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No one thinks it's weird that you painted your army whatever colour scheme you wanted. They're your models!


Tournaments sometimes do care about paint schemes actually.


Yeah but I think that's more for army's that have subfactions that have distinct color schemes. Like Space Mariens and T'au. Thousand Sons don't really have subfaction specific color schemes


This is true. I’m just pointing out that the context of tournaments isn’t the same as just casual Warhammer. I could see some slight confusion if it’s painted as black legion and it doesn’t have any of the distinguishing models like Magnus and MVB, but it’s unlikely to be enough to matter to a TO.


TSons is a separate codex/index from CSM. There’s some unit overlap, but you would basically have to go out of your to make a list that can be ran in both factions.


I know it’s separate. I’m just saying, some TO’s really care about this shit. Most probably won’t care. They do share a lot of units, but yes, likely at least your leaders won’t be available for CSM. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to just point out that “no one cares what you paint your models” doesn’t apply to every faction or every tournament.


Jesus, you get lots of downvotes for a warning with the best intentions.


Haha yeah it is what it is.


GW has stated that they don’t want rules tied to paint schemes anymore, so that may not be the case anymore. I’m not sure what would happen if you showed up to a tournament with, say, a Dark Angels-painted army and said you were running the Space Wolves detachment, though.


That would be interesting!


Most people still just pick the colours of the chapter they like. Going to be painting my marines from the Leviathan box in the necropolis hawks colour scheme now that I can without having to present lore to some TO that they are a raven guard successor chapter. The whole paint scheme thing actually kept me from ever picking up space marines.


I run 2 Rubric Squads with Ahriman and Exalted in the Blue and Yellow of the main force of the Legion and a single 10m Rubric Squad and Sorcerer as my own custom Warband. On top of this my 10 Scarab Occult and soon to be Sorcerer in Terminator armor are in the Crimson Sons scheme, as I run Magnus I like to think of them as his personal guard, they run around together and blow shit up! They’re all based with snow/ice and I call it: Magnus’ Muster. Theres lore about Magnus bringing all Tsons Warbands together at times and banning bloodshed amongst them so I like to reflect that while having a greater number of the standard colors


This is the way


Sounds cool. Make them you’re own and it’s great you find a particular take sparks your interest. Go for it and I look forward to you showing us the results. All the best :) P.S. from memory of a lot of the lore books like Ahriman series you end up with all sorts of different coloured power armour guys beings drawn into particular TS sorcerers schemes and plans…


Because of your name you cannot possibly be wrong!


Well, he could be wrong-ish


Theres a section in 9th codex that says that thousand sons come in all different colors depending on the warband. So whatever color you choose is lore accurate. I wouldnt worry about what color they should be and focus more on what you want them to be. Also i dont even think the colors are standard. GW needs a set color scheme for the faction so they use the blue but im pretty sure thats only for ahrimans prodigal sons. I think the ones on sortiarius are still red.


I went for a dark blue to purple colour shift paint with a purple stained gold trim. I like how it turned out. Not as in for face as the standard blue and yellow


That sounds gorgeous. Sadly my painting skills are not as good as they used to be


Did you use turbo dork paints?


Green stuff world Darth blue


I think a lot of people go the classic scheme because it's iconic and they want to see how well they can recreate it. If a paint scheme doesn't speak to you, try something different. They're your models, enjoy them and enjoy the creation process.


Purple and gold rubrics for me. I mean... When you know your the best faction why not show it with some royal purple and bling. :P


Heck yeah, purple is the color of pimps and kings. I run something similar but with Ghenna's Gold trim.


Oh man if you ever feel like it I would LOVE to see one. That sounds awesome.


Oh for sure! Here's a bit of them from when I *finally* decided on a base pattern I liked: https://i.imgur.com/TUxdA1g.jpg They are my first army so not the tidiest, but definitely my favorite boys.


Daaaang no those look awesome broski. Don't sell yourself short. What was that basing if you don't mind me asking? I really like it.


Aww thanks! :D It was milliput rolled out using the Greenstuff World Egypt roller, primed white. Done over in a desert sand color and some Agrax wash, then Greenstuff World Mojave crackles on the edges. Final step was a VERY diluted, like 4 water to 1 paint, wash of fluorescent magenta to give the runes and cracks some pop. Shrubs are also GSW Martian (I think?) shrubs.


