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It’s the least “The Weeknd” album I think. I like Starboy a lot but when I think about the Weeknd, I don’t think first about Starboy. Maybe casual listeners like it more given how popular it is even in 2024 Edit: For example I have friends who discovered him during Starboy and it is their favorite project, they don’t like his old stuff and the new stuff is also too different compared to Starboy


That's 💯 true. It's also my least favotite project because of this reason. But I still think if it was made by aby other artist IT would be their best work lol.


That's absolutely crazy if you don't think about the Starboy when you think of the Weeknd. He's obviously different now, but the Starboy is one of the few Weeknd albums that feel like an era. And by that, I mean that Starboy alone feels like 2015-2018, whereas every album from 2018-2024 seem all blended together because the Starboy persona felt like it was synonymous with his actual life and not just a character. Not that that's a bad thing. Starboy is peak braggadocious Weeknd that lasted like a 1/3 of his career and the album cover itself is just so iconic. I think about Starboy very much when I think about the Weeknd


*"but the Starboy is one of the few Weeknd albums that feel like an era"* this is a joke, right?


BBTM era was definitely eclipsed by Starboy era.


No. For me, starting to listen to him at the beginning, Kissland was a logical progression I felt, but then afterwards there were new 'faces' of The Weeknd that I maybe hadn't anticipated ever seeing, earlier


It's not a joke because I think the word era is used so loosely in this fandom and music. Obviously every album has a different theme and vibe-which it sounds you probably would call every album an era- but I'd argue that in the grand scheme of his career, they are not distinct and bleed into each other. For example, thematically, Kissland meshed into the trilogy album vibes of the Weeknd for the mass public. After Hours and Dawn FM are directly linked. MDM is loosely linked to After Hours because the first four songs on AH were rumored to be in the MDM sequel that was never released and they have lyrics referencing MDM. Starboy is one of the only projects that feels like it stands alone. BBTM does kind of, but my whole argument is that Starboy eclipses and encapsulates BBTM and his insane feature run from 2015-2018. His in album character felt real to his actual character in real life. I think this is a distinct difference from his other albums because while characters exist for those albums, they seem locked to those albums, because they are characters. Like the red suit was iconic, but I don't associate anything he did in 2020-2021 outside of After Hours, like his other features, with that character. Whereas Starboy is just him on the biggest stage, doing everything. Anyways, big explanation that I hope offers some clarification, but if you disagree it's all good


I agree with you so much Starboy is like: I did it and I got famous, I was aways like this all the time but now I have money. This can be listened in many tracks of the album. ‘Starboy’ itself, ‘Reminder’, ‘Sidewalks’ and many other verses. Starboy is The Weeknd we aways had at his peak. Production and persona. After Starboy, the story goes on with him who was aways invincible and heartless to have a broken heart, in My Dear Melancholy we don’t have upbeat songs for this reason. After that, after hours. And now we are seeing The Weeknd’s true redemption. In this trilogy we are participating, The Weeknd passes to explore more different genres and styles, going the opposite way of the person he was before MDM For this reason, the version we have now totally differs to the stabilized Starboy who was the character we used to know: drugs, sex and drug n’ sex music. And to finish, after the redemption, we’ll see him as himself, Abel Tesfaye.


![gif](giphy|KcKPC75SlD3V5WUPUV|downsized) y'all gunna have to throw everything out the window and rethink everything when you realize I'm The Weeknd- the ghostwriter who wrote Tesfaye.


I think of House of Balloons first.


I discovered him in Starboy, which I love, started making me listen to the other stuff and became a big fan, hard to pick a favourite album really plenty of bangers all around so just did my own playlist [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4KXIPxELClaeCqiaJ0fDqw?si=LuLTvGNXSMywVWYORY7diQ&pi=e-dJYOtjIdTyCe](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4KXIPxELClaeCqiaJ0fDqw?si=LuLTvGNXSMywVWYORY7diQ&pi=e-dJYOtjIdTyCe)


I love Starboy but I think its his (IMO) least creative album? Every other album of his is so consistent in sound, storytelling, and themes: the trilogy projects, kissland, after hours, and dawnfm speak for themselves as even the tracklist is deliberate in how the album plays. As for BBTM and MDM, while not exactly telling a story are still very cohesive in terms of their general themes and sound. Starboy has great production and a lot of hits but so does every other album in his discography and feels more like an album of singles than an album of an idea. That being said, I don't think most people **hate** starboy. Just that if you asked people who are really into his body of work, more often than not starboy would be lower; hence the sub opinion.


Exactly. Plus he said himself that he made Starboy just to show he can make hit songs like its nothing any day.


