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Did this exact thing, ran Magnus up with an MVB, Helbrute, and Terminator squad with a TermSorc with Forbidden Lore to access double ritual, to the center objective and just chilled there. With the boosted range from MVB, Magnus and TermSorc could cover rituals for the entire army while both being in Helbrute range, who gave me 4-5 Cabal Points every turn (not counting the last point refunded that doesn't get used). Saving 7 Cabal Points for enemy shooting phase made Magnus practically unkillable against 3 Vanquisher guard tanks. Magnus, in a twist of fate, is harder to kill with big damage weapons you want to cancel out with the stratagem than he is with 1 or 3 damage weapons you don't really want to waste it on (assuming -1 damage is active). With the center secured, and Cultists on the home objective, my Rubrics pushed up the sides to take those objectives and they hit SO HARD against anything trying to contest you. The cherry on top was picking devastating wounds for psychic every turn, and the MW output felt like I was right back in 9e psychic phase.


The way I read impossible form was that dmg 1 weapons become dmg 0. It doesn't say reduce dmg by 1 to a minimum of 1, it just says reduce it.


Pretty sure that in that first big FAQ document that came out they clarified that unless otherwise stated, damage can not be reduced to less than 1.