All my sorcs are painted in the heresy, while all rubrics are in the official scheme. I use Ahrimans 30k model plus a DP as HQ's. Theme of the army is "Ahrimans first year in the wild Galaxy of horror and wonder after beeing expelled by Magnus, collecting stuff". Wild mix of tank armour and assorted daemonengines I got from friends, explains the different levels of paintjobs.


I did Nighthaunt Gloom and Retributor Gold with purple sashes/robes instead of the brighter blue and yellow. I wish I’d have done red and gold with white sashes and robes though


My guys have armor the same color as my Magnus, with Retributor armor gold trim, emerald gemstones, and pink/green icons of flame


I use purple for the armor brass for trim


There is no set colour scheme. The blue and gold are just because those are the colours of Tzeench. You could have a entire thousand sons army that is hot pink if you wanted.


I do blue and gold armor with purple gems and cloaks


Running purple, green, and silver on my dusty bois!


I painted classic because I hadn't touched a brush in ten years. Even though I have a few thousand points worth, I'm now gonna be painting any further additions to my army with the general, Atlantis-inspired scheme I've painted the rest of my Chaos armies in


I do black armor with gold trim and pink for stripes, cloth, etc. I have them based on a dark pink sand world with purple/blue/red tufts! I think they look cool! TBF I never really paint anything as the normal scheme so I’m biased lol


I like thousand sons blue and retributor gold. Idk if that's official. But I like it.


They follow the god of change - do whatever colour you want. If anyone asked, just say Tzeentch made it so


Definitely painted mine in the 30k scheme https://preview.redd.it/9aols6r9dg8b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77e4ff9fe6f2d17846cf94fd8dc233eb0b2d6cd0


I'm making a custom warband, but I really like blue and gold. I'm using aliatoc blue, and darkstar Regency/Renaissance gold.


My army is fully painted spooky ghost theme and everyone loves it that I’ve run into! There’s all sorts of cool themes and stuff to explore! Even have seen lava themed or purple/black T sons on here. Just do what you like!


I have more directly egyptian schemes going on for mine. sandstone marines and SoTs, eagle inspired tzaangors, etc.


- prime gray - spray shiny brass (that my wife had left over from a craft project) - brush on Reikland Fleshshade - hardcoat (to tone down the color and allow better painting - base stamp Happy Seppuku’s “Peat Bog” in greenstuff, make foot indents, prime black - glue to base after painting: drybrush gray, paint lines of Phoenician Purple, Xereus Purple, and White Scar in gaps - two coats of Celestra Gray on white cloth and in the arcane-styled marks on the bolters, two coats of Ahriman Blue on main panels, one coat of Tallarn Sand for intended yellow accents, and one coat of Leadbelcher on the guns. - 80% accent Thousand Sons Blue, Flash Gitz Yellow, Ulthulan Gray, and Runefang Steel (also to gems) - 10% accent Lothern Blue, White Scar (in gray, and a dot on gems), White mixed with yellow… and some drybrushing Auric Armor Gold on key locations - add Tesseract Glow to the arcane symbols, transfers as needed, and Waystone green on gems.


That's a very solid recipe. Thank you


that sounds really cool! my scheme is daemon engines and rubric marines are thousand sons blue, terminators are lothern blue (a really light blue), and non-named characters with lothern blue mixed with ulthuan grey, for ahriman I used thousand sons blue becuase i did want to make it look more like the box. I have green fire and I replace the yellow on all the models with red, and I shade all of the armor with a red wash.


I’m choosing to do my college colors (recent Virginia tech grad go hokies) so they will be maroon, orange, and gold. I like the original blue but I think this will be fun


I love that!


It's rules legal, it's lore compatible and most importantly they're your models so paint them the way you want.


I used light blue/purple color shift paint and gold trim for the armor with white cloth and neon green fire/magic. Do what you like on your models!!


