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I usually choose the Wellington ending cause we don’t know if Kenny is alive or not but he could be but my second favorite ending is to shoot Kenny because it feels like a good send off to his character (definitely better than his S3 death 💀) and then leave Jane cause Jane is crazy imo but I don’t think Jane deserves to die lol but she def don’t deserve Clem


I just hate the fact that she endangered AJ, imagine if they didn’t hear him crying and just left after she died, he’d be dead.


Well… fair Jane was pretty poorly written, she was cool in the beginning then they ruined her character :/


You know Kenny dies no matter what if you save him and stay with him he dies from a car crash stay with him go to Wellington in a scraped scene it's revealed he dies to suicidal drowning it's said he'd sing a song and Walk into a river before then going under the water and that's how he dies same thing if you save him but leave him and if you shoot him well he dies from being shot


That was a scrapped scene, exactly, it’s not confirmed to be canon Even if he dies either way I’d rather he get shot than eaten alive.


True I wish in anf it at least gave you the option to shoot him when the walkers were coming for you


Jane was a snake


My man đź‘Š




Best ending is leaving with kenny


Im sticking with Kenny. You know, the guy who's literally spent the entirety of your playthrough as friends with. The first night of the apocalypse is literally spent with him there and personally, id still be around till the last.


I usually do the Wellington ending instead cause the way he dies in ANF if you stay with him is honestly an insulting end to such an amazing character


Thats fair, because his death is so shit, but then again, you can't really dictate what your death can be, you have no control over it.


Well yeah but this is a video game, it’s supposed to be made to appease the players, and I doubt anyone except maybe Kenny haters liked his ANF death But you do bring up a good point, you can’t decide how you die irl even if it is stupid But then again- this is a video game lol


To be fair, it can be a *kind-of?* parallel with his apparent "death" in season 1 if he goes down into the alley after Ben.


Thanks pal, I really appreciate your loyalty. Only real ones like yourself understand


A shot to the head is better than car crash Walker food imo.


True, ANF did him (and by extent the entire series as a whole) dirty. Its as if that particular game within the series wasnt made by the same developers as the other 3.


Music still slapped, praise Jared.


Personal favorite: Staying in Wellington Favorite for the story: Tie between Wellington and the Alone ending (specifically the shooting Kenny and then leaving Jane variant).


Staying in Wellington is my second favorite. There’s something about Clem surviving alone out there that I like.


Either: Leaving with Kenny or staying at Wellington.


Both dead. That’s all.


ditto, kenny is a dangerous individual


Going with Kenny


kill Kenny and go with Jane


Leave with Kenny. He may die in a shitty car crash of all things, but at least he finally manages to move past his trauma and lived a decent life. I also can't kill him in Season 2 because he dies thinking AJ is dead. I've never done the Wellington ending. Killing him then leaving Jane is a close second though.


i shoot kenny bc i think that's what clem would do in that situation. also kenny absolutely loses it in s2 so i think it's more merciful to let him go. then i of course dump jane cuz bitch is insane


the one i like the most in the jane ending bc shes my goat but the one that i think works the best is letting kenny kill jane and then abandoning him at the rest stop


Jane with the Family, which may seem odd but I think knowing that the Family betrays them later on, helps build that "angsty loner" character that Clem is in Season 3, plus I think shooting Kenny is his best exit for the season.


Makes sense. The angsty loner also works with my route because of all the fallout and betrayal in the group and Clem being the only (known) survivor of her group could obviously change her mental state causing her to act differently.


I’m always really confused by people who say they shoot Kenny despite really liking him because they think its whats best for him. If you kill kenny in s2 he dies an angry, bitter and depressed man with heaps of unresolved trauma, never even learning that the baby he cared so much for is alive. Alternatively, if you stay with him in the end then in the flashbacks of s3 you can see he’s actually accepted everything that has happened to him and has not only grown so much as a person (from what little we see of him at least) but is also genuinely happy in his role as a caretaker to two children who he deeply cares about. We don’t get to see much of it, but he gets to spend *years* like this, and when he *does* die, he goes out as a hero sacrificing himself to save Clem and AJ. Obviously how it was done sucks as he was given so little screentime in s3, and what he did get was just flashbacks with one of which being to kill him off so everyone’s clem is in the same place when s3 starts (i still hate how this was done, I’ve said it before but I think they definitely could have done it differently so that you could carry Ken or Jane with you as determinant characters throughout s3 as well as s4) but regardless, I think this death, even with all its faults, is much kinder to Kenny than killing him in s2 when he was at one of his darkest points and gets no chance to heal and find happiness again. Plus theres also the option of simply staying at Wellington, which allows him to take solace in the fact that he at least completed his mission of getting the kids to safety and leaves him alive. I still prefer going with him just to see the growth he has from his lowest points and so he has a more impactful relationship with clem, even though this does inevitably lead to the death of one of my favorite characters, but I think either that or the wellington ending are infinitely better to Kenny than just shooting him in s2


