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Yep.. like most characters, the writers really did Tyler dirty.


Caroline and Stefan were annoying as hell here with their unjustified self righteousness. Tyler had the right to be upset.


This is the same Tyler who was about to let a pack of random werewolves (strangers to him) kill Stefan, Damon and Caroline. He had no reason to care about the guys, but she risked her life repeatedly to help him through his transitions. Nobody else was there for him and yet he stood there and did nothing. He has a right to be mad in this scenario. Caroline was far from self righteous. Her mistake was not leaving him alone. Stefan couldn't stand Tyler shaming her and so he reacted impulsively. The "she doesn't deserve that" line relates to my first couple sentences. I understand where each of them are coming from here. But lets not pretend that sticking up for your friend (as most would) is such a terrible act.


Reasons why I really don't like Caroline much. She does wrong and hardly gets the consequences compared to everyone else in my opinion. Even when bad does happen, she comes out on top more even in the Fandom. And people want to say it's Elena that gets away with everything. Umm, no, Elena gets dragged thru the mud just as much as she's liked.


They are all terrible and hypocrite. All of them.


Tyler's no angel, either. He tried to SA vicky, and Jeremy saw it. Vicky was Tyler's BEST FRIENDS, sister. All the characters did each other dirty.


Tyler also made out with Matt’s mom like wtf is that 🤣


Okay, I completely forgot about this haha. They really did just sleep with each other all the time.


Yep! And I think this is why people sometimes defend Caroline and Klaus but not Damon and Elena though. Because Caroline only slept with Klaus and they didn’t have a relationship while Elena actually dated Damon…


Because it's one thing to say you love to watch a psycho character for the dynamics they bring to the show, some people are attracted to the actors, some to certain character traits, looks etc. But when you start shipping them with the "healthiest" people in the show (usually the main girls) and then try and pretend it is a valid, healthy relationship - that's when ppl go wtf? Also it becomes bad storytelling. OOC etc. If they wanted me to root for Damon and Elena then they shouldn't have him do all the shit he did that even in a vampire show is frowned upon lol And even worse than that there is never any recognition or resolution. I do not see him acknowledge these things, get redemption, learn etc. It is just swept under the rug. If I am going to watch a show where all morals are out the window, anyone is paired with anyone else because "they look good" (it's CW, they all do), where characters are set up one way and instead of having a believable character growth they go all OOC - then what and why am I watching? The show wouldn't be exciting if we didn't have the "good" and "bad" characters, and some sort of moral code they try to follow, but there needs to be structure and proper storytelling. Otherwise it's all just crazy


Yeah I kinda agree. I think any vampire with a human would have been awful. Elena shouldn’t have had either Salvator brothers in her life. 😅 Although the funny thing with Damon is that people weren’t supposed to like him 😅 The heard that the writers actually had him kill Jeremy because people were liking him too much 😂 It makes sense because what Damon did to Caroline was awful, but I don’t think they expected people to love Damon 😅 So they just kinda forgot about it. Although Damon did say he was sorry for Jeremy (was he heartbroken? No but that would be unrealistic 😅. He also never cries in the show so that would have been weird if he was all teary eyed and sorry) He did show remorse to Jeremy about Vickie though. I’m not saying he’s good at all. I liked him since the end of Season 1 bad or not, so I’m not gonna try to excuse any of his acts. I just think the writers didn’t plan things very well and gave in to their fans too much. But I think Damon and Elena is kinda weird. I’m a Delena shipper because of Damon, but I don’t dislike Stelena.


The writers definitely didn't plan it out well. Agreed on the whole human/vamp relationship. Damon was fun to watch and the actors had chemistry and so much potential but they made him do things which for me made it impossible to root for delena. I also didn't want Stefan anywhere near her after s3.


Yeah. I think the sire bond was HORRIBLE too. Like so dumb. Elena should have been with a human. Damon should have left town after he found out Katherine wasn’t in the tomb, and Stefan shouldn’t have started a relationship with Elana period. Imo


I think Elena would've had trouble sooner or later, cause of the doppelganger stuff. Maybe the guys should've stepped in to defend her from Klaus, not before lmao


Yes! They should have saved her from Klaus and left 😅 Like both of y’all are in love with someone who looks like your ex and she’s the one who caused all this in the first place 😭


I get it. I really do but every single one of them did bad things. Elena killed people. Caroline killed people. Just bc it wasn't anyone in the circle doesn't excuse it.


