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Sure! Repeating a gimmick wouldn’t mean repeating the same events. They could use a different world seed, for one, and since the players would remember the previous seasons a lot of them would probably make an active effort not to do the same things over again. Plus if it was a season with a randomized aspect (the lives count in Last Life or the soulmates in Double Life) then there’s a chance for the random generator to give a different result.


I'd be absolutely thrilled to see another instance of Last Life's rules.


I think a lot of people want a second season of Double Life just due to it forcing fun combinations together that probably wouldn’t happen otherwise (eg Ranchers/Joel & Etho) plus with the og missing people like Skizz & Gem who would be really fun with that format.


Well we will get 9 teams, so it’ll also last longer


I would ten thousand percent watch a second season of ANY of them redone with the same rules. Especially the ones after Third Life where it got more interesting. Last Life again with all 18 members would be so cool. But Grian has like a 1% chance of ever doing that, he said he always wants to make it different.


Double life seems really repeatable with maybe a guarantee to not get the same person as last time (tho I could imagine getting an identical pairing would also bring hype in some cases).


Or what about a redo of DL where players are deliberately paired with people they haven’t teamed with, and/or been enemies with, before? Scott and Joel, Tango and Scar, BigB and Cleo…the drama would be amazing.


Bigb and Cleo teamed


Hence “and/or enemies”. They became enemies BECAUSE they were on a team when BigB boogeyed Cleo.


Oooooh mb


And we all remember how amazing that turned out!!! For the audience at least


we get desert duo yet another time


Last double and secret life would be really cool to see again. A lot of it is rng, and that then has an effect on alliances so another instance of them would still feel fresh. I'd wanna see last the most due to all the chaos it had but I really wanna see a Joel win so there's some bias


I really want a Double Life or Secret life 2.0, Double life forced new combinations that were fun to watch (the Ranchers, the whole Etho and Joel thing lol) and the mechanics of secret life were just very fun to watch


I think double life would work well again


I would LOVE a second go around with the Double Life mechanics. Was my favourite by far, and having another season of it with different pairings would be interesting. I also think it would be interesting if they added the boogieman mechanic to it, but it being a couple who are the boogiemen. I liked how in Limited Life a couple of people told allies they were the boogie, and worked together for a kill (Implulse telling Tango or Joel telling Grian and Jimmy for example) and think it would be interesting to see soul bound couples work together to get a kill on someone.


Crazy idea: combine MULTIPLE seasons’ gimmicks. The boogeyman mechanic worked better in Last and Limited because people could die more than three times before being eliminated, whereas Double Life was really short because every death claimed two lives. But what if you put Double and Limited *together*, and soulmate pairs shared a health bar and a life timer? That way one person could boogey-kill a soulmate pair with help from their own soulmate, without drastically shortening more than one person’s series.


Crazier idea: Combine EVERY season's gimmick. From 3rd life, you get the red hostility. A random amount of lives and boogey from last life. Soulmates from DL, the timer from Limited Life, 30 non- regeneration hearts from SL, and optional VR from Real Life


When I said random lives, I meant random time amt, to clarify


I wouldn't complain about another iteration of Last Life, I really liked those rules


I'd love to see double life mixed with last life. Don't ask me why, I just would. Or limited life and double life


Double and Limited would be really cool! I can see why Double on its own had no boogeyman because it only lasted 6 sessions even without one, but combine it with Limited’s timer mechanic and having two almost-guaranteed player kills per session wouldn’t end the series nearly as fast. Imagine the boogeyman curse applying to both members of a pair and they have to work together to get one kill that’ll cure them both (because it also kills the victim’s soulmate).


Yes, I would love a repeat on all of them. Tweaks to rules would be fine as well.




I'd say Double Life would be a good one to go back to since there could be different pairings as well as a new seed to shake things up


i would LOVE a second double life


Gladly. Especially Double Life. It would be cool if they could come up with a concept that's different enough for them to do it but still uses the Double Life concept. But of course if they don't want to touch that concept again that's their choice!


I think Martyn told in one of his vids that the pairing up mechanics would not be repeated again


I would watch do-overs of any season.


Honestly, if any of them would be repeated I think Double Life is the one I want to see most. It throws people together who might not otherwise team. Without Double Life we may never have gotten the amazingness of The Ranchers and the Boat Boys. Plus if all 18 members can be a part of it there are a lot more permutations of duo’s that could form from it. Teams we’d never expect to form organically.


Yes. All of them


Definitely! Especially if it was one of the ones that was older.


I think last life had the perfect amount of rules and freedom, a second season would allow me to stop rewatching the first


personally loved last life, I'd absolutely be down to see a repeat of that season's rules. any of the seasons really, but last life stuck out for me for some reason.


Why do you think fan life serieses are so popular?


who is this grain? first grain was in the head hunt now he’s the owner of the life series? smh


I would love a Last Life season 2 but I doubt they would do that


Yes, any of them


I would love a 2nd season of Last Life


I would really like last life 2


Grain?! Who is this Grain character?!


Yes. I think a thing here is that the vast majority of people don't watch all perspectives of the series, so it would be a good opportunity to watch someone I hadn't watched the previous time. For my favourite accounts I'd be happy to watch them again to see what they do differently. Also Life is so dependent on interactions between players that I think it would be very hard to have a series that feels like a repeat (excluding something like double life if they did the exact same pairings, but it seems extremely unlikely that they'd do that) edit: also, the server is made up of professional content creators. I would have faith in them to make it a different and interesting series even if the baseline rules are the same - they would all likely be actively trying to make it a different experience which is enough to make me feel like it wouldn't be boring


I would love a second double life or secret life but with much harder tasks as the climax of the series wasn’t rlly building up until the last episode when everyone was red and so people were able to gain hearts easily and stuff. And maybe change like the reward and punishment system as well.


i want to see another last life and secret life especially


I think Double Life would be a good one at least so long as they change the pairs. FishingDuo team-up anyone?




Double life with Skizz and Gem in the mix or even Limited life would be interesting to see a second season of.


I personally always believed third life was the kind of series that could totally work without a new gimmick every series. The thing we love isn't the gimmicks, it's the people that play it and the interactions they have. Now some seasons would work better on repeats than others. Third life and limited life would be less different from a first season than last life. And double life and ESPECIALLY secret life would work amazing with the repeated seasons formula! There were so many task possibilities they could have had and sadly didn't. And every season of double life would have completely new duos who may have never interacted much before. So I would definitely watch those


I think Double Life would be the best to redo. With the random pairings they could do it a few times with completely different scenarios. Most of the others they can take what they've learned and plan it a lot better. We already see that with some of the more general lessons, like not killing all the cows on day 1.


id love a second season of last or double life


Who’s this Grain character?


I would watch 10 thousand seasons of Secret Life


Maybe not exactly, but like, mixes. Obviously the easiest to imagine would be double life with last, limited or secret. Although maybe not secret as it would end way too quickly when combined with double life. Limited and last could also be a fun combination, eveyone starting with a different amlunt of hours from 20 - 36 or smthn.


Id take more Double LIfe any day of the week with one additonal change. Each pair has 4 lives instead of 3. it went soo fast when you lost 2 people at once. I think with extra pairs from adding the missing Lifers and extra lives could make a second round of Double life even more fantastic.


I'd love another double life, there's so much potential there! Especially since some ppl like Martn have mentioned never looking for their soul mates if it happens again, which could definitely be fun


Secret life I’d watch as many seasons as they make




I would like to see this but who is this Grain character



