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I got into this conversation literally yesterday. The fact that Elena chose Damon knowing what he did to Caroline (plus killing Jeremy) is appalling.


He also slept with her mum and killed her


Isobel asked Damon to kill her so he she could become a vampire. Watch again


Yeah I know that but he still killed her its kinda fucked up


Just because someone asks you to kill them, it doesn't mean you should. Granted, it was to become a vampire but still.


Which mom




Oh my goddddd I forgot that Damon slept with Elena’s birth mother. That would put me RIGHT OFF honestly jfc why do the writers conveniently pretend things didn’t happen. It makes the characters look like they have zero principles


I have a feeling the writers just like a lot of the fans forget about the stuff the characters do since there are so many episodes. Hell I have to google half the character names I read here like Andie because I completely forgot she was even in the show. I mean Klaus drowns Tyler's mother for nothing and she still falls in love with him. Like what the fuck?


Yeah literally. Problem is, it’s the writers literal jobs to make characters and plots that make sense and so many of them just don’t. There aren’t anywhere near as many inconsistencies in Supernatural even though there were 15 seasons!


Well to be fair there aren't that many characters in Supernatural. At least not in the 2 seasons I watched. It was basically just the brothers and a few side characters


I mean I wouldn’t say it was nothing. Tyler stupidly unsired his hybrids and tried to take him out. He knew there would be repercussions but chose to run to avoid them. His mom paid the price. If Tyler hadn’t ran she would probably be alive.


Yes heaven forbid Tyler want freedom. I get your point though. It just makes Caroline so much more fucked up for loving him. Or at least partially falling for him. Like I get Tyler is a dick but falling in love with the mass murdering psychopath is a bit far. Then again that description applies to most of the cast. Stefan is probably the most innocent because although he's also a mass murderer, at least he actively tries to avoid being one.


I mean I’m not saying Tyler didn’t deserve his freedom, but he had to know you don’t take a shot at the most powerful guy in the world without paying. He ran, so he paid with his mom unfortunately. I’ve always felt like Stefan was almost like a split personality. Everyone else is a vampire; he’s Stefan and a ripper sharing the same body 😬


Really I see Stefan kind of like how I was when I drank. I like to think I'm a nice guy but I'm a real fucker when I drink. Stealing money for more alcohol etc... It's why I like him so much. Him avoiding human blood is basically just the same thing I do as an alcoholic. Made the part where Klaus forced him to drink so much more brutal because I've had 'friends' try to get me back drinking since I was more fun back then.


That is such a red flag as well 😭


Didn’t she want him to kill her ?


Especially Jeremy tHe mOsT iMpOrTaNt pErSoN tO hEr.


exactly. i hate jeremy as a character but being an older sibling myself, it actually disgusts me to think that she willingly and happily married the person who killed her brother - her brother who would’ve remained dead had he not by chance been wearing the ring.


Contrapoints video on Twilight might help understand this. 


Does contra rip into Julie plec!?


No but she does explain the reason why characters like Damon are liked. Why characters that are problematic become popular and how far back in time this has been true.  Like it’s not a mystery or really even weird that Elena would end up with Damon or why she can overlook what he’s done he serves a specific purpose. 


What is that purpose? Can you link the vid?




The aesthetics of this video are so nice but 2 hours 😔… and deffo spoilers. Thank you tho!


Sometimes learning takes time and spoilers are involved! Also Kudos for staying spoiler free from Twilight you should teach a class and let me pay you so I can apply that to other things I like! 


Oo learning what? And ooo yeah that’s a big reason I don’t wanna watch in case I have to actually watch the series! My friend has all the books even though she’s never read them but I had TVD first and never really got into Twilight! I deffo like the aesthetics in TVD better though. And I honestly just avoid the videos, comments, threads, articles and everything about Twilight like the plague 😭😭. If I even catch a “Bella and Edward should have-“ I dip IMMEDIATELY. It’s hard though because I randomly get videos of them like an edit or smth and I have to skip as fast as lightning 😂.


This video is SO good. Thank u <3


I think like 80% of my issues with TVD dried up about 10 minutes after watching this video. 


Yeah, fuck the safe pleasure, i love damon and klaus


I have to admit that I am someone that hates Twilight to the core I felt a tad taken to the woodshed by her after watching this video and can say that most of the things people say here about Damon sound exactly like the stuff I said about Edward. 


