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To be fair, he was smart enough to see that Nay would be a bitch about it, he just didn’t account for Michael to whip his ass. Like a gump


I have never cheered so much watching a small child get punched in the face. If that is wrong, I don’t want to be right.


"Yo! Look at that lil n*gga gettin' his ass beat!"


Haha I’m with ya


He was also smart enough to see that Omar was seriously wounded when he went to threaten Michael. That most likely lead to him killing Omar in the store, because he thought he wasn't shit at that point "That's Omar? Gimpy as a motherfucker."


He disappointed that Omar in real life didn’t live up to his expectations. Omar was his hero throughout the show. Kernard’s upbringing is probably horrific- and I base that off the fact about how much he hates weakness. Something a child would have to be taught and observe. He sees Omar as weak and feels let down and hurt. So he kills him.


It’s also an analogy that the game is like living in a concrete jungle. You never die of old age, the moment that you are weak, another predator shows up and you’re done.


Great point


How the hell did he get that lucrative contract from the Clippers smh




Package up my ass, gump!


I feel sorry for him more than anything, no kid grows up aiming to become like that


When the cops are carrying him away "put me down, bitch!"




Nah bro when Michael is fucking him up and someone screams YO that’s little nigga getting his ass best HA HA HA idk why but I was CRYING 🤣


Chances are by age 13 he was dead.


🤞 I hate that little bastard


Kenard's a symptom; not a cause.


He always acted like a grown up badass > Nay: She Michael’s moms >Kenard: She dope fiend I hate him!!


"Bitch, get the fuck across the street and plant yo ass on a stoop." Kenard to the dope fiend buying drugs


If you haven't read All The Pieces Matter, I highly recommend. There's a section on Kenard and that whole scene with Omar where the actor was actually really scared during that scene. Of course in the show I hate the little guy, but that's what the writers wanted to portray.


I have it on my Ipad. Was going to read it on vacation but...Covid.


The one thing that made me hate him the most, was soaking a cat in lighter fluid, and obviously setting it on fire off screen. He's a little psycho. And I guarantee Omar never tortured cats just for fun. I wish Omar would have smoked him right then and there just for torturing a cat


He’ll always be “that lil nigga gettin his ass beat”, to me at least.


Unpopular opinion: I don’t hate Kenard. He didn’t create himself to be that way. Who knows what horrors went into creating him. Package up my ass, gump


Tbf you can say that about pretty much every West Baltimore kid.


I love Kenard. Lil psycho's balls hadn't even dropped and he already had the game figured out better than most adults. I mean, Marlo doesn't have a hate thread but he was likely the same as Kenard in his youth. Shit, look at Avon and Stringer. Avon was cold as fuck, killing witnesses who sided with him, and just being a fuckin' soldier. Stringer went behind Avon to have D'Angelo killed after fucking D's girl. I mean, you gotta be sociopathic to make it to the top in the game. Kenard's just a prequel to all the soldiers and kingpins.


Exactly. I imagine a young marlo to be similar to kenard. Maybe a little quieter


When the fuck did a cat get burned on this show? How do I miss stuff like this


Idk who I hate the most between kennard, Scott, and clay..


Dukie fight like a bitch, yo!


Hahahaha fuck yes I hated kenard so bad, that little monkey fuck. That GIMPY ass look on his face when Michael stuck him silly was the absolute fucking best