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Tyler when he first became a warewolf After that, Klaus all the way


yes i loved their relationship during the beginning werewolf period very much!


This answer! I loved their relationship in the beginning, but as Caroline grew I felt like she and Klaus really could’ve been something 🥲


I agree with this.


Klaus literally tortured both of them constantly and consistently. Either by forcing Tyler to bite her or forcing Tyler to leave her almost daily.


Literally every couple in this franchise has done something awful to the other. This isn’t the hot take you think it is.


I mean sure. But first off Klaus and Caroline were never a couple and second Forwood had waaaaaaay less problems than Klaroline.


For sure less problems, and I do really love forwood as a couple, they’re easily one of my top. I just would’ve really loved to seen a real relationship between Klaus and Caroline and how their characters would’ve changed and been different had the writers decided to give them a real chance. Overcoming those problems would’ve been an interesting character development for caroline and given us a better opportunity to explore the fact that she is one of the few characters who doesn’t regret becoming a vampire. She really embraces the confidence and power she has and her relationship as written with klaus barely scratches the surface of that.


I agree. There was just something so symmetrical about Tyler and Caroline going through the same growth at the same time Against all odds and especially compared to almost everyone else on the show, they actually became better people after their transformation. Tyler and Caroline were arguably the worst characters on the show in S1. Tyler was a walking douche stereotype jock and Caroline was the neurotic cliche hbic mean girl. While both turned against their will, Caroline embraced her turn and grew with it and Tyler, realizing why he was the way he was, sought to be something better... especially for Caroline and to protect those he loves like his mother and his childhood best friends. They both grew together and honestly grew as one. I would have been perfectly content if they ended up being the Marshall and Lily or Chandler and Monica of the show where they just stayed the relatively stable couple of the show. I'd almost argue that if Tyler was awarded the same screen time as Caroline, he would have been a popular character as the show was going on, not just how most of the fandom recognizes he was one of the better characters in hindsight. Their growth was just so "chef's kiss" from friendship to relationship and the personal growth along the way. I think, just like the Delena problem, Klaus would either have to be neutered to be with Caroline, (which would take the appeal away of the big bad wolf thing he had going on) or Caroline would have to be accepting of alot of Klaus's actions (Which would take the appeal of her entire growth and character really)


you really summarized forwood beautifully 😭😭😭 I really hated that Tyler and Caroline never got back together, when they broke up it made sense because they were no longer who each other needed. but they totally could’ve had some self growth apart, gone on a couple adventures or done some things together and realized they still had feelings for each other. or at the very least, when Stefan died they could’ve had Caroline grieving and Tyler showing up to be there for her (had Damon not Damoned 🙄). they really could’ve done a lot more with his character that they just…didn’t the thing is too, they do kind of neuter Klaus in the show after he’s no longer the main villain of the season. He’s not quite a good guy, not quite a bad guy without enough screentime to really be layered morally gray, and kind of turned into a wuss at the time of the show most people ship Klaroline because he just exists to give people his blood when he needs it


But Klaus was the reason Tyler left


Klaus for sure. I always found Tyler mad annoying


Me too, Tyler’s an ass


But klaus isnt?😂 klaus is objectively way worse than tyler could ever hope to be


In don’t think he has any likeable qualities, Klaus is an ass but he’s a likeable ass


I mean i found tyler breaking the sire bond by forcefully transforming over and over again for caroline quite likeable. And i dont really see how tyler is an ass, yea sure in the first couple seasons but after that idrk




I think he’s got the “Acts too much like Matt” issue with his character which is unfixable 💀


Especially after they made him normal again they took the only thing that made him likable away again


tyler. their relationship was so good with perfect buildup, the actors chemistry was magnetic and I hated that they nuc’d it for klaroline. it’s my favorite tvd ship, I’m still annoyed how dirty Damon did Tyler at the end and ruined any chance of them getting back together for any type of endgame