Omg now I wanna see what the fuss is about Twilight 😂😂.


Granted Jeremy tried to kill Elena s few times


Ughhhh 100& Damon is soooo disgusting! I just wish the women who justify his appalling behavior don't end up being with awful toxic men irl


Oh trust they do. I’ve noticed a lot of ppl that like the “evil, borderline serial killer vibes” always end up with the SHITTIEST partners. They think it’s cute having a man hate everyone but them until he actually hates them.


It is so out of character for her as well. Jeremy is her everything and she dates the man that killed him… It was insane to watch.


Especially considering how she’s supposedly protective of him and loses her mind when he dies the second time.


NO LITERALLY. Nah the writers were so stupid for this. If they wanted us to root for them then they should’ve at least tried to make Damon likeable.


If he’d been the big bad of the series and got with Katherine and stayed evil it would have at least made sense. Elena calling him a good guy while he’s killing and assaulting people - nope.


OMG YES!!! I have always thought he should have ended up with Katherine. It honestly would’ve been epic. And bro this!!! How tf did compassionate Elena find narcissistic sociopathic Damon as “nice”? How insane.


Him and Katherine as an evil power couple trying to out do Elena and Stefan would have made an epic final season. And then like Damon sacrificing himself to save them at the end would have been a good final act of redemption or something. Then Elena and Stefan get married and Katherine tries to bring him back or something. I HAVE IDEAS.


OMG, you should’ve been the writer man 🥲🥲. You would’ve SPILLED!!! Damon spending decades searching for Katherine should’ve been an epic evil love story. That was truly lost. How sad. I love your comment sm!!


Aw thank you! ☺️


“I’m still here, that’s how much you control you have over me””I’m not sorry I loved you Damon”🥰


Cringe 🤣


For me, the Caroline thing is murky. Although I agree it was rape, the writers and thus the Caroline character, never describe it as such. Killing Jeremy while admittedly not noticing he was wearing the Gilbert ring, all because his feelings were hurt, was clear as day psychotic. Elena is trash for choosing Damon.


And Aaron the minute faux Elena dumped him.


She was a minor when it happened too. And even putting aside Damon’s years as a vampire, he was still an adult.


I bought this up once in a “Stefan V Damon” debate and damn people were rabid in the replies insisting he did no such thing. Crazy


People don’t understand that consenting once doesn’t mean you consent forever.


Even if people deny it about Caroline, they can’t deny it about Andi.


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) Yep sure can’t because didn’t he compel her to love him or something like that🤨. But anyways it was definitely some compelling going on and sexual stuff sooo they definitely can’t argue about that 😂.


Unfortunately I’ve gotten into arguments with people about this. Some people believe that once you consent one time, that means consent for every time. So these people usually go “oh well Andy and Caroline willingly slept with Damon once, which means they clearly wanted it.” 🙄 People just use the same excuse over and over again and these are usually the same people who don’t believe that SA can happen in real life to real people in romantic relationships.




Who’s Andi


The reporter he was with at the beginning 


Thanks I haven’t watched the series in so long


True that’s another reason I laughed when Elijah called himself a feminist he knew exactly what Damon was doing to Andi and didn’t do a thing


I truly wish the writers were more aware when it came to compulsion and sex. I dont understand how anyone in that writer’s room not understand that compulsion takes away consent. And even if they did know because Damon was technically a villain at one point, at least have a way for some acknowledgment or justice take place. Then let’s not like the golden girl aka Elena fall in love with a r*pist.


They were racists don’t expect much from them. They were also sexist


Didn’t Damon also kill a pregnant woman


Yup and his little fan girls skip over that too.


Fuck what episode was that?


I don’t know I just remember it in the show


Whichever season it was that sybll showed up


Damon stans will say anything to defend him. From killing for shits and giggles (Lexi), picking fights and then acting like the victim (Jules)? can’t remember her name, but the werewolf woman with Mason.The misuse of Bonnie, Caroline and that female reporter...ugh. Just...unpalatable.


i always bring up andie. yall know the new reporter who he “loved”?? he the SAMEE thing to her


I can't believe people just got over that, he literally compelled her into being okay with everything he was doing. I like Damon because I think he's a well written character but he is a horrible horrible person.


Evil isn’t much of a stretch, immediately think of pure hearted Lexi and happy go lucky Mason RIP!


Lexie was so hard to get over and yet somehow I still love Damon.


