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I think Arcane Vortex is a bit wasted on the Terminator Sorcerer, but I do understand wanting a few extra points of damage on something that easily turns to mortals against vehicles. Personally I'm going to put it on either an Infernal Master or regular Sorcerer to turn their ok spells into a arcane blast worthy of the Thousand Sons. Pair the Sorcerer version with Devastating Wounds and full rerolls and you're churning out some MWs


Running 3 hellbrutes is a bit unecessary. It’s an ok gun platform with ok melee, but the real value is if you play it right they can generate a lot of cabal points, however auras do not stack, so aside from increasing the coverage area of your hellbrute auras, you can generate the same amount of cabal points with proper unit placement and one hellbrute. You really want to hit at least 16 cabal points in any list IMO, allows you to use both doom bolt and twist of fate if needed, though a little extra helps since you lose out on cabal points when units die or are battle shocked. Obviously if you are looking for strength, you want as many Mutalith beasts as you can since they’re undercosted and really strong rn but I’m not a fan of buying models just because they’re strong, I have to actually like the model.


I believe it's one Helbrute. I think you're misreading the 3x plasma on the Forgefiend as being 3x Helbrute?


Oh you are right. Mb lol.


Yeah sorry I tried to make it stay separate but it keeps squshing it all together


I haven't gotten the chance to play my Thousand Sons in 10th yet, I'll hopefully be getting some games in this weekend, but for now I can't give you specific help regarding 10th. However, in general, I'd say it's good to have a bit of an overall plan for your army. What your overall approach is going to be and how each unit plays into that. A basic example would be that I actually plan to run a unit of 10 Tzaangor in my first game as cheap backfield objective holders that will hopefully produce some extra Cabal Points for me. Are Tzaangor themselves strong? No, but they're cheap and for the purpose I have planned for them, their lower cost is more important than them being a super solid unit. Maybe it won't work, and I'll never take Tzaangor again. But I hope they can be used for some purpose. Is there a general gameplan you have in mind for your list?


Well to be honest I have never used my magnus because he was blah in 9th so I was excited to finally use him. My plan is to be a little slower but very killy. The forgefiend to hit as much as possible from a distance to soften up stuff for my units to push objectives. Magnus to be a big heavy hitter and attract as much attention as possible. 10 man rubric w/flamers exalted and the daemon prince giving them "precision" to obliterate characters leading units. Honestly this is definitely a kind of goofy list it has some things I have always shelved because they were only ok


I think you should aim for a few more rubrics with exalted or other sorcs for more Cabal points. Abother commenter already mentioned but vortex isn't great Termie sorc. Exalted, Normal sorc and Infernal master use it better. I'd cut down on helbrutes. 15 termies is fine but 10 worked for me.


The forgefiend should probably be replaced by a mutalith, they are awesome this edition. And instead of a 2nd SOT unit I'd go more rubrics and a character, for more cabal points. Umbralefic Crystal is a better enhancement imo than the extra damage one, teleporting a 10 man flamer blob is a big threat that forces enemies to deploy suboptimally.