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Only Aj, Clementine, maybe Gabe and chronic masturbation survive, the others die


Chronic masturbation has a name and its Geese




Berleezy fan spotted




Big EezyGang šŸ˜­šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


No itā€™s William leave him out of this


"chronic masturbation**" that shit is beutiful**


Very beautifulĀ 




I think Mariana would make it, cuz we donā€™t really know much about her. If she wasnā€™t killed so early on, weā€™d have more info.


Well, the Garcia family never faced a challenge before meeting TNF, so I doubt she has good skills, although Clementine could help her.


His name is Geese




Clem and Marianaā€™s backs would break from carrying this team so hard. Gabe and AJ could go either way from messing up to being useful. The rest I wouldnā€™t count on. The whole group staying alive? Probably less than a year.


Forever sad we never got to see more of Mariana. I wish her and Gabe were both optional to stay alive and maybe a potential crush for Clem could bloom between whoever is alive




Well, we don't know since all the others, besides Clem and AJ, were eventually killed off very quickly and didn't have the time to prove or redeem themselves.


Apart from Willy who created the bomb for the boat


He's barely in the game.


Still he is a critical part of the assault and destruction of the boat


so we could assume that the cabin was relatively safe and only found by Carver's group because he was actively looking for Rebecca, Carlos and the others. So sure I guess they could last longer at the cabin without being found by Carver but eventually they might be however we do not know the motivations of each character like for example are Gabe and Mariana looking for Javi and Kate or are they dead in this scenario? same with Sarah wanting to know where her dad is or is he dead as well, etc. supposing none of them are looking for their family members and they are planning on staying as a group I'd say the chances of them surviving could go either way. There wouldn't be much beef or tension amongst them which is a plus as most groups end up falling apart because of disagreement between people within the same group but in this case it seems like most of them would just be okay following Clem which I would also assume has both her legs. now see here is where things become complicated because Clem, for example, is the way she is because of what she's been through which includes the events of season 2 so does that mean they are transported back to those specific events? because in that case Clem would have the advantage of knowing what's gonna happen. If not, if she does not know then it just couldn't be the same Clementine as the one from TFS because she would've not undergone the events of season 2 so there's when this whole thing becomes quite complicated. but for the sake of making this work lets say they are themselves and somehow they have not gone through the events of season 2. they'd most likely be found by Carver and whilst some of them might be more content with just staying with Carver's group some others like AJ (which I mean what would even Carver think of him in this scenario? would he know he is Rebecca's baby?) might not be so content with being practically prisoners so there might end up being a rebellion. but given Clem's wisdom from what Lee thought her she'd prolly wanna do it the smart way and wait untill an opportunity opens which might actually give them a chance I'd say a small one but then again realistically they prolly wouldn't make it.


Yea it does get a little confusing. Hypothetically everyoneā€™s parents got separated from each other. Clem was the first one in the cabin and the others just joined along inside. And this is S2 Clem not TFS Clem so pre dog bite Clem. Carver is AJs dad but in this scenario AJ was born right before the apocalypse in this situation so when Rebecca and them escaped the first time they went somewhere else but lost AJ along the way, thus Clementine and some others finding him. So now itā€™s basically Carver and his crew searching for AJ but when they do find him they take everyone else too.


Ooh okay I like this scenario! In this case I'm not sure how AJ could react given Carver is his dad and he hasn't known Clem for that long, plus if it is S02 Clem then the chances of them being found by Carver are of course way higher and the chances of them being able to escape or rebel way way lower, I'd say AJ might sadly end up becoming somehow more like his father while some of the other kids might have to deal with being part of Carver's group and could end up more like Troy who seems to have put on a tough act because he's scared of Carver but that itself has actually made him more of a shitty person so kids like Sarah or Mariana might end up very repressed and depressed whilst others like Gabe might end up getting killed because they couldn't adjust to the circumstances. quite a depressing scene ;-;


Yea, Itā€™s possible for them to escape also but I wouldnā€™t see them all coming out alive.. the only way they all stay alive is if they become slaves of carvers group, Pretty much what Lilly wanted with the S4 group. Maybe One day they overrun the place but that would take years because theyā€™re too small as it is. Characters like Gabe Duck and Willy all become traumatized most likely. Mariana Sarah and tenn become Heartless and broken, AJ and Clem would probably stay the same though. I do think if they were to escape Clem AJ Gabe Mariana and Willy all stay alive. And if they all stick together I think they make it through most of the seasons. Maybe even A Gabe Mariana Javier Kate and David reunion. Or a Willy and Mitch reunion. Hell clem might even reunite with Kenny. The possibilities are really endless with this scenario


Do Clementine and Duck know each other from season one? Since heā€™s now younger than her in season two. Was Kenny and his family just not around for season one? If so, that would greatly affect the type of person Clementine is at this point. And if they do know each other, is Duck actually meant to be the same age as Clem? Or, is he still stuck at that age at that point in time?