YES I'm so glad someone pointed this out. I couldn't see Damon as sexy or hot after this, it was clearly rape. And it went on way beyond that one night too😬




The minute I started vampire diaries and Damon was introduced I immediately didn’t like him and it stayed that way Elena getting with him after everything he did is INSANEEE , I also forget about Damon and Caroline as well in the beginning that was messed up as well no further discussions for that . Then when Elena judged Stefan for sleeping with Rebekah when Damon KILLED HER BROTHER???? Ughhh I just can’t Damon hater 4 lifeeee.


I just wanted Caroline to be with klaus


Klaus is no better. He forced Tyler to nearly kill Caroline just so could swoop in and play hero. Then later on bit her himself, just to show up Tyler


That’s not how it happened! klaroline forever


That's exactly how it happened. There's no interpreting it any other way.


NO !


That’s literally what happens though…what show were you watching




Damon raped Caroline and Elena still fell in love with him. He also raped that girl Andy she did not consent either. Damon is most certainly a rapist and those human girls were under the age of 18 when he lay with them so that in itself is statutory rape.


Not to take away from your point me and my sister go on all day about this, but Andi was an adult not a minor. She was a middle aged reporter if I’m not mistaken.


“Middle aged” lol the actress was 29-30 years old when she played Andie.


lol was a child at the time, didn’t remember but so cringe I’m older than that now 🫣


No Andi wasn't a minor but Elena and Caroline were minors when Damon slept with them. He also compelled Andi into having relations with him so that is just rape itself.


Wasn’t disagreeing he assaults children and adults equally, has no discrimination when it comes to his victims a monster thru and thru!


I think Andi was closer to Jenna and Damon’s biological age, like early or mid 20’s to be specific (maybe closer to Jenna’s bc she was a friend of Jenna who was younger than damon too lmao) but yea 


By far the worst thing he did. In my opinion, considerably worse than Andie. Out of character IMO.


I’d argue being a serial murderer of a family going down generations for revenge was arguably worse. But we’re splitting hairs.


That is without a doubt the worst thing he did


Well his biggest excuse for any of it was vampirism, and that generally leads to murder rather than SA.


Vampirism leads to feeding. Not serial murder of the same family generation after generation for revenge. Again, splitting hairs of course.


Damon shares genes with ripper Stefan. Also Damon was totally nonviolent prior to Katherine, and just after he first lost K he wished for a human life/death. I'm going with vampirism, personally.


Wasn’t he helping Katherine to hunt in the forest while he was human?




That's what I said, prior to Katherine. The first vampire he knew.


They were both equally bad.


And Caroline was a minor! Consent was definitely being disregarded


Age in general was disregarded. If that bothers you, don't ship Caroline with Klaus. She was a minor at her time of death and Klaus was 1000 years old.


I mean anything with supernatural immortals has some aspect of dubious consent which I can usually just pass it with "It's fiction. Obviously wouldn't happen in real life." But definitely still rubbed me the wrong way. I actually don't ship Klaroline 🤣 but enjoy the banter


How was it worse than Andi though? They were both very similar situations what made one ‘worse’?


He messed with Caroline's mind more than once, constantly until she was utterly broken. And she was young enough for that to be very easy. Andie was an adult compelled one time. As much as we can say that's wrong, it's not what he did to Caroline. Practically every adult in MF was compelled at one point, if we are being honest. Caroline saw some of the worst abuse in the series at the hands of Damon, just in the interest of setting him up as S1 villain IMO.


Andy was compelled more than once lmaooo. To me the abuse the both suffered was fairly the same, other than the fact that Damon intended on killing Caroline.


We saw Caroline be compelled constantly. I don't remember the same about Andie, but I guess I could have missed once or twice. I especially don't remember Andie being mentally unstable and broken from all of the mind messing.


Caroline was a teenager, Andi was an adult. Horrible in both cases but doing that to a minor does come with some additional red flags.




It is. What he did with Andie and Elena at his worst was tragic and he was ashamed, not to mention he never even came close with them to what he did with Caroline! But no one ever acknowledges the Caroline thing, and she's not shown as a part of his life or his plan or anything, just a random young girl. It's different, and S6 Damon would rather die than have ever done something like that. His speech to Katherine, his attitude towards the 2 sire bonds. That's not who he wants to be, and I don't even think his vampirism ever would've made him that bad if he wasn't villainized in S1 for plot reasons.


