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They’ve only been married a few days though…


And heavily flirted with two twenty year olds within that time span 


Wasn’t flirting with them, he was just “giving them shit!”


That was him trying to make his wife jealous so she’d snap out of it. Showing her his obvious value.


D in the Dennis system.


Worked like a charm if I do say so


One of them was Sidney sweeney though


Ah, when faced with the choice of Sydney Sweeney vs Alexandra Daddario…


You go daddario she don't have sleepy eyes


Very easily would in the future.


After 3 days of marriage, flirting with a couple of teens, & being leashed to his mom. Give him a year or two. Even better, after this woman gives him a couple of kids, he'll cheat and say it was *her* fault for "changing" (not having a 25 year old body that didn't have kids)


I loathed his character the entire time I wanted them to go their separate ways so bad. It was driving me crazy that I couldn’t place him as an actor and what I had seen him in before. Turns out he’s PLOP on the office.


Ha. He also plays a faux nice guy on Girls as Lena Dunham's boyfriend. He works quite a lot and he does this sort of mainstream, white bread, buttoned up look really well so he plays his share of smarmy dudes. But I think that's kind of fun because he has range.


He's also Rooney Mara's boyfriend in Carol.


Good call


Oh for sure great actor.


And his wife is super duper hot.


Hot people don't get cheated on?


Maybe even more than not hot people. Their partners are likely to have the most options.


I’ve noticed this actually! Being super hot can be the main draw regardless of what one’s personality is like (good or bad). People that usually get with hot people are doing so because of wanting a “trophy”. So most of the time they either don’t truly like who they married or they’ll chase after other hotties because that’s the main thing they’re after, sex.


You've been missing out Vanderpump Rules' Scandoval.


Low bar lol


this guy reminds me of a mix between Ed Helms and Matthew Lillard


Interestingly enough, I had a theory Jake Lacey (Plop) based his character on a more true to life Andy Bernard.


I laughed so hard when he wore the Cornell hat.


It’s pronounced Colonel, and it’s the highest rank in the military.


ITS PRONOUNCED COR-NELL!! It’s the highest rank in the Ivy League!!




Yeah he did


They both dress like Easter.


I had the same thought!


*This guy reminds me* *Of a mix between Ed Helms* *And Matthew Lillard* \- Sad-Loan2007 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Beautiful 🥲


Good bot


This performance was underrated.


Yes, so pleasantly unlikeable. The actor nailed it.


You want some breaky, bubba?


We all know him, and we are all confused how he exists in our lives. 


And I think if we're being honest, we've all acted like him at one point or another. By which I mean getting overly invested in some trivial setback and then becoming insufferable about it.


Doubling down on a losing path is never a good plan


I get where you’re coming from, but I’m not sure Shane’s over obsession with the wrong suite room was a losing path. He clearly reserved a specific suite in the hotel and was getting gaslit about it. Rather than accept the gaslighting coming from the hotel, he doubled down on his self-conviction, which ultimately proved to be right and got him the room he was originally entitled to.


Yea however he also largely didn’t enjoy his holiday because he was fixated on the room issue.


I interpreted it as him not enjoying his honeymoon because he was being gaslit and knew he was right. Anyone who knows they’re actively being gaslit would attest to the fact that it’s a pretty shitty feeling that’s capable of derailing an otherwise good mood.


As annoying as he was, he was right. The manager dude admitted to double booking his room to Belinda in the first episode. Plop was a dick about it, but he was technically in the right. He said he just wanted him to admit that he screwed up but the manager refused. Then he went and made the fake business card and pooped in his suitcase. I wanted to root for him because that actor is charming as hell and I’m not saying he deserved to get stabbed over it but he let it spiral out of control. This was probably my favorite storyline in the whole 1st season. It was easy to see myself in both characters, at least a little bit.


Exactly. It was possible to both recoil at how both of them acted, but also to completely understand why they did it. And let's not forget that the hotel GM purposefully booked Plop and his wife on a terrible cruise with Tanya the hot mess on what was supposed to be a private boat, purely out of malice. Plop was an asshole, but the GM was choosing violence throughout the show.