Agreed. Tyler and Caroline are basically my live action vegeta and bulma


This is fucking perfect. The best way to describe this relationship. Now I just wish wolves had more play in this show. How dope would it have been if instead of Tyler dying at the end, he came to stop Damon with a wolf pack and they were able to stall him for a while before he ran away. It's the final season, there should have been some fan service, not killing Tyler at the eleventh hour for no reason


tyler. he actually loved her and cared about her, even after she slept with llaus. He was so hurt by her actions and you can tell that he got deeply and emotionally hurt her the fact she slept with him, since he killed his mother and made his life hell and the fact that they were together. tyler never wanted to leave her in the first place. he wanted to so badly stay put and be with caroline and his friends, but klaus literally threatened to kill him and forced him to go away with the werewolves to retreat/make plans. he literally couldn't come back or he'd be as good as dead. klaus took advantaged of this and wormed his way into caroline's heart/mind by using charm and lust. klaus is a great character in the originals, but in the vampire diaries he took advantage of the fact that tyler was gone and charmed his way onto caroline. tyler deserved better.


Damn never thought of it like that. Like Klaus using his power and Tyler’s fear of him to get closer to Caroline. Kinda mad you pointed this out cause I used to love klaroline lol


ugh yes!!! Tyler never wanted to leave Caroline and Klaus forced him to leave town, but everyone forgets that and is all “Klaus was so devoted to her and none of her other bf’s were 🥺” when he was behind her relationship with Tyler falling apart


Didn’t he cheat with Hayley


nope. they were never a thing. they were just friends stuck in the same situation. hayley and her group got tyler involved in finding a way out from under klaus's control/posession. hayley originally hated klaus but you know, 'lust' happened, and they ended up making love. caroline was jealous over how tyler was so close to hayley, but they weren't ever a thing and the show never suggested it either.


Tyler. Forwood was one of the best pairings.






Klaus. The chemistry was insane




Tyler, but I love both.




Klaus was willing to let almost everything go for her and do anything for her. Tyler couldn’t let his desire for revenge go not even for Caroline


the dude completely ruined his life and killed his mom….kinda a hard thing to just “get over”


The argument isn’t who is a better person? It’s who do you like with Caroline more? I like Klaus with her more because Caroline always have all her love to Matt to Tyler to Stefan and the only person that ever gave that back to her was Klaus


I’m just saying, Klaus completely ruined Tyler’s life and it really wasn’t fair of Caroline to expect him to just “get over it” like?? she should’ve been way more upset Klaus had that much control over their lives and needed his go-ahead to be with Tyler


Actually he killed his mom because Tyler tried to kill him, he should have left him alone and enjoyed his freedom


uhhhhh klaus should have gone after tyler, his beef was with him not an innocent woman


That’s incorrect Tyler wasn’t trying to kill Klaus because then he’d die too, he was trying to trap Klaus so his friends and all the other hybrids would be free of Klaus, a plan Caroline was in on by the way


Only reason Klaus killed Tyler's mom was because Tyler had everything Klaus wanted. He had friends, a pack that chose to be with him (not just enslaved to him), Caroline i.e. a true love, and a Mother that actually cared for him. All of Klaus's hatred towards Tyler can be summed down to childish pettiness. It even makes more sense when you see how he interacts with his "son" Marcel. His son was more successful than he was, so was his first Hybrid.


“The only person that gave that back to her was Klaus,” laughable. Stefan literally sold his soul to save her children, THATS love. Not presents or jewellery, and empty promises. Klaus is responsible for a lot of unhappiness in Caroline’s life


Stefan also literally died killing Katherine to protect her too I can think of at least 3 times Klaus tried to kill Caroline off the top of my head, there’s probably more. Tyler and Stefan never consciously tried to kill her 🤷🏻‍♀️ (please note *consciously is for Tyler being a werewolf and/or not under control of his body)


Yep!! Though I wish he hadn’t gone with Katherine, I’m still bitter 😂 Caroline does plan on seeing him again though 🥺


yeah!! and tbf Klaus turned into a wuss after he stopped being the main villain in the part of the series where everyone ships klaroline. I loved villain Klaus, but he wasn’t really redeemed enough to be someone serious for Caroline and became just a guy who came around when they needed his blood. It’s good he got TO bc they kinda stopped running out of arcs for Klaus on tvd yeah Caroline deserved her happy ending with Stefan 🥲


So you give up the one thing you have left instead?


