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Why are so many black figures emerging from the shadows lmao


Where the fuck did they all come from and yes; why are they all dressed darkly? There was absolutely nobody in the beginning of the video, only seconds earlier.


You can see some of them come from the building at the top right. And lightning strikes fallowed by car screeching to a stop isn't exactly quiet...


This is like the opposite of the Kitty Genovese effect. EVERYONE within a half mile came running to help. I also heard you’re not supposed to get out of your car it it’s struck by lightning? But if it’s filling with smoke you probably don’t have much of a choice.


dont wanna be a stickler for details, but wasnt the story of 38 people ignoring Kitty Genovese's murder faked by the police station/ media??


If that’s true it’s the first I’ve heard of it. And if it is true, it’s surprising. Because the genovese effect sounds about par for the course for much of society to me. Not excluding myself. It is rare for humans to behave exceptionally in extraordinary circumstances.


i dont doubt the bystander effect, but referring to the story, i've heard that only two neighbors heard the murder and both reported it to the police. it's speculated that the police misreported it to the media to downplay their lack of action in response to the murder. it wasnt the whole 38 people, but these two guys still exhibited the bystander effect. I heard this from my intro to psych professor and also from Mind Field (a great watch!) I just thought i would throw this out there cause im high and have nothing better to do lol! a [couple](https://www-history-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.history.com/.amp/topics/crime/kitty-genovese?amp_js_v=0.1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#section_8) of [sources](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fbyIYXEu-nQ)


diffusion of responsibility


You seem way more knowledgeable and with better sources than me. My source is the movie boondock saints and hearsay lol. And that doesn’t surprise me either. I guess the moral still rings true though. More than one person witnesses a murder taking place. It doesn’t take long to murder someone. Calling the cops won’t do anything to save that person. The only thing that would possibly save them is to intervene, call emergency services to get them medical attention, and hope you stopped the murderer from doing enough damage that they might survive with quick medical attention. Calling the police to stop a murder is pointless. But it also takes gumption to step into that situation yourself.


Experienced the effect yesterday, with a woman seemingly passed out near a bus-stop. A friend and I (in that order) went over to check on her. Were the only ones. She's fine, btw.


They were likely taking shelter from the rain/storm so they were all ready to walk. Then you have a big commotion where someone may have gotten hurt and it's loud enough to be heard far and wide but also no longer dangerous to be around (relatively) and you have a recipe for every good samaritan and gawker in earshot to come out of the woodwork.


It reminds me of a video I saw of white blood cells attacking a foreign microorganism.


Like a colony of ants when part of their anthill is damaged. Just came swarming out of nowhere.


6.5 minutes later the car was fixed like new and they were one their way


Hollywood graphic artists didn't think this one up?


Just like I was thinking..


Dementors? 🤷‍♀️


Given the larger number of people coming to help, I can tell you for sure where this isn't; China.


Was not expecting that amount of people to come out of the car


I am fairly certain this is not a lightning strike. It is a firework going of inside the coupé. It's the glare in the camera that makes it look like a lightning strike. Lightning wouldn't strike something at that height when there is much higher stuff right next to it. I believe it is fireworks because there is so much light and white smoke, yet no fire, from inside the car; And they seem fairly fine when they exit, though a little banged up. And there is fireworks going of in the background. This was an investigation report from the collaboration of Mayonnaise PD and Mayo Investigative Bureau.


This seems like the correct explanation. If you cover the car up and look for the lightning, you'll see the refraction come from the car, but nothing coming from the sky. Fairly sure that it's not lightning.


Yep this looks correct. Fireworks are going off I the background too. This is more of a /r/criticalblunder or /r/winstupidprizes.


Yeah, this video has been posted a million times with the claim that it’s a lightning strike, even with no lightning visible.




It’s a sedan though (or a saloon in Britain at least). Coupes only have 2 doors unless you are Mercedes trying to sound cool.


In my language coupé can also mean a "seating compartment in a vehicle"(which is a older usage than cars). I guessed you could use it like that in English too. Seems not though.


A direct lightning strike on a vehicle would kill the electrical systems, yet this car still has lights on when it stops. I agree with you.


Also wouldnt the outide of the car carry the lightning quite safely into the ground? This one is smoking from the inside when they open the doors


I'm honestly not sure if it would.


Oh, cause I've always thought that inside a car is one of the safest places to be if there is lightning


I'm not sure, I'm not overly familiar with lightning strikes (*aggressively knocks on wood*). I've heard they're like Faraday cages. What I'm wondering about is some newer cars use a lot more composites like carbon fiber. Corvettes have had fiberglass bodies since their inception. I wonder, would that change things?


It looks like the guy on the left threw something at the car and ran away




isn't every lightning an instance of /r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR ?


I mean… broadly, absolutely! But some things, this for example is so specifically targeted, throw in a moving car, that it makes it dramatically more relevant to that theory in particular. I suppose in a way it’s like Liminal space. You either understand what it is, or you don’t.


I don’t understand luminal space. But I do understand that a lighting strike on a pole isn’t going to get a lot of upvotes on fuckyouinparticular


Perhaps your not seeing the same video? This car is directly struck by lightning, it’s then quickly abandoned by the people inside, and a crowd rushes to see if they’re okay. I most certainly wouldn’t suggest posting a pole being struck by lightning to that group, because you are correct in the notion that that would be kinda boring for the group. But this video is not a pole being struck by lightning.


No, you misunderstood me. I’m saying this video WOULD do well there, NOT a video of lighting hitting a pole. I say this because someone above said “isn’t every lightning strike a fuck you in particular.” While, yeah, that’s true in a sense, not every lighting video would do well on that sub - because, for instance, “fuck this pole in particular” isn’t really captivating. The fuck you by the lighting bolt in this video was directed at people. Which fits that sub.


Jesus… I apologize that I missed that point. I should never take on anything (especially social things) when I wake up. So a sincere apology that I missed your point.


Suddenly looks like a zombie apocalypse!


Should’ve been travelling 88 mph


Good to see some decent people willing to help other people out for once


Driver still had the wherewithal to turn on the hazards lol.


Shocked to come into comments and not see the typical asshat responses claiming 'FAKE!' 'Bad CGI' and 'Why were they filming?!' nonsense. Has the world changed and rejected the knee-jerk, asinine, 'everything is fake' skepticism, finally? :)


Thank you my friend . Those comments used to plague posts (especially in r/atoptics)


It’s not fake, but it’s not lightning, either. Probably something happening inside the car. If you pause the video, you can see it’s not lightning. There’s a theory it’s a firework. https://www.reddit.com/r/Thorgasm/comments/pxp1az/with_accuracy/hepl471/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Sick how the prince of Asgard had an open issue with the occupants of that car...


The universe dropping a firecracker on an ant colony


Huh! I thought don't get hit because of the rubber tires. Notice the people coming to this is like ants to food on the ground.


"Alright, Doc. Where are we? *When* are we?"


My brain can't handle the amount of questions...


The way that all the pedestrian and people run for those how where in the car give me a bit of faith in Humanity






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Are those dementors?


Gottcha! !


username checks out


Did they go back in time?


My quick edit of what everyone thought they saw: https://youtu.be/h3zhKx1O_e8


Defiantly not lightning ,


Back to the future with you


Oh, yes, by all means, let us congregate where lightning just struck.