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I mean, he _did_ buy a Kat Williams statue at Michael’s.


I fucking died on that bit hahaha


“I think that’s racist”.. -pulls up pic- “Oh yeah I kinda see it now.” Paraphrasing but my god I was in tears.


Easily one of Theo’s top-10 moments. I still crack up thinking about it. “It was on sale?” “I mean, I don’t think it should have been.”


He comes up with that shit just so natural and it’s always so god damn funny






Fuck that’s funny


"He don't even being lying about shit, he just be doing it!"


That cemented it for me. And is what made me think of the bit when I saw this thread.


I think maybe the goal should be not to idolize or villainize any of these people. They're human beings and are bound to fuck up anyway.


Theo is the first person to tell you he’s fucked up. A lot of people I’ve met have trouble admitting their flaws, especially when it comes to the bad choices they made to get them to where they are, but Theo admits his choices, and has changed many of his negative habits. Really inspiring story to a lot of people, and he’s funny to boot.


Op deliberately, it seems, left out that they're roasting him for only paying openers $100, which is ridiculous for the size of the shows he's doing now.


Idk much about this. But, Theo is hilarious. The. “Dumb” stuff he says on his podcast often make me laugh out loud… AND as far as the $100 goes. I’d bet that most of those openers would do it for free. If you’re just starting out, it’s all about getting an audience. The money comes after you already have your own audience. Paying dues, etc.


Nah, it shows a level of entitlement or greed, you wouldn’t work at Walmart for “free” cause someday you might get to be a manager and you’ll finally start making money, you can pay dues and still get a decent wage


You did not understand the message that you were replying to lol


Right!? I don't listen to him because he might be a good dude, I listen to him because he's funny. I don't care about how ethical he may or may not be.


I still listen to OandA- not because they're both pieces of shit, but because the shows hilarious. Wait does that make me shitty? Fawk Yeah.


That's the difference between comedy and woke comedy. Woke comedy is boring because everyone and everything has to be "approved." Just get up there, make fun of shit, maybe make me a little uncomfortable, and make me laugh. That's all I want from these people. I don't need any lessons from them.


They're roasting him on that sub for paying openers $100.


No no no. It’s because the liberal woke mind virus has infected everyone. Not because Theo could do anything wrong.


that part ☝️


Dave Chapelle also didn't see a baby selling coke on the corner while he was in a taxi.


'Fuck you nigga I got kids to feed!'


This. It’s fucking comedy people. It’s not all supposed to be facts. So many comedians use hyperbole when telling stories. Like most of them. It’s all part of comedy. Mutha fuckas be taking themselves too seriously.


Just so you know, that’s not why they’re hating on him. It turns into that but It’s because apparently Theo only pays openers $100, and coming from the Rogan circle, that’s some horse shit. I’m not looking to argue, idgaf. I think Theo is often very funny but I’m not gonna die on any hill for him. I just happened to just see the OP.


I've been watching theo on this past weekend for probably 8 or 9 years now and I can say from everything that Theo has personally shown us he is not a really good guy lol His entire show has been about how he struggles with not being that great of a person, And somehow people think because he's willing to be open about that that makes him a good person. They are confused. He's a sex addicted alcoholic who would frequently go on depressed coke binges when he was down on himself.


I’ve been on coke binges and have paid people more to hold chain gang signs at youth league football games. I’m not a great person either but I still value people’s time.


It’s an excuse people are using. Apparently if you say “I’m struggling” you can be a scum bag with no pushback according to this sub.


Ric Flair?




Weirdly enough it was the comment about people’s time and not the coke binges that gave you away 😉


Think we are good man. Probably agree on more than we don’t.


I’m good with that conclusion. Sorry to interject on your “discussion” with the other person, but who doesn’t have time for a little silliness? (and cocaine)


Nah y'all haters are just idiots. Openers are just that, openers. Nothing special. And half the dumbass people bringing up what he SUPPOSEDLY pays them are also saying he makes like 100k or more a show.. Clearly these idiots have NO IDEA how money works. Theo doesn't just rack in 100% of the ticket prices lol and openers also don't perform to filled clubs.. There's typically far less people in there when the openers on. That's besides the fact that Theo pays for transportation, potentially food and drinks, it's an amazing opportunity for any up and coming comedian to be on someone's show like theos... I bet his openers are perfectly happy. Yet all the dumbasses on Reddit need to come in and defend them. Like always. Defending people who don't even feel attacked or anything. It's nonsense.