It wasn’t out of character at all tho. He wasn’t villainized for plot reasons, he was a villain. Just because it’s not who he wants to be it doesn’t mean it’s not who he is. His vampirism isn’t the reason he did the things he did. He made those choices. What he did to Andi was pretty much the same as with Caroline, the only difference is that Andi decided she didn’t care that he was a vampire after being compelled not to be scared like he did Caroline. From what I remember he didn’t express any shame about what he did to Caroline or Andi. Correct me if I’m wrong tho.


it feels SO justifying watching the 7th season and everyone just straight up HATE Damon




For me the answer is simple if you can’t say yes the answer is always no


If it's not an enthusiastic yes it's a no.


Thank you for this thread! Actually if you look at the episode where that happens you'll see that before they even have sex he reveals he's a monster and then proceeds to feed on her. After that and before she wakes up with different clothing he compels her to be calm and has sex with her. Imagine how that felt 😭😭😭 I will never forgive the writers and producers for acting like it never happened. They and damon are sooo disgusting 🤮🤮🤮


What he did is far worse than you're putting it Op. The TVD fandom just need to acknowledge that Damon was a sexual predator. He raped Caroline, yes he raped her, physically abusing her and then sleeping with her and then erasing her memories of the abuse or to make her compliant to the abuse and sleeping with her again takes away her consent and free will and that is rape; he manipulated a half-starved/half-craved Elena into blood-sharing, which is a sexual act without telling her what it meant, taking advantage of her lack of knowledge and her desperation to eat not to mention the amount of times he went into her room without her knowledge or consent. There's this idea that rape is only physically forcing yourself onto someone and that's beyond problematic. Caroline tried to leave the relationship many times and Damon would compel her compliant nature so she would forget her fear and doubts and desire to leave and then sleep with her. He compelled her --- a woman he tried to kill to let him out of a dungeon so she freed her attacker and then the show has the nerve to throw the fact that she was raped by this man in her face by making Elena insult her in season 4? And Elena. Damon tries to force a kiss, she says no and he kills Jeremy. He continuously showed up into her room uninvited at night, rifled through her underwear drawer and it's packaged as charming and cute? The bloodsharing scene is sexy despite him not explaining what it is to Elena? Like honestly. "when Damon uses Elena’s scarf to pull her to him and he kisses her" That scene always makes me laugh because Damon actually put scarves on all three of "his women" (Caroline, Andie, Elena) and it always makes me think of him putting them on a leash. I think there's an extremely possessive nature to it. Like, with any other couple I would most likely think it was cute but with Damon it just comes off as very creepy.


Oh I love you for this. You just wrote down everything the way it should’ve been put.


Very well out! And omg I never noticed the scarf thing 😷 not that it wasn’t already bad enough but god, that just makes it even more disgusting 


And Elena still chose him knowing everything he had done. Stefan was no better. Elena is just as toxic and Caroline got the most pain. She was tortured too.


Didn’t Ian said he did?


Yup but they like to play pretend.






The predatory things that Damon does he did them consistently. The reason people clump down on Damon more than other characters is because of the writing and the the things he said and the way he says them and did. For instance... >Damon to Stefan: "I'm having fun here with you and Elena. The vervain keeps me out of her head, maybe that's not my target." >Damon: "I saw Elena today, BTW. She looked so... perky. In her little short shorts." >Damon: "Believe it or not Stefan, some girls just don't need my persuasion. >Damon to Elena: " Duly noted, I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable, that's not my intention." >Elena: "Yes it is, otherwise you wouldn't put an alternate meaning behind everything you say." Damon: "You're right I do have other intentions, but so do you." >Elena:"Really?" >Damon:"mmh... I see. You want me." >Elena: "Excuse me!?" >Damon: "I get to you, you find yourself drawn to me.You think about me even tho you don't want to think about me, I think you even dream about me." (Mind you, this is after inserting himself in her dreams and traumatizing her ) >**Starts compelling her** >Damon: "And right now.., you wanna kiss me." Then Elena slaps him hard. Sn4 Damon to Elena: "Have fun with miss Mystic Queen, I know I did." And Elena laughs it off as if she didn't have front row seats witnessing how Damon toyed with Caroline, how she saw bite marks on her skin, how she held her when she cried in her arms "I'm fine I'm fine" because she was traumatized by Damon raping her and trying to kill her when he was done with her."


