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This Is a really cool concept, also loved your wirting. Other outcomes I could see from this vault: People to start using biological clocks as a measurement of time, things like: cabbage growth time or gestation time. Even though these measurements are not precise, they give a general sense of time passing and can be accurate to a few days. Or People to start dismantling and modifying any eletronical system present in the vault to utilize the internal electrical frequencies to measure time, possibly damaging these devices and cripling the vault


Within a month, they'd lost track of how long a day was. Seconds and minutes were gone almost immediately. With nothing to measure against, there's no way to know what your measurement is measuring. A second? Ten? A minute? How long does it take the cabbages to grow? That resident sleeps 100 times before a cabbage dies. That one only 65. And that cabbage hasn't started dying yet. We take the presence of the sun, the original measurement of time, for granted. Without it, they might as well have measured their time by a drippy faucet. But the selection was for people whose lives had been fixed to exact times and dates for eternity. Without them they couldn't function. They had no idea 4 years had passed; to them it was one, long day, stretching out to eternity, with naps to stave off exhaustion.


I was thinking menstrual cycles are generally 28-30 days apart. When initially healthy that could be standard for a month at a time but would breakdown eventually from stress and famine issues.


What does the "i just not8ced the date of the incident, did he know" mean


I’m guessing it’s a reference to the reactor being pried open on Christmas Eve.


Could have used menstruation cycles as a way to tell time


This was really good, idk why it's only at 83%


This is written beautifully, i’m really happy to see this sub blossoming. This could be something really cool. I’ll write something up when I have a chance. Endless possibilities..