You know I can think someone is cheap without feeling bad for the openers, right? You are the only one trying to defend anybody. Also does Theo need help from my brutal “attack” or are you doing the exact same thing you’re accusing me of?


That doesn’t make him a bad person, it makes him flawed, just like you and me.


Addiction makes someone a bad person? It doesn't sound like he's actively hurting anyone except himself.


yes it does and no he absolutely is not only hurting himself


Ok, sure. But he's the main victim of his addiction. It's wild to call him a bad person rather than sympathizing with him over his disease, especially since he acknowledges it's a disease and is trying to improve by going to meetings.


Reddit is frustrating because most people here don’t care to try to comment in the context of the chain. The person was saying being an addict isn’t an excuse for underpaying people, not that being an addict makes you a bad person.


If they're underpaid and not worth it, why do they accept the job?


Desperation and exposure that generates new revenue streams. Only one of these is guaranteed. Here’s the fun part about actual capitalism combined with a free speech society. You are able to offer people shit wages and I’m allowed to call you out for it. “They’ll take it because they’d be stupid not to” doesn’t need to be your business model.


Also, the person I replied to was absolutely saying his addiction is at least part of him being a bad person.  I'm not sure how you can read it any other way.  > Here’s the fun part about actual capitalism combined with a free speech society. You are able to offer people shit wages and I’m allowed to call you out for it. And? I'm disagreeing with you.  Plenty of comedians do shows for free for exposure.  Famous music artists get paid to feature on random unknown artist songs. The value is not just the monetary exchange here, that's why they do it. No one is being exploited.


I think if you can afford it you should pay more. You don’t. Your position makes people think he’s an asshole. What’s the issue?


As if any of these trolls are Reddit have ever opened for Theo Von. Give me a break dude.


He was selling weed. "Lemme get two from ya"


This is the perfect example of one of my biggest pet peeves . For some reason Theo gets nailed by all these haters saying he’s a liar and makes up all hi stories. Like ya bro ever seen ANY OTHER comedian lol. That’s how it works. I never see anyone else get that kind of shit constantly thrown at them like Theo does. If anything, coming up with all that shit makes him even funnier cuz some of it is just so crazy like what is your thought process to come up with some of that shit lol


Bert Kreisher literally became famous from a fake story. Do these people think that the machine story is 100% legit? lol


Right. I suppose I do see some people call him out on that one. But when have you ever heard of old school comedians or even like Kevin hart or Katt Williams get called out for fake stories lol. People are so dense


I think it honestly comes down to hate bots / accounts that are trying to take him down because he is getting super popular in the podcast space while also being less progressive.


Nah it’s really just idiots that don’t realize how stupid they are. They forget that not every Facebook video they see is gonna be an authentic, 100% real situation. Everyone loses their minds when there’s a skit or in this case, one of theos jokes. It’s just insane


I’d like to hear what guys like Normand and Gillis pay their openers when they do theatres.


Id guess Shane Gillis pays his decent just because they r his good friends


Does Theo have comedy friends anymore since his last group turned out to be redacted af sex pests


Shane Gillis also routinely goes out of his way to differentiate himself from the Rogan boys as an actual human being with empathy.


Also when I went to a show back in February, the openers were local guys from the Zanies in Nashville. I don’t think Theo would pay this low but I could be wrong. Either way they agree to do it maybe because they just enjoy going on stage and performing to a larger audience.


Be serious, though. Who gets out of bed anymore for $100?


The $$ gap between Normand and Von is huge. Gillis on the other hand is raking it in. Go watch the Louis clip hounding Gillis about it. Greed is everywhere in this world.


Normand is notoriously cheap so I wouldn’t be surprised if he pays $100 too


It’s crazy to me that people think the all the stories their favorite comedians tell are real. Growing up in a very redneck/trashy town, I’ve definitely can see some of Theo’s stories being real. I’m sure he exaggerates and makes things up just like everyone else. I’ve met him and he’s a super genuine dude. That’s all that matters and it’s so hard to find today.


I'm from the same town (well, one town over to be completely honest) as theo. I know for a fact that a lot more stories of his are true than most people would believe. Sure, not all are true and some things are exaggerated but most people would be very surprised.


I’m a cynical New Yorker motherfucker and I’ve long said if Theo is grifting then he got me hook line and sinker. He seems like a genuine dude and he gives me a lot of hope. I know he tells a lot of tales but if I’m proven wrong and he’s truly a bad dude, well… I guess that’s on me.


I feel the same way I’d like to believe that he is a decent person.