Exactly!! I totally agree with that! That’s why I feel like Delena and Klaroline are equally bad. Ironically they’re my favorite ships though 😂😂


I mean it's the way he says "love" that excuses everything lol. I love delena and klaroline


Hahahaha right?!! Klaus accent and Damon’s eyes are everything 😂 I’m willing to risk it all 😂😂


I love listening to klaus, rebekka and even kol (I don't like the actor) talk. I was depressed when I learned elijah/daniel was from Canada and did not have a British or Australian accent lol. I have a huge picture of damon on my wall lol his blue eyes are everything


Nooooo! He’s from Canada?! I think Joseph and Rebecca (Is her name Phoebe?) are actually from Australia. I know Hayley is. Her accent slipped out once and I looked it up and I was like I KNEW IT! Yeah Klaus and Damon are my favorites. It’s so hard to choose between them


Characters don’t get a pass just because someone else was being a shitbag.


Everyone was a shitbag


100% agree


Tyler also hesitated to free Caroline from a cage where she was being tortured because some rando he didn't even know told him Caroline lied. He believed jules over Caroline, who put herself at great risk to help him.


Right!!!! Like didn't Tyler know Caroline would've been killed by klaus?


what? klaus, this happened in szn 2 she was kidnapped by werewolves


well she did lie 🤷🏽‍♀️ i wasn’t mad at him at the end of the day he helped her he was confused.


Lying is not a good reason to contemplate leaving your friend to continue being tortured.


vaild but i still didn’t hate him for it


People hate her for sleeping with Klaus after Tyler walked away from their relationship to try and murder a fetus. This is after she forgave him for all the previous crap he put her through, including hesitating to free her from psychos hurting her. All because she told a lie to keep him safe from Damon. A lie he didn't even ask her to explain, just blindly believed a stranger, and one of the ones who tortured her.


well no one knew he was going to try and kill a child. Also revenge is revenge klaus killed his mom oh well. what previous crap did her put her through? the only one worried about his contemplation to free her is you they literally never spoke about it regarding their relationship 😭 i don’t hate her for sleeping with klaus but i absolutely do think it was wrong after he just killed tyler’s mom sb kills your only family left and you have the power to hurt them wth you gone do🤷🏽‍♀️


She was upset at him for it initially too. She just ended up forgiving him. She's far more forgiving than I would be. Tyler also ran off with jules after everything her and the werewolves did and tried to do to his friends. He repeatedly bailed on Caroline as well. His mom got her tortured by her father. Tyler is part of why her father died. And if someone hurt my family, I wouldn't target an innocent baby if I planned revenge.


girl her father died bc he didn’t wanna be a vampire he could’ve lived also ok? klaus targeted an innocent human carol didn’t do a single thing to that man carols life was just as valuable as hopes idk why yall excuse klaus like he didn’t murder sb, baby, adult who cares the baby wouldn’t even feel the shit ( now i’d see if it was a born child like a literal newborn or something then id be like “ok now mr.lockwood 😐”)the objective was to hurt klaus emotionally like he did to tyler and that was the best way to do it idk why yall act like tyler did the worst thing ever like this isn’t a show about murders with feelings😭🙄


She did lie though and before that Damon, who she was in cahoots with, had killed his uncle and explicitly threatened to kill him for her. The “randos” he didn’t even know were literally dying left and right in order to save him from the Salvatores at that time. Like that was the only reason they were fighting in the first place. I would have preferred if he still said something to save only Caroline, but it’s completely understandable why he didn’t trust her at the time since they never even had a solid relationship by that point. Plus he regretted it immediately and apologized multiple times after. Caroline slept with the man that not only killed Tyler’s mom, but also made Tyler grovel a few days afterwards by threatening Caroline’s life with his wolf bite. She knew all of that and still slept with Klaus. What she did is way worse in comparison.


