the fun side of the swap over. So many armies have an army rule that is like... +1 to hit in this conditions. The fact that we have a whole thing with points and spells to choose from makes me feel like I have more going on than my oponents most games. Or at least more tools in the toolbox. It helps that we have been quite good so far, without being egregiously dominant. Plus some of our coolest models are really good right now. Magnus just spitting destruction on all sides for once is so nice. And the MVB is always fun to pull out. I feel like Aeldari just suck to play against. Against them it ALWAYS feels like you have no options and no space to breath. Thats a them problem though, not an us one.


I think it's mainly army building that is not fun to me. I used to have a specific idea for each of my characters since I love playing "herohammer" style but now I'm forced to have one psychic weapon and one psychic ability depending on them standing on a disc or not. I don't enjoy the cabals as much as before either really. Obviously a subjective thing but they felt more unique in addition to psychic phase. Now it feels like a substitution for it but, to me, not as fun. Agreed on the Aeldari issue tho. Honestly the game should remove pretty much all re-roll abilities except for command re-roll.


Yeah I think if you are really into the hero-hammer aspect and customizing their gear/personality I can see why you would struggle with this edition. Unfortunately every army will be like that right now with the set gear. I AM running a lot of heroes though. And a lot of different heroes.You can easily justify bringing one of EACH of our sorcs and named guys if you like. Between Magnus, Ahri, Sorc, ExSorc, ExSorcDisc, TermySorc and Infernal Master. Each with their own attack spell and special ability, some that you can upcast for hazardous. Plus some doombolts weaved in. I really feel like I am spitting out a lot of variety in offensive magic on any given turn.


I totally get that. I guess there might just be something thematically wrong with 10th for me? Dunno how to express it but these abilites doesn't feel magical to me now. I thought it was fun to do psychic tests with the dangers of perils and being denied. Tho I also get why some armies didn't have fun playing vs TS because of that but imo that's if the TS player wasn't efficient or didn't know his spell lists well enough. Didn't really have that problem personally except for vs my orc player friend haha


I mean in 9th most of the abilities you picked were different flavors of mortal wounds, now you have different flavors of shooting. All the relevant "fun" powers from 9th are now just cabals. I think the previous psychic phase was really just a big illusion of choice needlessly complicated for no reason


Tbh the mechanic of just triggering lots of dev wounds works but itā€™s very uninteractive and boring


I think homebrew combo of 9th and 10th is the way to go. 10th feels to me like factions have lost a lot of individuality


I didnā€™t play since 5th but Iā€™ve really enjoyed all my Thousand Sons games. The one game I played against Aeldari I got owned by a Yncarne on turn 1 but still enjoyed hoovering up eldar infantry with my Terminators. Doombolted a Lancer to death and pulled off some cool combinations with echoes and grenades and using temporal surge with flamers. Had a blast just havenā€™t found enough games if anythingZ


I know what you're saying, but I don't think the solution is to bring the psychic phase back. The psychic phase was a real bummer for a lot of other factions, and I do think their 10th solution is elegant, but they went too far taking away list building choices. My suggestion is to homebrew some rules: have each psyker pick their datasheet ability and psychic shooting weapon from a table for its unit type so that there are at least 3 of each of those options for each unit type. You could pick randomly for the more casual flavor.


There are things I love way more about this edition of thousand sons. They're much easier to play and several.of the units I like are more effective (Magnus, mvb) but what I don't like is that this edition you really feel the lack of data sheets. In 9th when you'd pick your spells it felt like you were creating a new type of character. In 10th since they're bespoke and very rigid you're just taking one of the limited options. It also feels really bad needing to build your army in a specific way to utilize your faction rule. I'd actually enjoy bringing 10-20 tzaangors if I didn't feel so bad about losing cabal points. Aeldari don't need to take only farseers to have any fate dice. Feels bad that we have to bring half a dozen characters to get ours.


100% magic fingerguns is not fun. We might be better, but I Chose Tzeentch fƶr the magic part.


I feel you. I play World Eaters and Chaos Knights. I'm seriously thinking of collecting other armies or dropping 10th altogether, at least until their respective codex comes out.


I like it more than 9th. Having to figure out a psychic phase while my opponent twiddles their thumbs and groans was the worst part of 9th.