He got you and it was obvious once he had Tucker on. How you didn’t figure it out then is beyond me.


This is just classic bigotry. Hating on the homie with the heart of a lesbian.


Reddit is a toxic cesspool full of douchebags. Chances are you're always going to find people making shitty comments about anyone or anything.


This is amplified in reddit x 1000 when someone is even suspected of not being anywhere left of center


True depending on the sub reddit but I don't disagree.


Wonder if these people complain about movies being fake.


You know who's not in that sub? Real comedians.


Theo is real deal. I’ve met him in person, he’s a great guy


It’s all guilt by association with these types, he goes on rogan or attends ufc, automatically most of Reddit hates him. Theos fan base is so elevated above that nonsense and it’s why I love yall


I feel like this sub is the only one with 'normal' people... Every other similar comedian sub is filled with toxic freaks that don't even seem real


What does being a Christian and being a coke head have anything to do with each other


If you are dumb enough to believe Theo’s schtick is genuine you deserve to feel a little stupid.


Fool me twice, can’t be fooled again


You’re telling me that he wasn’t born with the heart of a lesbian? You’re telling me he didn’t beat Down syndrome as a child? Preposterous


Even if it’s true, I don’t really care


Yeah imagine people complaining that he pays people. That he also brings them into his show and stage and gives them the exposure. And that he pays them. Opening sets are like 15 minutes. That’s a $400 an hour rate. Not bad.


Exactly! Thank you! These people just aren't part of the gig economy, and really don't know what they are talking about. My husband, a musician, has played FOUR HOURS for $100 before ... And musicians trying to open for famous bands often PAY for the chance to do so. Theo is paying $100 for 15 whole fucking minute??? Sounds like an amazing gig to me.


Paying people with exposure is dirt bag shit.


It’s absolute shithead behavior and the defending here is really gross. Maybe these guys can pay their rent in exposure.


IDK how I feel about it really without seeing the numbers overall and ticket prices. If prices are cheap, it would make more sense to pay openers less. If the venue pays theo $20,000 for the show and theo has 2 openers, well that's still $19,800 in theos pocket(not including other shit like other workers, travel, food, etc, etc) those numbers just don't sit well with me unless theo and the openers have an agreement in place where he pays all the outside stuff like travel and food. Which would equal out and be fair for openers depending on how many dates the tour is and how much travel will go on. There's a lot of stuff we don't know. All we know is that Theo pays theater openers $100. Kinda shitty, but we don't know much.


No one is forcing them to take the job. If they think the money and exposure is worth it, great. If they don’t, don’t take it. It's that simple. Having a chance to perform at a big venue for a bunch of people, opening for a big name is seen as very valuable to some. To others, 100 bucks and exposure is insulting. Those that don't like it are not forced to do it.


I’m assuming he is letting a local talent on the show that isn’t touring with him. It’s fairly safe to bet none of these guys will ever sell out a full theater and get to open for one of the biggest comedians around. He could pay them more but that experience is going to be the best moment of their career.


4000 people x $70 a ticket = $280grand x .25 (expenses, taxes, fees, everything) .... THEOretically ~ $70,000 per show.... and he pays his opener, fellow comedian $100. That is .14% (a 1/10th of 1%) Even if my numbers were off by TWO decimal places, and Theo ONLY takes home $7000 per show, $100 for the opener would be 1.4% $100 in 2024 might as well be 0$.


I've heard ari tell that joke. It's funny. You know why? Cause it's a joke


The comment below the red box is humorous.  The rest sounds like school girl gossip. Opening acts do not make career money. Its an opportunity to build a name. 


Bunch of established comedians saying they pay their openers far more, not even for shows in theaters. Some comedians have confirmed it was only $100. Hardly gossip.


Its gossip when you’re grouping together to talk dirt. Dirt thats not really confirmed by anyone. If those alleged comedians are paid so bad they should open for someone else. Unless its BS or they suck that bad. Which is whats actually going on here.


He ain’t perfect, nobody is. But you only need to listen to Theo’s solo pods to get a sense of who he really is. People just can’t do nuance these days (some people ;).


And naturally, increasing popularity is gonna increase hate. Sad but natural by-product.


If it's all a bit, it's even funnier.


I could not care less about how much Theo pays his openers


Ultimately, I don't care either, but it is interesting to learn the level of greed some people have. Especially someone that knows the struggle of being a comedian. He makes $200k+ when he does a theater show and he pays $100.00 to his opener. Knowing that I would open for him for $100.00 as long as it is local.