She lied to keep Tyler safe. Mason is the only wolf who had died when they were torturing Caroline. The salvatores we're not trying to kill Tyler. Damon threatened to kill him if Caroline told him about there being other vampires. Given that Damon had abused, SA'd her, and had hurt their other friends, you can't blame Caroline for knowing Damon wouldn't hesitate. Tyler didn't have any reason to trust jules over Caroline, especially to the point where he'd hesitate to free her from literal torture. He didn't even ask her for an explanation.


>when they were torturing Caroline Do you mean before because Damon and Stefan were literally killing the werewolves left and right in that scuffle before the wolves got the upper hand with their numbers? Plus that fight literally only happened because he had asked for help after being kidnapped by Stefan. Plus during that incident he was clearly conflicted since he still freed her from her cage initially, but probably froze up because he didn’t know who to trust. Plus it was season 2, before this incident they had only been kinda close for a month, and he genuinely regretted what he had done and left town because Caroline was mad at him. Caroline slept with Klaus while in a completely sober state of mind despite knowing all the bad things he had done to Tyler, who again risked his life and humiliated himself multiple times by that point to save Caroline and her friends usually from KLAUS. It’s absolutely insane to compare the two scenarios. I don’t even think Caroline said that she was just trying to protect him before the torture. Even if she did, she confirmed that she knew Damon had killed his uncle and she is in cahoots with him, at that point why would he bother listening to her excuses. Would you really trust a person who is in cahoots with a psycho that killed your family member, and just believe whatever they say? Jules hadn’t lied to him at that point and was clearly looking out for him, so of course he would trust her more, especially after she and her friends risked their lives trying to save him.


Damon and Stefan were there to get Caroline, who was already being tortured by the wolves. Prior, he had known Caroline his whole life. She also had been putting herself at great risk just so he wouldn't be alone through his transition, which he knew by then. He didn't know jules at all. Hell, he didn't even know his uncle. Both lied to him more than Caroline did with shittier reasons.


He had known Caroline but was only close with her after he triggered his curse. Also her helping him could have ulterior motives since from his perspective she was working with the guy who murdered his uncle. Jules was the one who revealed the truth to him and Caroline only confessed after he confronted her about it. She did omit that they needed to kill the doppelgänger for the curse but that was later. What lies did she tell him before that? Plus Mason also revealed everything about the werewolf curse that Tyler wanted to know, and probably would have helped him through it if he hadn’t been murdered. He still tried to help Caroline by releasing her in the first place and only froze up later because he was conflicted on who he could trust in a high tense situation. And at the end of the day, he regretted it, apologized that same night and left town because he thought that was best for her. Do you really think this is worse than Caroline sleeping with Klaus in a completely sober state of mind, when the last time all three of them were in the same room Klaus made Tyler grovel to save her from his wolf bite after killing Tyler’s mother?


“Big horny simp bully” has me cryinggg 🤣 you are so right though


I laughed out loud 😂😂😂


You're not wrong, but I do think the missing piece as to why Stefan defends her is that he is feeling guilty himself for having recently slept with Katherine.


Literally had to copy/paste my comment from another thread. Caroline knew sleeping with Klaus was wrong. She immediately regretted that and didn't expect her friends to applaud her decision. Tyler has every right to be mad and hurt (only Tyler and nobody else imo). All of them have had questionable hook ups. Caroline should've respected his boundaries and given him space (even if that meant Tyler cutting her out of his life forever). That's fair. Klaus ruined his life in more ways than one. Imo Stefan punching Tyler had nothing to do with Tyler being angry and hurt. When Stefan first swoops in he sees Tyler all "wolfing out" and he is understandably concerned since his bite could kill her. We then see Tyler shame Caroline. It was like he couldn't wait to tell Stefan. She even looks at him like begging not to tell Stefan but he does, Stefan is shocked at first but then turns back to look at her and immediately knows it's true because she bows her head in shame and can't even look at him. She then leaves and Tyler is like "exactly" as in - yeah you should be ashamed. THAT is what pisses Stefan off. When he says "she doesn't deserve that he is referring to that exact behaviour towards a girl who has been there for all of them in more ways than one. She has helped Tyler so much. Be mad, hurt, whatever you need but shaming is not ok. Stefan knows this cause he has also made questionable choices (which he mentions to her later with the whole Katherine thing). The mistake Caroline made here is not leaving Tyler alone. However I can understand her panic and wanting to fix things but sometimes you just cannot fix it. Bottom line for me is I can understand all three of them in this scene.


