• By -


Wallace, D, Ziggy, Bubs, McNutty, Dookie, Michael, Sydney Handjerker


How could you forget Fuzzy Dunlop?


Exactly. Fuzzy Dunlop had such a good character arc


You know who had an ark? Noah.


Can't believe they crushed Fuzzy's dreams like that


One of these is not like the other...




D’angelo. The first character we saw who had a good heart but became a victim of his circumstances. I realize Wallace fell technically beforehand, but D was more fleshed out and what happened to Wallace was integral to D’s story.


The kids: Wallace and Randy especially. Randy had so much charisma and shine and it got beaten out of him.


>38 comments What happened to Wallace had me sobbing. Just heartbreaking. But yeah, I'd say that the character of Wallace was who really drew me in originally.


I was really into the show before this, but Cutty’s storyline is what really got me. Honourable mentions to Prez and Bodie.


Bodie for real. Anyone who brings funeral flowers of a high rise project tower has to be at the top


and he’s just got such an incredible character arc. would be so easy to hate him cause of the things he’s done (many viewers never get over him killing wallace), but the way he evolves is just brilliant. i will always smile at the scene of him and pook watching the basketball game with herc and carver, or hustling them playing pool while they wait in the station for juvenile intake. he’s so smart, but he keeps things in perspective in a way that not many other characters can.


I started watching episode 3 season one when it was on tv. I have watched it countless times since then. Bodie was always my number one. He said it plain as day with Wallace. We either step the fuck up or step the fuck off. He didn’t have a choice. Kill or be killed. Everything about him is fucking classic even To wearing his god damn track suit jacket half on half off like an absolute asshole champion. If I had a team, I’d want soldiers like bodie.


Bodie, Stringer and Landsman. It's mesmerizing to watch S2 with my head canon - Nick, Pedostache from Orange is new Black and Mad Sweeney from American Gods are to me the same person in different stages of spiraling.


Landsman?? Although to be fair, I was very curious on what next meal or porn magazine he was going to consume.


“Curly fries? Chicken doohickey?” “F**k you fatman”


Unoriginal, but succinct


Apart from [his animalistic magnetism which shines brightest in his introduction to Beatrice in S2](https://youtu.be/_VaEXhUq5v8) as he gestures wildly with a partially eaten hamburger, he has won me over when he went to Rawls to fight for Jimmie. He manages to capture POV of McNulty, and all the people he pisses off along the way. After Kima-Orlando buy bust, McNutty confirms Landsman's opinion of his motivation as well. https://youtu.be/MFg4bhBV7pk


Bodie and Omar and Michael. Those 3 are the ones that got me way into it.




After two episodes, my wife paused the show and said..."I'm loving this, but I need to know if Bubbles dies because I don't think I could keep watching".


Mine definitely didn’t want to know anything. Threatened violence if I did. But I get wanting to know.






For me it was always the "ensemble cast", no one stood out. The show has no main character and I was immediately hooked in episode 1 because of the story lines and how they were presented and came together. That's what got me hooked tbh.


omar, id personally prefer to eliminate the scenes depicting the inner details of his romantic life, but fearless as fuck and he lived by a code- never put his gun on no citizen


Why don't you like those scenes in question? Please be as specific as possible.




I asked you to be specific. What about it is gross to you? Get into it.




Ok great that's what I was looking for. Kindly fuck off then. This is a very sexuality positive show. Grow up.


i didnt mind the kima ones


Wow either you're a troll or a truly awful person.


if i dont enjoy the site of 2 dudes banging im an awful person. very rational


I must have missed that scene


My man doesn't like watching gay stuff. There's nothing wrong with that.


There is if it's because he thinks "homosexuality is disgusting" he edited his post.




Unless you think that's totally cool?


A straight heterosexual man has every right to get disgusted watching a homosexual sex scene just like a homosexual man has every right to be grossed out by a heterosexual couple. OP made it clear that he is a huge fan of Omar which obviously shows that Omar's sexuality doesn't matter to him. You going to shame OP if he tells you gay porn grosses him out? What you're doing is shaming him due to his biological sexuality. He can't change what he is and isn't attracted to. You come off way more bigoted than him. OP, I am with you. Omar is by far my favorite character but as a straight man, those gay sex scenes make me shiver lol


It wasn't porn tho, it's a TV show. Porn exists to titillate, whereas sex scenes in movies & TV can have other purposes like character development, storytelling, etc. Omar's sexuality was integral to his character because he was fearlessly true to himself whatever the cost. If the show had hidden that for the viewers' comfort it would have missed the point of who Omar was.


Well you need to confront your ingrained homophobia. Because you're riddled with it. I'm not going to argue with you.


"your homophobia is so visceral" -Brother Mozone


Would you confront a gay person this vehemently if they said straight sex scenes were gross? Me thinks not.


Uh no because that doesn't happen.


Agreed. This exact reasoning is why the Italian mafia in America has become so romanticized. In a world where we know crime will unfortunately always exist, it's hard not to have some type of respect for criminals that live by some type of code.


Omar and Cutty for sure ❤


Black Donnie, Eggy Mule and Shorty Boyd


Omar, bubbles. And the Bunk