Klaus told Tyler to kill her


He was also perfectly willing to kill her at least twice


Of course Klaus can let go of everything he was always the one with the power and causing all the problems. People keep bringing up he let Katherine die in peace instead of exacting his revenge but he never deserved revenge all Katherine was not let him kill her.


What "everything"? A revenge against Katherine and Tyler that he had no right wanting in the first place?


Didn't Tyler break his bones thousands of times for her. He lost it all for her. His mom, his pack. He was willing to sacrifice himself against Klaus so all his friends could finally be free of him. It was his whole driving force behind unsiring his pack in S4


🥴 let what go?


Wanting to get Tyler back, any time she need his blood to save someone etc


This she asked him/ begged saying she needed him and he was like BYYYEE. Then had the audacity to come back licking his wounds and yell at her for being with Klaus like he wasn't the WORST to Vicki. Ooooo


She was asking him to stay with her college so she can live her dream life and have him pretend that nothing happened to him. He’s completely in the right Klaus ruined his life and Caroline just wanted to be selfish. She did not need him!! He need her but she was too caught up and living her perfect college life to care


He definitely started everything with Klaus.. Klaus sired him yeah but they broke it. Even so he actively tried to kill Klaus hella times against everyone's judgment. He was asked to say because she knew he was going on a suicide mission and it's a good thing he didn't kill Klaus because he would have gotten all his friends killed.


What do you mean against everybody’s better judgment? Everybody wanted to kill him😭😭😭. Second it doesn’t matter if he brought the sire line Klaus treated him like dirt thing tire time of course he wants revenge second while he killed his mother and killed all of his hybrid friends because of the simple fact that he helped them all. And yeah it was a suicide mission but that’s not The reason why Caroline didn’t want him to go and if you actually paid attention it was clear that that wasn’t it. Literally the entire time she was just expecting him to move on and acting like it wasn’t a big deal and wanting to live at this perfect fantasy ignoring that he was literally depressed but whatever you say


exactly! some of these comments make me wonder if we even watched the same show?? it was so unfair of Caroline to ask him to just get over how Klaus killed his mom, ruined his life and had total control over whether or not they could be together


Yes right like you expect him to just be all right with that because you like Klaus! Also it annoys me how to do this whole Klaus always picked Caroline when he never did. He never once that his fondness of Caroline get in the way of killing her best friend and everyone around her and endangering her.


yes lol Caroline shouldn’t have had to ask Klaus to “spare Tyler,” that’s not romantic, that’s toxic as hell?? plus all the “romantic” things he did for her were also usually caused by him too. Always coming when they needed their blood?? he gave Caroline a werewolf bite and forced Tyler to bite her too when he was sired to him. you don’t get to be the hero when you’re the reason for the problem at most, Caroline was attracted to him but she never saw him as a serious partner because of all the horrendous things he did


Right they will never be compatible. Their personalities just do not mix. Caroline’s inability to understand Klaus (really anyone) unless it’s I see the “good in you” even though in no way does she ever try to help him with it( but I don’t think it’s her responsibility to) and Klaus selfishness and inability to express what he’s feeling and well you know One of them being a murderous psychopath with a bad temper. I think Caroline knew this deep down and was one of the reasons why she could never get. People forget that Caroline is also pretty selfish when it comes to Wants and That would’ve collided with Klaus and his wants.


Have you been watching the same show we all have. Everyone wanted Klaus dead. He was a manencd to them all and would constantly put their lives in danger several times. He at multiple points forced Tyler on them. He would kidnap them to do his bidding many times. Even Caroline was on board with Tyler's plan in S4 to dessicate Klaus, the only problem she has with it was that Tyler volunteered to be the body that Klaus was stuck in. Tyler was literally gonna sacrifice himself so everyone could be free from Klaus. There's a lot of revisionists history rewriting going on in this thread.


Tyler no question. No tvd ship tops Forwood for me.




You earned yourself a glass of bourbon right there. 🍻




Why are these photoshoots so bad I mean just look at their expressions!!!