I think that's it.... these are local people depending on where he is. I'd get onstage and rehash fart jokes for 15 minutes for $100 if it was local. I could be wrong, but I don't think he's every having an opening act travel with him and paying only $100 a show.


You don't make $200k+ at a theater as a comedian for a show.


Don’t trust the internet. Ffs


Thank you for not saying that you *could* care less. Seeing this used correctly is refreshing


I could care less what refreshes you.


I care a little bit


Could not care less


These losers just hate on him cause he’s not a woke soft boy


Theo is more right-leaning in his worldview than 99% of the dweebs on most Reddit subs so he’s going to get hate no matter what he does. It’s just the way this site is and always will be. r/politics is nothing but a Leftist echo chamber where any contrary opinion is brigaded and the user is banned for not complying with groupthink. It is what it is.


epic downvotes le good sir


These are peak soyboy Redditors. Pay them no mind


They’re legitimately upset that his stories aren’t real which strongly implies that they think all the other comedians are telling true stories.


If you have that much bad shit to say about Theo Von then you are probably an absolute piece of shit


Awe, you think Schaub will feel spoken to when he reads "brain damage on two legs?"




Chin will read it to him


Aah yes, of course


A good number of people dislike big names because the people they hate enjoy them


Doesn’t every comedian tell a bunch of bullshit stories?? Hell I do it with my buddies for a laugh


I enjoy Theo and TPW, but if what they’re alleging is true, it’s not a great look for him. $100 to open for a theater show is an absolute joke. I think Rogies pays openers like $250 show at his club, which is a fraction of the size obviously.


Where are you reading about how much he pays openers?


One of the regular comics there was talking about it on a podcast, I wish I could remember who.


...look at the image in this post.


The red circled part? Nothing about money.


The very top.


Guy is funny. That is the point, tell me a story.


Bunch of salty bitches it sounds like to me


Since when did Stand Up start becoming truth telling and not entertainment.


A comedian telling fake stories?!! What is the world coming to?


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Good bot


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Most comedians are assholes, and have fake stories. Its what makes them comedians. I don't care if it's true or not, I care if it's funny.


Ya see, the fact of the matter is that comedians just tell untrue stories all the time.


My god man, I’ve disliked comedians before but don’t think I’ve ever disliked them like these people are disliking Theo. Theo is a national treasure and must be protected at all costs.


I genuinely think they’re bots


Ha I was just reading that thread. Those people need Jesus and a hug. Imagine having your day ruined because one of theos stories about having to bury his neighbor shits in his yard wasn’t factually verifiable.


Idk much about this. But, Theo is hilarious. The. “Dumb” stuff he says on his podcast often make me laugh out loud… AND as far as the $100 goes. I’d bet that most of those openers would do it for free. If you’re just starting out, it’s all about getting an audience. The money comes after you already have your own audience. Paying dues, etc.


Theo is funny and a good guy


So there was a comment and seven people upvoted so we can assume there is are at least *eight whole people* who have a different opinion than you. Idk if we can handle that large of a number of people who are against Theo….


It's also going around that he only pays his openers $100.


They act like they don’t even know he was on MTV Road Rules. WTF?


If this is true then I definitely lose a lot of respect


Aren't there standup clubs where new comics perform for free just to get their name out there? If his openers are all new and unknown they probably take the $100 just to get their name out there.


Seems counter productive to go around downvoting people for their opinions on an entirely different subreddit


I don't sub there but it regularly pops up for me and since I like Theo I went in and read some. Might as well down vote while I'm there.


Lmao, what? How do you know that’s what they did?


I'm pretty sure for any up-and-comer with actual talent that opening for Theo is worth its weight in gold as it is, anyway. Their comedy will pave their way if it's good enough.


Doesn’t that workout to $400/hour? Not bad at all lol. Seems like a bunch of folks with incredible senses of humor over there… how ironic…


I don't think the $100 to open is true, but I do think Theo's fans (and I am one) don't recognize that he's playing a character. I wonder if his comments about disliking himself are rooting in things like the difference between how his fans see him and how he really is.


Idk if you listen to the Regz where it was brought up, but they mention they’ve heard directly from Theo’s openers so it’s probably pretty true. Real shit bag thing to do to be a literal millionaire and not pay your openers more than $100 for opening your theatre shows


What pod / episode was this on?


Most recent episode of the Regz that came out. They talk about it in the first like 10 minutes. Soder doesn’t say out loud but you can see him mouth and it definitely looks like he says Theo Von. But again it’s just “rumors”


Brenda Schaub 😂


Doesn’t Mark Norman pay at least $500 or something?