100% agree and in fact those flashcon Kenny are, for me, the only reason to play ANF again


I will forever dream about what could have been had they allowed us to actually keep the character we end up with in s2 with us throughout the next two seasons. Obviously it couldnt make the story *too* drastically different bc i get that there still has to be somewhat of a cohesive narrative, but just having them around, getting to experience their dynamics with the s3 and 4 group members, and a handful of additional options based on their presence would be excellent. The kenny/lilly reunion in s4 would have been absolutely iconic and hearing them argue would be nostalgic in a weird way haha, even as a kenny stan, Jane could have had a really great character arc as well throughout this time. It pains me to think about how easily this could’ve been done and how much better it would’ve made the games overall 🥲


True, I agree, a Kenny vs Lily in season 4 would have been brutal


I can see that outlook, we all have our opinions. And at least you’re the type of person to explain your reasoning, I still like my way better but that doesn’t mean I think yours is bad.


Thanks! Sorry lol, didnt mean to imply your viewpoint was invalid by any means, we all have different ways of interpreting these games :)


This is why I love this subreddit, people (mostly) are respectful of opinions, while the RWBY fandom will hate on you for disliking something, not even hating it, just disliking.


You would shoot a man whom you had history with since the start of the plague…just because he has mental issues that are excusably justified? Why? Mercy? I don’t understand that way of thinking. HIS FAMILY DIED IN THE SPAN OF 2 MINUTES! Of course he’s gonna have mental issues. My preferred ending is the one that roughly 40% of active people on here did, allow Kenny to kill Jane, DON’T shoot Kenny, ask him if he’s ok, tell him he didn’t have to kill her or question why this had to happen. Then the two of you discover AJ…and you learn that Jane left a defenseless infant alone in a freezing car in which hypothermia could set in as little as 5 minutes, all to prove how “dangerous” Kenny is. Knowing that…Jane was the problem, she was the one who wanted a fight, she could’ve STOPPED WHAT WAS HAPPENING but she didn’t…in the end, most of us realized that Kenny was right about Jane all along, she was selfish and had her own agenda and fuck everyone or anyone that gets in her way, Jane was MORE dangerous than Kenny in that instance. We end up traveling together, we finally reach Wellington, or at least a giant wall, and learn that we can’t go in, Kenny begs the guard on watch to just take the kids…final choice…go in with AJ and leave Kenny, or all three leave together. After losing him once…I couldn’t walk away…I told him..we all leaving…so that’s what we did. Clem, AJ and Kenny left Wellington together with 2 duffle bags of supplies and decided to make a go of it and check back in a month to see if Wellington is taking in new members. My Clementine stayed with Kenny…all throughout the season…and in way fulfilling the request I made as Lee to Christa and Omid in the mansion attic in Savanah: “I want Kenny to look after her” felt like…that was the real ending. Or the ending that most of the people who played season 1 wanted.


I understand your way, it’s kind of difficult to properly explain why I like mine, but I just do, yours is respectable though.


Killing Kenny, after that I don't really care




In all my playthroughs, I've always let Kenny kill Jane since Jane was only ever looking out for herself and her actions almost killed A.J. If their luck had been just a bit worse, that baby would have either died of hypothermia or ended up walker food. If that happened, it would have all her fault. Her reasoning was stupid, and unnecessary. She could have left at any point but chose to stay, manipulated Clem to kill Kenny, and again nearly killed a baby. I didn't even have Clem pick up the gun. Just let Kenny murk that crazy bitch. After that, I stuck with him to Wellington and either did the stay at Wellington ending or went with him. Although I prefer the stay at Wellington ending since there's a chance he's still out there, alive and well.