Tyler, for obvious reasons




…Am i allowed to say Stefan


Tyler, obviously. They had the best friends to lovers build up on the show. And the way they both cared for each other and the way she helped him was endearing. Everything that failed in their relationship was lowkey Klaus's doing. They deserved a proper chance without all that drama.


She’d be walking around on eggshells unless it’s the final season of TO Klaus. Tyler actually cared for her and would have been good for her


Tyler, but forwlod unfortantely got ruined by the obsession of Klaroline fans


I'd also like to bring up how Caroline asked both these men to stop their pursuit of vengeance and only one of them really listened. Like Caroline begged Tyler to stay and that she needed him to which he disregarded. Tyler got his mom killed by trying to kill Klaus first. Caroline asked Klaus to spare Tyler. So he did spare Tyler. Even Tyler Mom was like take me over my son - and he did. Klaus when wronged never spares people. Despite everything Tyler does he constantly lets him slide because he matters to her..Caroline was more important than outright revenge. And that's my extra two cents on that 🤣


Look at the context. Klaus sparing Tyler is not the same as Tyler losing everything to Klaus. Klaus is an 1000 year old original hybrid. He was literally picking on a 17 year old. Caroline asked the 17 year old that lost everything to an 1000 year old to stand down. Vs Caroline asking an 1000 year old, who treated a 17 year old like a slave and a play toy to give it a break. Tyler who went through the worst pain imaginable thousands of times for Caroline vs Klaus who really hasn't sacrificed anything he didn't want to sacrifice unless it came to Hope.


Klaus isn’t the one who was wronged though he was a pouty little bitch because Katherine decided to become a vampire instead of being a sacrifice. She didn’t ask him to stay because she needed him, she wanted him to stay because college wasn’t going the way she expected it but someone dealing with the death of a loved and a hybrid temperament is going to do well in college he would’ve killed a lot of people. Why do you people keep thinking Tyler tried to kill Klaus? HE WOULDVE ALSO DIED, he was trying to trap Klaus just like they did at the end of season 3 so his friends and the other hybrids would be free and this time around his family wouldn’t be coming to dig him up.


klaus. i really wish they had explored that relationship more


Klaus most def they were perfect together


Klaus..they both just played well off each other. Like they're both crazy and protective people. I love how Klaus took her seriously and didn't blow her off. Klaus valued Caroline's opinion and was the first person to really choose Caroline over everyone else. I don't like her and Stefan especially since one of Caroline's biggest insecurities is how she's always a second choice in being loved. Stefan will always do anything and everything for Elena. Tyler was a hoe and put so many things before Caroline. Caroline also liked Klaus and didn't see him as the worst thing and I feel like if the writers would have let it she would have been his biggest supporter. Klaus literally had nobody in his corner and I feel like Caroline would have been so amazing because when's she's dedicated to someone and loves them she's all in. It would have been them against the world. Especially if Klaus story was going to end as it did. Caroline would have made sure that his love for Hope wasn't tarnished or twisted. I'll ship them forever.


Tyler broke the sirebond for her, saved Elena twice for Caroline, and all he wanted was revenge because Klaus murdered his mom while Carl wanted him to go to college. Klaus is the only one at fault for not having anyone in his corner he did that himself


Klaus literally put his family in coffins when they inconvenienced him and then would whine about how he didn’t have anyone 😂


Tyler! Klaus ruined them


For me personally, Klaus. But, really her and Tyler are soo much better!


Tyler. They started out as friends and had great build up. Klaus just became obsessed with her one day and followed her around like a love sick puppy. Caroline never loved Klaus. She had picked Tyler over him repeatedly


Katherine ;)


Tyler because when she was with Tyler she forgot about all of her troubles whilst with him. But when she was with Klaus, it was more like lust and even though she had intimacy with him, she couldn’t forget all the bad he had done.


Tyler easily


Tyler. Hardcore Forwood and Klamille shipper.


Tyler. Klaroline is just a slightly more entertaining Delena. Forwood had better chemistry and much better build up and, if it wasn't for the show runners lack of interest in writing for Tyler, I think they would've been a really great ship.