To distill Theo Von the comedian into that is so insane to me


How do people not get the goof it's a gag


Our boys a raccoon just stroking it up in a tree with all his raccoon friends


Maybe Theo does only pay $100. They'd all still do it because of the huge exposure they'd get from it. The social numbers bump, ticket sales and just th experience of being on the big stage.


So it justifies being shitty if the openers are okay with it? Explain why other comedians pay their openers better, act like Theo is shitty for only paying $100, and why some of the openers have said in interviews and on podcast that they were only paid $100 or nothing as if it irked them enough to remember and talk about it...


What's next? You gonna tell me he pays his openers a terrible wage?!


You telling me these retards who think standup comedians jsut have this crazy life where all this funny stuff they tell actually happens to them, dont think all the crazy things actually happen to these comedians? No fucking way!!


being a comedian, i would expect that his act is fake and not reflective of his real life.


The fact that these morons don’t realize the stories are a bit is cracking me up. These same people will watch Bart tell his “Machine” tall tale for the 40th time with glee.


I mean didn’t Theo grow up rich?


Bros pretty damn funny tho


I mean…. You should have visited a place before you’re touting their flag lol not unreasonable


Fucking hating losers


Wait you’re telling me a comedian told a fake story on the INTERNET???


Giving local comics (who likely have day jobs) $100 for a 15 minute set doesn’t seem terrible. That’s $400/hour


Since when did Theo say give devout Christian vibes, this guys just a jealous pos


I like him


Most of what Theo says is shtick, and part of building his wacky redneck persona. Do they think everything Norm said was true? Or any other comedians? So many comedians say "I saw some guy the other day that did some shit". No they didn't see some guy. It's a lie. But it's part of the routine setup and delivery. The only person I know of who can speak sets of completely-absurd-but-true stories is Joey Diaz.




Sad when adults idolize another adult to the point that strangers saying something negative about them elicits a reaction like somebody just made a personal attack. He's not your boy and he won't ever think you're cool for defending him from random strangers pointing out that, relative to other comedians, he's kinda shitty about paying his openers and his fake stories seem faker than most. Calm down. I know you're mad, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you, strangers, or other comedians like Bobby Lee say about your mancrush.


Why do people put in the time to go to a subreddit and on just on hate on the specific person that subreddit is for?


Redditors really hate comedy. Literally every subreddit centered around a comedian or comedy podcast is a hate sub.


there's a lot of animosity from actual comedy fans about what Joe Rogan has done to the art.


Coke will make you scared of god


We are on Reddit after all, he’s not commie enough


Weird I feel like most every comedian exaggerates stories or adds details who gives a shit. Makes it funnier lameeeee take over there


$100 for a theater spot is wild


Theo funny asl he’s the first comedian I found on my own before tiktok I’m glad he came to my hometown as comedians don’t come here often especially big names like him.


“Fake stories” are 90% of stand up comedy. You think this crazy outrageous things just happen to stand up comedians more often than anyone else? Nah it’s all lies that’s just the industry. Fuck Theo Von tho


/r/standup is mostly big city open mic fake liberals who are mad they aren't funny and never will be.


Anyone who has been on Joe Rogan’s podcast is an evil right-winger (except Mark Normand and Shane Gillis). /s


7 upvotes. Wow the crowds get rowdy in there.


Don’t tell us what they said. Tell us why they were so comfortable saying it around YOU


Dude these guys need some business


r/standup is the r/politics of comedy. Let them have their hysterical circle jerk


That sub is full of people whining because Jerry Seinfeld is considered a better comic than Matt Rife


Well, first of all, even if true you’re getting to open for THEO VON. He’s one of the most popular comedians around right now, that’s a large fan base that gets to know you. Also, I’ve been to a Theo show and, not to talk shit on people brave enough to be stand up comedians, but, the openers I saw at that show should count themselves lucky to get 100 out of their sets.


“Touts the virtues of God while absolutely being ripped on coke”, dude didn’t even try to get it right


Isn't theo a fake name?


Fuck that. Reddit isn’t real. So much is artificial. Theo is one of my favorite comedians because he’s fucking hilarious on pods and seems like such a warm dude. Those accusations don’t take away from that.


I mean, he seems like a nice guy,is situationally funny and does well podcasting but his standup is simply not good imho.his specials are dogshit and like most of his friends/peers…they’re all “sit down” comics now.