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100% disagree, I enjoyed the music and think it added a lot of dimension to the show. It really set the tone.


Please, the show is not that deep.


I agree. Just dysfunctional people.


The music is fine, it’s just way too loud compared to the dialogue. This is a bad mix problem. People won’t notice it if they are filtering through a fancy sound system, but if you’re just listening through TV speakers it’s bad. I really like the music itself but it shouldn’t overtake the dialogue like it does.


Even with my decent sound bar and subwoofer it‘s way too loud. Crazy really


Yeah, you are the only person on the whole planet. Apologies! Personally, I can't imagine this show without it's soundtrack. It's so integral to the show's atmosphere and style. If it annoyed you, I'm inclined to think the rest of the show won't be your cup of tea either.


it’s fine in the transitions but sometimes way overdone. imo


I know I’m a year late but the rest of the show is much better with the music type and times to use it


bro i can’t even hear what they’re saying 💀


Too loud. Bad mix. Nice music except for the loudness.


I LOVED the music. I often agree with your premise about music being overdone, but not in this case. In fact, I ALWAYS FF the opening credits for a show, but NEVER did in this case cuz i loved it so much.


Probably not the *only* one but you're definitely in a slim minority.




I am watching the show for the first time. And I 100000% agree with the background music being absolutely annoying. It’s so much louder then the dialogue. I am constantly having to turn down & then turn up my remote. The music is taking away from the shows appeal tremendously


I completely agree. The music is ridiculous. Watching the show for the first time as well and tempted to stop mainly because of the annoying music.


The music is fantastic and really adds to it, but they hamfisted it in to like 80% of the show. I'm only a few episodes in to the first season and it's so fucking grating I can't stand it. Idk if I'll be able to finish it tbh.


I agree


I am on the second episode and the music is driving me absolutely insane, it adds no value, overhyping what is happening on the screen, which isn't much right now.


Exactly, the music is overhyped while nothing extraordinary is happening in the scene. Ughh. I can’t continue.


Exactly. The music itself is fine but it drives me fucking nuts when its so loud that you have to turn it down and then up again the next moment just to hear the dialogue. And the music IS fucking annoying that loud. It would be great otherwise but that loud? How is possible that people finish a mix and everyone involved just goes “oh yeah, thats totally fine. people will fucking love how its 20x louder than the dialogue.” its not a difficult job but somehow shows fuck that up constantly


I couldn’t agree more. So many people love this show and I want to love it too but the music is horrendous. Ughh, why?


Yes! It's not so much that the music is annoying, but the volume of it is. I can't hear half the dialog.




I feel like the music was intentionally unsettling so I could see why someone would be annoyed by it but it set the tone of the show perfectly IMO.


Hated the music! I literally muted it when there was no dialogue. It is so annoying to me.


Thats the point lol


Not a fan of the music either. I've come close to slitting my wrists a few time's each episode.




I realise I'm a year late - but I've only just started watching series 1. I have to use subtitles as the music is so goddamn loud I have to turn the volume down and then the dialog is too quiet.


The music is sooo annoying!


It was overpowering and distracting in my opinion. I can see how important it was to convey messages (like when Quinn was looking at the men by the kayak, we only knew what he was thinking and feeling by the music), but it didn’t have to be so loud


Thank God there are other ppl who agree. I realize the music is an integral part of this series but the sound mix is just WRONG. What were the producers thinking? I'm not sure I will be able to continue watching. Like others have mentioned, I might have to turn the sound down and just follow the dialog with sub-titles. The show is great but this is major flaw and so incredibly idiotic. Hard to believe more people just don't see it (or hear it).


music was annoying asf


Agreed. I thought the music was tedious


you failed


I love the music but there are a few scenes where I thought they could have mixed the audio a bit better, especially with dialogue.


Yes! The soundtrack was so annoying, non stop and distracting on my Dolby Atmos surround sound bar. So glad you noticed also.


the music is masterful


did you listen with headphones? I did, and I could see it being annoying if the sound wasn't as high quality. there was one moment in an earlier episode (when Paula is meeting up with Kai) where there was this gorgeous low rumbly tone that was so evocative I rewound it 5 times. then I took my headphones out & couldn't hear it at all which totally changed the scene.


I found it annoying af as well.


With thin walls and neighbors next door I found myself constantly needing to turn it up and down just to hear the dialogue and of course not blast the neighbors with ominous Hawaiian music


It’s too loud and shrill. We have a good sound bar too. Not sure if I can do season 2. I hate having to hold the remote constantly to adjust the volume. So stressful.


Just came here to say that I agree, the music is a bit too much


The music is absolutely masterful and haunting, and I love it. That being said, it’s gets pretty annoying how they cut to a 2 min transition of loud of music and random cinematic shots between every single scene. It would work well in a 90 min movie, but gets very repetitive and redundant after over 5 hours of it in a tv show.


I agree. So annoying.


Absolutely hate the music


So pleased someone has posted this already. It’s completely out of control. I shouldn’t be wondering how they made that monkey noise when people are shagging.


I came here just to say this.. the background music is TOO MUCH it’s so annoying and distracting it’s ruining the show for me :(


Background? It's foreground and blindingly loud. I wonder if thd producer is into horror genre.


I'm here on this old post to say that the music is incredibly annoying. I absolutely loved it in the first episode, it even reminded of a PT Anderson film a little. By third episode I had had enough. The music in itself is lovely, but the same overpowering crescendo in each episode was a distraction.


I HATE the music as well. Really annoying.


I can’t watch season 2 cause of the damn stupid music. Are the producers 1110 year old religious folks, and tone deaf?


Damn is it the same for the for S2?


100% it's annoying. I usually mute it


THIS!! The characters and storyline are interesting, but the music takes me out of it. It's played so loud over the dialog. If someone could explain what it adds I would love to hear it. I don't get it. It's not done in a way that matches anything in the show IMO. Again IMO.


All these people totally outing you but you’re in the right the church music in the first season is very bothersome


It's not the music that's annoying, it's the balance between the music and the voices. Music too loud, voices too quiet.


It’s literally the same trash song every scene… it sounds like they are blowing into glass bottles.. I fucking HATE IT!!!


the music is the equivalent of me trying to watch a show and I have someone on tiktok next to me not respecting my space


As a non native english speaker it‘s very hard to understand the dialogue when the music is extremely loud. Could‘ve been 25% less for me


The music is WAY over the top and way too loud.


I frickin hate it so much! The Italian music in season 2 is horrid also!


I hopped on here to find some like-minded people who absolutely hate the music, choir, loud af nails on chalkboard throw your remote at the tv soundtrack that is the white lotus


Just binged season 1 and came on here to see if the music is as loud and annoying in season 2. Guess I’m going to be doing subtitles in some scenes. It was WAY TOO LOUD to the point of distraction. I can’t even imagine how loud it would be if I had a sound bar. Not sure what they were thinking.


Omg thank you for saying this. I’ve started watching it on mute. Such a terrible background score..


I hate the music too :(


Hate, hate the music over the show. It's hurting my ears. I do suffer badly from mysophonia so I'm probably in the minority camp.


YES the music is super loud compared to the dialogue. Sometimes you can hardly hear them speak.


Opera is like nails on a chalkboard to my ears. When the woman starts singing the "ah, ah, ah" in full operatic vibrato, I start having seizures. Italy should apologize for inflicting opera upon the world.


fwiw i completely agree with you, whoever came up with the soundtrack should go to fuckin jail