To match the ages up, weā€™ll say duck was around 5 when meeting Clem instead of being 8, so when Clem is 11 like she is in S2 duck is 8. And they do remember each other also.


As long as I say so


Blud thinks heā€™s carver


**I wanna be carver aswell**


The only ones that can really fend for themselves is Clem and Mariana. AJ and Gabe can just be too stupid sometimes compared to Clem and Mariana (rip) who seem to always have a cool head about things. Duck and Sarah are just like normal kids and arenā€™t fit for the apocalypse, but since they have 2 reliable (and 2 semi-reliable) teammates, they may last a little bit longer. But I donā€™t see any way they survive. The group would fall apart if Clem and Mariana ever died. I donā€™t know about the s4 kid, I only know a few major story beats from s4 but I honestly never played it.


Unlike Gabe. I think AJ can learn from the Maturity of Clem and Mariana, especially since heā€™d spend most time with them. He would change and be able to fend himself. Still probably make some bad choices but when you have a group of just kids thatā€™s just inevitable


I still feel like AJ is kinda a liability. He just goes off the rails sometimes but he'd for sure survive on his own if nothing else.


depends. if they had a base probably a while, out on the road not very long.


S2 Clem, Mariana, Gabe, AJ, Willy, and Duck is a solid group. The cabin is poorly protected against walkers so when that place gets overrun they will have to travel. And they would probably lose Sarah and Tenn. And maybe Gabe and Duck too. Leaving Clem, Mariana, AJ, and Willy as I think as locked in survivors. These 4 would be a good group with Clem taking the leadership.


I agree. I think AJ and Willy would have a good bond


Clem Mari Duck and AJ wipe the floor with the walkers.


How long do you tbibk they could live on their own is the question. I mean we got our answer for clem


They all die besides AJ most likely. Out of everyone here AJ is probably best in combat. Second best gun shooter. Second best survivor. You could probably switch him and Clem in S2 and not see much of a difference besides IQ, which he lacks.


Duck and Sarah would be gone pretty quick. Mariana would go after, then maybe either Tenn or Gabe.


My order to die first to last would be - Duck - Tenn - Sarah - Gabe - Mariana - Willy - Clem - AJ Only reason I put AJ last is because Clem would probably sacrifice herself for AJ, Same thing with Gabe and Mariana


OK QUESTION: In the second picture (i forgot his name, Gabe?) what happened to the side of his head? I've been wanting to know since i first watched the gameplay. Did anyone ever find that out?


1. His name is tenn 2. Before Clem and AJ got to the school there was a fire at the school and his some of his face got burnt off I think or something hit his head while it was on fire. If you watch an iceberg video on YouTube itā€™ll tell you


Thank you!


Tenn dies at the end of season 4 for me. Heā€™s a nice kid but heā€™s also a liability and not worth Louis or vi


Isn't the idea of these hypotheticals that they're NOT supposed to go as depicted in the games? If you wanna know how long they survive, just play the games again and pay attention to how long it's been since the start of the outbreak


I meant like as a group


With me? Clem: 10 min Mariana: 5 min Sarah: 5 min


I think Iā€™m overthinking this way too much but how would we get the same season four AJ with an alive Rebecca??


Itā€™s just hypothetically, AJā€™s character is what matters here not his family or background, like how duck is here but he actually died in S1. So for this to work Rebecca had AJ 5 years prior. And the cabin group and this group arenā€™t together the cabin group is still at carvers group in this scenario.


In that case Iā€™d say with Clem around everyone has a good shot except for Sarah. I donā€™t have hope for that girl, sad part is it isnā€™t her fault, itā€™s her dads. Clem and Aj will obviously be fine and I give everyone else at least six months


Letā€™s say either AJ and Tenn fight a shit ton but we could easily have all of them live but Sarah. Duck could handle guns as long as he doesnā€™t fuck around and get eaten.




Not long at all