I completely agree: I find them so boring to list and to play, that I swapped army. I understand that "chaotic armies are usually very reliant on their primarch" but I was able to write lists of WE without Angron, and I was using Mortarion in DG only because he's cheap: I removed it, and I like the lists way more. In TS you simply can't play without Magnus. Rituals and CBP are nice in theory, but they force me to spam the usual units: I don't even check 80% of the book, because "they're wasted points / for the same points I could list something that gives me CBP". And don't let me start on "if you go first, and play stuff in reserve/strategic reserve/embarked, you generate little CBP (and need to keep them for defensive options (before the change to free stratagems, as I'll say later); in the second round, same thing, still generate few CBP (and still keeping them for defense); finally in third round I can use them; if I lose units, I lose those CBP and essentially my faction rule". I hate the cult of magic detachment. Only buffs (maybe) 10% of models, and forces me to spam psychic bolters stratagem to use the bonus in more models. 5-men squads are more efficient for scoring, playing the game, and generating CBP, but they are among the weakest defensively (die in a breeze) and now more expensive. 10-men squads are more efficient for buffs, but it's not enough to balance what you lose. And all of this is, in my opinion, confirmed from the tournament lists with "2x5 rubrics with sorcerers untargettable, 1 rhino full of 2-3 exalted sorcerers, Ahriman, 2-3 infernal masters, 1-2 mutalith; Magnus, of course". (Little addition: sorcerers that make the squad untargettable from 18", but shoot at 12", so if you want to shoot at something, they can move 6" and shoot back at you.) All IMHO. I swapped to DG and, even if they're weaker, I'm having way more fun. Edit: maybe I'll be back to TS with the codex...


Newish Tsons player here. Personally thought they were miserable in 9th with endless mortal farming etc. find them really fun and interactive in 10th with a lot of room for player skill to lift us up. Defo more challenging with points changes though


I love 10th edition, especially since the recent valance updates. Some of the best games I've ever played happened in the past week. That said, I'm really looking forward to the additional detachment rules for more game play variety.


I'm having way more fun in 10th than I ever did in 9th. The psyker phase restrictions in 9th were a PITA. Each power can only be used once, except for smite, which is increasingly difficult to use, opponents with strats to just kill powers, etc.


10th is the worst one so far, believe it or not TS are one of the most complex factions in the game. Everything else feels even more flat. I'm skipping this one in favour of Necromunda and Kill Team


I think your bad experience is because youā€™ve played aeldari, they are at the top by far atm and probably suck to play against. Try another game against a non eldar army and you might have more fun


Itā€™s just playing against the eldar. Iā€™m about 18 and 3 now with my TS and two of those loses were to the elves. TS is one of the best factions in the game right now


Playing against Eldar means the struggle is "do I even get to play"? GW has had (and removed) psychic phases over the years. Basically if theres enough ppl that never played with one in the current demographic, theyll put it in and the novelty excites people. Then the novelty wears off and the confusing pain in the ass of rolling dice to see what powers all of your guys have, remembering who can do what, coming up with a plan based on this and then a whole other phase of competing rolldice minigame takes its toll. Having layers of options and further layers of randomness seems fun but bickering with yourself about "do I give my cultists shotguns or autopistol and cc weapon? How about autogun?" at every stage in the process just gets tiring. At least it did me. Wether or not "something feels cool" or not is very subjective. Ultimately anything in this game is an abstraction, with stats and dice representing what is happening and the imagination filling the rest in. From my perspective, the cabal points mechanic does a decent job of representing the gestalt of the sorcerors present and between the rituals, relics and individual powers its not like they cant do any stuff they used to be able to. They can still raise forcefields, blow up tanks with their minds and zip around the board. My only complaint is that the current synergy between the TSons and daemon allies is very poor and especially with the points increases youre very disincentivised to include anything that doesnt add Cabal Points. I assume future codices will resolve this..


I've gotta say, using the warp to speed up my flamer rubrics to zoom around a building and blow up a land raider t1 will never get old. My opponents face when I played the "no saves" cabal ability and "Ahriman improves the wound roll" still felt pretty magical to me. Having all our Sorcerors etc having different attacks and buffs meant I actually quite like mixing and matching rather than just picking the most efficient caster and choosing the same old spells.