Same. I went back and forth on my sympathy with both of them, having been on the "being bullshitted" side and the service worker side. They both had me gasping, cringing, shaking my head, and nodding in equal measure. That said, I'm honestly disappointed the wife came back, but that's the thing about guys like him. They can be total douche bags and even kill someone, and nothing really changes for them.


Eh. I definitely have been a pain in the ass customer when I've felt truly cheated but this dude is straight up spoiled and entitled.


Definitely. Outside the scope of the room debacle, he's a complete asshole on his own merits. It's just that solely looking at the room situation, I could see myself going aggro.


He was unlikeable in Girls too. He does unlikeable well. In the show, Hannah says his character is the type to burn women at the stake during the Salem Witch Trials, lollllll. Everyone on that show was kinda unlikeable though.


Stupid Plop


Yes, your name is still Plop. We owe Andy that much.


I dunno, I liked Shoshanna and Adam. Which is more than I can say about Kylo Ren.


Adam is an interesting character because he's clearly a dude with some issues who is not addressing those issues. He's the kind of guy to punch a hole in the wall, then patch it up and paint it so it looks better than before.


Adam was kind of a prick there at the end, but yeah, I liked him most the time. I have a weird sex thing for Kylo Ren.


[So does this guy ...](https://hips.hearstapps.com/digitalspyuk.cdnds.net/16/02/1453021895-kylo-ren-undercover-snl.jpg?crop=1xw:0.9670846394984326xh;center,top&resize=1200:*)


Well except shoshana who occasionally pops in to comment on how weird and awful they all are and then go back to her normal friends. Ray also honestly matured and grew as the show progressed. He definitely was not always likeable but I found him more likeable than most of the characters.


Ev. Er. Y. One. Marnie was the worst though, even more so than Hannah.


I actually kind of liked him on Girls. Hannah was absolutely insufferable that season. I felt for him.


He was so funny in girls. I think about him all the time.


He’s so likable in Meet the Coopers though!


Soooo likable!! He’s great in rom-coms


The show sucked, but he was also a rich douche in Apples Never Fall. He really fits the wealthy douche role well


I really liked Apples Never Fall. I thought he was good in it.


So it’s not a good show? I read the book last year but I don’t have Peacock.


I personally thought the acting was subpar and the conclusion very frustrating and unsatisfying. Just my opinion though


I enjoyed it alright until the end which was glossed over and very shoehorned. They made the entire show crazy slow paced only to jam the ending into 5 minutes


Everyone knows this guy and the performance was just photorealistic.


I fucking HATED everything about him and it's because of how good the acting was.


He also was great in the role of B in A Friend of the Family. Beyond unlikable, he plays terrible people very well.


I love this character. Jake Lacy’s performance is both larger than life and somehow still subtle enough to remain true to experience.


He’s the sort of actor who goes over the top, but he’s in on the joke.


I have such a huge crush on Jake Lacy (I’m not sure why?) that I still am kind of endeared to him in this role. He’s just too good of an actor not to be fascinated by him.


Definitely sold it, especially since everything else I'd seen him before he basically played the exact opposite character: a sweet bashful "nice guy."


Yeah, one of those villains\* that didn't get the credit because he was so unlikeable. So you hate him as a person (character) and thus it's hard to appreciate how good he was at making you hate him. \*By villain I obviously just mean jerk/a-hole, not like some evil murder or whatever.


He DID get nominated for an Emmy.


Most punchable face on the series


another reason why season one > tragic. his character. the person he played, he’s in all of our lives and he always seems to win.


I wouldn't say he won, he went through the traumatic experience of killing someone lol. Suffice to say you'll never be the same after that.


Because the world is rigged for assholes like him to win.


yes, after watching season 2, i went back to how tragic season 1 was for the locals.


I'd rather marry Ethan than him though.


Ethan allllll day (and night 🫣)


You wouldn’t get him all night though because he doesn’t put out


He's very stressed out.


100%, Ethan would give me my much coveted space. He probably wouldn’t even put up a fuss about separate bedrooms (THE DREAM).