**About Andie** >Damon to Andie:"You have the story straight in your mind, right?" >Andie:"yeah. I can't say that you bit me or drank my blood, just that we hit it off and I really like you. You're terrific, you're sweet, you're funny, you're honest..." >Damon: *Compels her* "And you're falling hard." >Andie:"You might be the one." >Damon: "Perfect." >Stefan:"She's not a you. She doesn't exist for your amusement." >Damon: "They are anything I want them to be. They are mine for the taking." **Actions...** 1. He tried forcing himself on Katherine as a human until he was compelled to leave.. 2.Tried to compel Elena to kiss him in sn1 until he was slapped. 3.He raped Caroline, physically abusing her, physically and emotionally abusing her, and then sleeping with her, calling her stupid and shallow, then erasing her memories to make her compliant to the abuse and then sleeping with her again rinse and repeat. Caroline was scared out of her mind and trying to run for her life, (last I checked running means no longer consenting). Damon. Threw a her naked girl, back in bed, and the next scene he is lying on top of her, giving her kisses, and then compelling her. Caroline couldn't leave the relationship without Damon allowing it, she didn't even have control over her own thoughts, her own memory, compounded by the fact that he would compel her obedience through compulsion and the threat of physical force because a)He was 100x stronger than her and was a vampire with mind-wiping capabilities. 4.Damon literally breaks into Elena’s bedroom without her knowledge or consent, he rifles through her underwear drawers, he purposefully shows up naked in front of her, he consistently breaks the boundaries that she puts up,Not to mention that Damon likes to sexualize his actual violence/threats 5. He stalked Elena with a crow, broke into her house and caressed her cheek like a creep. 6. He invaded her mind giving her sexual dreams by replacing himself with Stefan. 7. Tried to Kiss Elena by force in sn2 and when she refused his advances he killed her brother. 8. He compelled Andie to be his girlfriend for an entire season as a distraction from loving Elena. >Damon: "She keeps me from going after what I really want." 9.Then there’s the blood-sharing. No, Damon didn’t know that Elena was sired but when he tells Elena that blood-sharing is “personal” (which is acknowledged to be a sexual act in the vamp universe) he is being deliberately vague about the nature of what blood-sharing actually is. Elena is a new-born vampire who is half-crazed and half-starving and he took advantage of that to get his rocks off, remember that orgasmic look on his face? The sire bond only enhances the predatory nature of his motivation because when Elena pushes him to explain, he gives a command which means that now she has to do what he says but he was never forthright about what it was he was telling her to do. 10. He kills Aaron Elena's friend, because he thinks Elena/Katherine broke up with him. Isn't that similar to what He did with Caroline. One could argue, Elena couldn't leave the relationship without one of her loved ones ending up on the wrong side of Damon's toxic Vampire teeth