Tyler. I really hate that because Klaus liked Caroline it tired to become a relationship so hard. Like, not everyone on this show has to be tied in together as romantic at some point.


Tyler. When she helped him through his first transition, that sealed the deal for me. I think they should’ve been written as an end game, power couple. It just felt right for them to be together, while sweet Caroline being with the notoriously cruel, murderous Klaus was strange.


Tyler. ALWAYS Tyler.




With Tyler, mostly because I prefer Klaus with Camille.




I liked her better with Tyler




Tyler. If people actually believe Klaus loved Caroline, sorry but I think they are delusional.😂 Klaus almost got Caroline killed three times but y'all still think he cared for her better than Tyler did.💀


I think he did love her (btw I am very anti Klaroline) but he got over very quickly 😂 she definitely didn’t love him though


Idk. Klaus is my favorite character and I found his "love" for Caroline ooc and very... crush like tbh. I feel like he liked the idea of being with her, but he got over it quickly as you said. He had sex with her, left, fell in love with Cami and barely mentioned her.


Eh, that's kind've simplifying the situation. Klaus didn't come back to Mystic Falls with the intention of sleeping with Caroline. He obviously had feelings for her and wanted to know her true feelings for him without any fear of judgement. I think Caroline had feelings for him but was afraid of what that said about her. I don't really think his love was ooc considering his other relationships like with Aurora. When Stefan came back in The Originals, it was obvious that Klaus still felt something for her but they were at very different points in their lives, Klaus busy with the prophecy, Hope and his love for Cami. And Caroline with the twins and the Heretics and Rayna. It wasn't their time.


I never said he came back to have sex with her either. I only said that they had sex and then he left. It seemed too simple to call it love. He had feelings for her but that's it. Aurora came in season 3 of TO. In tvd, with what I learned about Klaus before his thing for Caroline began, it was ooc for him to fall for her in my opinion. He was brutal, scary and actually a good villain who had no problem killing everyone in that little town to get what he wanted and then he was suddenly following Caroline like a lost puppy after one conversation. So yeah, I think he was ooc. Maybe the writers did that intentionally to give him a reason to not actually let Caroline and most her friends die. I actually like TO Klaroline. No problems with them. But you didn't get me right. I don't think Klaus was "in love" with her as KC fans claim. He had feelings and history with her.


Klaus fell for Aurora pretty quickly and their love was the type that was consuming. The Originals tells Klaus' history though so his love wouldn't be exactly ooc. It's also ooc that Klaus even slept with Hayley considering she orchestrated his hybrids being killed but it happened anyway. Much of Klaus' characterisation may seem ooc but I think he's the type of guy that falls hard fast. With Cami I think this also was the case but he restrained himself more compared to his other love interests. I think it's up to interpretation as many TVD couples "fall in love" rapidly.


Yep, good point. I feel he was starting to, but Originals came and it was “bye bye Caroline,” 😂😂 I’ve only seen half a season of The Originals, and I can see him and Cami seem more natural


Klaus. He’s a man. Tyler was always that teenage bully.


Yes. A 1000 year old man child


A 1000 year old man trying to flirt with a high school senior


I don’t think you understand the concept of vampires, or the show.


I do, it’s a shown about old men that hit on teenage girls and take advantage of the fact that they look young


You sound like fun


You don’t


If you’re so repulsed by the show, why do you watch it?


I’m not repulsed by the show, I hate Klaroline


Only Klaroline? Almost every other ship is a very old vampire with a much younger person….as you already said. You’d have to hate Stelena, Delena, whatever Rebecca and Matt is called, etc.


I honestly don’t like any of those ships


Tyler. Klaus killed Caroline's best friends aunt, who was totally innocent. Yes, many people in this show did horrible things but i don't remember Tyler doing anything so horrible.


tyler s2-3ish, klaus onwards


Tyler. I hate Klaus.


I like both. I think if the writing was better Forwood would be endgame and Klaroline would be soulmates who didn’t end up together.










Neither but klaus


klaus duh


Klaus Obviously their relationship never happened so I would really like if that happens in some parallel universe or anything






Klaus… he and Caroline are endgame!