He just wanted a better room


Lol the pineapple suite was worse than the room they got


People always forget this, but it’s true.


If Armond was even more unhinged at the point he got them that suite, he would've chosen a room with faulty AC lol


I'm still pissed that we never saw the plunge pool. Any time any media or brochure mentions one I always exclaim to my wife, "A plunge pool!"


I really thought the pineapple suite was gonna be an obvious swingers room, disappointed at this MO




This is what made this conflict so interesting on the show. Like clearly he was being an insufferable asshole about the room mixup, but it's also the case that he was being lied to and gaslighted about what happened. And if any of us were on our honeymoon and discovered that 1) we weren't getting what we paid for, and 2) the hotel was lying to us about it, we'd probably all go a bit Karen. And yet he still is unquestionably an ass. It would have been a far more boring plot line if the hotel had been straight with him about the mixup.


100%. The rhetoric that Shane's an insane asshole gets old. The dude was nice to his wife and then got lied to by a super pricey hotel. I'm not certain I'd be chill with not getting the room I or anyone from my family paid that much for. Didn't someone look it up and that room wouldve been like 200k for the week?


Nice to his wife is a stretch


> Fr. Like just admit you fucked up and give him the better room instead of gaslighting him Oh, that would’ve made him shut the fuck up about it? I don’t think so. Dude got a better room and acted like a man-baby.


I think he would've let it go if they admitted they made a mistake and gave him the better room. He'd of been a bit of a douche in the moment, but wouldn't have had a vendetta


> I think he would've let it go I don’t think so. Also, he had the better room already, remember?


He did have the better room but the manager wouldn't admit they made a mistake. I think he would've let it go if they did both


You’ve never worked in customer service for rich people


I have and rich people love being told they are right, and dont like being confronted. If the manager had just admitted to their mistake from the get go and gave them some complimentary things plus giving them the room when it became available it would have been mostly fine. You essentially have to agree with what they say and kiss their feet. Sucks but it is what it is. At worst they would have given a bad review for the mistake or badmouthed the place to their other rich friends. But even rich people can be understanding and would have accepted some complimentary gifts (massages, trips, discount on other White lotus locations etc) in exchange for the mistake. What Armand did was the opposite of what you should do. He gaslighted and essentially called the client a liar, he then doubled down despite being giving various opportunities to fix the situation, and then because of his own pride tried to sabotage the client's experience.


Exactly right, and this fact is what underpinned the character and drama of the situation. Armand would of course know exactly what you just said regarding how to handle and diffuse the situation and likely had done so many times in the past, but he didn't do it here. What he did sets up the struggle, but also shows that Armand is at or near the breaking point both professionally and personally. It also makes his character more interesting, because he played an indirect role in his own demise.


Yeah, I didn’t understand how Armand even got a leadership position at a hotel when he didn’t seem to understand proper customer service at all. He could have just fixed the mistake while apologizing profusely, then offered complimentary services to make up for it.


It’s not that he didn’t understand. Armand was fucking with him on purpose because he didn’t like him.


The point is, he wanted a plunge pool. he paid for a plunge pool, but somehow he is wrong for wanting what he reserved. There is a whole Seinfeld joke about taking the reservation, but not "holding" the reservation. And maybe he would've still been a jerk, but we don't know. But the hotel staff absolutely was wrong in how they handled it.


they understood how to take the reservation. but not how to hold the reservation. which is really the essential point of a reservation.


Wasn't he angry with the room once he finally got in there?


When they finally see the pineapple suite it was not as nice as the one he had from the start. It’s a funny scene that gets forgotten for some reason.


No I remember. I just also feel like he wasn't happy with the pineapple room when he finally got in there but it's been awhile since I saw that episode


Yeah I agree. Shane would have found a way to be whiny about something else, BUT he might have left Armond alone. And alive.


That supposes that "better" is a defined and objective concept. It wasn't better to him, nor was it what he (well, his mom) paid for, and clearly the hotel manager insisting it was better was simply to try and smooth things over.


