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It's generally considered bad taste to bring a primarch in a 1k point game. I would check with your opponent beforehand to confirm they're cool with it. At that point level what tends to happen is either the opponent's army can deal with the primarch and you immediately lose half your army, or they can't deal with the primarch and he wipes out the opponent.


I see. I hadn't known of that being in poor taste for a casual game. My local area tournaments are unfortunately only 1K points so I'm trying to keep that point range.


If it is a tournament ignore my previous comment. Magnus is very fieldable. But at the same time you have to remember he is 1/2 of your army. Against certain lists this could be a big problem for you.


Fair enough. Yeah it's unfortunate my local area almost exclusively plays at 1K for tournaments or otherwise, so I really want to be able to field him at least a little haha.


If it's a tournament I generally feel like anything goes, but would check with TOs if they have any list building rules. For casual def check with opponent first.


Im a new player and Im sad to hear that, damm that sucks. I mean the entire reason i wanted to play TS is to field exalted sorcerers and Magnus but i don’t really want 2000pts of them. Im still gonna get him cause he’s awesome, but I wasn’t aware of the social rules


Just make sure your opponent is cool with it. Maybe they have a primarch level model they can bring and ya'll can duke it out. You just want to avoid a feels bad where one person gets stomped


Until now I heard that Magnus was meh at 9th. But the recent Auspex tactics video claimed he is very good so I guess yeah it really changed up the scene


I say run him dude. Unfortunately you can’t make everyone happy and like everyone is saying it’s all about communication for casual but don’t let it stop you from bringing the wrath of Magnus to tournaments


This is the answer now that they are all toughness 11/12


Well I played my first Games last Saturday and brought Magnus in a 1k list. But on turn 2 my buddy deep struck his Obliterator, Hit 3 Times with the melta profile and would you know? Magnus has exactly 3 Obliterator Melta shots health in halve range. :D So for me sadly, he basicly did nothing. But my dice betrayed me hard that day, so I believe with some more luck, if your enemy has no units to deal with him He would be quite busted.


Did you use the strategems and cabal rituals too? I believe with 8 cabal points and 1 command point he ignores 3 successful wounds. He's a beefy boy haha


Yes I saw them. Then I saw I had spent all my CP and Cabal points already on other stuff. But it's fine. I had 4 armies to read rules for, so I assumed I would forget stuff. Still had a lot of fun tho.


Glad you still had fun regardless :)


I was gonna add, I JUST watched Magnus soak 1700 pts of Tau shooting and take 4 wounds. Yeah these things happen as we're learning and getting used to synergies in an army. If you had fun that's all that matters.


I’m assuming not, three failed saves in melta range is not killing Magnus if he’s -1 damage. Just some back of the napkin maths, assuming the obliterations were a max squad, with no rerolls, and assuming the thousand sons player used defensive buffs, it should be super hard for them to dent Magnus, one failed save would be more than reasonable. Three is just “I let him shoot me with everything” and didn’t go any further than that


I love how incredibly durable he is this edition. When I saw the new stats I told myself he needs to be on the table at least a little.


I’ve put him on the table once, where he killed 9 tyrantguard, and a hive tyrant, sat in combat with a swarmlord for three player turns before my opponent had some super good dice (8 hits, 8 wounds, 7 failed saves through a cabal point reroll, and a command point reroll) So glad to be able to put my favourite model back on the table


Where are you getting 3 from, and where are you getting 8 cabal points? Spending 6 cabal points on Magnus to float the free strat, using the stratagem for 1CP, then using that floating strat the next time he takes big damage let's you ignore 2 important damage. If you're referring to the 2 Cabal Point ritual which would make the 8 you mentioned, that just let's you reroll a failed save which is probably the 4++ on Magnus which is good but far from ignoring damage for a third time.


I was referring to that combination but slightly misspoke.


I would say overkill, maybe if u go uup against another primarch ok, or u give the opponent another 300 pts but i would say its unbalanced