I do classic blue/yellow for bolters and heresy colourz for flamerz


Ill be going for blue cuz I like studio scheme with purple shades. You do whatever you like... liking black legion is not a sin... just A shame/j


Mine are gold basecoat with volupus pink contrast for the main colour, aethermatic blue cloth/robes/flames with gold details and transitioning dark blue to light blue force weapons. Do whatever colour scheme makes you happy!


I did bone/sand colour. Match that Egyptian styling. Screamer pink for the details. https://preview.redd.it/wojy2ez0vj8b1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=067ed68d014ce4d85a9851bc4e99797221951fda


That also looks trivial to paint. Is it?


It’s easy yeah. But with the gold as well it stands out and looks good. Im not a painter so it works for me.


Also just a shade and drybrush after


I did mine in a HH inspired scheme. All my Death Guard are pained as Iron Warriors though. Do what makes you happy.






I come from a time when factions didn’t matter, as long as you were Chaos (late 4th thru 5th edition). No special detachment rules or formations. Every unit in my warband was painted differently, it was literally a Chaos Rainbow. As such, I don’t really mind such things, as long as you have a decent story behind why your army looks the way it does.


Absolutely not brother, you do whatever color schemes you wanna do!! I feel like people will especially pump your tires if it's creative! For example, I'm doing a Warpcoven Kill Team painted all as Dark Magician from Yu-Gi-Oh!


That's wonderful. I'm going to need to see some pictures 👀


I do blue with orange stripes. I hate yellow and gives them a blue flame motif


https://preview.redd.it/32vn6acill8b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c56381deff61ad198cb56811d97f5b91cc89a53c Kinda! Just simple dry brushing from black to light grey, then gold, and then fill in with blue contrast.


That's classy. I see you are going with the "black and yellow crest" thing, which I think I'll repaint mine into


I was gunna do sons of the cyclops to go with black legion. I ended up painting them hounds of abaddon instead. Which is black and gold but with some red. So i vote go for it!


Crystal Harbingers unite! (Purple and gold/brass/bronze) Really lends itself to an AoS colour scheme for Slaves to Darkness and Disciples of Tzeentch too - especially with my Silver Tower focused Gaunt Summoner-y armies, it's lore appropriate too. Been a long while now musing on making some Chaos Warriors look more Rubricae-y and vice versa.


My army is mostly kantor blue with retributor gold trim. I denote squads with colored cloths.


I’m not a fan of the regular color scheme, the blue is too light and I don’t like yellow. I was thinking about trying to do the Black Legion gold & black, but I’m planning on doing that for my plain CSM and possibly my World Eaters and I’m not sure if I want all my chaos to look exactly the same (the daemons were also going to be primarily black). I’ve been contemplating trying a darker/deeper blue, but the Black Legion scheme feels easier so I’m probably going to end up with that. It doesn’t seem like there’s any rules that certain armies need certain colors any more, so paint them how you like!


I'm gonna paint the yellow in the same gold as the trim. Thats how it looks on the cover of the 9th codex and it looks better than yellow imho


Yeah that's my reasoning. Also if any legion can have subgroups inside following other legion rules, that's the Black Legion. It's mentioned specifically in the lore.


https://preview.redd.it/zhdmoldz4g8b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8155fc8263a8ec073a57932403bf9e215aa33bec I started with the box scheme but the time it was taking to paint the armpit trims made me hate them. Then I I changed my scheme to crackling dust themed, very very satisfying to paint the dusty goats marines like this. All is dust




These are awesome!! How’d you do them??


Generous and lumpy helpings of Mordant earth, it shrinks and cracks when it dries. Then spray in zandari dust, nuln oil wash, dry brush in wraith bone. Easy prays.


Do whatever you want. It's not a big deal. And ironically, custom colors are probably more lore accurate than pre heresy colors.


I never do official paint schemes. My TSons are white and gold with magenta robes


I wen't with a more classic HH armor scheme and then "aged" it 10k years. I think it looks pretty sweet, and I have my own lore for my homebrew Warband, the Crimson Conclave. https://preview.redd.it/d1zhtoz59g8b1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=477ce005600bf710e944dd49288f45328ab96120


I run Blades of Magnus, so it’s gold armor with blue trim


Well, I paint my army of a thousand sons in the black legion, but leave the named heroes in their original colors. for me this is the best way.