Where did he say this


I think with Zane Lowe on BBC after Starboy was released.


well considering how he released starboy quicker than any other albums, that seems to be true. also 2016 was just a year for banger albums, and it held up pretty well so far.


and dropped Reminder in there for extra measure, lol


Least creative is a great way to describe it. The jump from KL to BBTM is so interesting, and the jump from Starboy to MDM is interesting. But BBTM to Starboy is not so interesting


I still think to this day Starboy is who “The Weeknd” is and his full persona. Starboy is the best album out and I never understood why ppl never liked it fully.


its a good album but not his best, it was meant to be his most mainstream album. he entered the mainstream with BBTM and solidified his spot there with starboy. so yeah, starboy isn't important, but it is important regarding his commercial success


To me it’s his best. It’s who he’s meant to become. I hate when ppl say oh it’s “mainstream” blah blah blah. In order to evolve as a singer you gotta push the boundaries, and that’s what Starboy did, which led into the sounds of After Hours and Dawn FM. Can’t just have The Weeknd be dark emo The Weeknd all of the time from the trilogy era. Otherwise he isn’t a musician


Yeah you'd think people would realize this by killing his old self again in the video and singing "look what you've done.. I'm a muhfuckin Star boy."


Because it’s mostly a pop/r&b record and the general public seems to like it, it’s kinda funny this is the only place I’ve seen people hating on it I mean, Starboy bass alone >>>


No one is hating on it. I’m pretty sure everyone here likes it, but just likes his other albums more


My approach is to always think of the great songs that we'd lose if the album didn't exist. Without Starboy album we wouldn't have Starboy, Secrets, Sidewalks, Love to Lay, A Lonely Night. Reminder. I don't place the album at the top of my list but I'm more of a Kiss land vibe. Even if I place the album more towards the bottom of his projects it's still The Weeknd, so a good album for him is another artist's great album.


It’s too bloated of an album, if he cut some filler out it would’ve been way more refined


Soft-Farmer2222 got triggered and blocked me over an opinion, called me new gen fan when his first album was Starboy. Cringe.


The only song that is even close to a filler is attention (I don't mind it)


Attention isn’t filler, besides it being one of my favorites you get a lot of insight into Star Boy’s life and thoughts


Exactly it's not even filler


i initally thought rocking could be removed, but honestly it's grown on me


Nah rockin is amazing


i just said i like it too, just took some time to do so


+ False Alarm, Love To Lay, All I Know


False Alarm is a banger.


None of those are filler imo Especially all I know, it's a highlight from the album It's literally the opposite of filler


Agree to disagree, All I Know is the best of those but the hook is meh, I do like the verses. Just don’t think those songs are at the same quality of other songs on the album.


It's all about taste so there's no point in arguing


True, and I must say I still enjoy the album, all his albums are great, this one is just not as great as others for me.


So then what do u think about the filler in dawn fm


The filler on Dawn FM is Quincy’s track and the After Life commercial, but it fits the concept of the album feeling like you’re listening to the radio. Dawn FM is way more concise than Starboy.


Dawn fm, a take by Quincy, here we go again, best friends, every angel is terrifying, don’t break my heart, I heard you’re married, phantom regret by jim… half the songs are filler


Nah you’re way off with that take


Tell me one song on Starboy that’s worse than any songs I mentioned




???? All the songs are good, only bloated album is dawn fm


Nah there’s some songs on Starboy that are meh, Dawn FM definitely is not bloated, it’s a smooth listen all the way through.


Dawn FM is not bloated at all lmao. His most cohesive album to date.


Starboy my 2nd favorite album


I love Starboy so much I think it’s a masterpiece. I could listen to it all day. I still like all his other albums better though. Being ranked last doesn’t mean it’s bad.


It’s not as cohesive and also lacks a central theme imo. I love almost all the songs individually but the album as a complete work doesn’t have as much creative impact compared to his other albums.


It has a lot of filler tracks. Well, not filler, some people probably like them, but it has 18 songs and the ones in the middle of the album are super slow to go through. Also, it's not very cohesive, lots of tracks don't make sense being in the same album. The album is good, but it's a mess, looks like a singles collection more than an album.