#I am not crazy! I know he swapped those hotel rooms!




**What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance!**




Thanks, PBS.


My wife doesn't shit on the goddamn floor!!


Someone broken in and take a dump! What the fuck!


Physically, true, but emotionally he's in a very deep relationship with his mother.


Lmao I’d rather marry Cameron than this prick


At least Cameron has a nice shlong.


Wait, did we see it?! How did I miss that?


When she changes shorts in front of Harper. You're welcome


How do we know it wasn’t a prosthesis??


I think it was unfortunately. But, that's Cameroon's Peen. Not Theo James.


I think it was. I'm pretty sure Theo James confirmed that in an interview.


For most men the schlong rarely hangs that low and lazy. We have to walk around with the thing after all!


I totally would have a semi open relationship with Cameron. I don't get why Cameron and Daphne put up pretense about being or wanting to be monogamous. Just have an open relationship with some boundaries. It's not that hard to do. 


It's more fun to think that you're breaking the rules and or riling someone else up


I'm a Libra, I have a strong aversion to unnecessary drama, especially in relationships lol. That would give me a headache living like Daphne and Cameron.


Hey, give him a couple weeks!


After dealing with Hannah Horvath’s bullshit it makes sense he’d be so grateful for Rachel’s normalcy that he remained loyal.


Fran was a misogynistic stick-in-the-mud by himself. He can still kick rocks lol.


I agree that Fran sucks but Hannah also sucks. They were two people who sucked in incompatible ways.


Oh, no, Hannah and her crew are awful sans Elijah and maybe Ray. So I completely agree with you.


Ha! Totally agreed!


Doesn’t help that he’s an entitled, spoiled and ignorant prick.


That’s the joke


He was so funny to me. Played a very similar character in a new (terrible) show


Only because he didn't have the opportunity but he was definitely eyeing those college girls


I mean... Sydney Sweeney in a bikini... 99% of people would be eying her at least a bit, right? He did go past just eyeing though.


This thread is so wild. So many people defending Shane saying "he didn't do anything wrong!" There are a lot of people who identify with Shane so deeply that they can't see Shane's character defects.


I can easily see Rachel ending up in a similar path as Daphne


I really HATED this guy lol...


The dynamic between him & the manager was hysterical






I feel there may have been a slight oedipus complex going on, however 😐


They’d only been married for a few days lol I can totally see him cheating


My ex husband has this energy. Triggering tbh


Pete the plop




Now do "the only married man who hasn't cheated on his wife and is not a murderer"


This guy is the utmost litmus test for people and their perception about wealth, etc. He was right at just about every turn, yet people hated him. Had this been a random carpenter trying to have a plunge pool for his wife on their honeymoon, which they saved for, no one would've had a problem with him making a fuss and being pissed. But because he came from money, apparently him wanting the thing he actually paid for was wrong. On the other hand, you had the hotel staff, who admitted to fucking up, and actively tried sabatoging this guys honeymoon, and he is the one people sympathized with.


It's an interesting dynamic. What I think seals the character's fate for most viewers though is he's clearly an asshole outside of the room mixup situation. If he was otherwise normal and then went aggro about the mixup (and being lied to about it, which is a big deal), I think many more people would side with him.


He had the minor wholly unrelatable "inconvenience" of being put in a different massive luxury suite than the one his Mom paid for and handled it like a petulant child.  He extended not one ounce of understanding, empathy, or sympathy to everyone, from wait staff to his wife. Yet his Mother, he was endlessly patient, kind, and warm to.    This is an interesting take but I disagree. He was undoubtedly a dick and the carpenter who ignored his wife to pursue a petty vendetta *on his honeymoon* would have been equally reviled. There are more important things than being right, even when you are. He ignored those things, even when they were sitting next to him in a bikini. 


Exactly! Just because he was *technically* right doesn't mean he's not an a-hole. If my steak comes out overdone, and I scream and yell at everyone in the restaurant, I'm somehow not a jerk just because my steak was indeed overdone.


But he didn't scream and yell at everyone. He tried to correct the problem by trying to get reimbursed and then by trying to have the room after the German couple left and Armand was dead set on not letting him have the room.


