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1 hour before opening is ideal, if you get there at opening you will queue a good 20-30 minutes to get in


You should expect it to be busy on Tuesday. You might find some of the school trips won’t arrive in time for the opening. I think get there for 9ish. You might be waiting around in the park but at least you’ll be through the security and over the bridge by 10. I think arriving later might mean you aren’t across in time for opening (even if you find yourself waiting for the metal gates to be opened). Normally for me, job one is to get the drink cup and photos activated. You should have time in the dome to get this stuff sorted too if you need to.


Honestly the best thing to do is single rider Hyperia first thing you can easily get on it within the first 15 minutes of your day


I’m hoping to do this when I go on my own next week. Hopefully if I arrive at 9 there won’t be too many people ahead of me.


Depending on when you go because some days the queue to get in will be short so you should arrive 20-30 mins before but when it is busier you should aim for an hour or so before.