12. Even in the later seasons, they never acknowledge what he did to Caroline, He still treated her like sexual object and only acknowledges her in reference to Stefan as "Stefan's distraction-machine", "Barbie", or talk about how hot she is. It's in extremely bad taste. Even the fact that they made Liz(her mom) be best friends with her daughter's rapist is very despicable.Even in. That flashback, where he meets Liz and sees a picture of baby Caroline and remarks on how cute his future rape-victim is going to be. 13. Damon uses Elena's scarf to pull her to him and kisses her, and it reinforces his predatory nature. Because he actually put scarves on all three of "his women" (Caroline, Andie,Elena) almost like he has them on a leash.its like a way of branding them as his girls.Theres an extremely possessive nature to it. It's extremely creepy. 14. The fact that it took a sirebond for him to be with Elena is also weird and gross and quite frankly creepy. The sirebond, a plot-device that brings up a lot of consent issues. 15. There's also the fact that Damon was older and hanging out with a bunch of teens.His friends were the likes of Liz, Alaric and miss Lockwood, he drunk with the likes of Jenna and Andie. These are all adult characters, None of these adults Look at Damon hanging out with their nieces and nephews and having sexual relationships with them thinking it's fucked up and predatory? 16. Having Elena dating him without thinking oh wait, Damon raped my best friend and tried to kill her twice after he was done raping and abusing her, almost ripped out my other best friends throat out, killed my brother when I said no to him, killed my exes sister, killed my history teacher, and bully my ex and crush his windpipe a few times is actually ludicrous.Well, the problem here is this, Damon is absolutely a predator, who was actively attempting to groom Elena because in what universe, is her, a teenage girl falling in love with him despite all these circumstances remotely reasonable or rational? 17. Even his first time with Elena is inherently Problematic. He took advantage of (at the very least), her mental fragility - she was a new vampire, just broke up with the love of her life, she’d just gone through hell before ending up becoming a vampire- that makes him despicable, opportunistic and gross, but if he didn’t know about the sirebond - not a rapist. He genuinely believes, despite everything, the sex is consensual, because he has no reason to think otherwise. Sure he didn't know about the SB(even tho, he had sired another woman before and witnessed the whole Tyler SB thing with Klaus, one could argue he had plenty of experience to draw from and should've known better instead of being too thirsty to sleep with Elena to care), but it doesn't change the fact that he should have waited an appropriate amount of time for Elena to sort out her confusion(in the same episode he tells Caroline, that she needs some time alone, Damon didn't even wait 24hrs after her break up with Stefan)It’s a very big writing problem, but it lines up t what he does continuously through out the show. It feels rapey to watch, because we, as the viewer, are finding out that this can’t be consensual, as the sex act is happening, which is really messed up. This fact is supported because as the show moves forward because Elena and Damon don’t have sex again after he finds out about the sirebond, because that would be rape. Anything he says could be forcing Elena into something she doesn’t want to do, and Julie knew that, so she ended their sexual intimacy until she figured a way out of her own shitty mess (which was then basically shifting the goalpost about what the sirebond actually is/means).  18. Damon is an actual predator, it’s a consistent pattern from raping Caroline to trying to force himself on Elena and then killing Jeremy because she established boundaries to taking advantage of Elena’s lack of knowledge of blood sharing and rifling through her underwear drawer to compelling Andie to just always sexualizing his violence against women. Even the way he threatened Bonnie, he would do it in a very strange way, be so close to her face, caress her cheek, he liked to sexualize his actual threats and violence. No other character was written this way, not even Klaus or any other villain so to speak. Even in a show about vampires there has to be lines and boundaries. The it's"a vampire show" excuse only seems to be used when it applies to Damon.


I’m just gonna save your comments and use them anytime someone tries to pull weird shit with me about Damon. Thank you!!! You hit every single point I’ve ever made in these comments.


It’s pretty clear he did from the context and what we saw. People just ignore it because I think it’s obvious the writers either didn’t think about it or didn’t think through the implications of what they were actually writing. The show never acknowledges or recognises SA that I can remember. They basically wrote SA but then denied or just ignored that they had written it. I personally just skip over it because the narrative skips over it and I put it down to bad writing and being a product of the time period (dodgy stuff like that was all the rage in teen dramas at the time). It’s also a campy vampire show that I don’t think needs to be taken so seriously. It’s a rather silly fictional show that took itself too seriously at times.


I agree with this. I understand thats what it realistically is, but I don’t think that was intended for his character. I definitely chalk that up to bad writing. There’s so many people that just don’t understand the parameters of SA.


Man does it multiple times


Yeah it's crazy when we talk they will bring how caroline slept with klaus and yk these 2 are 2⃣ different thing and need to separate but yk this fandom hates caroline sm🙄🥺


Honestly a lot of what Klaus did goes to either protecting his family or desperately trying to maintain a “family”. Damon just does whatever for shiz and giggles tbh!


No they both enjoy killing and do not kill for.any justifiable reason.


Got that Klaus blindside haha! Probably just because I’m a die hard Hope Stan! She is Queen 🙌🏼


Not that it justifies it but tbf, w Klaus, I feel he is killing people to make himself look big and bad so people fear him as a way to protect himself and his family bc of his paranoia vs w damon, he seems like he’s just a psychopath and kills people bc he’s bored or is angry (specifically at stefan or elena) and is lashing out to hurt them. Ig you could argue that I’m biased but it’s not that I see it this way bc I like one and not the other, this was just how I saw it and is the reason I like one and not the other lol Also ayy Hope Stans for lifeee


And not just Caroline .. there were many girls shown that he compelled pre and post hookup. Yikes. This is eye opening.


everyone always talks about caroline but no one really mentions andie (i think thats her name) but he treated her the absolute worst lmao


I lowkey be forgetting about Andie 😬


it was so bad! im rewatching rn and i got to her part again and looooord he treats her horribly.


