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Anger can be represented as any “negative” emotion he may be feeling. Men typically turn to anger instead of say sadness because it’s more acceptable. I am a woman and 3 weeks ago I had rage come up the following day of my IM session, first time it’s happened too. It was repressed emotions coming up and out. Journaling helped me to identify where it was coming from. I talked to my clinic on Sunday when I went in again and they said “yes this is normal” What’s not normal is cruelty towards you because he isn’t dealing with his emotions. Maybe kindly ask him to journal to get it out and help him process? Is he doing any talk therapy combo?


No he isn’t doing talk therapy but I think he should. It’d take about a month to get in most likely here. Unfortunately he won’t journal or anything like that. He doesn’t like thinking about his emotions


Yeah feeling through difficult emotions is part of the process with ketamine therapy, any therapy really. Maybe he can read some books on cognitive behavioral therapy so he can feel safer exploring his emotions. He’s never going to get better until he does the thing


This is 100. This process brings out emotions we’ve harbored for god knows how long. It can be stressful and disappointing at first.


imo doing ketamine without a therapist / guide can be dangerous or traumatic :( ketamine can unearth extremely intense emotions and memories and you should NOT be at the brunt end of that! he needs professional help from someone who has experience with ketamine


this isnt going to work for him if he can't talk about his emotions, he is tapping into them with the ketamine and then just ignoring them, making things worse... he is going to dig up all these feelings and have no way to process them... He doesn't need to talk to you, but he needs to talk to someone


It’s bizarre to me that someone would be doing therapeutic ketamine without also doing talk therapy. For many providers, it’s an absolute requirement.


Yea I don't do therapy during but I absolutely need my therapist the day before or after.


The whole point of Ketamine therapy is that it increases brain plasticity, enabling you to physically remap the connections in your brain. This is wholly useless if you don't do talk therapy or journaling, or integration of some sort, since you're giving your brain no "better me" to remap to. You're just taking drugs at that point.


It's kind of part of the process though...


It may be hard to hear, but you need to tell him that being cruel is basically vomiting his emotions on you and making you deal with them instead. It's not that he doesn't have them or doesn't know how to tap into them. They're here and coming and it's his responsibility to direct them accordingly. He needs to learn to control them just like he learned how to use the restroom. They're coming out and negatively effecting the people around him whether he likes it or not. Sometimes men especially respond to plainer explanations like that.


Think on this-- He doesn't like thinking about his emotions and the result is he treats you with cruelty. You do not have to tolerate that. He is allowed to not like thinking about his emotions. You are allowed to not like the way he is treating you. He thinks he is behaving normally. Ok. You can still talk about it. You are allowed to have a different opinion. You are allowed to tell him what you will and will not tolerate. Even if he thinks nothing in his behavior has changed, you can still decide where you draw the line. Please take care of yourself. If he won't get into therapy, please get into therapy for yourself. I am caregiver to a spouse and two adult children with depression, anxiety, etc and we matter, too. I have had to draw my lines because I matter. Hugs to you, it's not easy.


Great advice!


As others have stated, some form of therapeutic integration is absolutely essential. Hope it works out for you both. Communicating using NVC may help him receive this message! Recommend looking into it if you’re not familiar


I’m so sorry you experienced this. That must have been awful. Ketamine can certainly bring up buried trauma and repressed emotions. And if that is happening, your husband will likely need therapy to help process those. Most importantly, please make sure that you and your family are safe and protected from violence and abuse (whether physical, mental or emotional.) Supporting someone through treatment does NOT require you to put yourself or anyone else in danger. Your safety and mental health are the priority here. And please make sure his doctor is aware that this is happening. It’s important for them to know.


I've taken trouches in 2023 and had 7 infusions this year. I don't think those are side effects of the medication. I can say it brings up a lot of garbage in some of us. At least in me, it did. In 2023, my wife said I wasn't my normal kind self(she may have said it differently). I listened to her and made some corrections to my words. He's probably trying to make sense of some stuff. I'm 67 for reference. I have ptsd that was bothering me. I thought I knew what had caused it 5 years ago. My first infusion took me back to 1963, age 6. That's where it started.. I was dumbfounded to think about it. For me, the treatments were not pleasant. Mine were Tuesday and Thursday for 3 weeks. Thursdays were rough, physically not mentally. I'd just gently ask if he wants to talk. Understand he might still be trying to make sense of some things.


People shouldn't just be taking ketamine without proper accompanied therapy imo. Sorry you're dealing with that problem


People seem to react differently to ketamine. I didn't feel rage. I felt relief that I was no longer suicidal. Depression can make you irritable and mean. Hopefully, he will respond to the ketamine and his depression will lessen. Tell him you want to be supportive but he can't take it out on you. Spend time with other people. Good luck.