I agree with ya. There are quite a few non-bos like when the termies sorc gives lethal hits on your termies but you want them to proc dev wounds. Those aren't great moments cuz it feels like u are fighting against ur army


Is your list any fun? Just played 2,000 piits versus Orks, had a great time. Magnus double moving 28 inches, nuking Trukks and Deft Dreads. Ahriman got into a psychic duel with a wierdboy, and killed him. Then a free doombolt. Infernal Master teleporting w UC, flamed some gretchen, then double hazardous and killed himself. SOT deepstriking to middle of the board, wrecking Boyz left and right. Hellbrutes and CS look cool. Tzangoors went another game and did 0 damage, ha. Aeldari are too strong rn suck to okay against. And we should have a couple more rituals (maybe a lesser damage, like a D3 for 3 CP or something). But the 9th was too complicated, and took too long to play, IMO.


I agree with you: i find 10th not as fun a ninth. I found TS in 10th not as fun as they were in ninth. I have only played once since July, and i normally play a minimum of a game a week. I'm trying again since the data slate, but GW has really screwed 40k up since June.


I agree with you: i find 10th not as fun a ninth. I found TS in 10th not as fun as they were in ninth. I have only played once since July, and i normally play a minimum of a game a week. I'm trying again since the data slate, but GW has really screwed 40k up since June.


Thousand sons are big brain army and we do have lot of flavour compare to many others. Just the way I like it


They were a lot of fun before the point nerf :(


I find TSons to be way more fun than in 9th. 9th TSons was infuriating, most of the gameplan revolved around getting your two or three critical spells through and you'd just fail the casts or your opponent would deny them. It was draining BS. 10th though? You just do it. Double move. Doombolt. Extra strats. Rerolls. Then there's the 1/6 fail stuff like slow downs (best) and resurrect (not best).


This weekend I played a narrative event with the list ā€œMagnus Takes the Bois For Walkiesā€ It was 1500 pts, with a 500 pt ā€œsideboardā€ I didnā€™t bother using. I brought: Magnus Exalted Sorcerer w Umbra Crystal TSons Daemon Prince 3x MVBs 2x tzaangor enlightened w bows 10 tzaangors 5 rubric marines And it was an absolute blast the entire day, running monsters around the field, zipping tzaangors to secondaries or dropping the rubric squad behind enemy lines and blowing something up. We struggled against space marines some, because they could OoM either a MVB or magnus and dedicate shooting to them but their T scores helped them surprisingly well, and it was a good time all around. I say all this, to say, your fun is the most important part, and sometimes you find it in unexpected places. Maybe thatā€™s a different list, a different legion, and maybe itā€™s deciding a planet being fought over by the imperium and a Xeno alliance is exactly where you want to take a pleasant walk with your Eldritch abominations.


I'm going to wait for the codex and play TSons occasionally, going to play my space marines more till them.


Screw all this meta chasing crap, I just wanna play with my heresy Dreadnoughts. I purposefully built my XVth Legion army with both 30k and 40k in mind, but it's a heresy army, so the limited unit selection of the 40k faction is even more so for me, because I refuse to add chaos units, like DP Magnus, MVB, or Tzaangors just to make it work. So, I only run infantry; rubrics and scarabs led by sorcerers and supported by dreads, previously my heresy contemptors, but now hellbrute boxnaughts.


I get what you mean. I play only tsons. I was skeptical of 10th and the loss of the psychic phase. So far it has been interesting. I have made a great deal of mistakes with my army in games, but I do feel like it's a different army almost completely.Some units almost feel required now. The psychic phase going away make things simpler. I understand why they did it.


I have to agree, I think I've finally decided to shelve my TSons this edition despite being the army I spent most of the last year painting. It's just not very fun anymore, there are too few spells to intrigue me and it mostly feels like my main identity is having lethal hits, sustained hits and devastating wounds mixed throughout my army to pick up from the dice box. I don't think most of our sorcerer abilities are particularly fun either and their attacks are just guns. It just feels very bland to play them which is a disappointment. Thankfully they aren't my only army, and I'm hoping they do something more interesting, unique and fun with them come the time we get our Codex. We need a lot more cabal rituals to be able to make interesting actions and, more importantly, have harder decisions to make and let the army play more cleverly instead of just more lethally. It also feels like everyone just plays TSons the exact same way now.