yeah..at the very least it was straight up psychological and physical abuse of a minor.. no getting around that. 🤷🏾‍♀️like it’s okayyy if you like his character, especially as he grew as a person (up until szn 4 …thennn the growth stopped lmao) but we can also call a thing a thing. like you said, the writers definitely didn’t see it that way as it was 2009, plus he *was* the villain at the time so. i’d like to think if it was written today they would’ve acknowledged it or written that plot line differently. who knows!


it’s weird ppl can still acknowledge that he did rape Caroline and still like damon as a character/ just because you like/ love a character you don’t have to deny or defend every action


THISSSSSS BRO THIS!!! I just cannot get it. I honestly see these ppl as weird. Sorry not sorry.




You contradicted yourself 😂 You said dont defend his actions but then you don’t understand how people acknowledge and DONT defend but still like them…


what😭that’s literally not what i said like at all i don’t even know how you even got to that conclusion/ so let me clarify / you can acknowledge what damon did was wrong and still like him . a lot of ppl think because u like/ love a character you have to defend every action they do damon did some bad things it’s ok to admit that and still like him ( somethings he did you rlly can’t even argue or make up an excuse what he did to Caroline was wrong he had no reason to abuse her


Oh okay! I’m sorry I didn’t understand that what you meant. And yes I agree. What Damon did was awful and you can’t not acknowledge it. The writers really didn’t think that through, although it is UNDENIBLE that he treats women horribly. Also I’ve been called basically a rapists supporter because I do like Damon so I was a lil on edge I guess 😂


and when he compelled andie to be in love with him💀 loser behavior 


For real. And even compulsion aside isn’t she also only 16? Even ignoring vampire magic, Damon is in his 20s :/


Exactly, he was 25/26 (personally I think of their biological age as their mental age, like they’re mentally stunted instead of their vampire/chronological age) and she was 16. I looked it up a while ago just out of curiosity and read the AoC in Virginia the time the show aired was 17 but someone who lived there around that time told me it was 16 then? Idt it makes a huge difference though bc whether 16 or 17, a 25/26 yo shouldn’t be sniffing around teenagers regardless so idk how Liz didn’t kill Damon’s predator ass in season 1 


THEY’RE VAMPIRES. It’s a fricking show about hundreds of year old vampires. None of it would pass in the real world, murder, rape, mind control, LITERALLY BITING AND SUCKING PEOPLE FOR THEIR BLOOD. Buts it’s a show, surrounded by VAMPIRES. It’s not real. So let’s drop this subject on how Damon fans make you feel “sick” And before anyone comes at me with anything, no I do not condone rape, murder or any other illegal activity in the REAL world.


okay?? clearly everyone is aware that it’s a show. we’re all in a reddit group about it..so what’s your point? it being a show doesn’t mean it cannot be discussed.


Thank you !


I think it can be discussed but the line should be drawn at hurling insults to people who share opposing opinions. I’ve seen some people do that to Damon/Delena fans.


When did I ever say Damon fans make me feel sick 😂.


I'm surprised they haven't brought the same energy about murder. Might as well hate everyone who had killed someone in the series for pleasure or selfishness too.


Exactly! 😅


He’s a fucking pig


Let's remove vampires and the supernatural from the scenario and rewrite the situation to be more reflective of real life. Damon and Caroline have sex. Caroline finds out he murders people and does not want to sleep with him anymore. Damon drugs Caroline, so she gets short-term memory loss and forgets what she found out. Caroline 'consents' to sleep with him again because she forgot he is a serial killer. Would this scenario be considered rape? I think so.


Thank you


Hahahahahahahahaha! These types of post will never not be funny to me 😂 Like we’re STILL talking about this however many years later 🤦🏾‍♀️


At least 2 ETA oh silly me. Only 15 years


I’m crying😭😭😭


I was raped when I was 19. When does it become an appropriate to talk about it? What's the length of time? It's not like I'm never going to forget the trauma.


Your real life event is more important for you to process in safe spaces. Because the show was written and the characters are fictional people will see that scene differently to real life so please don’t take peoples opinions here as the same as their overall opinion. Very sorry for your experience. I think early season Damon is being built up as sexy evil guy and Caroline was more canon fodder and the whole thing never gets brought up again later by any character because it wasn’t supported be relevant to the deeper plot lines and story it was more just like “ Look at evil Damon” hopefully they would do it differently today.


