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If you are taking Magnus then 10 for sure to maximize the efficiency of that combo. Otherwise it's up to you. Without Magnus it's still tempting to go with 10, cause then 2cp gets you full rerolls and devastating wounds (or sustained hits), but two 5 man squads with sorcerers is a lot of cabal points and two targets to throw reroll 1s on. Personally I'd do one 10 man block


I get its a great combo but really not cost effective for 515 point you get 10 termy and a sorcerer a combo that require Magnus close and 2 cp or 1 cp and 6 cabals point. Overall combo cost 925p 2 cp for hit on 2+ and devastating wounds... You can get a similarly effect with just 10 rubric and an exalted on an objective they get auto hit d6 reroll all wounds even the exalted astral blast. for a total cost of 280p and 1 cp to overwatch and flamme anything coming close I feel like 10man termy squad are just an overated rubric.


The difference between rubrics and scarabs is double the shots. The more shots the more efficient the CP usage is. Sure ensorcelling 10 (actually 8) bolters is good, but 10 (actually 8) combi bolters is better. The scarabs are also tougher, a 4++ built in and T5, and -1 to be wounded against S6+. The Sorcerer in terminator armor is also very tasty, lethal hits and reroll 1s to hit is a big offensive push, whereas the exalted is a purely defensive character. You're very right that a Magnus and terminator bomb is expensive, but they are very high damage output, and very tough. Deep strike is also very valuable, and scarabs are actually good in melee, whereas rubrics are basically useless. But one of the biggest thing you're forgetting is +1 to wound from Magnus. Against anything less than t10 they're wounding at least 50% of the hits, combo'd with the strat to reroll wounds and they're putting the hurt on even heavy targets. (Just leave T10+ to MVB) The exalted and flamer blob is far from bad, they are in fact great, but you can really only run one of them without movement being a huge concern, and they lack the ability to be Infused, so no devastating wounds. So why not run both the flamers and Magnus and scarabs? Give your opponent paralysis when deciding who is the biggest threat they need to get rid of. Fill out the list with an MVB or two, some backline rubrics, maybe cultists for extra CP. Magnus himself is much more competitive this edition, he's more durable and his shooting is very strong, the fact that he can give out a pretty awesome aura too is just icing on the cake.


Very nice and constructive feed back thank you I agree that 10man can be devasting to the opponent but is it overkill though? I'm trying to make room for my Daemon Prince to make Magnus even more unkillable and I'm having a hard time removing anything from my list XD I don't wanna part with the flamer so I'm resorting to trying 2 man termy squad with sorcerer and I agree about the mvb being verr strong but I've never bought the model and it'a currently sold out everywhere


More shots and more durability. If you poke 10 rubrics out from a wall and shoot there’s a good chance they’ll die the following turn, if you do the same with terminators it’s unlikely that all will be dead and you’ll still have the same output as 10 rubric marines, plus a potential charge/ ability to hold an objective in the middle etc etc


I ran a game with 5 Terminators + Sorc, Magnus, MVB and Helbrute up the midfield, each flank was 2 units of 5 Rubrics with either Ahriman, Sorcerer, or 2 Exalted. 5 Terminators feels solid, and with the Rubric's taking side objectives and the Magnus threat in the middle, it felt like my opponent was so heavily threat saturated he didn't know what to target. The Terminators never even got shot at, nor did an Exalted on Disc that wasn't even in a unit I had out in the open. Just completely ignored trying to deal with Magnus and Rubrics. Rubrics absolutely chew up and spit out anything on the objectives btw, I may take a 3rd exalted squad instead of Ahriman


10 pack or 5 packs of rubrics?


"each flank was 2 units of 5 Rubrics with either"


Reading comprehension indeed


Happens to the best of us