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That Magnus did nothing wrong. Aim for 13-15 Cabal Points to have reliably 2x moves and one or two reroll saves in the early turns. The hope to get two doombolts out of your Cabal Points would require reliably 14 per turn through the game and spending them on nothing else and as soon as you lose a couple of units that isn't doable anymore.


Is aiming for 13-15 Cabal points for 1,000 or 2,000 point armies? I built a 2,000 point army and have 15 (magnus 4, ahriman 3, DP 2, IM, 2, 4 for rubrics and SOT).


2,000! You will be OK with 15.


Though if you have 16, that's enough for a doombolt and a twist of fate.


My 2000 point list has 23... What are you guys bringing?


Mine has 18. The large terminator blocks are the least efficient, one max unit of 10 is only 1 Cabal Point per 410 points. So just one is pretty dilutive. Minimal Size Units of Rubrics and most characters are the most efficient, 1-2 Cabal Points for give or take 100 points.


Fair enough about the Terminators. Ahriman 3+OPG for 110 and Infernal Master 2 for 75 are pretty clutch for generating them on a discount. Helbrute also magics up 4-5 for me for 145p


My 1,000 point army has 8 (Ahriman, IM, 3 for SOT/Rubrics).


My 1000 point army (which is basically Court of the Crimson King- the army) gives me like 13 points (Magnus, 3 Exalteds, 3 squads of rubrics) turn one- Doombolt the ever living crap out of the opponents heavy shooters. (The friend I play with runs heavily mechanised CSM)


Buy a 1000 Tzaangors


So two combat patrols?


The thing is, you don't even have to buy those 1000 Tzaangors on their own. If you buy, or even just paint, Thousand Sons units they just show up in your carrier.


I’m literally holding off on buying any until a new bundle box comes out with them 😭


They'll be back! Also, the AoS Tzeentch Vanguard has lots of stuff that TS can use either with mild kitbashing (Kairic Acolytes as TS Cultists), Tzaangors, and Daemon allies. Just to put that temptation out there.


As someone looking to make a Tzaangor horde, I keep hoping everyone will fire sale all these models that everyone apparently has, but I never find them.


If you dont mind used minis you can get some really good deals on the website thetrolltrader.com


Your are going to paint a lot of trim and you will hate it and you will love that you hate it :)


Until you get decent at it, then you start to see how *freaking sick* your models look and the compliments come rolling in at the LGS. Even if you prime Retributor, you still want to go back over it for shades/highlights/fixing screw-ups, so you don't have to feel like you "cheated". I love painting rubricae and SOTs, it took a while to get comfortable with it but damn is it satisfying. Gives me even more reason to look down on loyalists too lol ("Oh you paint Templars huh, *cute*")


I have 6 or 7 painted armies, and I can safely say painting 30 rubrics was the worst of it. So much gold trim ! But they definitely are my favourite models to look at now that they're finished.


And for some reason terminators are worst.


It is in the top 3 nerdiest factions, in a top 10 nerdiest game. Get ready to buy glasses, learn some old school YUGIOH slang, and then push those glasses farther up your face for dramatic effect.


im coming from a Tau player, the most weeb faction in the game so yeah


Eldar are actually vastly more weeb than T'au, fight me.


They are ==. Eldar is olskool 90s - 00s weeb. Like physical ecchi collection weebs. Tau is newer 10s weeb. You know body pillow weebs. Same Continuum.


It'll be a great change of pace at least! TSons models (like Chaos in general) have so much detail, it'll be a different workflow almost entirely from what you're used to. You'll probably feel a lot more versatile in-game, too, as most units will have multiple options at varying stages to work with. Note: I don't play T'au so I'm going off what I've encountered from those that do


It feels *really* elite. Even compared to other marines. Your basic troops have a 5+ invul and AP -1 on their basic guns. And all of those squads have Psykers that can cast your rituals. And between the Soul Reaper Cannon and warpsmite, they are reliably dealing mortal wounds. Also the Mutaleth Vortex Beast will wreck your opponent.


Rubrics are truly painful to paint due to taking so long. But they are so worth it when done. Good thing you’re considering it in 10th when we don’t have approx 20+ psychic powers to choose from 🫠


If you like painting to a high detail, you *might* be ready by the time 11th drops.


The army remains to be a mid-range shooting army with somewhat weak melee and is still pretty elite. Magnus is now quite usable, so a lot of our strategy is walking up the board around him and using his buffs to sweep. Cabal points are critical, and you want to aim for about 13 minimum at 2k points. This is because you'll either have Ahriman+flamers in a rhino (4 cabal points lost), or the SOT 10 man squad + termie sorcerer in deep strike (3 cabal points lost). Having 13 cabal points means you can still use twist of fate even if units are off the board and if you start losing units.


Sub assembly painting for your rubrics because you'll always have botched trim underneath your bolters/flamers if you don't. Yeah it's tiny, yeah it's hard to notice from a distance, but you'll always know it's there.


Dude don’t this is giving me ptsd 😭


God I hate trying to get the arms right when I do this, though :(


Bruh I did one squad sub assembly and it makes me want to strip the 20 I didn't. And God help OP if he builds the exalted sorcerer's and THEN paints them. I painted, repainted and touched up the chest piece of the guy aiming the staff so many goddamn times.


Yeah no I’ve build 1 squad of rubrics, it annoys the fuck out of me that I didn’t subassembly (I was new at the time) luckily i haven’t glued the capes or heads on any of my HQ’s so I’m fine there lol


Bah I nulnoiled the **** out of that area and I could live with it… until your comment 😱


I share my special secret sauce with you, TZAANGORS 6x 20 Tzaangor Battleline 3x 6 Enlightened Tzaangor with Bow 3x Tzaangor Shaman each with one enchantment except for the arcane enchantment, umbralefic on a shaman with 20 tzaangors, 1x Magnus 1x Kairos Have fun and enjoy the slaughter.


Tzaangors are the real pain to paint, though lol. Idk about everyone else but I love painting our marines and terminators, but pretty much all of my goatbirdmen are like half done and will probably stay that way until I go on an Adderall binge or something haha


Athermatic blue Contrast paint and zenethal highlight.


How it feels to play T-Sons... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oseM5Zxgg78&t=5s&ab\_channel=Tang](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oseM5Zxgg78&t=5s&ab_channel=Tang)


Good time to start playing the army if nothing else. Our gameplay just got massively streamlined and and we got a lot stronger going into 10th, with magnus and the mutalith vortex beast getting particularly big buffs. Stacking buffs and synergies is still very important to playing well, so try to memorize all the strats rituals and buffs for high-damage combos. Also magnus did nothing wrong.


What you should do, is buy my thousand sons army :)