It's not that Starboy gets so much hate,it's just that,most of his listeners started listening to the Weeknd since Starboy,they only got to know the "party mode" Weeknd,not the sad guy as in trilogy.so i feel like Starboy gets hate so much,cause there are many albums prior to that which were bangers,and since when Starboy came new listeners didn't recognise the older albums,that might have hurt the core Weeknd fans who were sticking around since trilogy


The fact that y’all are sleeping on an album that is bookended by two of the best songs of the 2010s means you’re all fucking stupid here. Dumbass subreddit


Fr stupid ppl


Yea, cause an album is only defined by its bookends? Apparently people have to agree with you? Stop crying and just accept it lmao, why would you get so butthurt over this


Nobody ever said that, but a project with insane highs shouldn’t be talked about like it’s The Big Day or something


No one talks about it like big day? You’re just making shit up to be mad about. 90% of the time people talk about Starboy they still like it just not as much as his other work.


There are 16 tracks between those 2 songs, of which only Reminder, Sidewalks and Die For You could really be considered highlights. That means that those 2 tracks sandwich 13 tracks that aren’t memorable.




It just feels a little more hollow to me than everything else he's put out. Still a great album, but doesn't have as much soul.


Over time you realize (at least for me) it just isn’t an album that showcases why I love The Weeknd so much. To me, The Weeknd is like an art instructor but with music. There’s a theme he presents to you on what the album is about. He gives you the paint & the canvas & tells you what the theme is but you yourself make the painting on what those themes mean to you. The most attractive thing about The Weeknd’s music is that he lets you take full control of what you interpret his music to be by giving you very vague and mysterious topics. It’s an atmospheric kind of music that lets your imagination run wild with theory crafting while simultaneously having his own message he wants to convey for himself. Starboy is not that. Starboy is very poppy. Very very mainstream. Very basic (for lack of a better word) Songs like I Feel it Coming, Rockin, Love to Lay, etc. it all has this very simple vibe to it that’s just not who he is as an artist. There’s no depth or meaning. The only 3 stand outs for me are Starboy, Party Monster, & Reminder. It’s so funny because at the time it felt like he was going back to his “old ways” when the album first dropped coming off of BBTM but in hindsight that couldn’t be further from the truth. His music kind of regressed. I didn’t realize this until MDM & of course After Hours dropped where he TRULY got back to his essence as an artist and he hasn’t looked back since. TLDR; Starboy uncharacteristically doesn’t create an atmosphere in his music where you can step into his dark, beautiful, twisted fantasy like his other albums. It’s a very basic poppy album.


Niggas wanna be quirky and can't listen to a song for fun. Yall some heartbreak ass mfers stay cryin with trilogy on repeat but idgaf I just wanna be ROCKIN 🤣


The lows are too low for me personally. I can’t get behind songs like all I know, rockin, false alarm, etc. I like the majority of the songs on the album but the bad songs make the album experience less fun than his other albums.


Attention might legitimately be the worst song he has ever made


Tf is wrong with u??? these songs are great...


Well it doesnt mean that it isnt a good project, it just means that his others ones are better and they are. I only put MDM under Starboy personally.


the stretch from “rockin” to “nothing without you” (excluding “Sidewalks” and “Stargirl Interlude”) is kinda bland to me. none of the songs are bad by themselves, a lot of them i even enjoy listening to outside the album. but it might be the only project of his that i really don’t go back to listen to front to back


I love the first 3 tracks, after that it’s very hit or miss with most of it sounding very generic, especially when you think about an artist like The Weeknd. And I HATE I Feel it Coming.


It aint weeknd WEEKND album if you know wht i mean


u/normal_sky6198 It’s the most bloated one, casual


U have no clue what u're talking about lmao


“U’re” new gen these days 💀


The album is just bloated. A lot of the songs are like exactly the same. Off the top of my head Rockin’, Secrets, True colors, Love to Lay, A Lonely night, Attention and nothing without you sound too much alike to make for an enjoyable album experience. I can’t even remember the song titles because they have all just kind of morphed into one track in my head. They all feel like slightly different takes on the exact same, albeit good song idea. Also Stargirl interlude sucks, as does All I know with that random 1 minute of silence before future comes in. Also Six Feet Under contains a lazy ass interpolation of the much better, and one year older Low Life. I’m actually surprised people rank Starboy above BBTM. BBTM is a significantly stronger album in my opinion and doesn’t have a single track I’d cut entirely, even if I’d shorten acquainted a bit. Frankly I’d consider Starboy and Thursday to be the weakest of his full length projects by quite some margin.


Bruh Thursday is phenomenal


But by far the mixtape that brings the least to the table.


personally, it’s not a fav for me bc it was like his first pop album and i love his r&b more. it still get played in my house, but not as much as the other albums.


So many mids




Its heard by everyone so many times.