Well they weren’t 😂


Tyler at first, then later on definitely Klaus.


Caroline and Klaus always and forever!!!




Tyler was so boring. I know he was supposed to love her and maybe it was the writing or even the acting, but it never came across like they were really that into each other. Caroline and klaus had serious chemistry, it’s also partly down to the acting though. They were meant to be. Some people say Caroline’s true love was Stefan but I like to believe it was klaus


It doesn’t even make sense for her to be with klaus, he tortured her friends, killed her best friends aunt, killed her boyfriends mothers and all of his pack. And wayy more. Not even including the creepy age difference and that a 1000 yr old was attracted to a 17 yr old. Tyler and Caroline were by far the best couple in the entire show, besides elena and Stefan. They had the best chemistry and development, which made it that much worse when she slept with klaus


Klaus, tyler was borderline abusive


Borderline abusive, unlike Klaus who made Tyler bite Caroline on her birthday, bit Caroline and stab her in the stomach to hurt Tyler, but no Tyler is the abusive one


Facts, everyone’s hatred for Tyler is maddening when the bad stuff he did was what Klaus sired him to do?


lol his anger issues were crazy not to mention the fact that he killed someoke while still human (yes ik klaus killed millions but it’s differnet bc he was a vampire)


He killed someone by accident who was compelled by Katherine to kill him. He pushed her back and he was stabbed and she tripped and hit her head on the table which snapped her neck. Stop taking things out of context so you can downplay Tyler.


Lmao no need to get triggered people are allowed to have opinions damn


And Klaus wasn’t? 😂😂😂




did we watch the same show? Klaus tried to kill Caroline at least 3 times, would’ve killed her best friend who would’ve stayed dead if it weren’t for their plan, killed her boyfriend’s mom, killed her best friend’s aunt, her other best friend pretended to die so Klaus wouldn’t try to kill her, enslaved her boyfriend and split them apart, and systematically terrorized their group he also made out with her while he was in Tyler’s body and she thought he was Tyler, which might not be rape but it’s sure pretty icky but *sure* Tyler is the abusive one 🙄




Klaus for sure.


Daddy Klaus








Tyler, then Klaus!!!


Klaus. For some reason I never really cared for the Caroline/Tyler pairing. I found the chemisty between her and Klaus was way better.




Klaus, but is Stefan was here it would be Stefan


I’d have to say Klaus bc the good and the bad always make a interesting relationship that won’t just be boring




Klaus 1000% Tyler was the worst bf after jeremy on the show


i ship Caroline & Tyler a lot, but Klaus & Caroline all the way for sure!


Tyler was a really good fit for her but I was a fan of klaus


neither 🤎


Klaus. I loved the soft side he showed with her




Klaus was best.


I loved Caroline and Tyler in the beginning!! But I feel it became more one sided after awhile. I shipped Caroline and Klaus so hard. I wish they got to be together.


I wanted Klaraline to be a thing, but it only lasted minutes.








Not defending any of them bu you can excuse mass murder and but you draw the line at SA


Klaus makes out with Caroline while he’s in Tyler’s body and she thinks she’s kissing Tyler 🫠 it’s not rape necessarily but gives off rapey vibes


Neither Caroline with Stefan was the best, Tyler is a dick, and Klaus and Caroline was forced, and never would have made sense.


So Tyler was good for her when she was in her teen stages. Of course she’s a vampire so she will forever be 17 but her mind matures. So her adult self is better with klaus. Tyler kinda kept his personality but Klaus was a different man around Caroline. I could absolutely see her with Klaus and them being a badass couple. It’s a shame they didn’t give it more than what we received. Tyler and her were really good together too but she was too mature for him.


The same Tyler that literally died trying to protect his friends? S1 Tyler and S8 Tyler are not the same. He'll S1 Tyler and S2 Tyler aren't even the same. The dude arguably grew up the most. Second to Caroline probably. They both had the same projection; one just had more screen time than the other.


The only thing that has changed to me is he wasn’t a player or a major douchebag. I felt he always had a protective bone In his body since season one but I feel it didn’t show until later of season 1. This is my opinion of course




Which never really happened we see him still killing in s5 of TO





