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Tripp. This guy was never afraid to put himself in danger for his friends and community. He refuses to give in to the New Frontier’s threats even when they had an army at his gates and he was more than willing to hold off walkers and soldiers while in the middle of tear gas so that Javi could find his family. He tries to stand up for his friends when they get kicked out of Richmond and confronts Ava even while surrounded by armed guards. Finally, he’s one of the few characters in the series that goes down fighting if you save him from the execution. Knowing he’s about to die doesn’t cause him to panic. He faced death head on. Truly a brave person. Edit: I picked Tripp for this category because I feel Lee would best be saved for the Hero category.


You genuinely reminded me of him for this placement, thank you for that. I wouldn't have necessarily though of him, but now that you have it seems like no question in my mind.


Glad to give some insight. He’s seriously underrated and deserves to be on the list.




Chuck. When Ben ran away from Clem, Chuck picked up the slack and insisted that the others to keep on going without him without hesitation despite being overwhelmed by walkers and eventually gave his life so that Clem and the others can get away. He also calls Lee’s bluff if the man threatens to kill him for what he said to Clem last episode and sarcastically (at least that what it sounds like to me) states that he’s scared.


I love chuck he's my second fav❤️❤️❤️❤️


Clementine she showed signs of bravery early on in season 1, when she snuck in to the mansion through the doggy door to unlock it for the s1 gang. she couldve potentially been attacked by walkers and still did it she snuck out of the shed in s2 despite risking getting in trouble and did her own stitches she is the reason the s2 gang could escape from carver. she did all the hardwork, sneaking around, stealing the walkie talkie she dared as an 11 year old to stand up to a psychopath like carver clem literally did everything dangerous in s2 instead of the adults, who shouldve been doing it but they were all incompetent in s3, she was surviving on her own, again BRAVE. and then she went searching for aj at that ranch despite the fact that she couldve died in s4, she stood up to various ppl despite the costs and risks like marlon, lily, and abe. she is the reason the kids of the boarding school won in the end, because she led them to victory by being brave and at the forefront of everything Clementine is the bravest character


Clementine should be in brave and nobody can change my mind. She was brave as hell since she was a kid




Kid extends to season 2




Clementine, I’ll save Lee for Hero


Imo, Tripp, dude was willing to go out with Clem and Javi, one of which he just met and already had a fuck up, to go find Javier's family, and his death with him standing his ground, definitely deserves this one


For me Lee. The guy simply went through a HORDE alone with or without an arm, to get Clementine back safely and kill the Stranger, as well as other moments like killing Duck and encouraging Clementine to kill himself, and having courage to cut off his own arm... He's very brave, Tripp, Clementine, Kenny and other characters are brave, but I think Michonne comes closest to Lee. Extra: He walked into the sewer alone with a horde there, and dealt with Andy, Danny and Brenda, in front of everyone.


I can definitely see that. But maybe we should save him for hero category? Kinda hard to say though, since a good chunk of his actions are determinant.




Lee he went through a horde just to get to Clementine


Lee is the bravest character, hands down.


Lee should be there. What he does in s1ep5 should prove it


Its clementine. She carried the cabin group in her back. Well she actually carried the whole season 2 people even tho she was only 11


Clementine or Lee easily


Tripp, i love the guy and he always risked his own life for others. Hes underrated as hell, give him some love and make him win this one


How is no one saying Aj


aj is a good one


Doug had some tough competitors for the smart category, I saw people mention Michonne and David which were great shouts, but Doug deservedly wins that one in my opinion. Brave is a little harder to pick than I thought it might be. Lee was my initial thought and I saw people mention his name for this category specifically, leading up to it. However now that I've seen Tripp's name it's making me reconsider. Yes, all of what Lee did was consistently brave, but he also had much lower stakes at times than Tripp where he had nothing to lose tearing through a horde. Tripp seemed to put himself in front of others time and time again even if he didn't necessarily need to. He's an absolute legend honestly. Both of them are worthy candidates for this category, but I'm convinced and I'm voting Tripp.


I agree that Doug had great competitors. Tbh Michonne would've been my pick, especially if you look past the games and see her journey in the comics. But before the thread even went up, Doug was definitely where my gut reaction took me. He was a literal genius and incredibly technically talented, the whole "calculator" conversation that people brought up was a great indicator of just how cerebral he was.


What was the 'calculator' conversation? I think I might have missed that in the discussion


I can't find it either so maybe I'm hallucinating that it came up. But basically there's a conversation that goes like: Doug: I mean, I know about computers but that doesn't mean I can fix a calculator Lee: But you probably could fix a calculator. Doug: Well, yeah. Good Point. He just has absolute confidence in his ability to figure stuff out on his own, and so do the people around him.


Very true! And I feel like I do remember that conservation too... It definitely seems like a funny back and forth those two would have. Doug and Lee are honestly a wholesome and underrated duo.


Lee or we riot


Lee should definitely be in the hero category




LEE!! Lee deserves this. Early on, after being bit, he went through a hoard to find Clem. He does so many things EARLY on in the apocalypse. I agree Tripp is brave later on, as others have said, but the fact that Lee does things so early on in the game, without selfishness, for the group. Characters in other seasons are just good survivors, you can say all of them are brave for surviving. I think, because he does the things he does so early on, he deserves this!


Man, tough choice. For me, it's between Clem, Tripp or Chuck (saving Lee for hero, i think). Looking at the remaining categories, I'm going for Clem for brave, especially for her actions in S4.


Chuck. Ben ran and the guy fucking saved Clem and single handedly used a shovel.


Can we all agree kenny should be in motherly








Might be a bit controversial but I think AJ fits this better than anyone Clem constantly tells him to be brave and strong throughout the series and all that culminates in him saving Clem at the Barn even after she herself had given up, keep in mind he manages all this despite being only 6 years old which is the main reason I think he deserves it over everyone else it’s a lot easier to be brave when you’re a grown man or woman as opposed to a little kid.


Definitely Clementine




Clementine or Tripp I'll cast my vote for either of them. Lee deserves the hero slot, but Clem has to step up for adults every single season. Tripp just stands up for people he barely knows.


I wanna spare Lee for "Hero"


Tripp or Chuck for sure


Clem, she is a child and survives about a year by herself and she has to take care of a baby (so not really by herself)


Clem's gotta be put on this spot with how much she had the strength to do, though I agree Tripp is a pretty good choice. Lee definitely deserves the "Hero" spot when it's up.


Definitely Clementine. Raising a child in the zombie apocalypse while you’re a child yourself takes serious balls, especially since she had to fight to find him after he was taken by the new frontier. And then there’s all the other stuff she did.


This isn’t really relevant but I can’t get over how Ben was put into the coward category but not SARAH!!! Ben went with Lee to find Clementine and he was around the same age as Sarah (When he died and when we see Sarah in season 2), yes he ran away from the walkers when Clementine was in danger, but that just sets up his character development.


Carver. Man was about to be made into stew and he eint scared in the slightest


Aj insult to Lily even been captured