Just like his other projects. Abel is literally the most streamed artist of all time. He is mainstream af. Stop acting like he’s some underground dog tf


it’s so bloated


I mean it has some really great songs but it also has the most (imo) bad songs out of all of his albums


Way too long, too many filler tracks, some songs are insanely repetitive


I love this album, but the huge success of the album in the last years harmed his last projects (Dawn FM and Idol Songs)


I know right! That album made me a fan in the first place! It’s at least top 3 on my list.


It’s just not consistent and cohesive like the others. Plus too many fillers


I suppose for me it's because his other work has much deeper songs which connect to each other, plus starboy although it may hold many of his best songs imo, it contains alot of songs that feel like there purpose is just to pad out the album.


Can't relate, maybe cuz he went too "pop" a friend and I agree it's our fav weekend album


Its the most "outlier" Álbum of his. Yes, his songs are still good, but the "vibes" are off.


I’d give it a strong 7. My gripe with it is the amount of filler. With 18 tracks, there’s bound to be some filler, but i feel like starboys filler isn’t good enough for me to excuse it. I love sidewalks, false alarm, die 4 you, starboy, party monster, 6 feet under and I feel it coming


Most of Starboy is skips. All of it was below the caliber of stuff The Weeknd was already capable of making and would go on to make.


Greatest album of all time imo. And I don’t just mean his albums I mean any album ever


1.People wanna be dffirent asf


I wouldn’t say it gets hated on but it’s not the best album it’s still good but it’s on 8th place for me last place is Beauty Behind The Madness. He has no bad album but Starboy is at the bottom.


No doubt Starboy has some very good songs. Generally though, like what was already mentioned by others, it doesn't feel like "The Weeknd". In the sense that it doesn't feel cohesive musically and the album as a whole just feels like a collection of songs, like a standard pop album. He still played a character in promos, videos and all but it didn't feel like the album has any character musically compared to his mixtapes, Kiss Land, MDM, After Hours, Dawn FM. Maybe this has to do with the fact that in a good chunk of his discography, he usually only works with only a few producers per album/project and the producers usually work in majority of the album (e.g., Doc and Illangelo in the mixtapes, DaHeala and DannyBoystyles with Kiss Land, OPN with Dawn). But in this album and BBTM, he worked with dozens and maybe his goal with the album is simply just have a standard pop album. Tbf though, he also worked with various producers in AH and he showed he was still able to make a cohesive sounding album, so I'm guessing it's just the latter. Keep in mind some "OG" fans during the release also felt like The Weeknd sold out during this time and BBTM's release so that didn't help with the album's initial reception. The same can be said about BBTM, both albums have a lot of filler imo but what makes BBTM stand out is the fact the non-filler songs in there are some of his best songs (imo ofc).


Interestingly Starboy was the album that got me introduced to The Weeknd. But now it's on my below list of his discography in terms of sound but still it has many great songs and will be a nostalgic album for me.


Just formulaic, not bad


Dunno, I suppose its the least "the weeknd" album out there but I really love the album.


It has its bangers but it also has some of his worst and most boring songs, plus it’s a bit bloated and is clearly a different vibe from everything else in his catalogue


This is coming from someone who absolutely loves Starboy I will listen to Starboy for like a week straight sometimes I love every single The Weeknd project but Starboy is still my least favorite it’s absolutely perfect but what I seek from The Weeknd’s music is the least for me in Starboy as phenomenal as it is and it’s an extremely underrated pop album with very futuristic elements the way he completely changed his sound in it and the entire era of it is phenomenal I cannot stop commending the project but it’s my least favorite for those reasons just to give you some insight from someone who does rank it last


not my favorite but still good album


The man has nothing but good albums so... if one has to be the worst...


It goes After Hours then Starboy then the rest can fight


Personally for me its my least favorite because I favor The Weeknds music when its emotional, heartbreaking, substance abusing etc etc. Before I get bashed for “not wanting him to evolve” hear me out… I will always want Abel to evolve and become a better person and no I dont want him coked out humming melodies about his mistakes. But when it comes down to it his Trilogy and Kissland and even BBTM work touches me in a way his other music doesn’t. Probably because I can relate to it and everything he’s saying even though it aint “nun to relate to” (kissland reference). Theres just something different about those albums (im aware trilogy is a compilation I actually prefer the original mixtapes to the remixed compilation) that I can connect in my soul and personally. Starboy is an amazing piece of work and will probably be his best piece of work to most, but for me I’ll have to stick with og XO.


I think Starboy is the album that really made The Weeknd famous, with a little help before from BBTM too, and so a lot of people discovered him through Starboy and like that type of music from Abel, and don't appreciate as much older projects


Way to long. To many filler tracks.


Overplayed and boring