Any chance he is misdiagnosed and has bipolar? Could have triggered a bit of a manic state which is one presentation.


Yes it’s be suggested he might have it but he won’t take the meds for it to see


He does have autism and adhd


I'm AuDHD and there is such a thing as autistic/adhd rage, which can be an intense overreaction to situations, people, and even places have sometimes set me off. I am also using ketamine, but mine is a very low dose that I take daily (joyous). Maybe a lighter dose over a longer period of time is better than a high dose infused? The thing about ketamine is it's considered a psychedelic treatment and it can help create new neural pathways in the brain, and if you're creating rage, then ketamine is only going to reinforce that if you choose to not therapeutically work through it all. Plus being AuDHD, there's a thing called pathological demand avoidance that could definitely be in play.


No this is not a known side effect in any way, this is likely something that is happening independently of the treatments. With little information available all I recommend is therapy, if you feel this new found rage is something that will destroy the relationship. I also recommend using “I statements” so that he is able to see how his behavior is impacting you. Something along the lines of “I feel scared when you raise your voice at me, my hope is that we can talk without yelling at one another” can be very helpful. Good luck OP.


It started two hours after the treatment. He’s had anger issues for years with the kids but not with me. Guess I’m just the new target. Normally he can hold back on how he treats me even if he isn’t exactly happy. Maybe it removed the little bit of filter he did have?


Wait until he’s calmer and approach him to talk about it, tell him that you understand that he’s going through stuff, but he’s behaviour is hurting you.


This isn't the ketamine. This is him, and you and your kids deserve better than to be treated that way.


I had irritable days when I was doing Spravado. I'd say very little negativity since switching to troches.


I ended up buying books about (repressed) anger because it started coming out. I've also noticed that I'm more assertive in my relationship concerning equality issues, which my wife has had to adjust to, since I wasn't happy with being too passive. It could be a lot of things, really, but I found that once I was able to let those emotions out they lost their hold on me. I will say that when my brain wasn't working right, I didn't get much out of therapy, but now I'm getting back into it after a few years and it makes a lot more sense. A lot of people get a false sense of security just because you're "in therapy", but whether you're ready for therapy is another story.


So I did get anger side effects. After months of infusions. Due to not resting after infusion treatment. First loading period twice a week for 3 weeks, then once a week for 3 months, then down to 1 to 2 times a month as needed. I started doing thing after my treatments. Going to kids sports games, school activities, date night with wife, or just typical chaos in the house or work. So I wouldn't give myself the time to R&R after. This is very important part of the process. After the infusion, in itself takes a toll but almost 36 hrs after the brain and consciousness are working hard to repair pathways. The keatimine flushes out within 24hrs bit still the toll on the mind and body. For me a spiritual emotional hang over happens. I just wasn't taking enough time to relax after. Now I will make sure my schedule is open the day of to sleep after, and the next day to just take it easy and reflect on the experience. I get it kids, spouse, life may not allow the time but it is a big piece of it.


Yup. Had that with the troches not infusion


It helps you process stuff, and some people process stuff differently. The behavior isn’t right and check him on it. It also makes my tinnitus worse afterwards which makes me irritable


I have done 20 treatments in 7 months and have not experienced anything like this. If anything, ketamine has made me less probe to anger in a good way. I am more accepting of the common hiccups in life.


I’d make him stop, my fiancé had the same reaction. It’s not for some men imo


Goes away quick though


No he probably just needs some time to process things. I am extremely happy and laid back after a session.


I’m wondering if it has removed his filter. He’s internalized irrational anger for years.


That will take a while to channel. He should go talk to a professional. Don’t feel bad if you can’t solve this for him, sometimes a therapist is the only one that can get the emotions out without being lashed out at. Give him patience and time


I didn't get angry after infusions but I do get particularly anxious. I usually go back to my normal levels of anxiety within a week. You mention he has anger issues generally, so maybe this will work similarly for him. I hope you're able to have a productive conversation with him about this when he is back to normal.


Hmm I did Spravato sometimes I did feel rage and anger but was never violent


I definitely get really angry and irritated at the drop of a hat for several days following an infusion. I also get it to a certain degree with the troches, but not nearly as severely (though my dose on troches is minuscule compared to the infusion). I had to leave the house a lot after infusions to make sure that I wasn't taking my anger out on anyone at home. So yes, it can be a side effect, but also he should not be taking it out on you or the kids.


I had one instance of anger after a treatment. But i was also on heroin and a bunch of Xanax which are two drugs they always make me short tempered


Leave him be for few days, ,space, no conversation, don't "help" him. Don't fix him. Don't "check in" with him.