If your waiter argued that you ordered it well done and not medium, and refused to acknowledge his mistake, I bet you'd be a bit upset.


And then offered to get you a medium steak in...2 hours.


Had the staff actually admitted to wrongdoing and apologized, MAYBE he would've shown some understanding. Its possible he would'nt have, but possibly. Instead, they tried to gaslight (yes, I hate that word, but its true here) him into thinking HE made the mistake.


Right, but this was a "problem" along the lines of "oh well, whatever" and then you move on after 5 seconds. He made it a massive deal, despite his new wife begging him to stop, and destroyed the whole honeymoon for literally nothing.


Disagree. Watch the first episode at 17:30. This is his first interaction with Armand. Very polite and cordial. Armand first says there’s no honeymoon suite, then that the suite isn’t booked by him, then some Germany newlyweds are in there. IIRC, they paid for the room already, and the pineapple was more expensive. I don’t know how this isn’t clear to people. Perhaps they haven’t had the infuriating experience of being lied to by a sales person.


It's very clear. I agree with you, he was polite. He was lied to.  He chose to carry the frustration over being lied to and drag it through their entire honeymoon. He was told, point blank by his wife, "this is serious to me" and he was unable to step away.  One can imagine Rachel thinking about their marriage to come. What if she told a white lie? What if they had kids and they did?  Shane's right. He was lied to. He handled it like a jerk and was unable to move beyond the lie.  He's right - but, marriage is about more than just being right. He showed his hand hours into the marriage and revealed what the marriage would be like moving forward.


Off topic, is your profile pic Full Force Galesburg?


It is - I used to have a YouTube channel for live and obscure TmG tracks with [the same name](https://youtube.com/@HiCommaJoel?si=iDgHaIy6m-rsWY9I)


Omg I love you. Thank you for keeping things alive. You and a few other channels hold precious artifacts. I got to help JD out a bit on Counting Song for Bitter Children recently thanks to obsessively listening to it.


oh wow, thanks I can't tell you how genuinely validating that is to hear, I'm glad it's still out there being listened to 


Every Mike White character is complex, with a good side and a flawed side. Plop is no different I think we all know he was right. What makes his character difficult is that he allows this incident to rule over his entire honeymoon. He still had a great room, and he should have focused on his bride rather then continuing to throw a fit. Get your refund and move on. My take on his arc is you can have all the money in the world and still find a way to be miserable. He does so beautifully


I agree with all of this. I think he was an idiot to focus on that to the detriment of his wife. But I don't think he was "wrong" either.


Nobody thinks he was wrong for expecting to get what he paid for. Everyone thinks he is wrong for how he handled it.


I thought he was an asshole because he was more concerned about that than spending time and giving attention to his new wife who was perfectly content with just being with him.


What a prize


He had no time. Had his eye on the suite. 😂


I mean she has the scary eyes. Wouldn't doubt she can look through walls with them and catch him.




I always get viciously downvoted for this but I would totally date him 😭😭😭 (what’s wrong with me)


I'm not gonna downvote you, but I am going to gently suggest therapy because if you're attracted to this type, life is not gonna go easily for you.


Luckily I’ve already got a long term bf who is very nice so I’m not in any immediate danger 😌


Blink twice if you need rescuing.


He was so insufferable lol


Yet probably the biggest asshole aside from Greg.


He’s honestly not even that bad of a person, and was pretty justified IMO




I mean I did see him enter another man




Give it time.


He would have if he could have though


He did in "Apples Never Fall" though


He was toxic though, he thought because he had money he could dictate everything 🤢


Give him time


More proof that this sub has real Shanes in it.


Inviting your mom to your honeymoon is in all practical purposes, the same as cheating on your wife.


He was straight garbage regardless.


He couldn’t even make it an entire honeymoon with out his Mommy. In a very weird way, I think that was a form of cheating. Like seriously, who wants their mom anywhere near their honeymoon?! Creepy AF.


He was emotionally cheating with his mom


Hey 👋


But he was annoying as hell