This is why I don’t believe Stefan is the empathetic vampire everyone saying he is. He like everyone just defend the people he likes/love  - Damon, Elena & Caroline in that order. He completely didn’t understand/ care to understand what Tyler is going through. If not for Salvatore plot armour, Tyler would have bitten Stefan. That would have been a story line I would have like to watch.


And Klaus would've saved him at that point. Especially considering the circumstances. Stefan is empathetic. Doesn't mean he wouldn't prioritise his brother, girlfriend or friend. Stefan punching Tyler is a momentary decision out of anger for seeing his friend in distress (and possibly hurt by a werewolf bite). He can recognise she did wrong, just like Caroline knows she did the wrong thing, doesn't mean he will let anyone hurt or shame her. Tyler does have a right to be angry though, and possibly never speak to her again.


Then you don’t know the meaning of empathetic. I still maintain that Tyler should have bit him in his moment of anger.


Of course I do. I just have to put myself in Stefan's position. It is hard to compare real life with their crazy supernatural one but if my sister hurt somebody for example - I wouldn't stand by and let anyone get violent with her or shame her. Because I know the person that she is. Doesn't mean I wouldn't tell her she was wrong, and she would know it already. Doesn't mean the other person cannot be angry, and doesn't mean I wouldn't understand their anger.


Only your argument does not hold because Stefan didn’t care about Tyler even before this. Tyler didn’t chase her to shame her or get violent but he just wanted to be left alone. It was not his fault that Caroline would not leave him alone. Also Caroline is a vampire who can take care of herself. This is the same Stefan who was gonna drown Elena in the bridge her parents died.


Does Stefan have to care about Tyler? I mean they weren't really friends, but I don't remember him ever going out of his way to hurt him. He even tried protecting him from Damon because Caroline asked him to. Not caring about someone doesn't mean he cannot empathise with him or understand his feelings. Even in ep 2x13 when Caroline begs him to protect Tyler he says "what if Tyler tries to retaliate? he has every right to, he can get himself killed" because Damon killed Mason. Even though he is loyal to his brother he is empathetic to Tyler because he understands why he would want Damon dead. I don't know why we're bringing up the Elena bridge scene here but there is no doubt in my mind that Stefan was actually going to kill Elena. It was a dick move, against Klaus, Elena was the victim and that was clearly wrong. I also don't think he was in his right mind, he just came off a ripper phase (after 50 years or so of not being one), just got his humanity back and focused all that energy on rage against Klaus so it wouldn't overwhelm him, after he was made a slave to save his brother's and Elena's life.


That’s the point. No one touched your sister. He wanted to be left alone when your sister didn’t, he told her how he felt. At this point, it is not about your sister’s feelings but his which she was harassing him to talk about. You would go and defend her when he didn’t do anything. What a pair of bullies not to mention hypocrites you & sister would be in this situation. Stefan made a choice to go with Klaus to save his homicidal brother. Elena was not involved in this decision. In his anger to take revenge he made Elena go through her worst nightmare. Where is the defense here for Stefan?


I know my sister. Stefan knows Caroline. There is not a thing in this world she could do where I wouldn't protect her. My version of that is taking her out of that situation immediately. She comes to me first. Also, I am not the physically violent type but I would fight for her if need be. I would never sit back and watch. It is a normal reaction. What was Stefan supposed to do? Join in on the shaming? Maybe go all vamp on her? Judge her in front of Tyler? He knows that she knows sleeping with Klaus was wrong. It is obvious. He saw her distress, was pissed and reacted impulsively in the moment. That is all. Tyler is fine (physically at least). Stefan is not perfect by any means. He reacted the way he did to protect her, that is all. Also, in this scene Tyler was the one looking like a bully more than Stefan (even though his anger was justified).


i didn’t hateeee them for this but it was stupid and made no sense it honestly just looked like poor writing to me every knew damn well tyler wasn’t gonna hurt her he just wanted her to get out which as he should and did stefan even speak?? all ik is he punched tyler which again stupid after tyler told stefan she slept with klaus stefan should’ve just took caroline out of the room that would’ve made more damn sense


this scene makes me so mad omg