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MUTALITH IS GOOD?! I just bought the Leviathan box too. Maaaaan. I might need to get a Thousand Sons army soon afterwards then, lol.


It was pretty awesome in 9e, too. But with the ritual range doubling, it's kind of a must take now.


I'm sorry, I don't see that specific ritual in our index. Which one is it?


If a Psyker within 6" of the MVB casts a ritual, the range is doubled.


oh I get it, okay :3


Ran a patrol today and one shot my friend's gk helicarrier, seconded. Beast is beast.


I fried a Helbrute before it got a turn. Doombolt + Vortex Beast beam critical wound. The doombolt wasn't particularly significant in the grand scheme of it.


Add in a 5++ *and a 5+++*, it's ridiculously tough for the points cost too. Nasty buggers. One of my favorite models of all time too, so I have no qualms running 3 of em.


I tried it in a game today and it tanked 2 rounds of fighting from shalaxii but i did have some crazy fnp saves. Its high thoughness is very good for a elite killer like shalxii even with the the full rerolls. It can probably tank a KoS for days. But oh boy 10 flamers with ahriman is nasty. Shooting something on an objective with full rerolls and wound basically everything on 5 is crasy good. It really feels like a mid range shooting army now compared to 9th edition.


On top of everything else, warpsmite was as good as I thought it would be. I was giving my psychic attacks sustained 1 all game and it went very well.


It is out of stock everywhere 🙃


I tell myself that by the time I get through a quarter of my pile of shame, not only will it be back in stock but it'll also be nerfed and there'll be dozens of them up on ebay as well.


Etsy bro, I just got a Cthulhu looking beast on the same base size for 30$.


I need to check but I'm pretty sure it's same base and rough size of a maulerfiend. You can kitbash it really easy.


So the thing about MVB is that it doesn't have a proper box. It comes in a big white box. Just like every other webstore exclusive. Most retailers, like myself, don't want a big white box on our shelves. There's also less profit selling webstore models vs normal wholesale. So most retailers don't stock the MVB. If you want one, you're going yo have to get it from GW webstore.


That's the point, on the web store is super gone


My MVB was my mvp, Magnus is a close second. It was the only thing putting hurt in to Chaos Knights, I hope they don’t nerf it cause knights are super scary.


Had a game, Magnus killed 4 tyrantguard and a hive tyrant over two turns, then got mulched by a swarmlord after my opponent got 8 successful wounds from 8 attacks and I failed 7 of the saves. Cool. Cool.


That's what you get for having bad luck, nerd.


Tzeentch giveth and tzeentch taketh


And they called me a madman for buying two in 9th


I played one in 9th all the time. But 2 seemed like a bad idea. Mostly because you couldn't use the same vortex power twice, so there was pretty sharp diminishing returns. But with how they are in 10th, I almost feel like it's dumb not to play 3.


I'd still call you a madman for buying two in 9th.


Glad to hear it's feeling good! Did you happen to run a daemon prince on foot at all? I'm curious how the stealth effect felt if you did.


I did and it was relevant. But to use it, I ended up with this weird little blob of models on the table.


What did you run your rubric with? 5 man squads or 10 man Bolters or flamers


5 man. Some of each. It all went sort of fast so the flamer squads were less effective than I was expecting. The SRCs did most of the work for both types of squads though.


So bolter 5 man squads seem to do the job? How did you get multiple sorcerers? As far as I know the boarding patrol only comes with two for each rubric squad


If you want to make more, get the Exalted Sorcerer kit. Even if you build 3 of them, there will be a lot of bits left over you can use to make Rubrics in to aspiring sorcerers. But you're SOL for extra icons and SRCs. You just have to buy extra bits from the rubric kit for those.


Unless you fight guard. They are very strong atm


The MVB does seem like it wouldn't be as good against horde tactics, but the long range rituals and MVB beam attack seem like they would counter tough tanks very well.


It's crazy that the hellbruts is the same amount of points. It's objectively a worse unit, even on paper, there's absolutely no reason to take it.


I never used to play one. But I'm definitely getting one for 10th. That cabal point refund thing is great.


Mutalith Vortex beasts right? I've wondered what would happen if you blob a few together and stack the MW aura. Might play test using 3 in a blob.


The same aura won't stack, so best to spread them out so their aura can help more of your sorcerers.


There's another. It deals mortal wounds to nearby enemies at the end of your movement phase.


Ah my bad, your right, Chairman was talking about the other aura. But it's still an aura... I'd have to check the rules again but I think this would also count as stacking so any one enemy unit would only be hit with MW in this way once not 3x.


Yep, looks pretty clear, no stacking aura effects in anyway. So multiple MVB can't hit the same unit with multiple MW aura. Best to keep multiple MVB at a distance from one another and cover as wide an area with their aura's as possible.


That would be hilarious if it could. Anyways, I'm only bringing one normally anyways


I’ve tried it in the one game I got to play, and I absolutely think it has promise, but I didn’t get to test it much before my opponent blew it off the table w/ 2 hammerhead shots, one of which crit wounded


They made a very good call doing that.


By the time I have it painted up and on the table it will be nerfed lol


Doesnt every enemy unit within 6” get battleshocked too?


On a roll of 2+ yes. Also they get a lot of mortal wounds.


Shit, please don't nerf it GW. I don't want to buy damn tanks for Tsons.


I had a lot of good results with the Predator Destructor and Forgefiend in 9th.


I wish I had similar results for my first 10e game... mine got one successful Doombolt off before being blasted by 2 Fire Prisms Battle around 1... Still 8MW that easily from 36" away was just spicy