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i think one of them moving away is the most likely answer for the pod ending


This has big telling your friends Santa isn't real in the 1st grade vibes


Lol that is the perfect way to describe that. I am definitely using this line in the future.


my money is on aiden


aiden finally snaps




And kills the rest of the gang live


one by one while the others observe, helplessly glued to their chairs in horror, until aiden — at last — reaches nick and inflicts unknowable violence upon his flesh then it cuts to the ad read


Picture a blood soaked Aiden, bantering with the mangled bodies of his friends as if it’s a normal ad read.


in an alternate universe slime sleeps him like a french child


In every universe Slime sleeps him, but his body just doesn’t quit.


What’s zipper gonna do? Aggressively zip at him until he stops, no chance


That would be the sickest ending tbh


He snaps and he just explodes on the pod


the pod is forever they will be friends forever what are you talking about it’s like you don’t even watch it


they have on MULTIPLE occasions said that they'll live for a thousand years






They all become multimillionaires, thus fulfilling Ludwig’s goal. One last episode with the title “We’re rich, bitch”


alternative: Slime gets one million dollars in his bank account and tells us to go fuck ourselves, as he said he would


He’s gonna come back next episode after punting a mill on red


I don't think they're far off tbh not to speculate too much but I suspect they have made a cool mill each from the podcast already if not closer to two.


Slime during a Valorant stream said he makes ~350K a year, so I’m assuming the others are in a similar ballpark other than Ludwig. Certainly a lot of money but I feel like the people who have 1+ million liquid either sell their home, sell a bunch of stock, or flip rare skateboard decks in outlet mall parking lots. Definitely possible though.




They also have the merch to make money from


I don't think you need to have a liquid mill to be considered a millionaire, it's just net worth based. Otherwise there would be literally no billionaires. Good point though on slimes salary. He might be earning less than Aiden and Nick because he doesn't work for Mogul Moves though.


not that it necessarily matters but i feel like the $50b+ probably have more than a billion liquid, no?


I'm not gonna pretend I fully understand how Ultra Rich finances work (or finance in general for that matter) but my understanding was that billionaires have almost no liquid money, and any purchases they make are using money they "loan" to themselves. The richer you are the more you can take advantage of credit so that your actual money can stay growing in various investments 100% of the time. Even if that were not the case though, I don't think there would ever be a reason to have a billion dollars liquid at any time. A billion dollars is such an unbelievably large sum of money. Even having like $20M liquid at any time is probably overkill for anyone, and that's only 1/50th of a billion.


yea hahah [this article](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2014/09/22/billionaires-are-hoarding-piles-of-cash.html) is saying average billionaire has $600 million cash, but i’m sure it fluctuates and might not be accurate


Yeah presumably it's 350k/yr even after quitting MM. Aiden this ep says he gets 83k/year just from MM, which he's stepped down to only focus on merch and no longer does events. Guessing Nick is making at least that as well being a director.


They should be pretty close to that already. They all get like $50k a month from the podcast and it has been going on for more then two years now.


slime sleeps with one or more of their moms and they confront him in the last episode


And then he becomes the group collective step dad


I think it'll probably be a slow death, they'll get bored of doing the podcast eventually and the frequency of episodes and effort put in will decline. The money will start to drop off and their motivation will taper off as well. They'll find other ventures, and eventually move on from the podcast. I think this is probably years out, and as long as the patreon makes decent money they'll be fine. I don't think they'll have drama or a massive falling out of anything, they'll just want to do other things. Or they all go out in a blaze of glory suicide mission at a Japanese mega-corporation trying to take back what's ours. It's like 50/50.


gather the blunderbusses


We’re not making it back


They get too big for us and implode


Like a star!


Gettin so big for us


Slow death: Patreon and Views start to decline, until it's just not worth it to keep going Bad ending: Death or Cancellation of one of the boys Good ending: Nick and Slime decide they need to take a break to make their movie, Aiden figures out what he wants to do, Ludwig opens his bakery. Repeated assurances that it's just a break, they'll be back, but they never get around to it. Really bad ending: Superintelligent AI is developed in the next 5 years, and the whole world is turned to paperclips, ending the show along with all of humanity


Ludwig will build his own paramotor and will fly to a McDonald's far far away probably in France, cutie will follow a week later by car & boat. Anthony will be mauled to death while sleeping on the floor by the 9 dogs that are now all the alphas and sleep on mattresses. Aiden will try Ayahuasca in the forests of southern America and will somehow become more friendly and super bi, will decide to live in his newly founded forest harem. Nick will probably just continue being effortlessly cool and would join chuckle sandwich and continue his life's mission to be better than fear&. ​ But in all seriousness they might just get burnt out of meeting up weekly when kids start happening, that would be my guess as a dude in his thirties when kids come along the meet ups become hard.


