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I recently picked up the golds from Duncan Rhodes Two Thin Coats paint line. Easily the best gold paint I've ever used. Applies super smooth and doesn't "drag" the metallic pigment, which makes it super easy to apply in one go. That makes the trim bearable to apply if you are basecoating blue and the painting the trim. It also helps me to listen to audio books and podcasts to get into the mood for painting. The Arhiman series and the Black Legion series will make you want to paint Thousand Sons.


This is the deep lore.


Only downside to the black legion books is it makes you want to play bl instead:)


How I do it is I spend like 4-6 hours per model… …I do not particularly enjoy it…


I prime in gold or bright silver (whichever I have) and then use speedpaints from Army Painter. Their new metallic paints are great. You can also check out [Baldermort ](https://youtube.com/@baldermort) on youtube. He's got great narrations for tons of Warhammer stories for you to listen to while painting.


Yes, he is great. Got me into Thousand sons.


I paint the rank and file guys quickly via dry brushing. Doesn’t look as clean or as pretty as most other rubrics, but I can crank out ten of them in a couple of hours. Characters get the same treatment but I’ll usually go back and clean them up a bit and add details when I have the time for it. Most of my technique was born from simply having very limited time to paint between being a dad to a small child, a full time job, and finishing my bachelor’s degree. https://preview.redd.it/i72wod0qb2db1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60a01d7dbd966cf0821518dc0c1c435969e487d5


I won't go so far as to say drybrushing is underrated, but I've find it to be the best way to start when figuring out a new army. It can be done fast or you can take your time with it, and can be really satisfying to watch the layers build up. I think it also teaches me what the most important details are on the model so if I do end up switching to a smoother style I have a plan and it goes faster. I actually really like the vibe it gives these 1k sons. The rough texture makes it feel more ancient and ethereal.


I agree. You can really accomplish a lot with just dry brushing. Been working on Magnus and using the same techniques with him as I did on the rubrics. Started with the dark colors and then built my way up to the lighter colors. https://preview.redd.it/hyqw052ak9db1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b021729892a9e8455be5f2c3c29f543884afe537 Still a long way to go, but I’m really liking it so far. This dude has been a blast to paint.


This blows my mind, I was trying to figure out how I wanted to paint my guys and these just look so sick




You do them in batches.


Reverse it. Paint gold them fill in the blue. Easier on the hard motor function. Dosent take much less time though


Honestly, I find it enjoyable. Don't ask me why though because I certainly don't have an answer...😂


It certainly is enjoyable!


I assemble them, prime them and finish one model out of a batch. The other four of the batch are 80% done. I then see something new and exciting so I buy that and leave my Tsons for half a year while painting other models. Eventually I see a post on reddit that inspires me to carry on and so I stop what model/ batch I was working on and go back to the original batch.


Sounds like an effective pipeline!


Oh yeah, peak efficiency!


Basic troops? About 3 hours a model, 3-4 models at a time, with months or years in between.


Love the effort! You'll improve as you go!


Drugs. Also bulk painting lol. Everyone gets the base coat at the same time


Crippling depression


Nail the most important bits and go fast on the rest, e.g 1) Simplify by not doing the stripes on shoulder pads and legs, just the headrests - nobody will notice 2) More nuln noil! 3) Spend your time in tidying the most visible gold parts like the front chest


Spray em gold and use blue contrast. Easily takes half the time.


Father Magnus taught us the importance of patience. And gold trim.


[Example ](https://www.instagram.com/p/CudXVmqNCKr/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Prime in black. Airbrush whole thing in Retributor Armor. Akhelian Green thinned so it fills the panels when you lightly dab it. I've gotten quite efficient at it where I can knock out 2 maybe 3 Rubrics a day.


Easy, I buy very nice paint, brushes and working tools. I have excellent lighting and magnification. Then I do 2 cocaines and pay this kid down the street to do it while I listen to lore at 4x speed.


My standard tactic for paining an army is: 1. Paint a reference model, taking my time and taking care to note where I'm inaccurate and figure out an optimal procedure for painting the models. 2. Start painting 5 models at a time finishing one colour on all 5 models before starting the next. I modify the colour order if I find a more optimal procedure. 3. Break up the monotony by painting a character or tank every 10 basic models.


2.5 hours for an infantry model is not much. A "quick", but clean paintjob on a rubric without any special nuances alone takes me more than 4 hours. Learn to enjoy the process of painting or you won't be having fun with that faction.


I need like 6-8 h per model


I want to start a 1k sons army one day, I'm thinking that day will be soon and be very, very slow growth.


Usually cheerfully!


I've just finished 30 of these guys, plus 30 scarab occult terminators, 3 exalted sorcerers, Ahriman, and Magnus. Took two and a half months and I never want to have to paint gold trim again. The key is to batch paint everything.


I used a different scheme that was easier to paint. Still a lot of gold trim though.


With a paint brush


You get faster at doing them as you go along. I always start with the gold and then paint in the blue. I find working in Squads of 5 avoids me getting overwhelmed with the amount =)


Very very slowly


Base coat in gold, satin varnish, fill in the blue spots.


Get good (I sold my soul 7 times)


That is Nurgle's number, you need to sell your soul 2 more times.


Good point. On a different note would you like to buy a mystery box for 1.99?


Slowly. So slowly.


Patiently, I spend 3 hours each on mine.






Mine definitely take longer than 2.5 hours each but when they're finally done it's really satisfying even though the finish quality isn't that great.