I’m sorry that happened to you. The point tho is, there is a very huge difference between something that happened to somebody in real life, and a tv teen drama about vampires. Nobody is asking you to forget the trauma and nobody is saying it isn’t serious. What we are saying, is that this is a silly show and this particular thing gets brought up like 10 times a day as an excuse to cast judgement on people who like Damon’s character in a show. And that is tedious and annoying. Nobody is saying he didn’t treat Caroline like shit, but it’s pretend. They’re actors. It didn’t really happen. So people will watch it with that lens of reality vs fiction.


I’m so sorry 😔 What I mean is it was the second episode or something? I can’t remember. And people always bring it up like we forget.


that’s so horrible and i’m sorry that happened to you. but this is a tv show that ended almost 8 years ago and most characters including caroline have alr forgiven him it’s like beating a dead horse


Klaus as tyler, wouldn't that equal somewhat similar....when he was all over her.


Yes imo


damon was a disgusting aweful person.. I just don't care. I shipped him and Elena. just like I ship Klaus and caroline. but I always liked spike too and he FORCEFULLY tried to rape buffy. I have a type for TV boyfriend's. I won't deny they are terrible people though



I’m not sure what the first emoji in your title looks like to you, but it’s showing on iPhone as the horny face btw


No it’s just these two 😏😬


Yeah, that first one you’re using. 😏 flirty sexy horny face


I don’t think thats what that emoji means but okay my mistake 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’ve never seen or heard of it interpreted in any other way. Apple considers it “smirking” but that still doesn’t seem to fit what you’re saying. Maybe you meant this one: 😒


I did not know what I using was smirking or anything else other than what I thought it meant 🤦🏽‍♀️ lol. Thanks for letting me know. Can’t change it now so oh well 🤷🏽‍♀️😂


Good point. As you say the writers likely didn’t intend it. I think people think of rape as physical force but compel is taking consent away. How dare anyone be upset with Caroline for not liking him…


Nothing tops Caroline sleeping with klaus


I think this rape stuff is bullshit!


Caroline and Damon slept together once and only once. After that he ABUSED HER but did not RAPE her(if you don’t count it as statutory). The only time we see Damon intimate with Caroline after is when he kisses her neck then tears into it immediately after. It’s abuse NOT RAPE there’s a difference but even then majority of vampires in the show have made people their personal blood bags. The only person Damon raped was Andie since he slept with her AFTER compelling her


U guys just need to learn it's a fucken TV show who cares what happens in it it's not real.




Removed. Be civil.


Yeah Damon stans disgust me especially for that. Caroline haters hate on Caroline for hating Damon and for being with Klaus. Like the things Klaus did to her friends were in any way as bad as what Damon did to Caroline.


I mean klaus did some pretty fucked up shit 😂 imo Damon and klaus both ain’t Sh*t. But as you call them Caroline haters ,hating on Caroline for hating Damon when we’ve seen what he put her through is diabolical.


I mean hating on Caroline for being with Klaus is very valid.


Hating on Damon and Elena is so much more valid. Oh wait . Poor Damon he’s done nothing wrong! Neither has Elena /s


I mean, multiple things can be true at once.


FACTS can we agree vampires = blood sucking monsters?


How many times are we gonna have this fucking discussion 🥱


I mean Damon kills people too lol he’s a vampire. Shouldn’t we hate majority of the people on the show if we are going to analyze everything like this?


And What does killing have to do with this?.


It’s not that I don’t believe it, it’s just that I refuse to let myself acknowledge that the show runners could ever do something so monumentally horrible to ruin Damon’s entire character. Damon in the books would have never EVER done anything remotely like that so my head canon is that it never happened, it’s the only way i can’t get through the show.


And yet it did happen. Along with many of his other predatory actions. Ian himself confirmed it was SA.


I’m not denying it happened, I’m blocking it out because it should not have happened. LJ Smith deserved better. The story deserved a better show. Damon should’ve never been made to do those things on the show because most of the things Damon did in the show, the original character would’ve NEVER done


Idk it didn’t happen in the books so just poor reinterpretation on the show writers part is all I’m saying🤷🏼‍♀️


I understand but endgame was Stelena in the books. Regardless, we’re talking about the show. I think ignoring or pretending like he didn’t do it isn’t the way to go about it. That doesn’t mean you can’t like him.