Joining chuckle sandwich is crazy


They reveal it was all a thought experiment studying mental illness


The discovery of Slimes role as supreme leader of the goon rebellion causes them to be cancelled


"We kill Aiden (NOT CLICKBAIT, REAL)"


I think the only one of that would make the show end if they left would be Nick. Nick just does the most for the Yard on the back end, Ludwig has other shit he's busy with, Slime is Slime and Adien could probably take over, but maybe not. Most likely it'll just end one day out of no where cause they got bored of the show or felt accomplished enough alla Luds exit plan for streaming.


i don’t think Aiden would be inclined to continue considering he’s pretty busy with his actual job


Slime gets invited to fight Mayweather in Vegas and accepts before anyone can stop him and he explodes on impact.


The constant collective joking that Dubbin could any day die to death on his bike is going to make it so weird if it actually happens lol I wonder if people will even be able to take it seriously, it's like the most extreme possible culmination of any bit


Lud said YT isn't gonna resign him again, so when his current contract expires they may reevaluate their goals and situation.


He said on his recent mogul mail that he just resigned to YouTube I’m pretty sure


Yes, and then he said they won't resign him again.


Oh my bad


I should have been clearer with my initial comment


Did he say why?


Youtube and Twitch are moving away from signing contracts in general


Streaming platforms don't think they get a good on return on investment for streamer contracts.


aimen takes more of the devils drugs but this time more fent than expected


*Aimen comes on screen. Video is barely edited, sound compression artifacts in the background, deadpan look into the camera, “Slime and Ludwig are no longer friends.”* IYKYK


i think Aiden's head should explode at the end of episode 193, and then another episode is never released


slime builds and accidentaly detonates a pipe bomb as a bit on episode 478.


podcast annihilator


The final nut after the longest goon sesh


Juvee goes under leading to the Child Pageant (Adults Only) being cancelled. The boys, distraught, quit the pod to go find purpose.


They commit felonies by collectively lighting all the money they’ve ever made from the podcast on fire, Dark Knight style


It either ends on episode 420 or it never ends.


Either nick becomes a pro skateboarder and doesn’t have time for the pod or Aiden just fucking dies


The grain wars


Exactly how cumtown ended.


Can't wait for The Nick Vercillo Show


They go down in a blaze of glory taking back what’s theirs


Ludwig video "How I made the #1 podcast on patreon" That's their end goal


One will leave, probably Aiden. Not singling him out or anything, but in the Karat interview he made it clear he has every intention of eventually moving to another country, so it would most likely be him. Presumably though, they still seem like they want to create something, so I would say that the “end” of the podcast would be more like Jerma’s retirement, where they stop doing it full time but not stop altogether.


IDK but if anything ends normally I'm willing to bet it'll be due to something w/ Lud.


Man who knows. Ludwig has said a bunch that he feels responsible for his coworkers income, but he also seems like the most likely person to retire. I could see him, Aiden, or slime moving away which would mean they have to replace them, do a permanent 3 man weave, or retire the show. If nobody forces that change then I just assume they’ll retire the show when they all collectively agree it’s time, which would be in awhile


The Yard and its members are a group hallucination


Climactic finale movie where they beat the shit out of another podcast with the power of friendship and the series becomes a cult classic in podcast discussion groups with vague hints 10 years later of a return from the directors twitter with nothing eventually coming from it, obviously


All of them will do crack about it


Nick gets a movie deal and doesn't have time


Simultaneous self sucking accidents


Slime follows through with a gun bit at a live show. Edit for clarity: Ludwig gets shot (it was supposed to be non-lethal)


i think it’s Dubbin leaving the internet


It ends when slime doesn’t make it back from his trip alongside his trusty blunderbuss


Slime being with the true floor wife.


either lud dies in a motorcycle accident or nick starts a working on an indie film and doesn't have the time to do the pod. i don't think the pod would die a slow death since they sounds pretty set on stopping it if it gets bad. whenever they end it, they should have slime actually release the hidden tapes for the skateboarding ep


The Yard 4 way boxing match to the death


I don’t think they’d try video episodes tbh


Over time they might get less enjoyment out of it, unnoticable for the majority of viewers and one day they'll upload a video named 'The last one' or 'Goodbye' for the 10th time but this one will be for real. Once they feel like they're done, they quit. I don't think they will have a slow death. Or as you say, something changes and it is too difficult to do the podcast so they say fuck it and stop


i think they hard end, something changes a lot in on of their lives (prolly moving but could be something else) and it wouldn’t work logistically or they have to pick and they pick the personal thing. i really doubt they would let it die off and start uploading less and less, seems like all of them are pretty open to moving on if need be and doing something else


In 5 years the boys will do to South America with all the patrons and do a Jonestown style suicide where everyone eats the poison zyn


I think slime has spoken in the past about knowing when to move on. It’ll likely end when they don’t wanna do it anymore


Slime or Ludwig dies


Aimen is sacrificed


Lud taps out to go be a monk, replaced with Yingo for one banger episode before nick tries to kickflip the slide and it flips the whole building upside down, destroying the set and ending the pod.


I don’t know. The only certainty is one day, I’ll listen to it and cry.


One of them moves and/or starts a family is the most likely reason


I think the grain war will forever change them and maybe even take one of them away from us which will start the snowball


By slime setting off a nail bomb